Your browser lacks required capabilities. Please upgrade it or switch to another to continue.
<<masteraudio stop>>\
<<SimplePic "preamblegirl.png">>\
<!-- set _pic to $ImgPath + "titleimage.png" -->
<<set _pic to $ImgPath + "logowithkanji.png">>\
<img @src="_pic"/>
Even a Magical Girl like yourself needs to take a break every now and then. And with the Magical Girl's Magical Ball coming up, now's your chance.
If only you could work up the courage to ask your secret crush to go with you.
Maybe your Magical Girl sentai team can help with that? Tasked with saving the people of Townsville from the vile ravages of a never-ending horde of horny tentacle monsters, your four-girl team has:
* A charismatic, noble, leader Magical Girl!
* A rough and tumble, tomboy Magical Girl!
* An adorable but shy, moe Magical Girl!
* A frumpy, flat-chested, socially awkward, bookworm Magical Girl!
Guess which one you are.
How are you ever going to get a date for the ball?
<<header "Options">>
<span id="KeypOne">\
<<link "1) Begin your Magical Adventure!" "CharGen">>
<<button "Media location">><</button>>: \
<<textbox "$ImgPath" $ImgPath>>
<<button "[Silent mode]">><<ToggleSilent>><</button>>: \
<span id="SpanToggleSilent">@@color:LightGreen;Music is ON@@</span>
<<button "[NSFW mode]">><<ToggleNSFW>><</button>>: \
<span id="SpanToggleNSFW">@@color:LightGreen;NSFW pictures are ON@@</span>
<<button "[Combat UI]">><<ToggleCombatUI>><</button>>: \
<span id="SpanToggleUI">@@color:LightGreen;Standard@@</span>
<<header "To do list">>
High priority:
* a, 2x, 3x sex scenes
* People are reporting a rare bug in post-combat sex that results incorrect b/v/a reporting
* Verify: Phone dialogues
* game endings
* achievements?
* remaining bosses
* Fiery, Shy, Leader endings
* verify like handling
* Sort phone includes ordering, saw a bug earlier too
* Resolve phone stat bars
* Magical Girl tournament
* One-time rewards for capping job/train
* training still needs tier notices
* some sex events still lack images
* Add tabs/party into to stats screen
* More vacations
* time-based hunt modifiers. It's all hard-coded right now compliments of the june-22 redesign
Low priority:
* pouner image has a visible border
* generic store function
* "remember" volume
* team creator image arrows
* end of intro could really use a SimplePic
* still a couple places using numbers for back instead of space
* unify "sexy" / "flirt power" / "decrease purity" effects and descs
* wandering salesman? Or will vacations take that role?
* several unique equipment effects remain to be implemented
* non-boss monsters need mini avatars
* stats screen should have tables for alignment
* stats screen should show long desc for equipped items
* world danger bar color should be inverted. Lower numbers are safer.
* invert color coding for fatigue/lust bars
* store purchases should update caption money
* Semicolon for narrator?
* Cage upgrades, for aquatic for example?
* implement pregnancy
* speak td style width buffer instead of nbsp
* mysterious girl phone implementation
* verify actuals math in ChangeStat widget
* there's an extra space in height/bust widgets showing on review team
* implement avatar mosuieclick on rolodex
* implement personality favoritism
* add prismatic type (?)
* fertility weighting in combat
* ways to make time pass faster
* spells?
<<header "New math test">>
<<set $Stats[$STATstr] to 10>>
Start at: <<print $Stats[$STATstr]>>
<<set $mon_request[0] = "minor">>
<<for _i to 0; _i < 100; _i++>>\
_i) <<TentacleChangeStat "patt" -1>> \
and is now <<print $Stats[$STATphysatt]>>
*** Interface ***
<<set $GameStarted to false>>
<<set $CaptionMode to "gamenotstarted">>
<<set $ForbidMenu to false>>
<<set $CameFrom to "Main">>
<<set $TrainJobMenu to 0>>
<<set $SCdata to 0>>
<<set $AttackGains to []>>
<<set $DefenseGains to []>>
<<set $ErrorLog to "">>
<<set $NoMod to false>>
<<set $YesMod to true>>
*** Local or online ***
<<set $ImgPath to "C:/Users/LordBucket/Desktop/Twine/TentacleBall/builds/media/">>
<<set _musicpath to $ImgPath>>
<<set $ImgPath to "./media/">>
<<set _musicpath to "./media/">>
*** Late to the party ***
<<set $WORLD to {}>>
<<set $WORLD.GameVersion to "7-2a">>
<<set $WORLD.teamaction to 0>>
<<set $WORLD.datapasser to 0>>
<<set $WORLD.datapassertwo to 0>>
<<set $WORLD.lostbattlesleep to 0>>
<<set $WORLD.highestmon to 1>>
<<set $WORLD.teamfightnow to false>>
<<set $WORLD.anysexmodsknown to true>>
<<set $WORLD.playeraction to "none">>
<<set $WORLD.tutorial to 0>>
<<set $WORLD.potions to [0,0,0,0,0]>>
<<set $WORLD.timeuntilteam to 0>>
<<set $WORLD.sleeptrackers to [0,0,0,0]>>\
<<set $WORLD.healsleft to 3>>
<<set $WORLD.cannonfiredcount to 0>>
<<set $WORLD.bed to 0>>
<<set $WORLD.library to 0>>
<<set $WORLD.advice to 0>>
<<set $WORLD.pregnant to 999999>>
<<set $WORLD.bonushealth to 0>>
<<set $WORLD.currentshop to 0>>
<<set $WORLD.currentaction to 0>>
<<set $WORLD.fightstoday to 0>>\
<<set $WORLD.dayssincecombat to 0>>\
<<set $ to 100>>
<<set $WORLD.girlsasked to 0>>
<<set $WORLD.disableUI to 0>>
<<set $WORLD.combatUI to 1>>
<<set $ to "none">>
<<set $WORLD.musicenabled to true>>
<<set $WORLD.BattleData to ["default", "default", 0, 0]>>
<<set $WORLD.nsfw to true>>
<<set $WORLD.scuba to false>>\
<<set $WORLD.spacesuit to false>>\
<<set $WORLD.salesman to [0,0,0,0]>>\
<<set $ to [0,0,0,0,0]>>\
<<set $WORLD.AkihabaraTickets to -1>>\
<<set $WORLD.bosses to [0,0,0,0,0,0,0]>>
<<set $WORLD.bossA to 0>>
<<set $WORLD.bossB to 0>>
<<set $WORLD.bossC to 0>>
<<set $WORLD.bossD to 0>>
<<set $WORLD.bossReward to [0,0,0,0]>>\
<<set $WORLD.scream to 0>>\
<<set $WORLD.rival to ["no",0,0,0,0]>>\
<<set $WORLD.teamactive to [true, true, true, true]>>
<<set $WORLD.teamshoutouts to [-1, "none"]>>
<<set $WORLD.rival to {a: false, b: false, c: false, d: false, state: 0}>>
<<set $REGIONS to {}>>\
<<set $REGIONS.local to {park: [0,0], mall: [0,0], highschool: [0,0], beach: [0,0]}>>\
<<set $REGIONS.region to {forest: [0,0], metropolis: [0,0], harbor: [0,0], airport: [0,0]}>>\
<<set $ to [0,0]>>\
<<set $REGIONS.planet to [0,0]>>\
<<set $REGIONS.system to [0,0]>>\
<<set $TimeTracker to 32>>
<<set $Danger to 0>>
bossX: 0=default, 1=avail, 2=solo kill, 3= team kill, 4=rival
*** Tentacles ***
<<set $Tentacles to []>>
<<for _i to 0; _i < 9; _i++>>\
<<set $Tentacles[_i] to { bought: false, avail: false, visitedtoday: false, tame: 0, a: 0, b: 0, c: 0 }>>
<<set $KNOW to
bulbous: { bj: 0, v: 0, a: 0, always: 0},
slimy: { bj: 0, v: 0, a: 0, always: 0},
moist: { bj: 0, v: 0, a: 0, always: 0},
phantasmal: { bj: 0, v: 0, a: 0, always: 0},
amorphous: { bj: 0, v: 0, a: 0, always: 0},
gelatinous: { bj: 0, v: 0, a: 0, always: 0},
fertility: { bj: 0, v: 0, a: 0, always: 0},
eldritch: { bj: 0, v: 0, a: 0, always: 0},
combat: { bj: 0, v: 0, a: 0, always: 0},
magical: { bj: 0, v: 0, a: 0, always: 0},
nether: { bj: 0, v: 0, a: 0, always: 0},
red: { bj: 0, v: 0, a: 0, always: 0},
yellow: { bj: 0, v: 0, a: 0, always: 0},
blue: { bj: 0, v: 0, a: 0, always: 0},
orange: { bj: 0, v: 0, a: 0, always: 0},
purple: { bj: 0, v: 0, a: 0, always: 0},
green: { bj: 0, v: 0, a: 0, always: 0},
pink: { bj: 0, v: 0, a: 0, always: 0}
<<set $KNOW to
bulbous: { bj: 2, v: 2, a: 2, always: 2},
slimy: { bj: 2, v: 2, a: 2, always: 2},
moist: { bj: 2, v: 2, a: 2, always: 2},
phantasmal: { bj: 2, v: 2, a: 2, always: 2},
amorphous: { bj: 2, v: 2, a: 2, always: 2},
gelatinous: { bj: 2, v: 2, a: 2, always: 2},
fertility: { bj: 2, v: 2, a: 2, always: 2},
eldritch: { bj: 2, v: 2, a: 2, always: 2},
combat: { bj: 2, v: 2, a: 2, always: 2},
magical: { bj: 2, v: 2, a: 2, always: 2},
nether: { bj: 2, v: 2, a: 2, always: 2},
red: { bj: 2, v: 2, a: 2, always: 2},
yellow: { bj: 2, v: 2, a: 2, always: 2},
blue: { bj: 2, v: 2, a: 2, always: 2},
orange: { bj: 2, v: 2, a: 2, always: 2},
purple: { bj: 2, v: 2, a: 2, always: 2},
green: { bj: 2, v: 2, a: 2, always: 2},
pink: { bj: 0, v: 0, a: 0, always: 0}
*** Datesim ***
<<set $GirlChat to -1>>
<<set $PhoneLoop to 0>>
<<set $AskRequest to -1>>
<<set $TimesTalked to [0,0,0,0,0]>>
<<set $GirlsInfo to []>>
<<set $GirlsInfo[0] to []>>
<<set $CalledToday to [false,false,false,false,false]>>\
<<set $AskedAboutDay to [false,false,false,false,false]>>\
Individual girls assigned in ?
<<set $PTRfood to 0>>
<<set $PTRcolor to 1>>
<<set $PTRdessert to 2>>
<<set $PTRplace to 3>>
<<set $PTRmusic to 4>>
<<set $PTRdrink to 5>>
<<set $PTRgoal to 6>>
<<set $PTRvacation to 7>>
<<set $PTRlifestyle to 8>>
<<set $PTRsex to 9>>
<<set $PTRsecret to 10>>
*** Inventory ***
<<set $INVEN to {}>>\
<<set $INVEN.EquipWeapon to 0>>
<<set $INVEN.EquipUniform to 0>>
<<set $INVEN.EquipExtras to []>>
<<set $INVEN.Weapon to [1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]>>
<<set $INVEN.Uniform to [1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]>>
<<set $INVEN.Extras to [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]>>
*** Personal ***
<<set $LogKills to 0>>
<<set $FertilityStart to random(14,25)>>
<<set $FertilityEnd to $FertilityStart + 3>>
<<set $TimesBlowjob to 0>>
<<set $TimesVaginal to 0>>
<<set $TimesAnal to 0>>
*** Dialogue States ***
<<set $StoryProgress to [0,0]>>
<<set $StoryIntro to 0>>\
<<set $StoryTutorial to 1>>\
<<set $DialogueTracking to 0>>
*** Training ***
<<set $TrainJobProgress to [-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1]>>
<<set $TJMasturbate to 0>>
<<set $TJJogging to 1>>
<<set $TJMeditate to 2>>
<<set $TJRead to 3>>
<<set $TJNap to 4>>
<<set $TJChurch to 5>>
<<set $TJMartialArts to 6>>
<<set $TJWeights to 7>>
<<set $TJUniversity to 8>>
<<set $TJEtiquette to 9>>
<<set $TJDance to 10>>
<<set $TJMagic to 11>>
<<set $TJBabysit to 12>>
<<set $TJDogwalker to 13>>
<<set $TJWaitress to 14>>
<<set $TJSpeechTutor to 15>>
<<set $TJEscort to 16>>
<<set $TJReservedJob to 17>>
*** Team States ***
<<set $LeaderState to [0,0,0,0,0]>>
<<set $FieryState to [0,0,0,0,0]>>
<<set $ShyState to [0,0,0,0,0]>>
<<set $RivalState to [0,0,0,0,0]>>
<<set $LeaderOne to -1>>
<<set $FieryOne to -1>>
<<set $ShyOne to -1>>
<<set $RivalOne to 4>>\
<<set $PCPTR to -1>>
<<set $MG to []>>\
<<for _i to 0; _i < 4; _i++>>\
<<set $MG[_i] to ["avatar","name","blood","hair","weight","height","bust","waist","hips"]>>\
<<set $MG[$RivalOne] to ["RivalUnimpressed.jpg","Mysterious girl","B","Red","120","67","36","26","36"]>>
<<set $MGPTRavatar to 0>>
<<set $MGPTRname to 1>>
<<set $MGPTRblood to 2>>
<<set $MGPTRhair to 3>>
<<set $MGPTRweight to 4>>
<<set $MGPTRheight to 5>>
<<set $MGPTRbust to 6>>
<<set $MGPTRwaist to 7>>
<<set $MGPTRhips to 8>>
<<set $MGPTRdisposition to 9>>
<<set $MGPTRmood to 10>>
<!-- this was used for debugging the js time function. delete? -->
<<set $ASD to ["a","b","c","d","e"]>>\
*** Stats ***
<<set $Stats to [0,50,20,20,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,0,0,62,100,32,28,32,20]>>
<<set $STATfatiguecur to 0>>
<<set $STATfatiguemax to 1>>
<<set $STAThealthcur to 2>>
<<set $STAThealthmax to 3>>
<<set $STATstr to 4>>
<<set $STATint to 5>>
<<set $STATcon to 6>>
<<set $STATpurity to 7>>
<<set $STATconverse to 8>>
<<set $STATphysatt to 9>>
<<set $STATphysdef to 10>>
<<set $STATmagatt to 11>>
<<set $STATmagdef to 12>>
<<set $STATlust to 13>>
<<set $STATcorrupt to 14>>
<<set $STATheight to 15>>
<<set $STATweight to 16>>
<<set $STATboobs to 17>>
<<set $STATwaist to 18>>
<<set $STAThips to 19>>
<<set $STATlustcap to 20>>
*** Base ***
<<set $Cages to 0>>
*** Combat VETTED ***
<<set $FirstStrike to false>>
<<set $ComLog to []>>
<<set $mon_request to [-1,-1,-1]>>
<<set $m_name to "default name">>
<<set $m_fullname to "default default default name">>
<<set $m_pic to "defaultpic">>
<<set $m_hp to [0,0]>>
<<set $m_desc to "describe monster">>
<<set $m_boss to 0>>
<<set $m_ac to [0,0,0]>>\
<<set $m_att to []>>\
<<set $m_pouncerbuff to 0>>\
<<set $m_flurryqty to 1>>\
<<set $m_teasebuff to 0>>\
<<set $typephysical to 0>>
<<set $typemagic to 1>>
<<set $typefatigue to 2>>
<<set $typetease to 3>>
<<set $typedebuffac to 4>>
<<set $typedebuffth to 5>>
<<set $typedebuffpoison to 6>>
<<set $typeflurry to 7>>
<<set $typefertility to 8>>
<<set $typeAoE to 9>>
<<set $typepheromone to 10>>
<<set $typepouncerbuff to 11>>
<<set $BUFFS to {}>>\
<<set $BUFFS.PhysAtt to 0>>\
<<set $BUFFS.PhysDef to 0>>\
<<set $BUFFS.MagAtt to 0>>\
<<set $BUFFS.MagDef to 0>>\
<<set $BUFFS.Poison to 0>>\
<<set $BUFFS.Pheromone to 0>>\
<<set $BUFFS.BoostJuice to 0>>\
<<set $BUFFS.BirthControl to 0>>\
<<set $BUFFS.WellRested to 0>>\
*** Music ***
<<set _a to _musicpath + "ABOS-Dragon-CastleTRIMMED.mp3">>
<<set _b to _musicpath + "ACOM-An-Epic-StoryTRIMMED.mp3">>
<<set _c to _musicpath + "AMAI-Playing-In-The-Wind.mp3">>
<<set _d to _musicpath + "AROM-Where-I-Will-Go.mp3">>
<<set _e to _musicpath + "AVAC-Fun-And-HappyEDIT6.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "boss_bgm" _a>>
<<cacheaudio "combat_bgm" _b>>
<<cacheaudio "main_bgm" _c>>
<<cacheaudio "romance_bgm" _d>>
<<cacheaudio "vacation_bgm" _e>>
<<createaudiogroup ":ui">>
<<track "main_bgm">>
<<track "combat_bgm">>
<<track "boss_bgm">>
<<track "romance_bgm">>
<<track "vacation_bgm">>
*** End Music ***
<<if $DebugMode is true>>\
Debug: <<print passage()>>\
<<if $CaptionMode is "gamenotstarted">>\
<!-- Game not started -->\
<a href="">SubscribeStar</a>
<a href=""></a>
<<if $WORLD.GameVersion neq "7-2a">>\
@@color:Yellow;Build 7-1a@@
@@color:Red;(Initial public release!)@@
@@color:Yellow;Build <<print $WORLD.GameVersion>>@@
@@color:Red;(Bugfix release)@@
<<link "Version History">>
Dialog.setup("Version History");"Versions").processText());;
<<link "Achievements">>
<<elseif $CaptionMode is "default">>\
<<set _throwaway to setup.ShowElement("menu-item-saves")>>\
<<set _throwaway to setup.HideElement("menu-item-settings")>>\
<<set _throwaway to setup.ShowElement("menu-item-restart")>>\
<<set _portrait to $ImgPath + "AV" + $MG[$PCPTR][3] + $MG[$PCPTR][0] + ".png">>\
<span><div><img id="img-av-big" @src="_portrait"></div></span>\
<span><<print "@@color:Gold;" + $MG[$PCPTR][1] + "@@">></span>
Health: <span id = "captionhealth"><<print $Stats[$STAThealthcur]>> / <<print $Stats[$STAThealthmax]>></span>
<div id="healthbkg" class="hzbarbkg"><div id="healthbar" class="hzbar"></div></div><<script>>$(document).one(':passagerender', function (ev) {
Health2(100, 100, "hzhealthbar", true, ev.content);
<<run Health2($Stats[$STAThealthcur], $Stats[$STAThealthmax], "healthbar", true)>>\
Fatigue: <<print Math.trunc($Stats[$STATfatiguecur])>> / <<print Math.trunc($Stats[$STATfatiguemax])>>
<div id="fatiguebkg" class="hzbarbkg"><div id="fatiguebar" class="hzbar"></div></div><<script>>$(document).one(':passagerender', function (ev) {
Health2(100, 100, "hzhealthbar", true, ev.content);
<<run Health2(Math.trunc($Stats[$STATfatiguecur]), Math.trunc($Stats[$STATfatiguemax]), "fatiguebar", true)>>\
Lust: <span id = "captionlust"><<print $Stats[$STATlust]>> / <<print $Stats[$STATlustcap]>></span>\
<div id="lustbkg" class="hzbarbkg"><div id="lustbar" class="hzbar"></div></div><<script>>$(document).one(':passagerender', function (ev) { Health2(100, 100, "hzhealthbar", true, ev.content);});<</script>>\
<<run Health2($Stats[$STATlust], $Stats[$STATlustcap], "lustbar", true)>>\
Money: <span id="captionmoney"><<print $>></span>
<<if $BUFFS.BirthControl > 0>>\
@@color:Pink;Birth control: <<print $BUFFS.BirthControl>> days\
<<print setup.GetTime("caption")>>
<<set _daysuntil to setup.GetTime("countdown")>>\
<<if _daysuntil is 1>>\
<<set _daysuntil to "@@color:Yellow;TOMORROW!@@">>\
Days until Ball: _daysuntil
World Danger: <<print $Danger>>%
<div id="dangerbkg" class="hzbarbkg"><div id="dangerbar" class="hzbar"></div></div>
<<script>>$(document).one(':passagerender', function (ev) {
Health2(100, 100, "hzhealthbar", true, ev.content);
<<run Health2($Danger, 100, "dangerbar", true)>>\
<<if $CameFrom neq "Intro">>\
<<if $WORLD.timeuntilteam is 0>>\
@@color:Aqua;Team Action available!
<<elseif $WORLD.timeuntilteam is 0>>\
@@color:LightGreen;Team action available tomorrow@@
@@color:Yellow;Team action in $WORLD.timeuntilteam days@@
<<elseif $CaptionMode is "combat">>\
<<set _GST to setup.GetStatTotals()>>\
<<set _throwaway to setup.HideElement("menu-item-saves")>>\
<<set _throwaway to setup.HideElement("menu-item-settings")>>\
<<set _throwaway to setup.ShowElement("menu-item-restart")>>\
<<set _portrait to $ImgPath + "AV" + $MG[$PCPTR][3] + $MG[$PCPTR][0] + ".png">>\
<span><div><img id="img-av-big" @src="_portrait"></div></span>\
<span><<print "@@color:Gold;" + $MG[$PCPTR][1] + "@@">></span>
Health: <span id = "captionhealth"><<print $Stats[$STAThealthcur]>> / <<print $Stats[$STAThealthmax]>></span>
<div id="healthbkg" class="hzbarbkg"><div id="healthbar" class="hzbar"></div></div><<script>>$(document).one(':passagerender', function (ev) {
Health2(100, 100, "hzhealthbar", true, ev.content);
<<run Health2($Stats[$STAThealthcur], $Stats[$STAThealthmax], "healthbar", true)>>\
Fatigue: <span id = "captionfatigue"><<print Math.trunc($Stats[$STATfatiguecur])>> / <<print Math.trunc($Stats[$STATfatiguemax])>></span>\
<div id="fatiguebkg" class="hzbarbkg"><div id="fatiguebar" class="hzbar"></div></div><<script>>$(document).one(':passagerender', function (ev) {
Health2(100, 100, "hzhealthbar", true, ev.content);
<<run Health2(Math.trunc($Stats[$STATfatiguecur]), Math.trunc($Stats[$STATfatiguemax]), "fatiguebar", true)>>\
Lust: <span id = "captionlust"><<print $Stats[$STATlust]>> / <<print $Stats[$STATlustcap]>></span>\
<div id="lustbkg" class="hzbarbkg"><div id="lustbar" class="hzbar"></div></div><<script>>$(document).one(':passagerender', function (ev) {
Health2(100, 100, "hzhealthbar", true, ev.content);
<<run Health2($Stats[$STATlust], $Stats[$STATlustcap], "lustbar", true)>>\
Physical Attack: <span id = "captionPhysAtt"><<print setup.Hundredths($Stats[$STATphysatt])>></span>%
<div id="pattbkg" class="hzbarbkg"><div id="pattbar" class="hzbar"></div></div><<script>>$(document).one(':passagerender', function (ev) {
Health2(100, 100, "hzhealthbar", true, ev.content);
<<run Health2(_GST.PhysAtt, 100, "pattbar", true)>>\
Physical Defense: <span id = "captionPhysDef"><<print setup.Hundredths($Stats[$STATphysdef])>></span>%
<div id="pdefbkg" class="hzbarbkg"><div id="pdefbar" class="hzbar"></div></div><<script>>$(document).one(':passagerender', function (ev) {
Health2(100, 100, "hzhealthbar", true, ev.content);
<<run Health2(_GST.PhysDef, 100, "pdefbar", true)>>\
Magic Attack: <span id = "captionMagAtt"><<print setup.Hundredths($Stats[$STATmagatt])>></span>%
<div id="mattbkg" class="hzbarbkg"><div id="mattbar" class="hzbar"></div></div><<script>>$(document).one(':passagerender', function (ev) {
Health2(100, 100, "hzhealthbar", true, ev.content);
<<run Health2(_GST.MagAtt, 100, "mattbar", true)>>\
Magic Defense: <span id = "captionMagDef"><<print setup.Hundredths($Stats[$STATmagdef])>></span>%
<div id="mdefrbkg" class="hzbarbkg"><div id="mdefbar" class="hzbar"></div></div><<script>>$(document).one(':passagerender', function (ev) {
Health2(100, 100, "hzhealthbar", true, ev.content);
<<run Health2(_GST.MagDef, 100, "mdefbar", true)>>\
<span id="capbuffs"><<ShowCombatBuffs>></span>\
Error: unrecognized caption mode
<<if $CaptionMode is "gamenotstarted">>\
<<link "Stats & Equip">>
Dialog.setup("Stats and Equipment");"Stats").processText());;
<<if $WORLD.anysexmodsknown is true>>\
<<link "Tentaclepedia">>
<<if $CaptionMode neq "combat">>\
<<link "Achievements">>
<<if $DebugMode is true>>\
<<link "Error log" "ShowLog">>
<<set $ForbidMenu to true>>
<<if $WORLD.musicenabled is true>>\
Volume: <<volume>>\
<<endif>>\<<PlayBGM "main">>\
<<SimplePic "bedroom.jpg">>\
<<set $CaptionMode to "default">>\
<<set $ForbidMenu to false>>\
<<set $WORLD.teamfightnow to false>>\
<<set $CameFrom to passage()>>\
<<header "Your secret base<br>(AKA your bedroom)">>\
<<header "Options">>
<span id="KeypOne">\
<<link "1) Review your team" "Rolodex">>
<<if ($Stats[$STATfatiguemax] - $Stats[$STATfatiguecur]) < 10>>\
2) Too tired for jobs and training
<span id="KeypThree">\
<<link "3) Go shopping" "Shop">>
4) Too tired for solo action
5) Too tired for team action
6) Basement
<span id="KeypSeven">\
<<link "7) You should really get some sleep" "Sleep">>
<span id="KeypTwo">\
<<link "2) Training, hobbies and jobs" "TrainingJobs">>
<span id="KeypThree">\
<<link "3) Go shopping" "Shop">>
<span id="KeypFour">\
<<link "4) Solo action!" "EngageNew">>
<<set $WORLD.teamfightnow to false>>\
<<if $WORLD.timeuntilteam is 0>>\
<span id="KeypFive">\
<<link "5) Team Action!" "EngageNew">>
<<set $WORLD.teamfightnow to true>>\
<<elseif $WORLD.timeuntilteam is 1>>\
5) Team action available tomorrow
5) Team action available in $WORLD.timeuntilteam days
<span id="KeypSix">\
<<link "6) Basement" "Basement">>
<span id="KeypSeven">\
<<link "7) Go to sleep" "Sleep">>
<<if $WORLD.GameVersion neq "7-2a">>\
@@color:Red;DEV NOTE:@@ The save you are playing is from version 7-1a of the game, which has since been updated to version 7-1b. If you're having problems with your current game, I //might// be able to fix them.
Attempting this will not affect your save, but only the currently loaded game, which you'll then need to save before the changes become permanent.
<<link "Try to update" "Main">>
<<set $WORLD.GameVersion to "7-2a">>
<<set $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRsecret] to [either("lesbian","bad with money","fear of snakes","web history"), 0]>>
<<set $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRsecret] to [either("adopted","lewd thoughts","stole candy"), 0]>>
<<set $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRsecret] to [either("self doubt","dead sibling","rich family"), 0]>>
<<link "Test fractional skillgains battle" "Combat">>
<<set $mon_request to ["minor","red","puddle"]>>
<<set $CameFrom to "Main">>\
<<link "Test pouncer battle" "Combat">>
<<set $mon_request to ["lesser","blue","pouncer"]>>
<<set $CameFrom to "Main">>\
<<header "Debug">>
<<link "Buff me!" "Main">>
<<set $Stats[$STATphysatt] to 100>>
<<set $Stats[$STATstr] to 100>>
<<set $Stats[$STATmagatt] to 100>>
<<set $Stats[$STATint] to 100>>
<<set $Stats[$STATcon] to 100>>
<<set $Stats[$STATconversation] to 100>>
<<set $Stats[$STAThealthcur] to 100>>
<<set $Stats[$STAThealthmax] to 100>>
<<set $ to 10000>>
<<set $Stats[$STATfatiguecur] to 0>>
<<set $Stats[$STATfatiguemax] to 1000>>
<<set $Stats[$STAThealthcur] to 100>>
<<set $Stats[$STAThealthmax] to 100>>
<<header "Debug">>
<<link "Free monies!" "Main">>
<<set $ to $ +100>>
<<link "Buff me!" "Main">>
<<set $Stats[$STATphysatt] to 100>>
<<set $Stats[$STATstr] to 100>>
<<set $Stats[$STATmagatt] to 100>>
<<set $Stats[$STATint] to 100>>
<<set $Stats[$STATcon] to 100>>
<<set $Stats[$STATconversation] to 100>>
<<set $Stats[$STAThealthcur] to 100>>
<<set $Stats[$STAThealthmax] to 100>>
<<set $ to 2000>>
<<link "Phero combat test" "Combat">>
<<set $mon_request to ["lesser","pink","puddle"]>>
Game Day is: <<print setup.GameDay()>>
Current Time is: <<print setup.GetTime("timename")>>
Time until morning: <<print setup.TimeUnitsUntilDawn()>>\
Timetracker: $TimeTracker
<<set _incs to $TimeTracker>>\
<<set _hrs to Math.trunc(_incs / 4)>>\
<<set _quarters to 15 * (_incs - (_hrs * 4))>>\
<<set _days to Math.trunc(_hrs / 24)>>\
<<set _hrs to _hrs - (_days * 24)>>\
<<if _quarters is 0>>\
<<set _quarters to "00">>\
<<set _suf to " am">>\
<<if _hrs > 11>>\
<<set _suf to " pm">>\
<<if _hrs is 0>>\
<<set _hrs to 12>>\
<<elseif _hrs > 12>>\
<<set _hrs to _hrs -12>>\
<<set _days to _days +1>>\
set _daysuntil to 360 - _days
<<set _daysuntil to setup.GetTime("countdown")>>\
<<if _daysuntil is 1>>\
<<set _daysuntil to "@@color:Yellow;TOMORROW!@@">>\
<<set _months to Math.trunc(_hrs / (30 * 24))>>\
<<set _days to _days - (_months * 30)>>\
<<set _marray to ["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"]>>\
<<print _marray[_months]>> _days, <<print _hrs>>:<<print _quarters>>_suf
Days until Ball: _daysuntil
<<link "Pink test" "Combat">>
<<set $Stats[$STATcorrupt] to 100>>\
<<set $TimesVaginal to 100>>
<<set $Stats[$STATpurity] to 50>>\
<<set $Stats[$STATfatiguemax] to 1000>>\
<<set $Stats[$STATfatiguecur] to 1000>>\
<<set $WORLD.BattleData[0] to "local">>\
<<set $WORLD.BattleData[1] to "beach">>\
<<set _rC to {octopoid: 60, clasper: 40}>>\
<<set $mon_request[0] ="minor">>
<<set $mon_request[1] = "magical">>
<<set $mon_request[2] = "puddle">>
<<widget "male">>@@color:LightSkyBlue;<<print $args[0]>>@@<</widget>>\
<<widget "female">>@@color:Pink;<<print $args[0]>>@@<</widget>>\
<<widget "location">>@@color:Aqua;<<print $args[0]>>@@<</widget>>\
<<widget "header">>@@color:Gold;<<print $args[0]>>@@<</widget>>\
<<widget "GreenB">>\
<span class="greenb"><<button $args[0]>><</button>></span>\
<<widget "GrayB">>\
<span class="greenb"><<button $args[0]>><</button>></span>\
<<widget "SimplePic">>\
<<if ($args[1] is "nsfw") and ($WORLD.nsfw is false)>>\
<<set _pic to $ImgPath + $args[0]>>\
<div id="hunt-img"><img @src="_pic"/></div>\
<<widget "PassTime">>\
<<set $TimeTracker to $TimeTracker + $args[0]>>\
<<widget "ToggleNSFW">>\
<<if $WORLD.nsfw is false>>\
<<set $WORLD.nsfw to true>>\
<<replace "#SpanToggleNSFW">>\
@@color:LightGreen;NSFW pictures are ON@@\
<<set $WORLD.nsfw to false>>\
<<replace "#SpanToggleNSFW">>\
@@color:Red;NSFW pictures are OFF@@\
<<widget "ToggleSilent">>\
<<if $WORLD.musicenabled is true>>\
<<set $WORLD.musicenabled to false>>\
<<replace "#SpanToggleSilent">>\
@@color:Red;Music is OFF@@\
<<set $WORLD.musicenabled to true>>\
<<replace "#SpanToggleSilent">>\
@@color:LightGreen;NSFW pictures are ON@@\
<<widget "ToggleCombatUI">>\
<<if $WORLD.combatUI is 1>>\
<<set $WORLD.combatUI to 2>>\
<<replace "#SpanToggleUI">>\
<<set $WORLD.combatUI to 1>>\
<<replace "#SpanToggleUI">>\
<<widget "Leader">>\
<<print $MG[$LeaderOne][1]>>\
<<widget "Fiery">>\
<<print $MG[$FieryOne][1]>>\
<<widget "Shy">>\
<<print $MG[$ShyOne][1]>>\
<<widget "PC">>\
<<print $MG[$PCPTR][1]>>\
<<widget "Rival">>\
<<print $MG[$RivalOne][1]>>\
<<widget "SleepCycleDays">>\
<<set _SCDays to $args[0]>>\
<<set $TimeTracker to $TimeTracker + (_SCDays * 4)>>\
<<set $Stats[$STATfatiguecur] to 0>>\
<<set $Stats[$STAThealthcur] to $Stats[$STAThealthmax]>>\
<<set $Stats[$STATlust] to 0>>\
<<set $AskedAboutDay to [false,false,false,false]>>\
<<set $CalledToday to [false,false,false,false]>>\
<<set $WORLD.timeuntilteam to $WORLD.timeuntilteam - _SCDays>>\
<<set $BUFFS.BirthControl to $BUFFS.BirthControl - _SCDays>>\
<<if $WORLD.timeuntilteam < 0>>\
<<set $WORLD.timeuntilteam to 0>>\
<<if $$BUFFS.BirthControl < 0>>\
<<set $BUFFS.BirthControl to 0>>\
<<for _i to 0; _i < $Cages +1; _i++>>\
<<if $Tentacles[_i].visitedtoday is true>>\
<<set $Tentacles[_i].visitedtoday to false>>\
<<widget "ShowDate">>\
<<set _incs to $TimeTracker>>\
<<set _hrs to Math.trunc(_incs / 4)>>\
<<set _quarters to 15 * (_incs - (_hrs * 4))>>\
<<set _days to Math.trunc(_hrs / 24)>>\
<<set _hrs to _hrs - (_days * 24)>>\
<<if _quarters is 0>>\
<<set _quarters to "00">>\
<<set _suf to " am">>\
<<if _hrs > 11>>\
<<set _suf to " pm">>\
<<if _hrs is 0>>\
<<set _hrs to 12>>\
<<elseif _hrs > 12>>\
<<set _hrs to _hrs -12>>\
<<set _days to _days +1>>\
<!-- set _daysuntil to 360 - _days -->\
<<set _daysuntil to setup.GetTime("countdown")>>\
<<if _daysuntil is 1>>\
<<set _daysuntil to "@@color:Yellow;TOMORROW!@@">>\
<!-- set _months to Math.trunc(_hrs / 30) -->\
<<set _months to setup.GameMonth()>>\
<<set _MonthNum to _months[0]>>\
<<set _MonthName to _months[1]>>\
<<set _days to _days - (_MonthNum * 30)>>\
<<print _MonthName>> _days, <<print _hrs>>:<<print _quarters>>_suf
Days until Ball: _daysuntil
<<widget "Speak">>\
<<if (passage() is "Combat") and ($WORLD.combatUI is 2)>>\
<<set _who to $ImgPath + "AV" + $MG[$args[0]][3] + $MG[$args[0]][0] + ".png">>\
<<set _what to " @@color:Khaki;" + $MG[$args[0]][1] + "@@: "" + $args[1] + """>>\
<<set _a to $ImgPath + $MG[0][3] + $MG[0][0] + ".jpg">>\
<<set _SpeakEntry to "<table id =\"av-table\" style=\"border: 1px solid transparent;\"><tr id=\"av-tr\"><td id =\"av-td\"><div id=\"img-misc\"><img src=\"" + _who + "\" width=\"96\" height=\"96\"></div></td><td><<print \"" + _what + "\">></td></tr></table>">>\
<<CombatLog _SpeakEntry>>\
<<set _who to $ImgPath + "AV" + $MG[$args[0]][3] + $MG[$args[0]][0] + ".png">>\
<<set _what to " @@color:Khaki;" + $MG[$args[0]][1] + "@@: "" + $args[1] + """>>\
<<set _a to $ImgPath + $MG[0][3] + $MG[0][0] + ".jpg">>\
<table id ="av-table" style="border: 1px solid transparent;"><tr id="av-tr"><td id ="av-td"><div id="img-misc"><img @src="_who" width="96" height="96"></div></td><td><<print _what>></td></tr></table>\
<<widget "Speakbackup1">>\
<<set _who to $ImgPath + "AV" + $MG[$args[0]][3] + $MG[$args[0]][0] + ".png">>\
<<set _what to " @@color:Khaki;" + $MG[$args[0]][1] + "@@: "" + $args[1] + """>>\
<<set _a to $ImgPath + $MG[0][3] + $MG[0][0] + ".jpg">>\
<table id ="av-table"><tr id="av-tr"><td id ="av-td"><div id="img-misc"><img @src="_who" width="96" height="96"></div></td><td><<print _what>></td></tr></table>\
<<widget "SpeakBackup2">>\
<<set _who to _avatars[$args[0]]>>\
<<set _what to $MG[$args[0]][1] + ": " + $args[1]>>\
<table><tr><td><div id="img-misc"><img @src="_who" width="128" height="128"></div></td><td><<print _what>></td></tr></table>\
<<widget "NextDialogue">>\
<<set $DialogueTracking to $DialogueTracking +1>>\
<<widget "Rival">>\
<<if $WORLD.rival[0] is $STATmagatt>>\
<<set _who to $ImgPath + "rivalmag.jpg>>\
<<set _Rname to "Homare">>\
<<set _who to $ImgPath + "rivalphys.jpg>>\
<<set _Rname to "Himitsu">>\
<<set _what to " @@color:Red;" + _Rname + "@@: "" + $args[1] + """>>\
<table id ="av-table"><tr id="av-tr"><td id ="av-td"><div id="img-misc"><img @src="_who" width="96" height="96"></div></td><td><<print _what>></td></tr></table>\
<<widget "Narrator">>\
<<print "@@color:Gold;Narrator: " + $args[0] + "@@">>\
<<widget "MiscSpeaker">>\
<<set _who to $ImgPath + $args[0]>>\
<<set _what to " @@color:Khaki;" + $args[1] + "@@: "" + $args[2] + """>>\
<table id ="av-table" style="border: 1px solid transparent;"><tr id="av-tr"><td id ="av-td"><div id="img-misc"><img @src="_who" width="96" height="96"></div></td><td><<print _what>></td></tr></table>\
<<widget "Splash">>\
<<set _what to $ImgPath + $args[0]>>\
<div id="img-misc"><img @src="_what"></div>\
<<widget "ChangeMood">>\
<<set _cmwho to $args[0]>>\
<<set _cmqty to $args[1]>>\
<<set _oldmood to $MG[_cmwho][$MGPTRmood]>>\
<<set $MG[_cmwho][$MGPTRmood] to $MG[_cmwho][$MGPTRmood] + _cmqty>>\
<<if $MG[_cmwho][$MGPTRmood] < 0>>\
<<set $MG[_cmwho][$MGPTRmood] to 0>>\
<<elseif $MG[_cmwho][$MGPTRmood] > 100>>\
<<set $MG[_cmwho][$MGPTRmood] to 100>>\
<<set $SCdata to $MG[_cmwho][$MGPTRmood] - _oldmood>>\
<<widget "ChangeDisposition">>\
<<set _cmwho to $args[0]>>\
<<set _cmqty to $args[1]>>\
<<set _olddisp to $MG[_cmwho][$MGPTRdisposition]>>\
<<set $MG[_cmwho][$MGPTRdisposition] to $MG[_cmwho][$MGPTRdisposition] + _cmqty>>\
<<if $MG[_cmwho][$MGPTRdisposition] < 0>>\
<<set $MG[_cmwho][$MGPTRdisposition] to 0>>\
<<elseif $MG[_cmwho][$MGPTRdisposition] > 100>>\
<<set $MG[_cmwho][$MGPTRdisposition] to 100>>\
<<set $SCdata to $MG[_cmwho][$MGPTRdisposition] - _olddisp>>\
<<widget "ConvertBust">>\
<<set _boobs to $args[0]>>\
<<if _boobs < 29>>\
<<set _boobs to _boobs + "-A">>\
<<elseif _boobs < 31>>\
<<set _boobs to _boobs + "-B">>\
<<elseif _b < 33>>\
<<set _boobs to _boobs + "-C">>\
<<set _boobs to _boobs + "-D">>\
<<print _boobs>>\
<<widget "ConvertHeight">>\
<<set _ht to $args[0]>>\
<<set _ft to Math.trunc(_ht / 12)>>\
<<set _in to _ht - (_ft * 12)>>\
<<print _ft + "'" + _in + """>>\
<<widget "GetFertility">>\
<<set _fs to $FertilityStart>>\
<<if $FertilityStart is 1>>\
<<set _foo to "1st-">>\
<<elseif $FertilityStart is 2>>\
<<set _foo to "2nd-">>\
<<elseif $FertilityStart is 3>>\
<<set _foo to "3rd-">>\
<<elseif $FertilityStart is 21>>\
<<set _foo to "21st-">>\
<<elseif $FertilityStart is 22>>\
<<set _foo to "22nd-">>\
<<set _foo to $FertilityStart + "th-">>\
<<if $FertilityEnd is 1>>\
<<set _bar to "1st">>\
<<elseif $FertilityEnd is 2>>\
<<set _bar to "2nd">>\
<<elseif $FertilityEnd is 3>>\
<<set _bar to "3rd">>\
<<elseif $FertilityEnd is 21>>\
<<set _bar to "21st">>\
<<elseif $FertilityEnd is 22>>\
<<set _bar to "22nd">>\
<<set _bar to $FertilityEnd + "th">>\
<<set _pregtimer to $TimeTracker - $WORLD.pregnant>>\
<<if _pregtimer > 672>>\
<<elseif _pregtimer > 0>>\
@@color:Yellow;Your belly is growing@@
<<elseif $FertilityStart is $FertilityEnd>>
<<print _foo>><<print _bar>>\
<<widget AddToLog>>\
<<set $ErrorLog to $ErrorLog + $args[0] + "<br>">>\
<<print $args[0]>>
<<widget "pref">>\
<<set _whichgirl to $args[0]>>\
<<set _whichpref to $args[1]>>\
<<if $GirlsInfo[_whichgirl][_whichpref][1] is 0>>\
<<print $GirlsInfo[_whichgirl][_whichpref][0]>>\
<<widget "DefineGirlPreferences">>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne] to []>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne] to []>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne] to []>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$PCPTR] to ["PCPTR GirlsInfo should never be used"]>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$RivalOne] to []>>\
<!-- favorite food -->\
<<set _ffood to ["pizza","hamburgers","lasagna","sushi","steak","lobster"]>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRfood] to [either(_ffood), 0]>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRfood] to [either(_ffood), 0]>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRfood] to [either(_ffood), 0]>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$RivalOne][$PTRfood] to ["???", 0]>>\
<!-- favorite color -->\
<<set _fcolor to ["blue","red","yellow","purple","orange","green","white","black","pink"]>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRcolor] to [either(_fcolor), 0]>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRcolor] to [either(_fcolor), 0]>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRcolor] to [either(_fcolor), 0]>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$RivalOne][$PTRcolor] to ["???", 0]>>\
<!-- favorite dessert -->\
<<set _fierydessert to ["parfait","dark chocolate","chocolate sundae","whipped cream"]>>\
<<set _shydessert to ["butterscotch taffy","apple pie","strawberry jello","peeps"]>>\
<<set _leaderdessert to ["coffee cake","german chocolate cake","ice cream","baklava"]>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRdessert] to [either(_fierydessert), 0]>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRdessert] to [either(_shydessert), 0]>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRdessert] to [either(_leaderdessert), 0]>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$RivalOne][$PTRdessert] to ["???", 0]>>\
<!-- implement favorite place or replace with pet? -->\
<<set _fplace to ["park","beach","mall","lake","space"]>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRplace] to [either(_fplace), 0]>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRplace] to [either(_fplace), 0]>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRplace] to [either(_fplace), 0]>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$RivalOne][$PTRplace] to ["???", 0]>>\
<!-- music? -->\
<<set _fierymusic to ["anime tunes","opera","heavy metal","punk"]>>\
<<set _shymusic to ["anime tunes","weird al","country","none"]>>\
<<set _leadermusic to ["anime tunes","classical","irish"]>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRmusic] to [either(_fierymusic), 0]>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRmusic] to [either(_shymusic), 0]>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRmusic] to [either(_leadermusic), 0]>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$RivalOne][$PTRmusic] to ["???", 0]>>\
<!-- drink -->\
<<set _fdrink to ["whiskey","vodka","red wine","white wine","not picky","beer"]>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRdrink] to [either(_fdrink), 0]>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRdrink] to [either(_fdrink), 0]>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRdrink] to [either(_fdrink), 0]>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$RivalOne][$PTRdrink] to ["???", 0]>>\
<!-- IMPLEMENT: is this job goal or amibition? -->\
<<set _fierygoal to ["housewife","astronaut","rule the world"]>>\
<<set _shygoal to ["actress","housewife","veterinarian","rancher"]>>\
<<set _leadergoal to ["magical girl", "president", "chairman", "teacher"]>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRgoal] to [either(_fierygoal), 0]>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRgoal] to [either(_shygoal), 0]>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRgoal] to [either(_leadergoal), 0]>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$RivalOne][$PTRgoal] to ["???", 0]>>\
<!-- dream vacation -->\
<<set _leaderv to ["cruise","Germany","temple","skiing"]>>\
<<set _fieryv to ["cruise","Bahamas","South Pole","road trip"]>>\
<<set _shyv to ["cruise","Australia","dog-sledding","safari"]>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRvacation] to [either(_fieryv), 0]>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRvacation] to [either(_shyv), 0]>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRvacation] to [either(_leaderv), 0]>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$RivalOne][$PTRvacation] to ["???", 0]>>\
<!-- dream lifestyle -->\
<<set _flifestyle to ["cabin","yacht","be rich","travel","quiet life"]>>\
<<set _llifestyle to ["cabin","yacht","travel"]>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRlifestyle] to [either(_flifestyle), 0]>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRlifestyle] to [either(_flifestyle), 0]>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRlifestyle] to [either(_llifestyle), 0]>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$RivalOne][$PTRlifestyle] to ["???", 0]>>\
<!-- personal secret -->\
<<set _lsecret to ["self doubt","dead sibling","rich family"]>>\
<<set _fsecret to ["lesbian","bad with money","fear of snakes","web history"]>>\
<<set _ssecret to ["adopted","lewd thoughts","stole candy"]>>\
<!-- dildo, smoke, sibling, nude picture-->\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRsecret] to [either(_fsecret), 0]>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRsecret] to [either(_ssecret), 0]>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRsecret] to [either(_lsecret), 0]>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$RivalOne][$PTRsecret] to ["???", 0]>>\
<!-- sexual preference -->\
<<set _psexpref to ["big boobs", "waist/hip ratio", "petite", "chaste","bigger partner", "experienced partner"]>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRsex] to [either(_psexpref), 0]>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRsex] to [either(_psexpref), 0]>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRsex] to [either(_psexpref), 0]>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$RivalOne][$PTRsex] to ["???", 0]>>\
<<widget "ChangeMoney">>\
<<set $ to $ + $args[0]>>\
<<if $ < 0>>\
<<AddToLog "Error in change money: money went negative">>\
<<set $ to 0>>\
<<widget "ChangeStat">>\
<<set _ws to $args[0]>>
<<set _qty to $args[1]>>
<<set _qty to Math.trunc(_qty * 100)>>
<<set _qty to _qty / 100>>
<<set _fatiguealter to $args[2]>>
<<if _fatiguealter is true>>
<<set _modby to 1>>
<<set _ratio to $Stats[$STATfatiguecur] / $Stats[$STATfatiguemax]>>
<<if _ratio > .79>>
<<set _qty to (_qty / 4)>>
<<elseif _ratio > .49>>
<<set _qty to (_qty / 2)>>
<<set _qty to Math.trunc(_qty)>>
<<set _actual to _qty>>
<<if _ws is "fertility">>
<<set _OldFert to $FertilityEnd - $FertilityStart>>
<<for _FLoops to 0; _FLoops < _qty; _FLoops++>>
<<set _FCheckFirst to random(1,3)>>
<<if _FCheckFirst is 3>>
<<set $FertilityEnd to $FertilityEnd +1>>
<<set $FertilityStart to $FertilityStart -1>>
<<if $FertilityEnd > 30>>
<<set $FertilityStart to $FertilityStart - ($FertilityEnd - 30)>>
<<set $FertilityEnd to 30>>
<<if $FertilityStart < 1>>
<<set $FertilityStart to 1>>
<<set _NewFert to $FertilityEnd - $FertilityStart>>
<<set $SCdata to _OldFert - _NewFert>>
<<set _original to $Stats[_ws]>>
<<set $Stats[_ws] to $Stats[_ws] + _qty>>>\
<<set $Stats[$STATlustcap] to $Stats[$STATpurity] * 2>>
<<set _lowerbound to 1>>
<<set _upperbound to 100>>
<<if _ws is $STATphysatt>>
<<set _upperbound to 1000>>
<<elseif _ws is $STATphysdef>>
<<set _upperbound to 1000>>
<<elseif _ws is $STATmagatt>>
<<set _upperbound to 1000>>
<<elseif _ws is $STATmagdef>>
<<set _upperbound to 1000>>
<<elseif _ws is $STATweight>>
<<set _lowerbound to 60>>
<<set _upperbound to 200>>
<<elseif _ws is $STAThealthcur>>
<<set _lowerbound to 0>>
<<set _upperbound to $Stats[$STAThealthmax]>>
<<elseif _ws is $STAThealthmax>>
<<set _lowerbound to 0>>
<<set _upperbound to 1000>>
<<elseif _ws is $STATfatiguecur>>
<<set _lowerbound to 0>>
<<set _upperbound to $Stats[$STATfatiguemax]>>
<<elseif _ws is $STATfatiguemax>>
<<set _lowerbound to 10>>
<<set _upperbound to 1000>>
<<elseif _ws is $STATlust>>
<<set _lowerbound to 0>>
<<set _upperbound to $Stats[$STATlustcap]>>
<<elseif _ws is $STATcorrupt>>
<<set _lowerbound to 0>>
<<set _upperbound to 100>>
<<set $SCdata to _qty>>
<<if $Stats[_ws] < _lowerbound>>
<<set $Stats[_ws] to _lowerbound>>
<<set _actual to $Stats[_ws] - _original>>
<<elseif $Stats[_ws] > _upperbound>>
<<set _actual to _upperbound - _original>>
<<set $Stats[_ws] to _upperbound>>
<<if (_ws is $STATcon) and (_actual neq 0)>>
<!-- can't call changestat because it will assign actual -->
<!-- theoretically, no correction is needed though -->
<<set $Stats[$STAThealthcur] to $Stats[$STAThealthcur] + _actual>>
<<set $Stats[$STAThealthmax] to $Stats[$STAThealthmax] + _actual>>
<<set $SCdata to _actual>>
<<widget SCText>>\
<<set _number to $args[0]>>\
<<if _number < 0>>\
<<set _number to _number * -1>>\
<<print "decreased by " + _number>>\
<<elseif _number > 0>>\
<<print "increased by " + _number>>\
<<print "was unchanged">>\
<<widget VarToName>>\
<<set _n to $args[0]>>\
<<if _n is $STATfatiguecur>>Fatigue<<endif>>\
<<if _n is $STATfatiguemax>>Maximum fatigue<<endif>>\
<<if _n is $STAThealthcur>>Health<<endif>>\
<<if _n is $STAThealthmax>>Maximum health<<endif>>\
<<if _n is $STATstr>>Strength<<endif>>\
<<if _n is $STATcon>>Constitution<<endif>>\
<<if _n is $STATpurity>>Purity<<endif>>\
<<if _n is $STATconverse>>Conversation<<endif>>\
<<if _n is $STATphysatt>>Physical attack<<endif>>\
<<if _n is $STATphysdef>>Physical defense<<endif>>\
<<if _n is $STATmagatt>>Magic attack<<endif>>\
<<if _n is $STATmagdef>>Magic defense<<endif>>\
<<if _n is $STATlust>>Lust<<endif>>\
<<if _n is $STATcorrupt>>Corruption<<endif>>\
<<if _n is $STATheight>>Height<<endif>>\
<<if _n is $STATweight>>Weight<<endif>>\
<<if _n is $STATboobs>>Bust size<<endif>>\
<<if _n is $STATwaist>>Waist size<<endif>>\
<<if _n is $STAThips>>Hip size<<endif>>\
<<widget "CaptureTentacle">>\
<<if $Cages > 0>>\
<<set _tgtcage to -1>>\
<<for _i to $Cages; _i > -1; _i-->>\
<<if ($Tentacles[_i].bought is true) and ($Tentacles[_i].avail is true)>>\
<<set _tgtcage to _i>>\
<<if _tgtcage is -1>>\
<<AddToLog "Error in capture: tqty is -1">>\
<<AddToLog "Succesful tentacle capture">>\
<<set $Tentacles[_tgtcage].avail to false>>\
<<set $Tentacles[_tgtcage].visitedtoday to false>>\
<<set $Tentacles[_tgtcage].a to $mon_request[0]>>\
<<set $Tentacles[_tgtcage].b to $mon_request[1]>>\
<<set $Tentacles[_tgtcage].c to $mon_request[2]>>\
<<set $Tentacles[_tgtcage].tame to 0>>\
<<AddToLog "Error in capture: no cages available">>\
<<widget "GenTenV2">>\
<<set _pool to []>>\
<<set _pool[0] to ["puddle","quad burrower"]>>\
<<set _pool[1] to ["triple blue","pitcher"]>>\
<<set _pool[2] to ["coiler","writhing mass"]>>\
<<set _pool[3] to ["octopus","penis patch"]>>\
<<set _pool[4] to ["shoggoth","space squid"]>>\
<<set _tenTYPE to $GoHunting>>\
<<set _tenAGE to $GoHunting>>\
<<if random(0,99) < $Danger>>\
<<set _tenTYPE to _tenTYPE +1>>\
<<set _tenAGE to _tenAGE -1>>\
<<if random(1,10) is 1>>\
<<set _tenTYPE to _tenTYPE -1>>\
<<set _tenAGE to _tenAGE +1>>\
<<if random(1,10) is 1>>\
<<set _tenAGE to _tenAGE -1>>\
<<if random(1,10) is 10>>\
<<set _tenAGE to _tenAGE +1> \
<<if _tenTYPE > 4>>\
<<set _tenTYPE to 4>>\
<<elseif _tenTYPE < 0>>\
<<set _tenTYPE to 0>>\
<<if _tenAGE > 4>>\
<<set _tenAGE to 4>>\
<<elseif _tenAGE < 0>>\
<<set _tenAGE to 0>>\
<<set _ages to ["minor","lesser","common","greater","elder"]>>\
<<set _timename to setup.GetTime("timename")>>\
<<set _mods to []>>\
<<set _mods[0] to ["red","yellow","blue","bulbous","slimy","moist"]>>\
<<set _mods[1] to ["phantasmal","gelatinous","amorphous","orange","green","purple"]>>\
<<set _mods[2] to ["fertility","combat","magical","pink"]>>\
<<set _mods[3] to ["nether","eldritch"]>>\
<<if _timename is "daylight">>\
<<set _modGROUP to 0>>\
<<elseif (_timename is "after dark") or (_timename is "still dark out")>>\
<<set _modGROUP to 1>>\
<<elseif (_timename is "after midnight") or (_timename is "late at night")>>\
<<set _modGROUP to 2>>\
<<elseif _timename is "midnight">>\
<<set _modGROUP to 3>>\
AddToLog "Error in GenTenV2: unrecognized timeslot name">>\
<<set _modgroup to 0>>\
<<if random(0,99) < $Danger>>\
<<set _modGROUP to _modGROUP +1>>\
<<set _tenAGE to _tenAGE -1>>\
<<if random(1,10) is 1>>\
<<set _modGROUP to _modGROUP -1>>\
<<set _tenAGE to _tenAGE +1>>\
<<if random(1,10) is 10>>\
<<set _modGROUP to _modGROUP +1>>\
<<set _tenAGE to _tenAGE -1>>\
<<if random(1,10) is 1>>\
<<set _modGROUP to _modGROUP -1>>\
<<if random(1,10) is 10>>\
<<set _modGROUP to _modGROUP +1>\
<<if _modGROUP > 3>>\
<<set _tenTYPE to 3>>\
<<elseif _modGROUP < 0>>\
<<set _modGROUP to 0>>\
<<set _tA to _pool[_tenTYPE]>>
<<set _tB to _ages[_tenAGE]>>
<<set _tC to _mods[_modGROUP]>>
<<set $mon_request to [_tA, _tB, _tC]>>\
<<widget "GenerateTentacle">>\
<<set _GTTimeDanger to setup.GetTime("danger") + $args[0]>>\
<<set _GTTimeName to setup.GetTime("timename")>>\
<<set _GTRequestBonusDanger to $args[0]>>\
<<set _GTZoneName to $args[1]>>\
<<set _GTTotalDanger to $Danger + _GTRequestBonusDanger + _GTTimeDanger>>\
<<header "Debug:">>
* World danger: $Danger
* Time name: _GTTimeName
* Time effect danger: _GTTimeDanger
* Bonus danger requested: _GTRequestBonusDanger
* zone name: _GTZoneName
* Total danger: _GTTotalDanger
<<if _GTTotalDanger > 99>>\
<<set _rA to "elder">>\
<<elseif _GTTotalDanger > 89>>\
<<set _rA to either("greater","elder")>>\
<<elseif _GTTotalDanger > 79>>\
<<set _rA to either("greater","greater","elder")>>\
<<elseif _GTTotalDanger > 69>>\
<<set _rA to either("common","greater","elder")>>\
<<elseif _GTTotalDanger > 59>>\
<<set _rA to either("common","greater","greater")>>\
<<elseif _GTTotalDanger > 49>>\
<<set _rA to either("common","greater")>>\
<<elseif _GTTotalDanger > 39>>\
<<set _rA to either("common","common","greater")>>\
<<elseif _GTTotalDanger > 29>>\
<<set _rA to either("lesser","common","greater")>>\
<<elseif _GTTotalDanger > 19>>\
<<set _rA to either("lesser","common")>>\
<<elseif _GTTotalDanger > 9>>\
<<set _rA to either("minor","lesser","lesser")>>\
<<elseif _GTTotalDanger > 3>>\
<<set _rA to either("minor","lesser")>>\
<<set _rA to "minor">>\
@@color:Red;GenTen Danger level: _dngr@@
<<set _rB to either("red","yellow","blue","bulbous","slimy","moist")>>\
<<if _timename is "midnight">>\
<<set _rB to either("nether","eldritch")>>\
<<elseif (_timename is "still dark out") or (_timename is "late at night")>>\
<<set _rB to either("fertility","combat","magical","pink")>>\
<<elseif (_timename is "after midnight") or (_timename is "late at night")>>\
<<set _rB to either("phantasmal","gelatinous","amorphous","orange","green","purple")>>\
<<if _GTZoneName is "park">>\
<<set _rC to either("puddle","puddle","tripura")>>\
<<elseif _GTZoneName is "highschool">>\
<<set _rC to either("quad burrower","clasper")>>\
<<elseif _GTZoneName is "city">>\
<<set _rC to either("burster","penis patch","pouncer")>>
<<elseif _GTZoneName is "ocean">>\
<<set _rC to either("octopoid","pitcher")>>\
<<elseif _GTZoneName is "space">>\
<<set _rC to "shoggoth","coiler")>>\
@@color:Red;Error in GenerateTentacle: unrecognized location: _GTZoneName, attempting to recover@@
<<set _rC to either("puddle","quad burrower","tripura","clasper")>>\
<<set $mon_request to [_rA, _rB, _rC]>>\
<<widget "ShowSoloDanger">>\
<<set _sdval to $args[0] + $Danger + setup.GetTime("danger") + $args[0]>>\
<<set _sdshow to $args[1]>>\
<<if _sdval > 99>>\
<<elseif _sdval > 59>>\
<<elseif _sdval > 20>>\
<<elseif _sdval > 9>>\
<<widget "ShowTeamDanger">>\
<<set _sdval to $args[0] + $Danger + setup.GetTime("danger") + $args[0] - 25>>\
<<set _sdshow to $args[1]>>\
<<if _sdval > 99>>\
<<elseif _sdval > 59>>\
<<elseif _sdval > 20>>\
<<elseif _sdval > 9>>\
<<widget "GetSexMods">>\
<<set _a to $args[0]>>\
<<set _b to $args[1]>>\
<<set _c to $args[2]>>\
<<set $SexMods to {}>>\
<<set _gain to 1>>\
<<set _lose to -1>>\
<<if _a is "minor">>\
<<elseif _a is "lesser">>\
<<elseif _a is "common">>\
<<elseif _a is "greater">>\
<<set _gain to 2>>\
<<set _lose to -2>>\
<<elseif _a is "elder">>\
<<set _gain to 3>>\
<<set _lose to -3>>\
<<AddToLog "Error in GetSexMods: unrecognized type a">>\
<<if _b is "bulbous">>\
<<set $SexMods to
always: {none: true},
bj: { patt: _gain },
v: { weight: _gain, boobs: _gain, waist: _gain, hips: _gain},
a: {int: _lose, con: _gain}
<<elseif _b is "slimy">>\
<<set $SexMods to
always: {none: true},
bj: { matt: _gain},
v: { height: _lose, boobs: _lose },
a: {int: _gain }
<<elseif _b is "moist">>\
<<set $SexMods to
always: {none: true},
bj: { mdef: _gain},
v: { height: _gain, boobs: _gain },
a: { str: _gain }
<<elseif _b is "phantasmal">>\
<<set $SexMods to
always: {none: true},
bj: { mdef: _gain},
v: { weight: _lose },
a: { int: _gain, con: _lose}
<<elseif _b is "amorphous">>\
<<set $SexMods to
always: {none: true},
bj: { pdef: _gain},
v: { height: _lose },
a: { str: _gain}
<<elseif _b is "gelatinous">>\
<<set $SexMods to
always: {none: true},
bj: { pdef: _gain},
v: { height: _lose, weight: _gain, boobs: _lose },
a: { str: _lose }
<<elseif _b is "fertility">>\
<<set $SexMods to
always: { fertility: _gain, fatiguemax: _gain },
bj: { pdef: _lose, mdef: _lose },
v: { boobs: _gain, waist: _lose, hips: _gain },
a: { con: _gain }
<<elseif _b is "eldritch">>\
<<set $SexMods to
always: {none: true},
bj: { matt: _gain},
v: { boobs: _gain },
a: { str: _lose, int: _lose, con: _lose}
<<elseif _b is "combat">>\
<<set $SexMods to
always: { healthmax: _gain},
bj: { patt: _gain, pdef: _gain, matt: _lose, mdef: _lose},
v: { height: _gain, weight: _gain },
a: { int: _lose }
<<elseif _b is "magical">>\
<<set $SexMods to
always: { fatiguemax: _gain},
bj: { patt: _lose, pdef: _lose, matt: _gain, mdef: _gain},
v: { boobs: _lose, hips: _gain },
a: { str: _lose}
<<elseif _b is "nether">>\
<<set $SexMods to
always: { fertility: _lose},
bj: { pdef: _lose, mdef: _lose},
v: { boobs: _lose, waist: _gain, hips: _lose },
a: { con: _lose}
<<elseif _b is "red">>\
<<set $SexMods to
always: {none: true},
bj: { patt: _gain, matt: _lose, mdef: _lose},
v: { height: _gain, weight: _gain, boobs: _lose },
a: { str: _gain, int: _lose, con: _lose}
<<elseif _b is "yellow">>\
<<set $SexMods to
always: {none: true},
bj: { patt: _lose, pdef: _gain, matt: _lose, mdef: _gain },
v: { boobs: _gain, waist: _gain, hips: _lose},
a: { str: _lose, int: _lose, con: _gain}
<<elseif _b is "blue">>\
<<set $SexMods to
always: {none: true},
bj: { patt: _lose, pdef: _lose, matt: _gain },
v: { weight: _gain, waist: _lose, hips: _lose },
a: { str: _lose, int: _gain, con: _lose}
<<elseif _b is "orange">>\
<<set $SexMods to
always: {none: true},
bj: { patt: _lose, pdef: _lose, matt: _gain, mdef: _gain},
v: { height: _gain, weight: _gain, boobs: _gain },
a: { str: _gain, int: _lose, con: _gain}
<<elseif _b is "green">>\
<<set $SexMods to
always: {none: true},
bj: { patt: _gain, pdef: _gain, matt: _lose, mdef: _lose},
v: { boobs: _gain, waist: _lose, hips: _lose },
a: { str: _lose, int: _gain, con: _gain}
<<elseif _b is "purple">>\
<<set $SexMods to
always: {none: true},
bj: { patt: _gain, pdef: _lose, matt: _gain, mdef: _lose},
v: { weight: _lose, boobs: _lose, waist: _lose, hips: _lose },
a: { str: _gain, int: _gain, con: _lose}
<<elseif _b is "pink">>\
<<set $SexMods to
always: { fertility: _gain},
bj: { converse: _gain },
v: { boobs: _gain, waist: _lose, hips: _gain },
a: { str: _lose, int: _lose, con: _gain}
<<AddToLog "Error in GetSexMods: unrecognized type b">>\
<<widget "GainSexKnowledge">>\
<<set $WORLD.anysexmodsknown to true>>\
<<set _Tentacle to $args[0]>>\
<<set _SexAct to $args[1]>>\
<<set _OldKnow to $KNOW[_Tentacle][_SexAct]>>\
<<set _NewKnow to $args[2]>>\
<<if _NewKnow > _OldKnow>>\
<<set $KNOW[_Tentacle][_SexAct] to _NewKnow>>\
<<widget "StatKeyToName">>\
<<if $args[0] is "patt">>physical attack\
<<elseif $args[0] is "pdef">>physical defense\
<<elseif $args[0] is "matt">>magic attack\
<<elseif $args[0] is "mdef">>magic defense\
<<elseif $args[0] is "str">>strength\
<<elseif $args[0] is "int">>intellect\
<<elseif $args[0] is "con">>constitution\
<<elseif $args[0] is "height">>height\
<<elseif $args[0] is "weight">>weight\
<<elseif $args[0] is "boobs">>breast size\
<<elseif $args[0] is "waist">>waist size\
<<elseif $args[0] is "hips">>hip size\
<<elseif $args[0] is "converse">>conversation skill\
<<elseif $args[0] is "healthmax">>health\
<<elseif $args[0] is "fertility">>fertility\
<<elseif $args[0] is "fatiguemax">>fatigue\
<<else>>@@color:Red;Error: unrecognized key: <<print $args[0]>>@@
<<widget "TFKeytoFlag">>\
<<if $args[0] is "patt">>\
<<set $WORLD.datapasser to $STATphysatt>>\
<<elseif $args[0] is "pdef">>\
<<set $WORLD.datapasser to $STATphysdef>>\
<<elseif $args[0] is "matt">>\
<<set $WORLD.datapasser to $STATmagatt>>\
<<elseif $args[0] is "mdef">>\
<<set $WORLD.datapasser to $STATmagdef >>\
<<elseif $args[0] is "str">>\
<<set $WORLD.datapasser to $STATstr>>\
<<elseif $args[0] is "int">>\
<<set $WORLD.datapasser to $STATint>>\
<<elseif $args[0] is "con">>\
<<set $WORLD.datapasser to $STATcon>>\
<<elseif $args[0] is "height">>\
<<set $WORLD.datapasser to $STATheight>>\
<<elseif $args[0] is "weight">>\
<<set $WORLD.datapasser to $STATweight>>\
<<elseif $args[0] is "boobs">>\
<<set $WORLD.datapasser to $STATboobs>>\
<<elseif $args[0] is "waist">>\
<<set $WORLD.datapasser to $STATwaist>>\
<<elseif $args[0] is "hips">>\
<<set $WORLD.datapasser to $STAThips>>\
<<elseif $args[0] is "converse">>\
<<set $WORLD.datapasser to $STATconverse>>\
<<elseif $args[0] is "healthmax">>\
<<set $WORLD.datapasser to $STAThealthmax>>\
<<elseif $args[0] is "fertility">>\
<<set $WORLD.datapasser to "fertility hack">>\
<<elseif $args[0] is "fatiguemax">>\
<<set $WORLD.datapasser to $STATfatiguemax>>\
<<else>>@@color:Red;Error: unrecognized key: <<print $args[0]>>@@
<<set $WORLD.datapasser to -1>>\
<<widget "ShowOOCBuffs">>\
<<if $BUFFS.PhysAtt > 0>>\
@@color:Orange;Phys Att bonus: +<<print $BUFFS.PhysAtt>>@@
<<elseif $BUFFS.PhysAtt < 0>>\
@@color:Orange;Phys Att penalty: +<<print $BUFFS.PhysAtt>>@@
<<if $BUFFS.MagAtt > 0>>\
@@color:Orange;Mag Att bonus: +<<print $BUFFS.MagAtt>>@@
<<elseif $BUFFS.MagAtt < 0>>\
@@color:Orange;Mag Att penalty: +<<print $BUFFS.MagAtt>>@@
<<if $BUFFS.PhysDef > 0>>\
@@color:Purple;Phys Def bonus: +<<print $BUFFS.PhysDef>>@@
<<elseif $BUFFS.PhysDef < 0>>\
@@color:Purple;Phys Def Penalty: +<<print $BUFFS.PhysDef>>@@
<<if $BUFFS.MagDef > 0>>\
@@color:Purple;Mag Def bonus: +<<print $BUFFS.MagDef>>@@
<<elseif $BUFFS.MagDef < 0>>\
@@color:Purple;Mag Def Penalty: +<<print $BUFFS.MagDef>>@@
<<if $BUFFS.WellRested > 0>>\
@@color:Aqua;Well-rested: +<<print $BUFFS.WellRested>>@@
<<if $BUFFS.BirthControl > 0>>\
<<if $BUFFS.BirthControl > 1>>\
@@color:Pink;Birth control: <<print $BUFFS.BirthControl>> days
@@color:Pink;Birth control: last day@@
<<if $BUFFS.BoostJuice> 0>>\
<<if $BUFFS.BoostJuice > 1>>\
@@color:Aqua;Boost juice: ($BUFFS.BoostJuice battles)@@
@@color:Aqua;Boost juice: +10 to hit@@
<<if $BUFFS.Pheromone > 0>>\
<<if $BUFFS.Pheromone > 1>>\
@@color:Pink;Pheromones: ($BUFFS.Pheromone battles)@@
@@color:Pink;Pheromones active!@@
<<widget "ShowCombatBuffs">>\
<<set _SCBArray to [$BUFFS.PhysAtt, $BUFFS.PhysDef, $BUFFS.MagAtt, $BUFFS.MagDef, $BUFFS.Poison, $BUFFS.Pheromone, $BUFFS.BoostJuice, $BUFFS.WellRested, $m_teasebuff]>>\
<<set _any to 0>>\
<<for _SCB to 0; _SCB < _SCBArray.length; _SCB++>>\
<<if _SCBArray[_SCB] neq 0>>\
<<set _any to _any +1>>\
<<if _any > 0>>\
@@color:Yellow;Combat effects@@
<<if $BUFFS.PhysAtt > 0>>\
@@color:Orange;Phys Att bonus: +<<print $BUFFS.PhysAtt>>@@
<<elseif $BUFFS.PhysAtt < 0>>\
@@color:Red;Phys Att penalty: <<print $BUFFS.PhysAtt>>@@
<<if $BUFFS.MagAtt > 0>>\
@@color:Orange;Mag Att bonus: +<<print $BUFFS.MagAtt>>@@
<<elseif $BUFFS.MagAtt < 0>>\
@@color:Red;Mag Att penalty: <<print $BUFFS.MagAtt>>@@
<<if $BUFFS.PhysDef > 0>>\
@@color:Purple;Phys Def bonus: +<<print $BUFFS.PhysDef>>@@
<<elseif $BUFFS.PhysDef < 0>>\
@@color:Red;Phys Def Penalty: <<print $BUFFS.PhysDef>>@@
<<if $BUFFS.MagDef > 0>>\
@@color:Purple;Mag Def bonus: +<<print $BUFFS.MagDef>>@@
<<elseif $BUFFS.MagDef < 0>>\
@@color:Red;Mag Def Penalty: <<print $BUFFS.MagDef>>@@
<<if $BUFFS.WellRested > 0>>\
@@color:Aqua;Well-rested: +<<print $BUFFS.WellRested>>@@
<<if $BUFFS.Poison > 0>>\
@@color:LightGreen;Poisoned: -<<print $BUFFS.Poison>>@@
<<if $BUFFS.BoostJuice> 0>>\
@@color:Aqua;Boost juice: +10 to hit@@
<<if $BUFFS.Pheromone > 0>>\
@@color:Pink;Pheromones active!@@
<<if $m_teasebuff > 0>>\
@@color:Pink;Monster aroused: +<<print $m_teasebuff>>@@
<<elseif $m_teasebuff < 0>>\
@@color:Red;Monster annoyed: +<<print $m_teasebuff * -1>>@@
<<widget "GainAchievement">>\
<<set _TBAchievements to recall('TBAchievements')>>\
<<set _GAA to $args[0]>>\
<<set _GAmsg to "Error in GainAchievement: " + _GAA>>\
<<set _ShortName to "fail">>\
<<if _GAA is "Fiery">>\
<<set _GAmsg to "Take your Fiery teammate as your date to the Ball">>\
<<set _ShortName to "Fiery Date">>\
<<elseif _GAA is "Shy">>\
<<set _GAmsg to "Take your Shy teammate as your date to the Ball">>\
<<set _ShortName to "Heal My Heart">>\
<<elseif _GAA is "Leader">>\
<<set _GAmsg to "Take your team Captain as your date to the Ball">>\
<<set _ShortName to "Romanced The Team Captain">>\
<<elseif _GAA is "Harem">>\
<<set _GAmsg to " Succesfully take your entire team to the Ball together!">>\
<<set _ShortName to "Harem">>\
<<elseif _GAA is "SecretA">>\
<<set _GAmsg to "Succesfully take your personal rival to the Ball!">>\
<<set _ShortName to "Secret 1">>\
<<elseif _GAA is "SecretB">>\
<<set _GAmsg to "What was this again?">>\
<<set _ShortName to "Secret 2">>\
<<elseif _GAA is "SecretC">>\
<<set _GAmsg to "Take the entire cast to the Ball!">>\
<<set _ShortName to "Secret 3">>\
<<elseif _GAA is "Heartbroken">>\
<<set _GAmsg to "Be rejected by everyone and attend the ball alone">>\
<<set _ShortName to "Heartbroken">>\
<<elseif _GAA is "Greedy">>\
<<set _GAmsg to "Be rejected by everyone and attend the ball alone.">>\
<<set _ShortName to "Greedy">>\
<<elseif _GAA is "Broodmother">>\
<<set _GAmsg to "">>\
<<set _ShortName to "Broodmother">>\
<<elseif _GAA is "CatLady">>\
<<set _GAmsg to "Fail even to ask anyone to the Ball and end up alone, without even a basement full of tentacles to keep you company">>\
<<set _ShortName to "Crazy Cat Lady">>\
<<elseif _GAA is "Slave">>\
<<set _GAmsg to "Give up on romance, and settle for a lifetime of sex in the basement.">>\
<<set _ShortName to "Tentacle Slave">>\
<<elseif _GAA is "Stumbled">>\
<<set _GAmsg to "Lose the tutorial battle">>\
<<set _ShortName to "Stumbled Out The Gate">>\
<<elseif _GAA is "Beer">>\
<<set _GAmsg to "Succesfully solo a boss encounter!">>\
<<set _ShortName to "Hold My Beer">>\
<<if _TBAchievements[_GAA]>>\
@@color:Green;You would have earned the _ShortName achievement, but you already have it@@
<<set _TBAchievements[_GAA] to true>>\
@@color:Gold;Achievement earned: <<print _ShortName>>!@@ - <<print _GAmsg>><br>
<<run memorize('TBAchievements', _TBAchievements)>>\
<<widget "KillHistory">>\
<<script>>Config.history.maxStates = 1;Config.history.maxStates = 2;Config.history.maxStates = 1;<</script>>\
<<widget "PlayBGM">>\
<<if $WORLD.musicenabled is false>>\
<<masteraudio stop>>\
<<if $args[0] is $>>\
<<set $ to $args[0]>>\
<<if $args[0] is "combat">>\
<<masteraudio stop>>\
<<audio "combat_bgm" volume 0.4 play loop>>\
<<elseif $args[0] is "boss">>\
<<masteraudio stop>>\
<<audio "boss_bgm" volume 0.4 play loop>>\
<<elseif $args[0] is "vacation">>\
<<masteraudio stop>>\
<<audio "vacation_bgm" volume 0.4 play loop>>\
<<elseif $args[0] is "romance">>\
<<masteraudio stop>>\
<<audio "romance_bgm" volume 0.4 play loop>>\
<<elseif $args[0] is "main">>\
<<masteraudio stop>>\
<<audio "main_bgm" volume 0.4 play loop>>\
<<masteraudio stop>>\
<<widget "EquipWeaponButtons">>\
<<for _i to 0; _i < $INVEN.Weapon.length; _i++>>\
<<set _WidgetWStats to setup.FetchEquip("Weapon", _i)>>\
<<set _WidgetWeaponName to _WidgetWStats[0]>>\
<<if $INVEN.Weapon[_i] is 0>>\
<!-- don't have one -->\
<<capture _i>>\
<<if $INVEN.EquipWeapon is _i>>\
<span class="greenb"><<button "_WidgetWeaponName">>
<<set $INVEN.EquipWeapon to _i>>
Dialog.setup("Stats and Equipment");"Stats").processText());;
<</button>></span> \
<span class="blueb"><<button "_WidgetWeaponName">>
<<set $INVEN.EquipWeapon to _i>>
Dialog.setup("Stats and Equipment");"Stats").processText());;
<</button>></span> \
<<widget "EquipUniformButtons">>\
<<for _i to 0; _i < $INVEN.Uniform.length; _i++>>\
<<set _WidgetUStats to setup.FetchEquip("Uniform", _i)>>\
<<set _WidgetUniformName to _WidgetUStats[0]>>\
<<if $INVEN.Uniform[_i] is 0>>\
<!-- don't have one -->\
<<capture _i>>\
<<if $INVEN.EquipUniform is _i>>\
<span class="greenb"><<button "_WidgetUniformName">>
<<set $INVEN.EquipUniform to _i>>
Dialog.setup("Stats and Equipment");"Stats").processText());;
<</button>></span> \
<span class="blueb"><<button "_WidgetUniformName">>
<<set $INVEN.EquipUniform to _i>>
Dialog.setup("Stats and Equipment");"Stats").processText());;
<</button>></span> \
<<widget "EquipExtrasButtons">>\
<<for _i to 0; _i < $INVEN.Extras.length; _i++>>\
<<set _WidgetEStats to setup.FetchEquip("Extras", _i)>>\
<<set _WidgetExtrasName to _WidgetEStats[0]>>\
<<if $INVEN.Extras[_i] is 0>>\
<!-- don't have one -->\
<<elseif $INVEN.Extras[_i] is 1>>\
<<capture _i>>\
<span class="blueb"><<button "_WidgetExtrasName">>
<<set $INVEN.Extras[_i] to -1>>
Dialog.setup("Stats and Equipment");"Stats").processText());;
<</button>></span> \
<<elseif $INVEN.Extras[_i] is -1>>\
<<capture _i>>\
<span class="greenb"><<button "_WidgetExtrasName">>
<<set $INVEN.Extras[_i] to 1>>
Dialog.setup("Stats and Equipment");"Stats").processText());;
<</button>></span> \
[Error: _i]
<<widget "ShowPotions">>\
<<set _SPNames to ["Energy drinks","Boost juice","Health potions","Birth control","Pheromones"]>>\
<<for _i to 0; _i < _SPNames.length; _i++>>\
<<if $WORLD.potions[_i] > 0>>\
<<capture _i>>\
<<set _SPtext to "[" + _SPNames[_i] + "]">>\
<span class="blueb"><<button "_SPtext">>
<<set $WORLD.potions[_i] to $WORLD.potions[_i] -1>>\
<<if _i is 0>>\
<<ChangeStat $STATfatigecur 10>>\
<<elseif _i is 1>>\
<<set $BUFFS.BoostJuice to $BUFFS.BoostJuice +1>>\
<<elseif _i is 2>>\
<<ChangeStat $STAThealthcur 10>>\
<<elseif _i is 3>>\
<<set $BUFFS.BirthControl to $BUFFS.BirthControl +1>>\
<<elseif _i is 4>>\
<<set $BUFFS.Pheromone to $BUFFS.Pheromone +1>>\
@@color:Red;Error in ShowPotions: _i@@
Dialog.setup("Stats and Equipment");"Stats").processText());;
<</button>></span> \
<<widget "ShowPotionNamesOnly">>\
<<set _SPNames to ["Energy drinks","Boost juice","Health potions","Birth control","Pheromones"]>>\
<<for _i to 0; _i < _SPNames.length; _i++>>\
<<if $WORLD.potions[_i] > 0>>\
<<print _SPNames[_i]>>: <<print $WORLD.potions[_i]>>\
<<widget "GetFlirtPower">>\
<<set _WidgetFoo to setup.FetchEquip("Uniform", $INVEN.EquipUniform)>>\
<<set _WidgetChest to _WidgetFoo[7]>>\
<<set _WidgetWaist to _WidgetFoo[8]>>\
<<set _WidgetSexy to _WidgetFoo[10]>>\
<<for _WidgetI to 0; _WidgetI < $INVEN.Extras.length; _WidgetI++>>\
<<if $INVEN.Extras[_WidgetI] is -1>>\
<<set _WidgetFoo to setup.FetchEquip("Extras", _WidgetI)>>\
<<set _WidgetChest to _WidgetChest + _WidgetFoo[7]>>\
<<set _WidgetWaist to _WidgetWaist + _WidgetFoo[8]>>\
<<set _WidgetSexy to _WidgetSexy + _WidgetFoo[9]>>\
<<set _FlirtPower to _WidgetSexy>>\
<<if $BUFFS.Pheromone > 0>>\
<<set _FlirtPower to _FlirtPower +10>>\
<<set _TotalChest to _WidgetChest + $Stats[$STATboobs] -32>>\
<<set _TotalWaist to 28 - $Stats[$STATwaist]>>\
<<set _TotalWaist to _TotalWaist + _WidgetWaist>>\
<<set _TotalHips to $Stats[$STAThips] -32>>\
<<set _FlirtPower to _FlirtPower + _TotalChest>>\
<<set _FlirtPower to _FlirtPower + _TotalWaist>>\
<<set _FlirtPower to _FlirtPower + _TotalHips>>\
<<set $WORLD.datapasser to _FlirtPower>>\
<<widget "RegionCredit">>\
<<if $args[0] is "win">>\
<<set _RCWhich to 0>>\
<<elseif $args[0] is "lose">>\
<<set _RCWhich to 1>>\
@@color:Red;Error in RegionCredit: ($args[0])>>\
<<if $mon_request[0] neq "boss">>\
<<if $WORLD.BattleData[0] is "local">>\
<<if $WORLD.BattleData[1] is "park">>\
<<set $REGIONS.local.park[_RCWhich] to $REGIONS.local.park[_RCWhich] +1>>\
<<elseif $WORLD.BattleData[1] is "mall">>\
<<set $REGIONS.local.mall[_RCWhich] to $REGIONS.local.mall[_RCWhich] +1>>\
<<elseif $WORLD.BattleData[1] is "highschool">>\
<<set $REGIONS.local.highschool[_RCWhich] to $REGIONS.local.highschool[_RCWhich] +1>>\
<<elseif $WORLD.BattleData[1] is "beach">>\
<<set $REGIONS.local.beach[_RCWhich] to $REGIONS.local.beach[_RCWhich] +1>>\
<<elseif $WORLD.BattleData[0] is "region">>\
<<if $WORLD.BattleData[1] is "forest">>\
<<set $REGIONS.region.forest[_RCWhich] to $REGIONS.region.forest[_RCWhich] +1>>\
<<elseif $WORLD.BattleData[1] is "metropolis">>\
<<set $REGIONS.region.metropolis[_RCWhich] to $REGIONS.region.metropolis[_RCWhich] +1>>\
<<elseif $WORLD.BattleData[1] is "harbor">>\
<<set $REGIONS.region.harbor[_RCWhich] to $REGIONS.region.harbor[_RCWhich] +1>>\
<<elseif $WORLD.BattleData[1] is "airport">>\
<<set $REGIONS.region.airport[_RCWhich] to $REGIONS.region.airport[_RCWhich] +1>>\
<<set $WORLD.BattleData to ["default","default",0,0]>>\
<<widget "WellRested">>\
<<if $args[0] > $BUFFS.WellRested>>\
<<set $BUFFS.WellRested to $args[0]>>\
<<widget "CaptionUpdate">>\
<<if $args[0] is "fatigue">>
<<set _CUPmin to Math.trunc($Stats[$STATfatiguecur])>>\
<<set _CUPmax to Math.trunc($Stats[$STATfatiguemax])>>\
<<replace "#captionfatigue">>_CUPmin / _CUPmax<</replace>>\
<<run Health2(_CUPcur, _CUPmax, "fatiguebar", true)>>\
@@color:Red;Error in CaptionUpdate: $args[0]>>\
<<SimplePic "citywatch.jpg">>\
<<set $WORLD.teamfightnow to false>>
<<set $CaptionMode to "combat">>\
<<set $mon_request to [-1,-1,-1]>>\
<<set $VisitTent to -1>>
<<set $CameFrom to passage()>>\
<<set _ShowTrailingExitLink to true>>\
<<if $Stats[$STATfatiguemax] - $Stats[$STATfatiguecur] < 10>>\
<<set _ShowTrailingExitLink to false>>\
<<header "You are too tired to go out">>
<span id="KeypOne">\
<<link "1) Do something else" "Main">>
<span id="KeypTwo">\
<<link "2) Get some sleep" "Sleep">>
<<header "Solo action">>
You don your Magical Girl outfit and go on the prowl, looking for rights to wrong and tentacle monsters to fight.
<<set _timename to setup.GetTime("timename")>>\
<<if _timename is "daylight">>\
It is @@color:LightGreen;<<print _timename>>@@ out.
It is @@color:Yellow;<<print _timename>>@@, and the tentacles might be a little more dangerous than usual right now. But you're a Magical Girl, and you can take it, right?
<<header "Where will you go?">>
<<include "IncHuntLinks">>\
<<set _BossCount to 0>>\
<<if ($WORLD.bossA is 1)>>\
<<set _BossCount to 1>>\
<<if ($WORLD.bossB is 1)>>\
<<set _BossCount to _BossCount + 1>>\
<<if ($WORLD.bossC is 1)>>\
<<set _BossCount to _BossCount + 1>>\
<<if ($WORLD.bossD is 1)>>\
<<set _BossCount to _BossCount + 1>>\
<<if _BossCount is 0>>\
<<elseif _BossCount is 1>>\
<<header "Boss battle available:">>
<<header "Boss battles available:">>
<<if $WORLD.bossA is 1>>\
<<set _TrailingHR to true>>\
<<set _cimg to $ImgPath + "BossAButton.png">>\
<<link [img[_cimg][Combat]]>>
<<set $mon_request to ["boss","boss","bramble"]>>\
<<if $WORLD.bossB is 1>>\
<<set _TrailingHR to true>>\
<<set _cimg to $ImgPath + "BossBButton.png">>\
<<link [img[_cimg][Combat]]>>
<<set $mon_request to ["boss","boss","wrecker"]>>\
<<if $WORLD.bossC is 1>>\
<<set _TrailingHR to true>>\
<<set _cimg to $ImgPath + "BossCButton.png">>\
<<link [img[_cimg][Combat]]>>
<<set $mon_request to ["boss","boss","megasquid"]>>\
<<if $WORLD.bossD is 1>>\
<<set _TrailingHR to true>>\
<<set _cimg to $ImgPath + "BossDButton.png">>\
<<link [img[_cimg][Combat]]>>
<<set $mon_request to ["boss","boss","cosmichorror"]>>\
<<if _BossCount > 0>>\
<<if _ShowTrailingExitLink is true>>\
<span id="KeypSpace">\
<<link "space) No more for now" "Main">>
<<header "The mall">>
<<SimplePic "mall.jpg">>\
<span id="mainbuttons"></span>
<span id="portal"></span>
<<header "Options">>
<span id="KeypSpace">\
<<link "space) Return home" "Main">>
<<set $CameFrom to passage()>>\
<span id="storefooter"></span>\
<<timed 200ms>>
<<if $WORLD.currentshop is 1>>\
<<elseif $WORLD.currentshop is 2>>\
<<elseif $WORLD.currentshop is 3>>\
<</timed>>\@@color:Gold;Training and jobs@@
<<set $CameFrom to passage()>>\
<table style="width:100%"><tr><td>\
<span id="KeypQ">\
<<link "" "TrainingJobs">><<set $TrainJobMenu to 0>><</link>>\
</span><<button "[Q) Training]" "TrainingJobs">><<set $TrainJobMenu to 0>><</button>> (costs money)
<<set _t to $TrainJobProgress>>\
<<set _EscortQualifier to $TimesVaginal + $TimesAnal + $Stats[$STATcorrupt] - $Stats[$STATpurity]>>\
<<set _TJAllowAny to true>>\
<<if ($Stats[$STATfatiguemax] - $Stats[$STATfatiguecur]) < 10 >>\
<<set _TJAllowAny to false>>\
<<if (_TJAllowAny is true) and ($TrainJobMenu is 0)>>\
<<if $ < 15>>\
1) Weightlifting (cannot afford 15)
<span id="KeypOne">\
<<link "1) Weightlifting (costs 15)" "TrainResults">>
<<set $TrainJob to $TJWeights>>
<</link>><<if _t[$TJWeights] > 0>>(_t[$TJWeights])<<endif>>\
<<if $ < 10>>\
2) Martial arts (cannot afford 10)
<span id="KeypTwo">\
<<link "2) Martial arts (costs 10)" "TrainResults">>
<<set $TrainJob to $TJMartialArts>>
<</link>><<if _t[$TJMartialArts] > 0>>(_t[$TJMartialArts])<<endif>>\
<<if $ < 10>>\
3) University (cannot afford 10)
<span id="KeypThree">\
<<link "3) University (costs 10)" "TrainResults">>
<<set $TrainJob to $TJUniversity>>
<</link>><<if _t[$TJUniversity] > 0>>(_t[$TJUniversity])<<endif>>\
<<if $ < 10>>\
4) Speech and etiquette (cannot afford 10)
<span id="KeypFour">\
<<link "4) Speech and etiquette (costs 10)" "TrainResults">>
<<set $TrainJob to $TJEtiquette>>
<</link>><<if _t[$TJEtiquette] > 0>>(_t[$TJEtiquette])<<endif>>\
<<if $ < 20>>\
5) Dance (cannot afford 20)
<span id="KeypFive">\
<<link "5) Dance (costs 20)" "TrainResults">>
<<set $TrainJob to $TJDance>>
<</link>><<if _t[$TJDance] > 0>>(_t[$TJDance])<<endif>>\
<<if $Stats[$STATmagatt] + $Stats[$STATmagdef] > 29>>\
<<if $ < 25>>\
6) Magical School (cannot afford 25)
<span id="KeypSix">\
<<link "6) Seline's Magic School (costs 25)" "TrainResults">>
<<set $TrainJob to $TJMagic>>
<</link>><<if _t[$TJMagic] > 0>>(_t[$TJMagic])<<endif>>\
6) ???
@@color:Gray;.) Weightlifting@@
@@color:Gray;.) Martial arts@@
@@color:Gray;.) University@@
@@color:Gray;.) Speech and etiquette@@
@@color:Gray;.) Dance@@
<<if _implementme is true>>\
@@color:Gray;.) Magic school@@
@@color:Gray;.) ???@@
<span id="KeypW">\
<<link "" "TrainingJobs">><<set $TrainJobMenu to 1>><</link>>\
</span><<button "[W) Hobbies]" "TrainingJobs">><<set $TrainJobMenu to 1>><</button>> (free!)
<<if (_TJAllowAny is true) and ($TrainJobMenu is 1)>>\
<span id="KeypOne">\
<<link "1) Masturbate" "HobbyResults">>
<<set $TrainJob to $TJMasturbate>>
<</link>> <<if _t[$TJMasturbate] > 0>>(_t[$TJMasturbate])<<endif>>\
<span id="KeypTwo">\
<<link "2) Go jogging" "HobbyResults">>
<<set $TrainJob to $TJJogging>>
<</link>> <<if _t[$TJJogging] > 0>>(_t[$TJJogging])<<endif>>\
<span id="KeypThree">\
<<link "3) Meditate" "HobbyResults">>
<<set $TrainJob to $TJMeditate>>
<</link>> <<if _t[$TJMeditate] > 0>>(_t[$TJMeditate])<<endif>>\
<span id="KeypFour">\
<<link "4) Take a nap" "HobbyResults">>
<<set $TrainJob to $TJNap>>
<</link>> <<if _t[$TJNap] > 0>>(_t[$TJNap])<<endif>>\
<<if $WORLD.library > 0>>\
<span id="KeypFive">\
<<link "5) Read a book" "HobbyResults">>
<<set $TrainJob to $TJRead>>
<</link>> <<if _t[$TJRead] > 0>>(_t[$TJRead])<<endif>>\
5) ???
<<if $Stats[$STATpurity] > 19>>\
<span id="KeypSix">\
<<link "6) Go to church" "HobbyResults">>
<<set $TrainJob to $TJChurch>>
<</link>> <<if _t[$TJChurch] > 0>>(_t[$TJChurch])<<endif>>\
6) ???
@@color:Gray;.) Masturbate@@
@@color:Gray;.) Go jogging@@
@@color:Gray;.) Meditate@@
@@color:Gray;.) Take a nap@@
<<if $WORLD.library > 0>>\
@@color:Gray;.) Read a book@@
@@color:Gray;.) ???@@
<<if $Stats[$STATpurity] > 19>>\
@@color:Gray;.) Go to church@@
@@color:Gray;.) ???@@
<span id="KeypE">\
<<link "" "TrainingJobs">><<set $TrainJobMenu to 2>><</link>>\
</span><<button "[E) Part-time jobs]" "TrainingJobs">><<set $TrainJobMenu to 2>><</button>> (pays money)
<<if (_TJAllowAny is true) and ($TrainJobMenu is 2)>>\
<span id="KeypOne">\
<<link "1) Babysitter" "JobResults">>
<<set $TrainJob to $TJBabysit>>
<</link>> <<if _t[$TJBabysit] > 0>>(_t[$TJBabysit])<<endif>>\
<span id="KeypTwo">\
<<link "2) Dog walker" "JobResults">>
<<set $TrainJob to $TJDogwalker>>
<</link>> <<if _t[$TJDogwalker] > 0>>(_t[$TJDogwalker])<<endif>>\
<span id="KeypThree">\
<<link "3) Waitress" "JobResults">>
<<set $TrainJob to $TJWaitress>>
<</link>> <<if _t[$TJWaitress] > 0>>(_t[$TJWaitress])<<endif>>\
<<if $Stats[$STATconverse] > 19>>\
<span id="KeypFour">\
<<link "4) Speech tutor" "JobResults">>
<<set $TrainJob to $TJSpeechTutor>>
<</link>> <<if _t[$TJSpeechTutor] > 0>>(_t[$TJSpeechTutor])<<endif>>\
4) ???
<<if _EscortQualifier > 0>>\
<span id="KeypFive">\
<<link "5) Escort" "JobResults">>
<<set $TrainJob to $TJEscort>>
<</link>> <<if _t[$TJEscort] > 0>>(_t[$TJEscort])<<endif>>\
5) ???
<<if _implementme is true>>\
<span id="KeypSix">\
<<link "6) ???" "TrainResults">>
<<set $TrainJob to $TJReservedJob>>
6) ???
@@color:Gray;.) Babysitter@@
@@color:Gray;.) Dog walker@@
@@color:Gray;.) Waitress@@
<<if $Stats[$STATconverse] > 19>>\
@@color:Gray;.) Speech tutor@@
@@color:Gray;.) ???@@
<<if _EscortQualifier > 0>>\
@@color:Gray;.) Escort@@
@@color:Gray;.) ???@@
<<if _implementme is true>>\
@@color:Gray;.) ???@@
@@color:Gray;.) ???@@
<<if ($Stats[$STATfatiguemax] - $Stats[$STATfatiguecur]) < 10 >>\
@@color:Red;Too tired!@@
<<elseif $TrainJobMenu neq 1>>\
<<set _pct to setup.FatigueChance()>>\
<<if _pct is 0>>\
@@color:Red;Fatigued! <<print _pct>>% chance of failure!@@
<<header "Options">>
<span id="KeypSpace">\
<<link "(Press space to Return home)" "Main">>
<hr>\<<SimplePic "teamaction.png">>\
<<if $WORLD.timeuntilteam is 0>>\
<<header "Calling the girls">>
<<header "It's time to kick some tentacle butt!">>\
<<set $CameFrom to passage()>>\
<<set $WORLD.teamaction to $WORLD.teamaction + 1>>\
<<set _incs to $TimeTracker>>\
<<set _hrs to Math.trunc(_incs / 4)>>\
<<set _quarters to 15 * (_incs - (_hrs * 4))>>\
<<set _days to Math.trunc(_hrs / 24)>>\
<<set _hrs to _hrs - (_days * 24)>>\
<<set _allowaction to false>>\
<<Narrator "You pull out your trusty phone and press #1 on speed-dial to set up a conference call.">>\
<<set _tano to random(1,3)>>\
<<if $WORLD.timeuntilteam > 0>>\
<<set _foo to "Hey, girls! " + either("Let's do a teamup!","Are you ready for some action?","You ready to smash some tentacles?")>>\
<<set _bar to ["already did a teamup today","went on a hunt just yesterday","teamed up two days ago","teamed up just a few days ago","@@color:Red;error in time array@@"]>>\
<<set _foo to "I'm sure we'd all love to, but we " + _bar[4 - $WORLD.timeuntilteam] + ". I think it's too soon to go out again.">>
<<if _tano is 1>>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne _foo>>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Rest is important.">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Right.">>\
<<elseif _tano is 2>>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "...ehh, do we have to? Honestly I'm still beat from our last outing.">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Me too. I want to help, but maybe we shouldn't overextend ourselves.">>\
<<set _foo to "Agreed. Thanks for calling, " + $MG[$PCPTR][1] + ". I appreciate your diligence and enthusiasm, but we don't want to burn ourselves out.">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne _foo>>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Umm, isn't it a little soon?">>\
<<set _foo to "Agreed. We " + _bar[4 - $WORLD.timeuntilteam] + ". Let's not overextend ourselves.">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne _foo>>\
<<elseif $Danger < 10>>\
<<if _hrs < 8>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Hey, girls!">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "...ugh, why are you calling this early?">>\
<<set _foo to either("So we can fight tentacles?","To sally forth into glorious battle?","To seize the day and shine like the brightest star for our noble cause of peace and safety for all?")>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _foo>>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Ugh, ok fine. //You// do that. Me? I'm going back to sleep.">>\
<<if _tano is 1>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Hey, girls!">>\
<<set _foo to "Hey, " + $MG[$PCPTR][1] + ". What can your " + either("amazing","valiant","noble","glorious") + " Magical Girl Team Captain do for you today?">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne _foo>>\
<<set _foo to either("Let's get together for a teamup!","I was thinking we should group up for an outing.","It's so hard fighting tentacles alone. Why don't we gather up the rest of the girls for a sortie?")>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _foo>>\
<<set _foo to either("Hmm, I don't know about that. Tentacle attacks have been fairly sparse lately.","The situation doesn't seem all that dangerous right now.","Everything seems kind of quiet right now.","I haven't heard of any tentacle attacks recently.") + either(" Why don't we do it another time?"," We should probably take advantage of the down time to rest for when things are more serious.", " Your heart is is the right place, but I think we should be more focused on training right now.")>>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne _foo>>\
<<elseif _tano is 2>>\
<<set _taa to "Hey, " + $MG[$PCPTR][1] + ". What's up?">>\
<<set _tab to "Oh, hey, " + $MG[$PCPTR][1]>>\
<<set _tac to "Yeah?">>\
<<set _foo to either(_taa, _tab, _tac)>>\
<<Speak $FieryOne _foo>>\
<<set _foo to either("Hey, ","Oh, hey ") + $MG[$FieryOne][1] + either("!",".")>>\
<<set _foo to _foo + either("I was thinking we should gather up the girls and ","I'd like to ","Let's all get together and ")>>\
<<set _foo to _foo + either("go fight some tentacles today.", "go on a hunt.","go hunting for tentacles.")>>\
<<set _foo to _foo + either(" What do you think?", " Does that sound ok to you?"," Sound like a good plan?"," Are you feeling up for it?")>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _foo>>\
<<set _foo to either("Ehh, I'm really not feeling it today. Maybe another time?","Yeah, I'd love to, but the others are out shopping eright now. Wouldn't feel right, going with just the two of us, you know?","Can we do this some other time? I've got stuff going on right now and it's not like the tentacles have been out in force lately.")>>\
<<Speak $FieryOne _foo>>\
<<set _foo to either("Umm, hello?","Hello?","Oh, hello " + $MG[$PCPTR][1] + ". How are you feeling today?")>>\
<<Speak $ShyOne _foo>>\
<<set _foo to either($MG[$ShyOne][1] + "! Let's go on a hunt!","Hey " + $MG[$ShyOne][1] + ", I'd like to gather up the girls for a hunt. You interested?")>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _foo>>\
<<set _foo to either("Oh. Umm. Well, I maybe //kind of// have plans this evening. Could we maybe do it some other time?","Umm, well...I know what we do is very important, but hasn't the town been really quiet lately? I mean, we don't really need to go out unless there are a bunch of tentacles to fight, right?","But...hasn't it been relatively peaceful of late? I guess " + $MG[$LeaderOne][1] + " would be the one to ask, but I thought as quiet as it is maybe we could get some rest for once.")>>\
<<Speak $ShyOne _foo>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Yeah, I guess that's ok.">>\
<<set _allowaction to true>>\
<<set _tano to random(1,5)>>\
<<if _tano is 1>>\
<<set _foo to "Hey, " + $MG[$PCPTR][1] + ". I was just about to call you.">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne _foo>>\
<<set _foo to either("", "Yeah! ") + either("We're going to go kick some tentacle butt! ", "We're going on a tentacle hunt! ","My fists are itching for some tentacle smashing! ") + either("You in?", "You want in?","You coming?","You wanna come?")>>\
<<Speak $FieryOne _foo>>\
<<set _foo to either("Yes!","Absolutely!","Definitely!","I'm in!")>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _foo>>\
<<elseif _tano is 2>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Hey, girls. The tentacle situation is getting worse." >>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Agreed! Alright, Magical Girls, let's move out!">>\
<<elseif _tano is 3>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Hey, girls. I think it's time for a team up." >>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "You know what? I think you're right! Magical Girl Tentacle Fighting Team...assemble!">>\
<<elseif _tano is 4>>\
<<set _foo to "Oh, hey " + $MG[$PCPTR][1] + ". What's up?">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne _foo>>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "She's probably calling to propose a teamup. The tentacle situation has been getting bad lately.">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Alright! You know me, I'm always up for kicking tentacle butt!">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Hey, girls. Is everyone available today?">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "I sure am. And I'm ready to kick some butt!">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Let's do it!">>\
<<if _allowaction is true>>\
<<set $WORLD.teamfightnow to true>>\
<<header "Where will you and the girls go hunting?">>
<<include "IncTeamHuntLinks">>\
<span id="KeypSpace">\
<<link "space) No team action, for now" "Main">>
<<header "Options">>
<span id="KeypSpace">\
<<link "space) No team action, for now" "Main">>
<<PlayBGM "main">>\
<<SimplePic "sleep.png">>\
<<set $CameFrom to passage()>>\
<<set $CaptionMode to "default">>\
<<set $ForbidMenu to true>>
<<set _SleepLinkExit to "generic">>\
<<set _FightsTodayPenalty to 0>>\
<<set _CurrentTimeName to setup.GetTime("timename")>>\
<<set _TimeUntilMorning to setup.TimeUnitsUntilDawn()>>\
<<set _sleepnotice to "You sleep until morning.">>\
<<set $WORLD.lostbattlesleep to 0>>\
<<if _TimeUntilMorning is 0>>\
<<set _sleepnotice to "@@color:Yellow;You fritter away the rest of the day still in your pajamas, then sleep in until the following morning@@">>\
<<set _TimeUntilMorning to 96>>\
<<elseif _TimeUntilMorning < 20>>\
<<set _sleepnotice to "@@color:Yellow;Dawn comes too early, and you oversleep your alarm clock by several hours@@">>\
<<set _TimeUntilMorning to 32>>\
<<elseif $WORLD.bed is 1>>\
<<set _sleepnotice to "Sleeping in your @@color:LightGreen;double bed@@, you feel well-rested.">>\
<<WellRested 5>>\
<<elseif $WORLD.bed is 2>>\
<<set _sleepnotice to "Sleeping in your @@color:Yellow@@King-sized bed@@, you feel very well reseted.">>\
<<WellRested 10>>\
<<elseif $WORLD.bed is 3>>\
<<set _sleepnotice to "Sleeping in your @@color:Orange;@@glorious Queen-sized bed@@, you feel amazing!">>\
<<WellRested 15>>\
<<elseif $WORLD.bed is 4>>\
<<set _sleepnotice to "Sleeping in your @@color:Red@@Magical Bed@@, you feel like you could take on the whole world!">>\
<<WellRested 20>>\
<<if $WORLD.lostbattlesleep is 2>>\
<<set _sleepnotice to _sleepnotice + "<br><br>@@color:Pink;Your dreams are filled with lewdness@@">>\
<<if $INVEN.EquipExtras[7] is -1>>\
@@color:Aqua;Your squid plushie helps you sleep better!@@
<<set $BUFFS.WellRested to $BUFFS.WellRested +5>>\
<<PassTime _TimeUntilMorning>>\
<<if setup.GameDay() is 359>>\
<<set _SleepLinkExit to "no">>\
<<header "Finale">>\
Today is the last day before the Magical Girl Ball. If you're going to ask one of the girls, now is your chance to do it.
<<header "Options">>
<span id="KeypOne">\
<<link "1) Continue" "Finale">>
<<header "Sleepy time!">>
<<print _sleepnotice>>
<<set $Stats[$STATfatiguecur] to 0>>\
<<set $Stats[$STAThealthcur] to $Stats[$STAThealthmax]>>\
<<set $Stats[$STATlust] to 0>>\
<<set $AskedAboutDay to [false,false,false,false]>>\
<<set $CalledToday to [false,false,false,false]>>\
@@color:LightGreen;Fatigue eliminated!@@
@@color:LightGreen;Health restored@@
<<if $WORLD.timeuntilteam is 1>>\
<<set $WORLD.timeuntilteam to 0>>\
@@color:LightGreen;The girls are ready for action!@@
<<elseif $WORLD.timeuntilteam > 1>>\
<<set $WORLD.timeuntilteam to $WORLD.timeuntilteam -1>>\
@@color:Yellow;The girls get a good night's rest!@@
<<set $Danger to $Danger + 1>>\
<<set _boss to "no">>\
<<set _bosscount to 0>>\
<<if $WORLD.bossD is 1>>\
<<set _bosscount to 1>>\
<<elseif (1 > 9) and ($WORLD.bossD is 0)>>\
<<set $WORLD.bossD to 1>>\
<<set _boss to "D">>\
<<if $WORLD.bossC is 1>>\
<<set _bosscount to _bosscount +1>>\
<<elseif (1 > 9) and ($WORLD.bossC is 0)>>\
<<set $WORLD.bossC to 1>>\
<<set _boss to "C">>\
<<if $WORLD.bossB is 1>>\
<<set _bosscount to _bosscount +1>>\
<<elseif ($REGIONS.region.airport[0] > 9) and ($WORLD.bossB is 0)>>\
<<set $WORLD.bossB to 1>>\
<<set _boss to "B">>\
<<if $WORLD.bossA is 1>>\
<<set _bosscount to _bosscount +1>>\
<<elseif ($REGIONS.local.beach[0] > 9) and ($WORLD.bossA is 0)>>\
<<set $WORLD.bossA to 1>>\
<<set _boss to "A">>\
<<if $Danger > 74>>\
@@color:Red;The tentacle menace grows dangerously!@@
<<elseif $Danger >49>>\
@@color:Yellow;The tentacle menace is growing strong!@@
<<elseif $Danger > 24>>\
@@color:Yellow;The tentacle threat is growing!@@
@@color:LightGreen;The tentacle threat grows a little worse than it was yesterday.@@
<<set $Danger to $Danger + _bosscount>>\
<<if _bosscount is 1>>\
@@color:Red;The presence of an undefeated boss tentacle attracts more dangerous tentacles!@@
<<elseif _bosscount > 1>>\
@@color:Red;The presence of multiple undefeated boss tentacles attracts even more dangerous tentacles!@@
<<if $BUFFS.BirthControl > 0>>\
<<set $BUFFS.BirthControl to $BUFFS.BirthControl - 1>>\
<<if $BUFFS.BirthControl < 1>>\
@@color:Red;Your birth control has expired!@@
<<elseif setup.GetTime("isfertile") is true>>
@@color:Pink;You feel especially aroused today@@
<<set $Stats[$STATlust] to 10>>\
<<set _sleepyt to 0>>\
<<for _i to 0; _i < $Cages +1; _i++>>\
<<if $Tentacles[_i].visitedtoday is true>>\
<<set _sleepyt to _sleepyt +1>>\
<<set $Tentacles[_i].visitedtoday to false>>\
<<if _sleepyt is 0>>\
<<elseif _sleepyt is 1>>\
@@color:Yellow;A tentacle monster in your basement has become aroused again@@
@@color:Yellow;The tentacle monsters in your basement have become aroused@@
<<set _NextSalesman to 0>>\
<<if setup.BossInterrupt() is false>>\
<<set _CurMonthNum to setup.GetTime("monthnum")>>\
<<set _BossStates to [$WORLD.bossA, $WORLD.bossB, $WORLD.bossC, $WORLD.bossD]>>\
<<for _SWhich to $WORLD.salesman.length; _SWhich > -1; _SWhich-->>\
<<if $WORLD.salesman[_SWhich] is 0>>\
<!-- only one visit each -->\
<<if (_BossStates[_SWhich] is 2) or (_BossStates[_SWhich] is 3)>>\
<!-- only if we beat samenum boss -->\
<<if _CurMonthNum > (_SWhich +1)>>\
<!-- min 1 month delay per salesman -->\
<<set _NextSalesman to _SWhich>>\
<!-- implement salesman -->\
<<set _NextSalesman to 0>>\
<<set _LazyCheck to $REGIONS.local.park[0] + $REGIONS.local.park[1]>>\
<<if $WORLD.fightstoday < 1>>\
<<set $WORLD.dayssincecombat to $WORLD.dayssincecombat +1>>\
<<set $WORLD.dayssincecombat to 0>>\
<<if setup.GameDay() is 359>>\
<!-- magical ball overrides all boss-related events -->\
@@color:Yellow;The Magical Ball is TOMORROW!@@
<<elseif $WORLD.pregnant is "conception">>\
<<set $WORLD.pregnant to $TimeTracker>>\
<<Narrator "Feeling sick when you wake up, you barely make it to the toilet before puking.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "...ugh, I feel awful.">>\
<<Narrator "That's when you feel a funny sensation in your belly, almost as if something is moving inside you.">>\
<<elseif ($WORLD.fightstoday is 0) and (_LazyCheck < 10) and (_LazyCheck < setup.GameDay()) and (setup.GameDay() > 3)>>\
<<PlayBGM "combat">>\
<<set _SleepLinkExit to "no">>\
<<set _FightsTodayPenalty to 1>>\
<<Narrator "You wake up to a loud knock on your door. Bleary-eyed and yawning, you crawl out of bed to find the rest of the team waiting for you, already in uniform.">>
<<if $TrainJobProgress[$TJJogging] > setup.GameDay() * 3>>\
<<set $WORLD.sleeptrackers[2] to "jog">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Wake up lazybones! This isn't //jogging simulator//. We're Magical Girls! We're here to vanquish evil!">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Hey, I'm just trying to be efficient!">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Yes, well...while you've been busy 'being efficient,' a tentacle monster has decided to run amok in the local park and is attacking innocent people! We have to help them!">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Hey, girls. What's up?">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "A tentacle monster is loose in the local park and is attacking innocent people! We have to help them!">>\
<<header "Options">>
<span id="KeypOne">\
<<link "1) Continue" "Combat">>
<<set $WORLD.BattleData[0] to "local">>\
<<set $WORLD.BattleData[1] to "park">>\
<<set $CameFrom to "EngageNew">>
<<set $WORLD.teamfightnow to true>>
<<set _rA to {minor: 100}>>\
<<set _rB to {red: 33, yellow: 33, blue: 33}>>\
<<set _rC to {puddle: 100}>>\
<<set $mon_request[0] = weightedEither(_rA)>>
<<set $mon_request[1] = weightedEither(_rB)>>
<<set $mon_request[2] = weightedEither(_rC)>>
<<PassTime 8>>\
<<ChangeStat $STATfatiguecur 10 $NoMod>>\
<<elseif _boss is "A">>\
<<set _SleepLinkExit to "no">>\
<<set _foo to "After a good night's rest, you check your phone to several missed messages from the girls plus a text from " + $MG[$PCPTR][1] + " asking you to call her right away.">>\
<<Narrator _foo>>
<<Speak $PCPTR "Uh, oh. Did something happen?">>\
<span id="KeypSpace">\
<<link "Press space to Continue" "WakeEvents">>
<<set $WORLD.datapasser to _boss>>
<<elseif _boss is "B">>\
<<set _SleepLinkExit to "no">>\
<<Narrator "You awake to the sensation of your bed shaking. Bleary-eyed, you get out of bed just as the motion stops. And then after another moment, you feel your entire room shake.">>
<<Speak $PCPTR "Earthquake?">>\
<<Narrator "Your phone rings.">>
<span id="KeypSpace">\
<<link "Press space to Continue" "WakeEvents">>
<<set $WORLD.datapasser to _boss>>
<<elseif _boss is "C">>\
<<set _SleepLinkExit to "no">>\
<<Narrator "Yawning yourself awake, you absent-mindedly turn on the television while you make yourself breakfast.">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "television.jpg" "Newscaster" "In recent news, the famous ocean explorer, Jack Crusteau claims to have found an underwater city in the middle of the Atlantic ocean. Social media users jokingly replied to bizarre architecture shown in the pictures, suggesting that he'd found R'lyeh, the sunken city where Cthuhlu sleeps. Back to you, John.">>\
<<set _foo to "...uhh. I'd better call " + $MG[$LeaderOne][1] + ".">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _foo>>\
<span id="KeypSpace">\
<<link "Press space to Continue" "WakeEvents">>
<<set $WORLD.datapasser to _boss>>
<<elseif _boss is "D">>\
<<set _SleepLinkExit to "no">>\
<<Narrator "You awake to the uneasy sensation that something isn't right.">>
<<Speak $PCPTR "I had the strangest dream last night. Some sort of massive tentacle monster came from space and tried to eat the whole planet. Haha, that couldn't possibly happen, right?">>\
<<Narrator "You glance outside to see the entire city cast in darkness. You pick up your phone.">>
<span id="KeypSpace">\
<<link "Press space to Continue" "WakeEvents">>
<<set $WORLD.datapasser to _boss>>
<<elseif $WORLD.bossReward[0] is 1>>\
<<set $WORLD.bossReward[0] to 2>>\
<<set $ to $ + 100>>\
<<set _foo to "When you wake up you find an envelope slipped under your door from " + $MG[$LeaderOne][1] + ". Inside is 100 monies and a note explaining that it's your share of the reward for defeating the bramble patch.">>\
<<Narrator _foo>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Awesome. I can really use this.">>\
<<elseif $WORLD.bossReward[1] is 1>>\
<<set $WORLD.bossReward[1] to 2>>\
<<set $ to $ + 100>>\
<<set _foo to "When you wake up you find an envelope slipped under your door from " + $MG[$LeaderOne][1] + ". Inside is 100 monies and a note explaining that it's your share of the reward for defeating the city wrecker.">>\
<<Narrator _foo>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Awesome. I can really use this.">>\
<<elseif $WORLD.bossReward[2] is 1>>\
<<set $WORLD.bossReward[2] to 2>>\
<<set $ to $ + 100>>\
<<set _foo to "When you wake up you find an envelope slipped under your door from " + $MG[$LeaderOne][1] + ". Inside is 100 monies and a note explaining that it's your share of the reward for defeating the mega-squid.">>\
<<Narrator _foo>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Awesome. I can really use this.">>\
<<elseif $WORLD.bossReward[3] is 1>>\
<<set $WORLD.bossReward[3] to 2>>\
<<set $ to $ + 100>>\
<<set _foo to "When you wake up you find an envelope slipped under your door from " + $MG[$LeaderOne][1] + ". Inside is 100 monies and a note explaining that it's your share of the reward for defeating the cosmic horror.">>\
<<Narrator _foo>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Awesome. I can really use this.">>\
<<elseif $WORLD.bossReward[0] is 10>>\
<<set $WORLD.bossReward[0] to 2>>\
<<set _SleepLinkExit to "no">>\
<<set _foo to "You awake to a familiar-sounding knock on your door. Bleary-eyed, you get out of bed to find " + $MG[$LeaderOne][1] + " standing outside with an envelope in her hand and a pensive look on her face.">>\
<<Narrator _foo>>
<<set _foo to "Hey, " + $MG[$PCPTR][1] + ". Can we talk?">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne _foo>>\
<span id="KeypSpace">\
<<link "Press space to Continue" "WakeEvents">>
<<set $WORLD.datapasser to "solo boss A team wakeup">>
<<elseif $WORLD.bossReward[1] is 10>>\
<<set $WORLD.bossReward[1] to 2>>\
<<set _SleepLinkExit to "no">>\
<<set _foo to "You awake to an angry knock on your door. Yawning yourself awake, you crawl out of bed to find " + $MG[$LeaderOne][1] + " standing at your door with her hands on her hips.">>\
<<Narrator _foo>>
<<set _foo to "Uhh, hey " + $MG[$LeaderOne][1] + ". Are you ok?">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne _foo>>\
<span id="KeypSpace">\
<<link "Press space to Continue" "WakeEvents">>
<<set $WORLD.datapasser to "solo boss B team wakeup">>
<<elseif $WORLD.dayssincecombat > 1>>\
<<set _SleepFightChance to ($WORLD.dayssincecombat + 10) + $Danger)>>\
<<if _SleepFightChance < random(1,100)>>\
<<set _SleepLinkExit to "no">>\
<<Narrator "You wake up to a loud knock on your door. Bleary-eyed and yawning, you crawl out of bed to find the rest of the team waiting for you, already in uniform.">>
<<set _KeyNonsense to setup.GetHighestZone()>>\
<<set _a to _KeyNonsense[0]>>\
<<set _b to _KeyNonsense[1]>>\
<<set _EnglishName to _KeyNonsense[2]>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Hey, girls. What's up?">>\
<<set _bar to "A tentacle monster is loose " + _EnglishName + " and is attacking innocent people! We have to help them!">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne _bar>>\
<<header "Options">>
<span id="KeypOne">\
<<link "1) Continue" "Combat">>
<<set $WORLD.BattleData[0] to "local">>\
<<set $WORLD.BattleData[1] to "park">>\
<<set $CameFrom to "EngageNew">>
<<set $WORLD.teamfightnow to true>>
<<set _rA to {minor: 100}>>\
<<set _rB to {red: 33, yellow: 33, blue: 33}>>\
<<set _rC to {puddle: 100}>>\
<<set $mon_request[0] = weightedEither(_rA)>>
<<set $mon_request[1] = weightedEither(_rB)>>
<<set $mon_request[2] = weightedEither(_rC)>>
Implement generation of monster type by REGION.a.b name
<<PassTime 8>>\
<<ChangeStat $STATfatiguecur 10 $NoMod>>\
<<elseif _NextSalesman > 0>>\
<<set _SleepLinkExit to "no">>\
<<Narrator "You're awakened by a knock on your door.">>\
<<set _bar to "I wonder who that could be. It doesn't sound like " + $MG[$LeaderOne][1] + "'s knock. ">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _bar>>\
<<header "Options">>
<span id="KeypOne">\
<<link "1) Answer the door" "Salesman">>
<span id="KeypTwo">\
<<link "2) Ignore it" "Main">>
<<set _ShowSleepIn to false>>\
<<if _SleepLinkExit is "no">>\
<<elseif _SleepLinkExit is "generic">>\
<<header "Options">>
<span id="KeypOne">\
<<link "1) Continue" "Main">>
<<if ($WORLD.sleeptrackers[1] is 0) and (setup.GameDay() > 9)>>\
<<set _ShowSleepIn to true>>
<<set $WORLD.sleeptrackers[1] to 1>>\
<span id="KeypTwo">\
<<link "2) Sleep until evening" "Main">>
<<PassTime 48>>\
<<if $WORLD.sleeptrackers[0] is 0>>\
<<set $WORLD.sleeptrackers[0] to 1>>\
<<Narrator "You wake up and turn on the news to a report about tentacle attacks becoming more common.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Hmm. Seems like every day the world becomes a more dangerous place.">>\
<<elseif _ShowSleepIn is true>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "...ugh, I'm so tired! Maybe I should just sleep in today. I'm a Magical Girl. It's not like anyone would stop me. Although tentacles are probably more dangerous at night.">>\
<<set $WORLD.fightstoday to 0 - _FightsTodayPenalty>>\
<<header "Options">>
<span id="KeypEsc">\
<<link "Esc) close window">>
<!-- implement: widgetify this to avoid duplication in combat/waitress/social/etc? -->\
<<set _WStats to setup.FetchEquip("Weapon", $INVEN.EquipWeapon)>>\
<<set _WShortName to _WStats[0]>>\
<<set _WToHit to _WStats[2]>>\
<<set _WToDam to _WStats[3]>>\
<<set _WPhysDodge to _WStats[4]>>\
<<set _WMagDodge to _WStats[5]>>\
<<set _WAbsorb to _WStats[6]>>\
<<set _WChest to _WStats[7]>>\
<<set _WWaist to _WStats[8]>>\
<<set _WHeight to _WStats[9]>>\
<<set _WSexy to _WStats[10]>>\
<<set _WWaitress to _WStats[11]>>\
<<set _WUnique to _WStats[12]>>\
<<set _UStats to setup.FetchEquip("Uniform", $INVEN.EquipUniform)>>\
<<set _UShortName to _UStats[0]>>\
<<set _UToHit to _UStats[2]>>\
<<set _UToDam to _UStats[3]>>\
<<set _UPhysDodge to _UStats[4]>>\
<<set _UMagDodge to _UStats[5]>>\
<<set _UAbsorb to _UStats[6]>>\
<<set _UChest to _UStats[7]>>\
<<set _UWaist to _UStats[8]>>\
<<set _UHeight to _UStats[9]>>\
<<set _USexy to _UStats[10]>>\
<<set _UWaitress to _UStats[11]>>\
<<set _UUnique to _UStats[12]>>\
<!-- [shortdesc, longdesc, tohit, todam, physdodge, magdodge, absorb, chest, waist, height, sexy, waitress] -->\
<<set _EToHit to 0>>\
<<set _EToDam to 0>>\
<<set _EPhysDodge to 0>>\
<<set _EMagDodge to 0>>\
<<set _EAbsorb to 0>>\
<<set _EChest to 0>>\
<<set _EWaist to 0>>\
<<set _EHeight to 0>>\
<<set _ESexy to 0>>\
<<set _EWaitress to 0>>\
<<for _i to 0; _i < $INVEN.Extras.length; _i++>>\
<<if $INVEN.Extras[_i] is -1>>\
<<set _EStats to setup.FetchEquip("Extras", _i)>>\
<<set _EToHit to _EToHit + _EStats[2]>>\
<<set _EToDam to _EToDam + _EStats[3]>>\
<<set _EPhysDodge to _EPhysDodge + _EStats[4]>>\
<<set _EMagDodge to _EMagDodge + _EStats[5]>>\
<<set _EAbsorb to _EAbsorb + _EStats[6]>>\
<<set _EChest to _EChest + _EStats[7]>>\
<<set _EWaist to _EWaist + _EStats[8]>>\
<<set _EHeight to _EHeight + _EStats[9]>>\
<<set _ESexy to _ESexy + _EStats[10]>>\
<<set _EWaitress to _EWaitress + _EStats[11]>>\
<!-- can't stack uniques -->\
<<set _TotalToHit to $Stats[$STATphysatt] + _WToHit + _UToHit + _EToHit>>\
<<set _TotalToDam to _WToDam + _UToDam + _EToDam>>\
<<set _MagTotalToHit to $Stats[$STATmagatt]>><!-- no equipment bonuses possible? -->\
<<set _TotalPhysDodge to _WPhysDodge + _UPhysDodge + _EPhysDodge>>\
<<set _TotalMagDodge to _WMagDodge + _UMagDodge + _EMagDodge>>\
<<set _TotalAbsorb to _WAbsorb + _UAbsorb + _EAbsorb>>\
<<set _TotalChest to _WChest + _UChest + _EChest >>\
<<set _TotalWaist to _WWaist + _UWaist + _EWaist>>\
<<set _TotalHeight to _WHeight + _UHeight + _EHeight>>\
<<set _TotalSexy to _WSexy + _USexy + _ESexy>>\
<<set _TotalWaitress to _WWaitress + _UWaitress + _EWaitress>>\
<<if _TotalAbsorb > 0>><<set _TotalAbsorb to "@@color:LightGreen;" + _TotalAbsorb + "@@">><<endif>>\
<<set _boobstext to "" + $Stats[$STATboobs]>>\
<<if _TotalChest > 0>>\
<<set _boobstext to _boobstext + "@@color:LightGreen;+" + _TotalChest + "@@">>\
<<set _waisttext to "" + $Stats[$STATwaist]>>\
<<if _TotalWaist < 0>>\
<<set _waisttext to _waisttext + "@@color:LightGreen;" + _TotalWaist + "@@">>\
<<set _heighttext to "" + $Stats[$STATheight]>>\
<<if _TotalHeight > 0>>\
<<set _heighttext to _heighttext + "@@color:LightGreen;+" + _TotalHeight + "@@">>\
<<set _puritytext to "" + $Stats[$STATpurity]>>\
<<if _TotalSexy > 0>>\
<<set _puritytext to _puritytext + "@@color:Red;-" + _TotalSexy + "@@">>\
<<elseif _TotalSexy < 0>>\
<<set _puritytext to _puritytext + "@@color:LightGreen;+" + _TotalSexy + "@@">>\
<<set _physdeftext to setup.Hundredths($Stats[$STATphysdef])>>\
<<if _TotalPhysDodge > 0>>\
<<set _physdeftext to _physdeftext + "@@color:LightGreen;+" + _TotalPhysDodge + "@@">>\
<<elseif _TotalPhysDodge < 0>>\
<<set _physdeftext to _physdeftext + "@@color:Red;" + _TotalPhysDodge + "@@">>\
<<set _magdeftext to setup.Hundredths($Stats[$STATmagdef])>>\
<<if _TotalMagDodge > 0>>\
<<set _magdeftext to _magdeftext + "@@color:LightGreen;+" + _TotalMagDodge + "@@">>\
<<elseif _TotalMagDodge < 0>>\
<<set _magdeftext to _magdeftext + "@@color:Red;" + _TotalMagDodge + "@@">>\
<<set _tohittext to "(1-100) ">>\
<<if _TotalToHit > 0>>\
<<set _tohittext to _tohittext + "@@color:LightGreen;+" + Math.trunc(_TotalToHit) + "@@">>\
<<elseif _TotalToHit < 0>>\
<<set _tohittext to _tohittext + "@@color:Red;+" + Math.trunc(_TotalToHit) + "@@">>\
<!-- no magic tohit bonuses from equipment? -->\
<<set _magtohittext to "(1-100) ">>\
<<if _MagTotalToHit > 0>>\
<<set _magtohittext to _magtohittext + "@@color:LightGreen;+" + Math.trunc(_MagTotalToHit) + "@@">>\
<<elseif _MagTotalToHit < 0>>\
<<set _magtohittext to _magtohittext + "@@color:Red;+" + Math.trunc(_MagTotalToHit) + "@@">>\
<<set _SFPR to $WORLD.datapasser>>\
<<set _SFPR to setup.Hundredths(_SFPR)>>\
<<set _SxyText to 0>>\
<<if _SFPR > 0>>\
<<set _SxyText to "@@color:LightGreen;" + _SFPR + "@@">>\
<<elseif _SFPR < 0>>\
<<set _SxyText to "@@color:Red;" + _SFPR + "@@">>\
<<set _mindam to 1>>\
<<set _maxdam to Math.trunc($Stats[$STATstr] / 2)>>\
<<set _damtext to "" + _mindam + "-" + _maxdam>>\
<<if _TotalToDam > 0>>\
<<set _damtext to _damtext + "@@color:LightGreen;+" + _TotalToDam + "@@">>\
<<set _magmindam to 1>>\
<<set _magmaxdam to Math.trunc($Stats[$STATint] / 2)>>\
Name: <<print $MG[$PCPTR][1]>>, <<print $MG[$PCPTR][3]>> hair, Blood type: <<print $MG[$PCPTR][2]>>
Money: <<print $>>\
<table style="width:100%"><tr><td style ="width: 1%; white-space: nowrap; vertical-align:top;">\
<<header "Physical Stats">>
Boobs: <<print _boobstext>> inches
Waist <<print _waisttext>> inches
Hips: <<print $Stats[$STAThips]>> inches
Height: <<print _heighttext>> inches
Weight: <<print $Stats[$STATweight]>> pounds\
</td><td valign="top">\
</td><td valign="top">\
<<header "General">>
Strength: $Stats[$STATstr]
Intellect: $Stats[$STATint]
Constitution: $Stats[$STATcon]
Purity: $Stats[$STATpurity]
Conversation: $Stats[$STATconverse]
</td><td valign="top">\
<<header "Combat">>
Physical attack: <<print setup.Hundredths($Stats[$STATphysatt])>>
Physical defense: <<print setup.Hundredths($Stats[$STATphysdef])>>
Magic attack: <<print setup.Hundredths($Stats[$STATmagatt])>>
Magic defense: <<print setup.Hundredths($Stats[$STATmagdef])>>
</td><td valign="top">\
<<header "Sexuality">>
Lust: (<<print $Stats[$STATlust]>> / <<print $Stats[$STATlustcap]>>)
Corruption: (<<print $Stats[$STATcorrupt]>> / 100)
Flirt power: _SxyText
<<if setup.GetTime("isfertile") is true>>\
@@color:Pink;Fertility window: <<GetFertility>>@@\
Fertility window: <<GetFertility>>\
<<header "Currently wearing">>
Weapon: <<EquipWeaponButtons>>
Uniform: <<EquipUniformButtons>>
Extras: <<EquipExtrasButtons>>
<table style="width:100%"><tr><td style ="width: 1%; white-space: nowrap; vertical-align:top;">\
<<header "Offense">>
Current weapon: <<print _WShortName>>
Physical to-hit roll: _tohittext
Physical damage: _damtext
Magic to-hit roll: _magtohittext
Magic damage: _magmindam to _magmaxdam
<<header "Sex stats">>
Oral count: $TimesBlowjob
Vaginal count: $TimesVaginal
Anal count: $TimesAnal
</td><td valign="top">\
</td><td valign="top">\
<<header "Defense">>
Base health: 10
Bonus health: +<<print $Stats[$STATcon]>> from constitution
Physical defense: _physdeftext
Damage absorption: _TotalAbsorb
Magical defense: _magdeftext
<<set _specialreduce to Math.trunc($Stats[$STATcon] / 10)>>\
<<if _specialreduce > 0>>\
Special effect reduction: +<<print _specialreduce>>
<<elseif _specialreduce < 0>>\
Special effect penalty: _specialreduce
Special effect reduction: none
<<header "Misc stats">>
Total combat victories: <<print $LogKills>>
Rainbow blast cannon of friendship uses: $WORLD.cannonfiredcount
</td><td valign="top">\
<<header "Usable items">>
<<header "Active Effects">>
<<PlayBGM "main">>\
<<header "Team Magicial Girl Assemble!">>
<<set $FertilityStart to random(14,25)>>\
<<set $FertilityEnd to $FertilityStart + 3>>\
<<set $PCPTR to 0>>\
<<set $LeaderOne to 1>>\
<<set $FieryOne to 2>>\
<<set $ShyOne to 3>>\
<<set $RivalOne to 4>>\
<<set _hairblack to [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]>>\
<<set _hairblonde to [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11]>>\
<<set _hairblue to [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]>>\
<<set _hairbrown to [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]>>\
<<set _hairgreen to []>>\
<<set _hairpink to [1,2,3,4,5,6]>>\
<<set _hairpurple to [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]>>\
<<set _hairred to [1,2,3,4]>>\
<<set _hairwhite to [1,2,3,4,5,6]>>\
<<set _colorlist to ["black", "blonde", "blue", "brown","pink","purple","red","white"]>>\
<<set _namelist to ["Ami","Ai","Aoi","Aya","Cho","Chiyoko","Emi","Fumiko","Hanako","Hiroko","Hosshi","Kagami","Kaori","Kaoru","Kazumi","Keiko","Kimiko","Kumi","Koko","Machiko","Mai","Kyoko","Mari","Mariko","Michiko","Misa","Miyu","Noa","Nori","Nanko","Nanami","Rei","Ren","Sachiko","Saiko","Sakura","Sanyu","Saori","Toshiko","Yuki"]>>\
<<set _namelist to ["Ami","Chichi","Fumiko","Hoshi","Izumi","Kaori","Kyoko","Mai","Megumi","Rei","Ren","Sakura","Tsuna","Yuki"]>>\
<<set _bloodlist to ["A","O","B","AB"]>>\
<<for _i to 0; _i < 4; _i++>>\
<<set _foo to random(0, _colorlist.length) -1>>\
<<set $MG[_i][3] to _colorlist.deleteAt(_foo)[0]>>\
<<if _i is $PCPTR>>\
<<if $MG[_i][3] is "black">>\
<<set _bar to random(0, _hairblack.length -1)>>\
<<set $MG[_i][0] to _hairblack[_bar]>>\
<<elseif $MG[_i][3] is "blonde">>\
<<set _bar to random(0, _hairblonde.length -1)>>\
<<set $MG[_i][0] to _hairblonde[_bar]>>\
<<elseif $MG[_i][3] is "blue">>\
<<set _bar to random(0, _hairblue.length -1)>>\
<<set $MG[_i][0] to _hairblue[_bar]>>\
<<elseif $MG[_i][3] is "brown">>\
<<set _bar to random(0, _hairbrown.length -1)>>\
<<set $MG[_i][0] to _hairbrown[_bar]>>\
<<elseif $MG[_i][3] is "green">>\
<<elseif $MG[_i][3] is "pink">>\
<<set $MG[_i][0] to either(1,2,3,5,6)>>\
<<elseif $MG[_i][3] is "purple">>\
<<set $MG[_i][0] to either(1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9,10)>>\
<<elseif $MG[_i][3] is "red">>\
<<set $MG[_i][0] to either(1,2,3)>>\
<<elseif $MG[_i][3] is "white">>\
<<set $MG[_i][0] to either(1,2,3,5,6)>>\
@@color:Red;Error in CharGen: failed on the color to array@@: <<print $MG[_i][3]>>
<<elseif _i is $LeaderOne>>\
<<if $MG[_i][3] is "black">>\
<<set _bar to either(4,6,8,9)>>\
<<set $MG[_i][0] to _hairblack.delete(_bar)[0]>>\
<<elseif $MG[_i][3] is "blonde">>\
<<set _bar to either(3,5)>>\
<<set $MG[_i][0] to _hairblonde.delete(_bar)[0]>>\
<<elseif $MG[_i][3] is "blue">>\
<<set _bar to either(3,5)>>\
<<set $MG[_i][0] to _hairblue.delete(_bar)[0]>>\
<<elseif $MG[_i][3] is "brown">>\
<<set _bar to either(5,6)>>\
<<set $MG[_i][0] to _hairbrown.delete(_bar)[0]>>\
<<elseif $MG[_i][3] is "pink">>\
<<set _bar to either(6)>>\
<<set $MG[_i][0] to _hairpink.delete(_bar)[0]>>\
<<elseif $MG[_i][3] is "green">>\
<<elseif $MG[_i][3] is "pink">>\
<<set _bar to either(1,4,5,6,7)>>\
<<set $MG[_i][0] to _hairpurple.deleteAt(_bar)[0]>>\
<<elseif $MG[_i][3] is "purple">>\
<<set _bar to either(1,3,6,9)>>\
<<set $MG[_i][0] to _hairpurple.delete(_bar)[0]>>\
<<elseif $MG[_i][3] is "red">>\
<<set _bar to either(3)>>\
<<set $MG[_i][0] to _hairred.delete(_bar)[0]>>\
<<elseif $MG[_i][3] is "white">>\
<<set _bar to either(3,5)>>\
<<set $MG[_i][0] to _hairwhite.delete(_bar)[0]>>\
@@color:Red;Error in CharGen: failed on the color to array@@: <<print $MG[_i][3]>>
<<elseif _i is $FieryOne>>\
<<if $MG[_i][3] is "black">>\
<<set _bar to either(2,5,7)>>\
<<set $MG[_i][0] to _hairblack.delete(_bar)[0]>>\
<<elseif $MG[_i][3] is "blonde">>\
<<set _bar to either(4,7,8,9)>>\
<<set $MG[_i][0] to _hairblonde.delete(_bar)[0]>>\
<<elseif $MG[_i][3] is "blue">>\
<<set _bar to either(6,7)>>\
<<set $MG[_i][0] to _hairblue.delete(_bar)[0]>>\
<<elseif $MG[_i][3] is "brown">>\
<<set _bar to either(2)>>\
<<set $MG[_i][0] to _hairbrown.delete(_bar)[0]>>\
<<elseif $MG[_i][3] is "pink">>\
<<set _bar to either(1,5)>>\
<<set $MG[_i][0] to _hairpink.delete(_bar)[0]>>\
<<elseif $MG[_i][3] is "green">>\
<<elseif $MG[_i][3] is "pink">>\
<<set _bar to either(1,2,4,5,6,7)>>\
<<set $MG[_i][0] to _hairpurple.deleteAt(_bar)[0]>>\
<<elseif $MG[_i][3] is "purple">>\
<<set _bar to either(4,7)>>\
<<set $MG[_i][0] to _hairpurple.delete(_bar)[0]>>\
<<elseif $MG[_i][3] is "red">>\
<<set _bar to either(2,4)>>\
<<set $MG[_i][0] to _hairred.delete(_bar)[0]>>\
<<elseif $MG[_i][3] is "white">>\
<<set _bar to either(4,6)>>\
<<set $MG[_i][0] to _hairwhite.delete(_bar)[0]>>\
@@color:Red;Error in CharGen: failed on the color to array@@: <<print $MG[_i][3]>>
<<elseif _i is $ShyOne>>\
<<if $MG[_i][3] is "black">>\
<<set _bar to either(1,3)>>\
<<set $MG[_i][0] to _hairblack.delete(_bar)[0]>>\
<<elseif $MG[_i][3] is "blonde">>\
<<set _bar to either(1,2,6,10,11)>>\
<<set $MG[_i][0] to _hairblonde.delete(_bar)[0]>>\
<<elseif $MG[_i][3] is "blue">>\
<<set _bar to either(2,4)>>\
<<set $MG[_i][0] to _hairblue.delete(_bar)[0]>>\
<<elseif $MG[_i][3] is "brown">>\
<<set _bar to either(1,4,7,8,9)>>\
<<set $MG[_i][0] to _hairbrown.delete(_bar)[0]>>\
<<elseif $MG[_i][3] is "pink">>\
<<set _bar to either(3,4,6)>>\
<<set $MG[_i][0] to _hairpink.delete(_bar)[0]>>\
<<elseif $MG[_i][3] is "green">>\
<<elseif $MG[_i][3] is "pink">>\
<<set _bar to either(2,3,4)>>\
<<set $MG[_i][0] to _hairpurple.deleteAt(_bar)[0]>>\
<<elseif $MG[_i][3] is "purple">>\
<<set _bar to either(2,5,8,10)>>\
<<set $MG[_i][0] to _hairpurple.delete(_bar)[0]>>\
<<elseif $MG[_i][3] is "red">>\
<<set _bar to either(1)>>\
<<set $MG[_i][0] to _hairred.delete(_bar)[0]>>\
<<elseif $MG[_i][3] is "white">>\
<<set _bar to either(1,2)>>\
<<set $MG[_i][0] to _hairwhite.delete(_bar)[0]>>\
@@color:Red;Error in CharGen: failed on the color to array@@: <<print $MG[_i][3]>>
@@color:Red;Error: invalid PTR in CharGen@@
<<set _foo to random(0, _namelist.length -1)>>\
<<set $MG[_i][1] to _namelist.deleteAt(_foo)[0]>>\
<!-- Previous line fixes string being an array -->\
<!-- implement sanity here -->\
<<set $MG[_i][2] to either(_bloodlist)>>\
<<set $MG[_i][$MGPTRweight] to random(95, 130)>>\
<<set $MG[_i][$MGPTRheight] to random(58, 66)>>\
<<set $MG[_i][$MGPTRbust] to random(27, 34)>>\
<<set $MG[_i][$MGPTRwaist] to random(22, 26)>>\
<<set $MG[_i][$MGPTRhips] to random(30, 36)>>\
<<set $MG[_i][$MGPTRdisposition] to random(10,20)>>\
<<set $MG[_i][$MGPTRmood] to random(10,40)>>\
<span id="avatar0">\
<<set _foo to "AV" + $MG[0][3] + $MG[0][0] + ".png">>\
<<SimplePic _foo>>\
@@color:Gold;Name:@@ <<textbox "$MG[0][1]" $MG[0][1]>>
Blood type: <<print $MG[0][2]>>
Hair color: <<print $MG[0][3].toUpperFirst()>>
<span id="avatar1">\
<<set _foo to "AV" + $MG[1][3] + $MG[1][0] + ".png">>\
<<SimplePic _foo>>\
<center>@@color:Aqua;Team Captain@@</center>\
@@color:Gold;Name: <<textbox "$MG[1][1]" $MG[1][1]>>@@
Blood type: <<print $MG[1][2]>>
Hair color: <<print $MG[1][3].toUpperFirst()>>
<span id="avatar2">\
<<set _foo to "AV" + $MG[2][3] + $MG[2][0] + ".png">>\
<<SimplePic _foo>>\
<center>@@color:Aqua;The Brawler@@</center>\
@@color:Gold;Name: <<textbox "$MG[2][1]" $MG[2][1]>>@@
Blood type: <<print $MG[2][2]>>
Hair color: <<print $MG[2][3].toUpperFirst()>>
<span id="avatar3">\
<<set _foo to "AV" + $MG[3][3] + $MG[3][0] + ".png">>\
<<SimplePic _foo>>\
<center>@@color:Aqua;The Shy Healer@@</center>\
@@color:Gold;Name:@@ <<textbox "$MG[3][1]" $MG[3][1]>>
Blood type: <<print $MG[3][2]>>
Hair color: <<print $MG[3][3].toUpperFirst()>>
<<header "Options">>
<span id="KeypOne">\
<<link "1) Generate a new team" "CharGen">>
<span id="KeypTwo">\
<<link "2) Play!" "Intro">>
<<header "Choose your Magical Girl!">>
<<set _MGavatar to []>>\
<<set _MGname to ["Karin"]>>\
<<set _MGcolor to ["blue"]>>\
<<set _MGblood to ["O+"]>>\
<<set _MGcompanion to ["cat"]>>\
<<set _avlist to [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22]>>\
<<set _namelist to ["Ayuki","Sayu","Ai","Aoi","Aya","Cho","Emi","Fumiko","Hanako","Harue","Kagami","Kairi","Kaori","Kaoru","Kazumi","Kimiko","Kumi","Koko","Machiko","Mai","Kyoko","Mari","Mariko","Michiko","Misa","Miyu","Nanko","Nanami","Rei","Sachiko","Saiko","Sakura","Sanyu","Saori","Toshiko","Tsunade","Yumi","Yuki"]>>\
<<set _clist to ["cat","cat","dog","parrot","piglet","rabbit","fish"]>>\
<<set _bloodlist to ["A","O","B","AB"]>>\
<<set _colorlist to ["blue","red","yellow","orange","purple","green","pink","black","white"]>>\
<<set _MG to []>>\
<<for _i to 0; _i < 4; _i++>>\
<<set _MG[_i] to ["avatar","name","blood","color","companion"]>>\
<<for _i to 0; _i < 4; _i++>>\
<<set _MG[_i][0] to either(_avlist)>>\
<<set _max to _avlist.length - _i>>\
<<set _foo to random(0, _max)>>\
<<set _avlist[_foo] to _avlist.length - _i>>\
<<set _MG[_i][1] to either(_namelist)>>\
<<set _MG[_i][2] to either(_bloodlist)>>\
<<set _MG[_i][3] to either(_colorlist)>>\
<<set _MG[_i][4] to either(_clist)>>\
<table border=1><tr><td>\
<span id="avatar0">\
<<set _foo to $ImgPath + "av" + _MG[0][0] + ".png">>\
<div id="img-misc"><img @src="_foo"></div>\
Name: <<print _MG[0][1]>>
Blood type: <<print _MG[0][2]>>
Favorite color: <<print _MG[0][3]>>
Animal companion: <<print _MG[0][4]>>
<<set _bar to "[Play as " + _MG[0][1] + "!]">>\
<<link _bar "Main">>
<<set $Pavatar to _MG[0][0]>>
<<set $PName to _MG[0][1]>>
<<set $PBlood to _MG[0][2]>>
<<set $PColor to _MG[0][3]>>
<<set $PCompanion to _MG[0][4]>>
<span id="avatar1">\
<<set _foo to $ImgPath + "av" + _MG[1][0] + ".png">>\
<div id="img-misc"><img @src="_foo"></div>\
Name: <<print _MG[1][1]>>
Blood type: <<print _MG[1][2]>>
Favorite color: <<print _MG[1][3]>>
Animal companion: <<print _MG[1][4]>>
<<set _bar to "[Play as " + _MG[1][1] + "!]">>\
<<link _bar "Main">>
<<set $Pavatar to _MG[1][0]>>
<<set $PName to _MG[1][1]>>
<<set $PBlood to _MG[1][2]>>
<<set $PColor to _MG[1][3]>>
<<set $PCompanion to _MG[1][4]>>
<span id="avatar3">\
<<set _foo to $ImgPath + "av" + _MG[2][0] + ".png">>\
<div id="img-misc"><img @src="_foo"></div>\
Name: <<print _MG[2][1]>>
Blood type: <<print _MG[2][2]>>
Favorite color: <<print _MG[2][3]>>
Animal companion: <<print _MG[2][4]>>
<<set _bar to "[Play as " + _MG[2][1] + "!]">>\
<<link _bar "Main">>
<<set $Pavatar to _MG[2][0]>>
<<set $PName to _MG[2][1]>>
<<set $PBlood to _MG[2][2]>>
<<set $PColor to _MG[2][3]>>
<<set $PCompanion to _MG[2][4]>>
<span id="avatar4">\
<<set _foo to $ImgPath + "av" + _MG[3][0] + ".png">>\
<div id="img-misc"><img @src="_foo"></div>\
Name: <<print _MG[3][1]>>
Blood type: <<print _MG[3][2]>>
Favorite color: <<print _MG[3][3]>>
Animal companion: <<print _MG[3][4]>>
<<set _bar to "[Play as " + _MG[3][1] + "!]">>\
<<link _bar "Main">>
<<set $Pavatar to _MG[3][0]>>
<<set $PName to _MG[3][1]>>
<<set $PBlood to _MG[3][2]>>
<<set $PColor to _MG[3][3]>>
<<set $PCompanion to _MG[3][4]>>
<<header "Options">>
<span id="KeypOne">\
<<link "1) Generate a new list" "CharGen">>
<hr>\<<PlayBGM "main">>\
<<set $CameFrom to passage()>>\
<<set $CaptionMode to "default">>\
<<if $GameStarted is "OleftOverFromPreV2Avatars">>\
<<set _team to [0,1,2,3]>>\
<<set _foo to _team.deleteAt($PCPTR)>>\
<<set $FieryOne to _team[random(0, 2)]>>\
<<set _bas to _team.delete($FieryOne)>>\
<<set $ShyOne to _team[random(0, 1)]>>\
<<set _bas to _team.delete($ShyOne)>>\
<<set $LeaderOne to _team[0]>>\
<<set $GameStarted to true>>\
<<if $GameStarted is false>>\
<<set $GameStarted to true>>\
<<set _ExitMethod to "loop">>\
<<if $StoryProgress[$StoryIntro] is 0>>\
<<if $DialogueTracking is 0>>\
<<Narrator "In a nearby city, a team of Magical Girls return from an exhausting day of work.">>\
<<SimplePic "cityscapeMINI.jpg">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Way to go team!">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Yeah, we sure beat the snot out of those monsters today! Because we're awesome!">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Don't you ever feel sorry for them though?">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "WHAT?!?! No, of course not! The only good tentacle monster is a dead tentacle monster!">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Agreed! It's our sacred duty as Magical Girls to fight evil! To protect the innocent, and keep them out of harm's way. That means banishing every tentacle that dares enter the city!">>\
<<elseif $DialogueTracking is 1>>\
<<SimplePic "cityscapeMINI.jpg">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Oh, I know all of that. Of course. But, I's not like they're really hurting anybody.">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Are you crazy?!? You've SEEN what they do! You saw what that monster we just beat up did to those girls!!!">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "...well, umm...I mean, yes. I'm sorry. Don't mind me. I was just thinking out loud.">>\
<<elseif $DialogueTracking is 2>>\
<<set _foo to "Returning home, you can't help but consider " + $MG[$ShyOne][1] + "'s words. Now that you think about it, while it's true that the tentacles rape every human woman they can find, you've never known one to physically injure a girl. In fact, they've been known to physically shield girls in their clutches from bullets and attacks, and they always leave girls alive when they're finished.">>\
<<Narrator _foo>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "...I wonder what it would be like.">>\
<<Narrator "Of course, the reason they keep the girls safe is because their rape sessions aren't just for fun. They're to breed fertile young women into birthing more of their spawn.">>
<<Speak $PCPTR "...I wonder what THAT would be like. No, I shouldn't think like that. My secret crush wouldn't like it. It's just too bad I'm so plain and flat-chested, who'd ever want to go out with me? I'll probably be a virgin forever and then become a crazy cat lady.">>\
<<Narrator "Setting aside your idle ponderings, you head to bed and settle down into a troubled sleep.">>\
<<elseif $DialogueTracking is 3>>\
<<set _foo to "You awake the following morning to a message from " + $MG[$LeaderOne][1] + " asking you and the other girls to meet up. You don your Magical Girl uniform and head out right away.">>\
<<Narrator _foo>>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Thanks for coming, girls. I know you'd all rather be sleeping in on a Saturday.">>\
<<set _foo to "Oh, it's no trouble, " + $MG[$LeaderOne][1] + ". I'm just glad I got your text. We're all happy to help whenever we're needed!">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne _foo>>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Yeah, whatever. So what's the deal? Are we gonna go kick some tentacle butt, or what?">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Not today! I have fantastic news! I've just received a letter from the Magical Girl Academy, and we've been formally recognized as an official Sentai Team! That means we qualify to attend the annual Magical Girl's Magical Ball!">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "The what?">>\
<<elseif $DialogueTracking is 4>>\
<<SimplePic "ballroomMINI.jpg">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "The Magical Girl's Magical Ball is an annual dance party with cookies and cake and gowns and dancing, by invite only, for all the world's Magical Girls. And we're invited!">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Sounds completely lame. Bunch of stuck up prissies in uncomfortable clothes wiggling their butts when they could be out smashing tentacles. I'm not gonna waste my time.">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Well, I think it sounds nice. It would be a chance to dress up and be pretty!">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "So are you going to go?">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Who, //me?!?// Oh, goodness no! I'd be too shy to stand in front of all those people.">>\
<<elseif $DialogueTracking is 5>>\
<<set _foo to "What about you, " + $MG[$LeaderOne][1] + "? Are you going?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _foo>>\
<<set _foo to "I'd like to. It would help establish our team to be seen in those circles. But this is a social occasion, not a networking meeting, and I...well, I'm afraid I don't have anyone to go with. I'm not sure it would send the right message to go without a date.">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne _foo>>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Yeah, only a loser would go to a dance like that. But you'd have to be the king of losers to go alone.">>\
<<set _foo to "What about you, " + $MG[$PCPTR][1] + "? Do you have a special someone you'd like to ask to the ball?">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne _foo>>\
<<elseif $DialogueTracking is 6>>\
<<Narrator "The three girls look at you expectantly. You choke up, too embarrassed to admit that there is indeed someone very close to your heart, someone you'd dearly love to ask to the ball. Your secret crush. And she's looking at you right now.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Well...maybe? I...uhh, I'll have to think about it.">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Hahaha! You dork! I bet you totally have someone you wanna ask, but you're just too scared to do it!">>\
<<Narrator "While you stare at the ground, trying to formulate an answer, a scream rings out a short distance away. The four of you immediately run towards it.">>\
<<elseif $DialogueTracking is 7>>\
<<PlayBGM "combat">>\
<<SimplePic "blondewithtentacles.jpg" "nsfw">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "av-purpletentacles.jpg" "Tentacle monster" " human babes are so good! Ahhh, I could fuck you all day. Ohhh, AHH! Oh my god, you're amazing!">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "av-blonde.jpg" "Blonde girl" "No, please!">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "av-purpletentacles.jpg" "Tentacle monster" "'Please,' you say? Very well, since you're asking so politely, I WILL fuck you all day! Hahaha!">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "av-blonde.jpg" "Blonde girl" "No...must...resist...but it feels so good! Must...oh! ...OH! Yes! Please fuck me! OH!">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Not so fast, you monster!">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "av-purpletentacles.jpg" "Tentacle monster" "I'm never fast, Miss. I //always// take my good sweet time. But I have plenty enough tentacles to go around, dear. Why don't you join blondie here? Please, I insist.">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Get him, girls!">>\
<<set _ExitMethod to "combattutorial">>\
<<set _ExitMethod to "main">>\
@@Color:Red;Error: unrecognized dialogue state in intro part 1@@
<<elseif $StoryProgress[$StoryIntro] is 1>>\
<<if $DialogueTracking is 0>>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Victory is ours! Evil will never triumph over truth and beauty!">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "av-purpletentacles.jpg" "Tentacle monster" "No! Arrrghhhh...">>\
<<Narrator "The tentacle collapses, and you dig the girl out from its writhing mass, only to find her clutching her enormous breasts and furiously masturbating.">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "av-blonde.jpg" "Blonde girl" " couldn't you have waited like ten more minutes?">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Uhh, sorry?">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "av-blonde.jpg" "Blonde girl" "*sigh* No, it's ok, I guess. Thank you for rescuing me.">>\
<<Narrator "You see the girl off, while you and your companions discuss the battle.">>\
<<elseif $DialogueTracking is 1>>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "That was awesome! Did you see the way I beat on that thing! Wham! Crack! Kerpow! Aww, yeah!">>\
<<set _foo to "What about you, ? How did you hold up during the fight?">>\
<<set _foo to "If you say so. Personally, I was too busy listening to " + $MG[$LeaderOne][1] + "'s instructions to notice.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _foo>>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Your loss, missing out on seeing my awesomeness!">>\
<<set _foo to "What about you, " + $MG[$ShyOne][1] + "? How did you hold up during the fight?">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne _foo>>\
<<set _foo to $MG[$ShyOne][1] + " doesn't answer right away, apparently lost in thought.">>\
<<Narrator _foo>>\
<<elseif $DialogueTracking is 2>>\
<<set _foo to "Earth to " + $MG[$ShyOne][1] + ", calling " + $MG[$ShyOne][1] + ". Hey, you ok?">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne _foo>>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "...what? Oh! I'm sorry, I was just lost in thought. Did any of you notice how, err...the blonde girl...uhh, her breasts. It is just me or did they seem bigger after we rescued her than they were during the fight? More plump?">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Heh, didn't know you swung that way. No wonder you were too busy to watch my fighting moves. You were checking out the girl!">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "What!??! No! I just...umm, couldn't help but notice, is all.">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Now that you mention it, I noticed that too. And what about our fight yesterday? The schoolgirl we rescued? Did you notice anything strange about her clothes?">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "You mean how baggy they were around her waist, almost as if she'd shrunk? Yeah. Kind of like...hey, what if it's the tentacles doing that? Are they changing people somehow? Making them, I don't know...sexier, I guess?">>\
<<elseif $DialogueTracking is 3>>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Of course! It must be a side effect from absorbing a tentacle monster's magically-charged sexual fluids! I bet each type of tentacle uniquely transform girls to make them more to their individual preference!">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Huh. I always have wondered why the girls we rescue are always so hot. I kind of just assumed the tentacles were picky, or something.">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "I thought so too! But that's not it! I bet they rape ugly girls too, but by the time they're done, they're not ugly anymore!">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Huh. Almost makes me wanna, uhh...">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Smash them for great justice?">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "...yeah, that.">>\
<<elseif $DialogueTracking is 4>>\
<<Narrator "During the silence that ensues as you each consider this information in your own way, an idea starts growing in your mind.">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Anyway, I'm gonna go get a burger or something. I'll see you girls later.">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Yes, I need to feed my animals. Maybe we can catch up later?">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Sounds good. Stay in touch, girls. I'm sure we'll be seeing each other soon!">>\
<<elseif $DialogueTracking is 5>>\
<<set _ExitMethod to "main">>\
<<Narrator "As they leave, you look sadly down at your frumpish figure and pitifully flat chest, sighing. Watching as your secret crush walks away, you begin to formulate a plan.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "I'm tired of being the dumpy bookworm of the bunch. I think it's time for a change. I'll reforge my body to become whatever perfect ideal of beauty my secret crush desires! By the time the Magical Girl Ball arrives I'll be so cute and pretty and sexy that I'll be able to ask anyone I want to the Magical Girl Ball!<br><br>Although, I suppose first I'll have to figure out what sort of body type my crush likes. And then I'll have to figure out which types of tentacles give the right transformative effects I'll need to match it. And before any of that I'll have to be strong enough to fight tentacles on my own. Somehow I don't think the girls would be eager to help me with this. And I only have a year until the Magical Ball to figure everything out and make it happen.<br><br>This might not be easy.">>\
<<Narrator "And so begins your adventure.">>\
<<elseif $DialogueTracking is 10>>\
<!-- from defeat in intro combat -->\
<<set _foo to "Are you alright, " + $MG[$PCPTR][1] + "?">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne _foo>>\
<<Narrator "With the tentacle monster defeated by your fiery companion, you struggle to your feet.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "I will be. But I might need some time to myself to recover.">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "I hear you. R&R? I'm all over that.">>\
<<elseif $DialogueTracking is 11>>\
<<set _foo to "Confidant that her team is out of danger, " + $MG[$PCPTR][1] + " turns her attention to the girl you rescued...laying on her back and furiously masturabting on the concrete.">>\
<<Narrator _foo>>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "...are you alright, Miss?">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "av-blonde.jpg" "Blonde girl" " couldn't you have waited like ten more minutes?">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Are you kidding me??! We rescue you from that...//thing// and you just want more time with it?">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "av-blonde.jpg" "Blonde girl" "Look, it's been a long time, alright? I'll just go. Thanks for the rescue, I guess.">>\
<<elseif $DialogueTracking is 12>>\
<<set _foo to "As you watch her leave, " + $MG[$ShyOne][1] + " seems strangely lost in thought.">>\
<<Narrator _foo>>\
<<set _foo to "Hey " + $MG[$ShyOne][1] + ", you ok? Great heals, by the way.">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne _foo>>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Hmm? Oh, I'm fine. But that girl we rescued, did you notice that her, umm...boobs seemed bigger after she left?">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "What? No, I was too busy fighting the big scary monster! What are you talking about?">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Actually, I noticed that too. I think she's right.">>\
<<set $DialogueTracking to 3>>\
<<set _ExitMethod to "main">>\
@@Color:Red;Error: unrecognized dialogue state in intro part 1@@
<<set _ExitMethod to true>>\
@@Color:Red;Error in Story Progress (intro) tracking)@@
<<if _ExitMethod is "combattutorial">>\
<<header "Options">>
<span id="KeypOne">\
<<link "1) Fight!" "Combat">>\
<<set $StoryProgress[$StoryIntro] to 1>>\
<<set $DialogueTracking to 0>>
<<set $mon_request to ["lesser","combat","puddle"]>>
<<set $CameFrom to "Intro">>\
<<set $WORLD.teamfightnow to true>>
<<set $HideCaptionLinks to true>>
<<elseif _ExitMethod is "main">>\
<<header "Options">>
<span id="KeypOne">\
<<link "1) Continue" "Main">>
<<set $DialogueTracking to 0>>
<<set $Stats[$STAThealthcur] to $Stats[$STAThealthmax]>>
<<set $Stats[$STATlust] to 0>>
<<header "Dialogue">>
<span id="KeypSpace">\
<<link "(Press space to continue)" "Intro">>
<span id="KeypS">\
<<link "(S) Skip intro" "Main">>
<<set $DialogueTracking to 0>>
<<set $Stats[$STAThealthcur] to $Stats[$STAThealthmax]>>
<<set $Stats[$STATlust] to 0>>
<<endif>>\<<set $CameFrom to passage()>>\
@@color:Red;Dev note:@@ Achievements are not currently working as intended.
<<set _TBAchievements to recall('TBAchievements')>>\
<<if _TBAchievements>>\
<<set _TBAchievements to {}>>\
<<header "Options">>
<span id="KeypEsc">\
<<link "Esc) close window">>
@@color:Gold;Good endings@@
<<if _TBAchievements.Fiery>>@@color:Green;Fiery@@\
<<else>>@@color:Gray;Fiery Date@@\
<<endif>> - Take the fiery brawler as your date to the Ball (not implemented)
<<if _TBAchievements.Shy>>@@color:Green;Shy@@\
<<else>>@@color:Gray;Heal My Heart@@\
<<endif>> - Take the shy healer as your date to the Ball (not implemented)
<<if _TBAchievements.Leader>>@@color:Green;Leader@@\
<<else>>@@color:Gray;Romance The Team Captain@@\
<<endif>> - Take your Team Captain as your date to the Ball (not implemented)
<<if _TBAchievements.Harem>>@@color:Green;Harem@@\
<<endif>> - Succesfully take your entire team to the Ball together! (not implemented)
<<if _TBAchievements.SecretA>>@@color:Green;Secret@@\
<<else>>@@color:Gray;Secret 1@@\
<<endif>> - What if your crush is somebody else? (not implemented)
<<if _TBAchievements.SecretB>>@@color:Green;Secret@@\
<<else>>@@color:Gray;Secret 2@@\
<<endif>> - (not implemented)
<<if _TBAchievements.SecretC>>@@color:Green;Secret@@\
<<else>>@@color:Gray;Secret 3@@\
<<endif>> - (not implemented)
@@color:Gold;Bad endings@@
<<if _TBAchievements.Heartbroken>>@@color:Green;Heartbroken@@\
<<endif>> - Be rejected by everyone and attend the ball alone. Yes, //everyone//. (not implemented)
<<if _TBAchievements.Greedy>>@@color:Green;Greedy@@\
<<endif>> - Try for the harem ending, but fail. (not implemented)
<<if _TBAchievements.Broodmother>>@@color:Green;Broodmother@@\
<<endif>> - Lose via pregnancy (not implemented)
<<if _TBAchievements.CatLady>>@@color:Green;\
<<else>>@@color:Gray;Crazy cat lady@@\
<<endif>> - Fail even to ask anyone to the Ball and end up alone, without even a basement full of tentacles to keep you company (not implemented)
<<if _TBAchievements.TPK>>@@color:Green;\
<<else>>@@color:Gray;Total Party Kill@@\
<<endif>> - Lose your entire team as sex slaves (not implemented)
<<if _TBAchievements.Slave>>@@color:Green;Tentacle slave@@\
<<else>>@@color:Gray;Tentacle slave@@\
<<endif>> - Give up on romance, and settle for a lifetime of sex in the basement. (not implemented)
<<if _TBAchievements.Stumbled>>@@color:Green;Stumbled out the gate@@\
<<else>>@@color:Gray;Stumbled out the gate@@\
<<endif>> - Lose the tutorial battle
<<if _TBAchievements.Beer>>@@color:Green;Hold My Beer@@\
<<else>>@@color:Gray;Hold My Beer\
<<endif>> - Succesfully solo a boss encounter (not implemented)@@
<span id="KeypEsc">\
<<link "Esc) close window">>
@@color:LightGreen;Build 7-2a@@ July 2, 2022 (Bugfix release)
This release represents about 6 hours of dev time, for a total of 811 hours.
* Orange blowjobs fixed
* A couple problems with the girl's likes fixed
* Fertility/pink sex fixes
* Spacing on job report fixed
* Tutoring job quantity on wrong line fixed
* Incorrect header on escort job fixed
* sex-based constitution changes now affect maxhealth, though this needs review for cases of fractional gains
* Error on random speech tutor report fixed
* Birth control works again
* Added tracking for version changes
* Fixed double bed text color error
* Fixed waitressing income levels
* Fixed maid bonus incorrectly being applied twice
@@color:LightGreen;Build 7-1a@@ July 1, 2022 (Initial Public Release!)
Thank you to my private alpha testers. This is now the first public alpha. Total dev time as of this release: 805 hours
* Lots and lots of bug fixes
* Probably 20k of new dialogue
@@color:LightGreen;Build 6-22c@@ June 2, 2022 (Experimental/content release)
This release represents about 85 hours of dev time since the prior build.
* Akihabara has been implemented!
* Many changes made in response to alpha-test feedback. I have mixed feelings on some of them. While these build brings a lot of good things, in some ways it feels like 2 steps forward and 1 step back.
* Solo actions and world danger have been completely revamped to follow a more traditional RPG-style 'location based' difficulty whereby zone are progressively unlocked to find increasingly more difficult opponents
* Revisioning of how bosses fit in the game to match new zones
* Team actions are now (usually) available
* Solo and Team actions have been largely merged to be a single thing separted by a single variable, rather than using entirely different code
* Instead of sleep being 8 hours with the option to sleep until morning, sleep now always advances time until morning, with the option to sleep until evening being unlocked later on. As this made beds irrelevant, beds now provide a buff for your first combat of the day
* New experimental combat interface.
* Rework of table handling across the game for improved use of space.
* Sidebar now reports current total buffed/equipped phys/mag att/def rather than skill only
* Team Leader's advice has been both fixed and greatly expanded
* Several new pieces of equipment
@@color:LightGreen;Build 5-26a@@ May 26, 2022
* Revamp of combat skillgain to allow fractional gains from low level tentacles
* Danger level increases for hunting at night has been reduced
* It is possible to save again
* Escort job is now slightly less completely messed up
* The way "flirt power" and "effective purity" and "sexy" are being reported by the UI has been cleaned up some. It's still not completely correct. Lace panties are still broken.
* The UI consolidation continues
* Various bugfixes and Ui changes
@@color:LightGreen;Build 5-23b@@ May 23, 2022 (experimental build)
* Several bugfixes and math changes, mostly related to combat, physical defense, pouncer coil attacks, etc.
* Buff rework. Team Leader now has four buffs, and the amythyst wand provides only magic-related buffs
* Sidebar links have been been "quick and dirty" ported to a window overlay. It should theoretically now be accessible without messing up passage transitions.
* It now possible to change equipment in the middle of combat.
* Consumables can now be purchased and used later rather than taking effect immediately
@@color:LightGreen;Build 5-21c@@ Initial private alpha (stable)
<<set $WORLD.fightstoday to $WORLD.fightstoday +1>>\
table, th, td {
border: 1px solid transparant;
border-collapse: collapse;
<<if $WORLD.combatUI is 2>>\
<<set $ComLog to []>>\
<<for _i to 0; _i <20; _i++>>\
<<set $ComLog[_i] to "">>\
<<script>>document.body.scroll = "no"; = 'hidden';document.height = window.innerHeight;<</script>>\
.passage table {
margin: 0 0;
<<set $ComLog to []>>\
<<for _i to 0; _i < 6; _i++>>\
<<set $ComLog[_i] to "">>\
<<if $mon_request[0] is "boss">>\
<<PlayBGM "boss">>\
<<PlayBGM "combat">>\
<<set $ForbidMenu to true>>\
<<set $CaptionMode to "combat">>\
<<if $RCHelper is "inventory">>\
<!-- combat already started don't initialize -->\
<<set $AttackGains to []>>\
<<set $DefenseGains to []>>\
<<set $m_hp to []>>\
<<GetMon $mon_request>>\
<<if $WORLD.combatUI is 1>>\
<<set _monimg to $ImgPath + $m_pic>>\
<table><tr><td><div><img id ="mon-avatar" @src="_monimg"></div></td><td>@@color:Red;<<print $m_fullname.toUpperFirst()>>@@<br><br>$m_desc</td></tr></table>\
<span id ="monhealth"><div id="monhpbarbkg" class="hzbarbkg"><div id="monhpnbar" class="hzbar"></div></div>\
<span id ="combatlog0">$ComLog[0]</span>
<span id ="combatlog1">$ComLog[1]</span>
<span id ="combatlog2">$ComLog[2]</span>
<span id ="combatlog3">$ComLog[3]</span>
<span id ="combatlog4">$ComLog[4]</span>
<span id ="combatlog5">$ComLog[5]</span>
<<if $Stats[$STAThealthcur] < 1>>\
<!-- this exists to handle player at 0 health before acting-->\
<!-- Needs testing for first strike handling -->\
@@color:Red;You collapse before you can take any action!!@@
<<if $CameFrom is "Intro">>\
<<link "The tentacle advances on you!" "UnwillingSex">>
<<set $SexPasser to "lostcombathealth">>\
<<set $Dialoguetracking to -1>>\
<<set $ForbidMenu to false>>
<<elseif $Stats[$STATlust] >= ($Stats[$STATlustcap])>>\
<!-- like above, player at max lust before acting-->\
@@color:Red;You're so horny that the mere sight of this monster causes you to fall to your knees in a fit of lust!@@
<<if $CameFrom is "Intro">>\
<<link "The tentacle advances on you!" "UnwillingSex">>
<<set $SexPasser to "lostcombatlust">>\
<<set $Dialoguetracking to -1>>\
<<set $ForbidMenu to false>>
<span id ="combatcontrols">\
<<header "Actions">>
<<set _cimg to $ImgPath + "button1physical.png">>\
<span id="KeypOne">\
<<link [img[_cimg]]>>
<<CombatAttack "physical">>>
<<run Health2($m_hp[0], $m_hp[1], "monhpnbar", true)>>\
<<MonsterTurn false>>\
<</link>> \
<<set _cimg to $ImgPath + "button2magic.png">>\
<span id="KeypTwo">\
<<link [img[_cimg]]>>
<<CombatAttack "magic">>>
<<run Health2($m_hp[0], $m_hp[1], "monhpnbar", true)>>\
<<MonsterTurn false>>\
<</link>> \
<<set _cimg to $ImgPath + "button3tease.png">>\
<span id="KeypThree">\
<<link [img[_cimg]]>>
<<CombatAttack "tease">>>
<<run Health2($m_hp[0], $m_hp[1], "monhpnbar", true)>>\
<<MonsterTurn false>>\
<</link>> \
<<if $WORLD.teamfightnow is false>>\
<<set _foo to $ImgPath + "button4retreat.png">>\
<<if ($Stats[$STATfatiguemax] - $Stats[$STATfatiguecur]) < 10 >>\
<span id="KeypFour">\
<!-- implement: this ignores fatigue lost during combat -->\
<<link [img[_foo]]>>
<<CombatLog "@@color:Yellow;You are too tired to run@@">>\
<<MonsterTurn false>>\
<</link>> \
<span id="KeypFour">\
<<link [img[_foo][$CameFrom]]>>
<<ChangeStat $STATfatiguecur 10>>
<<set $ForbidMenu to false>>
<span id="combatteambuttons"><<if $WORLD.teamfightnow is true>><<TeamButtons>><<endif>></span>\
<span id ="combatdialogue"><<InstaCombatTalk>></span>\
<<if $Stats[$STAThealthcur] < 1>>\
<!-- this exists to handle player at 0 health before acting-->\
<!-- Needs testing for first strike handling -->\
@@color:Red;You collapse before you can take any action!!@@
<<if $CameFrom is "Intro">>\
<<link "The tentacle advances on you!" "UnwillingSex">>
<<set $SexPasser to "lostcombathealth">>\
<<set $Dialoguetracking to -1>>\
<<set $ForbidMenu to false>>
<<elseif $Stats[$STATlust] >= ($Stats[$STATlustcap])>>\
<!-- like above, player at max lust before acting-->\
@@color:Red;You're so horny that the mere sight of this monster causes you to fall to your knees in a fit of lust!@@
<<if $CameFrom is "Intro">>\
<<link "The tentacle advances on you!" "UnwillingSex">>
<<set $SexPasser to "lostcombatlust">>\
<<set $Dialoguetracking to -1>>\
<<set $ForbidMenu to false>>
<span id ="combatcontrols">\
<<set _cimg to $ImgPath + "button1physical.png">>\
<span id="KeypOne">\
<<link [img[_cimg]]>>
<<CombatAttack "physical">>>
<<run Health2($m_hp[0], $m_hp[1], "monhpnbar", true)>>\
<<MonsterTurn false>>\
<</link>> \
<<set _cimg to $ImgPath + "button2magic.png">>\
<span id="KeypTwo">\
<<link [img[_cimg]]>>
<<CombatAttack "magic">>>
<<run Health2($m_hp[0], $m_hp[1], "monhpnbar", true)>>\
<<MonsterTurn false>>\
<</link>> \
<<set _cimg to $ImgPath + "button3tease.png">>\
<span id="KeypThree">\
<<link [img[_cimg]]>>
<<CombatAttack "tease">>>
<<run Health2($m_hp[0], $m_hp[1], "monhpnbar", true)>>\
<<MonsterTurn false>>\
<</link>> \
<<if $WORLD.teamfightnow is false>>\
<<set _foo to $ImgPath + "button4retreat.png">>\
<<if ($Stats[$STATfatiguemax] - $Stats[$STATfatiguecur]) < 10 >>\
<span id="KeypFour">\
<!-- implement: this ignores fatigue lost during combat -->\
<<link [img[_foo]]>>
<<CombatLog "@@color:Yellow;You are too tired to run@@">>\
<<MonsterTurn false>>\
<</link>> \
<span id="KeypFour">\
<<link [img[_foo][$CameFrom]]>>
<<ChangeStat $STATfatiguecur 10>>
<<set $ForbidMenu to false>>
<span id="combatteambuttons"><<if $WORLD.teamfightnow is true>><<TeamButtons>><<endif>></span>\
<<set _monimg to $ImgPath + $m_pic>>\
<table><tr><td><div><img id ="mon-avatar" @src="_monimg"></div></td><td>@@color:Red;<<print $m_fullname.toUpperFirst()>>@@<br><br>$m_desc</td></tr></table>\
<span id ="monhealth"><div id="monhpbarbkg" class="hzbarbkg"><div id="monhpnbar" class="hzbar"></div></div></span>\
<span id ="combatlog19">$ComLog[19]</span>\
<span id ="combatlog18">$ComLog[18]</span>\
<span id ="combatlog17">$ComLog[17]</span>\
<span id ="combatlog16">$ComLog[16]</span>\
<span id ="combatlog15">$ComLog[15]</span>\
<span id ="combatlog14">$ComLog[14]</span>\
<span id ="combatlog13">$ComLog[13]</span>\
<span id ="combatlog12">$ComLog[12]</span>\
<span id ="combatlog11">$ComLog[11]</span>\
<span id ="combatlog10">$ComLog[10]</span>\
<span id ="combatlog9">$ComLog[9]</span>\
<span id ="combatlog8">$ComLog[8]</span>\
<span id ="combatlog7">$ComLog[7]</span>\
<span id ="combatlog6">$ComLog[6]</span>\
<span id ="combatlog5">$ComLog[5]</span>\
<span id ="combatlog4">$ComLog[4]</span>\
<span id ="combatlog3">$ComLog[3]</span>\
<span id ="combatlog2">$ComLog[2]</span>\
<span id ="combatlog1">$ComLog[1]</span>\
<span id ="combatlog0">$ComLog[0]</span>\
<span id ="combatdialogue"></span>\
<<timed 100ms>>\
<<timed 100ms>>\
<<run Health2($m_hp[0], $m_hp[1], "monhpnbar", true)>>\
<<if $FirstStrike is true>>\
<<MonsterTurn true>>\
<<set $FirstStrike to false>>\
<<widget CombatAttack>>\
<<set _attacktype to $args[0]>>\
<<set _mindam to 1>>\
<<set _maxdam to Math.trunc($Stats[$STATstr] / 2)>>\
<<set _th to random(1,100)>>\
<<set _missmessage to "default miss">>\
<<set _hitmessage to "default attack">>\
<<set _absorbmessage to "default absorb">>\
<<set _attgainonhit to -1>>\
<<set _WandAmythyst to false>>\
<<set _WandEmerald to false>>\
<<set _WandStarOpal to false>>\
<<set _WandSapphire to false>>\
<<set _WandRuby to false>>\
<<set _WandDiamond to false>>\
<!-- new equipment mods -->\
<<set _CWStats to setup.FetchEquip("Weapon", $INVEN.EquipWeapon)>>\
<<set _CWShortName to _CWStats[0]>>\
<<set _CWToHit to _CWStats[2]>>\
<<set _CWToDam to _CWStats[3]>>\
<<set _CWUnique to _CWStats[12]>>\
<<set _CUStats to setup.FetchEquip("Uniform", $INVEN.EquipUniform)>>\
<<set _CUShortName to _CUStats[0]>>\
<<set _CUPhysDodge to _CUStats[4]>>\
<<set _CUMagDodge to _CUStats[5]>>\
<<set _CUAbsorb to _CUStats[6]>>\
<<set _CUChest to _CUStats[7]>>\
<<set _CUWaist to _CUStats[8]>>\
<<set _CUHeight to _CUStats[9]>>\
<<set _CUSexy to _CUStats[10]>>\
<<set _CUUnique to _CUStats[12]>>\
<!-- end equipment mods -->\
<<if _attacktype is "physical">>\
<<set $WORLD.playeraction to "physical">>
<<set _attgainonhit to $STATphysatt>>\
<<set _hitmessage to either("You punch the ", "You kick the ", "You stomp on the ")>>\
<<if _CWShortName is "bokken">>\
<<set _hitmessage to either("You whack the ", "You smack the ", "You bonk the ")>>\
<<elseif _CWShortName is "katana">>\
<<set _hitmessage to either("You slice the ", "You slash at the ", "You hack at the ","You cleave the ")>>\
<<elseif _CWShortName is "laser sword">>\
<<set _hitmessage to either("You *VWOOM* through the ","You *VWOOP* though the ","You *VWRAM* through the ")>>\
<<set _t to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _t is 1>>\
<<set _missmessage to "You swing ineffectually at the " + $m_name>>\
<<elseif _t is 2>>\
<<set _missmessage to "You swing at the " + $m_name + " but miss.">>\
<<set _missmessage to "You try to punch the " + $m_name + " but it dodges.">>
<<set _foo to either("hit","kick","stomp on")>>\
<<set _absorbmessage to "You " + _foo + $m_name + ", but it shrugs off the attack like it was nothing.">>\
<<set _th to _th + Math.trunc($Stats[$STATphysatt])>>\
<<set _ToHitTarget to $m_ac[0]>>\
<<set _th to _th + _CWToHit>>
<<set _tdam to random(_mindam, _maxdam)>>\
<<set _tdam to _tdam + _CWToDam>>\
<<if $BUFFS.PhysAtt > 0>>\
<<set _th to _th + $BUFFS.PhysAtt>>\
<<if $BUFFS.BoostJuice > 0>>\
<<set _th to _th + 10>>\
<<if $BUFFS.WellRested > 0>>\
<<set _th to _th + $BUFFS.WellRested>>\
<!-- UNIQUE -->\
<<if _CWUnique is "horny jail bat">>\
<<set _attacktype to "jail bat">>\
<<set _td to random(_mindam, _maxdam)>>\
<<set _hitmessage to "You " + either("bonk the " + $m_name + " on the head", "bop the " + $m_name + " on the head", "nose boop the " + $m_name)>>\
<<set _missmessage to "You swing your horny bat at the " + $m_name + " but miss">>\
<<set _absorbmessage to _hitmessage + either(" but it is unimpressed", " but it seems unaffected")>>\
<!-- END UNIQUE -->\
<<replace "#combatdialogue">><</replace>>\
<<elseif _attacktype is "magic">>\
<<set $WORLD.playeraction to "magic">>
<<set _attgainonhit to $STATmagatt>>\
<<set _th to _th + Math.trunc($Stats[$STATmagatt])>>\
<<if $BUFFS.MagAtt > 0>>\
<<set _th to _th + $BUFFS.MagAtt>>\
<<if $BUFFS.WellRested > 0>>\
<<set _th to _th + $BUFFS.WellRested>>\
<<set _ToHitTarget to $m_ac[1]>>\
<<set _mindam to 0>>\
<<set _maxdam to Math.trunc($Stats[$STATint] /2)>>\
<<set _tdam to random(_mindam, _maxdam)>>\
<<set _hitmessage to either("You hurl a fireball at the ","You release a furious stream of magic at the ")>>\
<<set _t to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _t is 1>>\
<<set _missmessage to "You try to cast a spell, but fail.">>\
<<elseif _t is 2>>\
<<set _missmessage to "You cast a fireball at the " + $m_name + " but it deftly evades.">>\
<<set _missmessage to "You fail to maintain control of your spell.">>
<<set _foo to either("cast a fireball at the ","unleash a torrent of magical fury upon the ")>>\
<<set _absorbmessage to "You " + _foo + $m_name + ", but it resists the spell.">>\
<<replace "#combatdialogue">><</replace>>\
<!-- wand effects -->\
<<if $INVEN.EquipWeapon is 9>>\
<<set _WandAmythyst to true>>\
<<elseif $INVEN.EquipWeapon is 10>>\
<<set _WandEmerald to true>>\
<<elseif $INVEN.EquipWeapon is 11>>\
<<set _WandSapphire to true>>\
<<elseif $INVEN.EquipWeapon is 12>>\
<<set _WandRuby to true>>\
<<elseif $INVEN.EquipWeapon is 13>>\
<<set _WandDiamond to true>>\
<<elseif $INVEN.EquipWeapon is 14>>\
<<set _WandStarOpal to true>>\
<<elseif _attacktype is "tease">>\
<<set $WORLD.playeraction to "tease">>
<<set _ToHitTarget to $m_ac[2]>>\
<<set _FlirtPower to $WORLD.datapasser>>\
<<set _th to random(0, 10) + _FlirtPower>>\
<<if $BUFFS.WellRested > 0>>\
<<set _th to _th + $BUFFS.WellRested>>\
<<set _tdam to random(0, _FlirtPower)>>\
<<set _foo to "You flirt with the " + $m_name + ". It seems a little more excited. Is that good?">>
<<set _bar to "You blow a kiss to the " + $m_name + ". It seems a little more eager. Is that good?">>
<<set _bas to "You strike a pose and flutter your eyelashes at the " + $m_name + ". It seems a bit more frantic to get at you. Is that good?">>
<<set _hitmessage to either(_foo, _bar, _bas)>>\
<<set _foo to "You flirt with the " + $m_name + " but it ignores you">>\
<<set _bar to "You strike a suggestive pose and toss your hair, but the " + $m_name + " seems no or more less aroused">>\
<<set _missmessage to either (_foo, _bar)>>\
<<set _foo to "You try to flirt with the " + $m_name + " but it's clearly unimpressed with your assets">>\
<<set _bar to "You 'accidentally' expose your chest, but you don't have much to expose">>\
<<set _absorbmessage to either(_foo, _bar)>>\
<<set _AutoFailFlirt to false>>
<<if ($Stats[$STATboobs] - 32) + (28 - $Stats[$STATwaist]) + ($Stats[$STAThips] - 32) < 0>>\
<<set _AutoFailFlirt to true>>
<<set _AutoFailMessage to either("Lacking the physical assets to do much else, you ") + either("blush shyly at the ","smile warmly at the ","wave shyly to the ") + $m_name + either(". It is unimpressed.", ". It doesn't seem to to notice.",". You can't tell if it notices or not.")>>\
<<set _AutoFailMessage to _AutoFailMessage + " (auto fail)">>\
<!-- defaults -->\
<<if _attacktype is "tease">>\
<<if _AutoFailFlirt is true>>\
<<set _m to _AutoFailMessage>>\
<<if _th < _ToHitTarget>>\
<<set _m to _missmessage>>\
<<set _m to _m + " (roll: " + _th + " needed: " + _ToHitTarget + ")">>\
<<if _tdam < 1>>\
<<set _m to _absorbmessage + " (absorb)">>\
<<set _m to _hitmessage>>\
<<set $m_teasebuff to $m_teasebuff + _tdam>>\
<<elseif _attacktype is "jail bat">>\
<<if _th < _ToHitTarget>>\
<<set _m to _missmessage>>\
<<if $m_boss > 0>>\
<<set _m to _absorbmessage>>\
<<set _m to _hitmessage + " for " + _td + " reduced arousal">>\
<<set $m_teasebuff to $m_teasebuff + _tdam>>\
<<elseif _th < _ToHitTarget>>\
<<set _m to _missmessage>>\
<<set _m to _m + " (roll: " + _th + " needed: " + _ToHitTarget + ")">>\
<<if _attgainonhit > 0>>\
<<set $AttackGains[$AttackGains.length] to _attgainonhit>>\
<<if _tdam < 1>>\
<<set _m to _absorbmessage + " (absorb)">>\
<!-- account for resistences? -->\
<<set _m to _hitmessage + $m_name + " for " + _tdam + " damage">>\
<<set $m_hp[0] to $m_hp[0] - _tdam>>\
<!-- wand effects -->\
<<if _WandAmythyst is true>>\
<<set _wran to random(1,2)>>\
<<if _wran is 1>>\
<<set $BUFFS.MagAtt to $BUFFS.MagAtt + 1>>\
<<CombatLog "@@color:Aqua;Your wand buffs your Magic Attack!@@">>\
<<set $BUFFS.MagDef to $BUFFS.MagDef + 1>>\
<<CombatLog "@@color:Aqua;Your wand buffs your Magic Defense!@@">>\
<<elseif _WandEmerald is true>>\
<<if $Stats[$STAThealthcur] < $Stats[$STAThealthmax]>>\
<<ChangeStat $STAThealthcur 1>>\
<<CombatLog "@@color:LightGreen;Your wand heals you for 1 health!@@">>\
<<elseif _WandSapphire is true>>\
<<elseif _WandRuby is true>>\
<<elseif _WandDiamond is true>>\
<<elseif _WandStarOpal is true>>\
<<CombatLog _m>>\
<<include "CombatDialogues">>\
<<set $WORLD.playeraction to "none">>\
<<widget "CombatLog">>\
<<set _LogLength to $ComLog.length>>\
<<for _CLogI to 0; _CLogI < _LogLength; _CLogI++>>\
<<set $ComLog[_CLogI] to $ComLog[_CLogI +1]>>\
<<set $ComLog[_LogLength -1] to $args[0]>>\
<<for _CLogI to 0; _CLogI < _LogLength; _CLogI++>>\
<<set _CLOGfoo to "#combatlog" + _CLogI>>\
<<replace _CLOGfoo>>\
<<print $ComLog[_CLogI]>>\
<<if ($WORLD.combatUI is 2)>>\
<<if $ComLog[_CLogI].includes("<table")>>\
<<widget "CombatLogPreChange">>\
<<set $ComLog[0] to $ComLog[1]>>\
<<set $ComLog[1] to $ComLog[2]>>\
<<set $ComLog[2] to $ComLog[3]>>\
<<set $ComLog[3] to $ComLog[4]>>\
<<set $ComLog[4] to $ComLog[5]>>\
<<set $ComLog[5] to $args[0]>>\
<<for _i to 0; _i < 6; _i++>>\
<<set _CLOGfoo to "#combatlog" + _i>>\
<<replace _CLOGfoo>>\
<<print $ComLog[_i]>>\
<<widget CombatLogFirstStrikeHack>>\
<<set $ComLog[0] to $ComLog[1]>>\
<<set $ComLog[1] to $ComLog[2]>>\
<<set $ComLog[2] to $ComLog[3]>>\
<<set $ComLog[3] to $ComLog[4]>>\
<<set $ComLog[4] to $ComLog[5]>>\
<<set $ComLog[5] to $args[0]>>\
<<widget MonsterAttack>>\
<<CombatLog "monster attack goes here">>\
<<widget GetMon>>\
<<if $CameFrom is "Intro">>\
<!-- already assigned by Intro -->\
<<elseif $mon_request[2] is -1>>\
<<GenerateTentacle $Danger -1>>\
<!-- already assigned (by hunt?) -->\
<<set _whichmon to $mon_request[2]>>\
Modifier 0
<<set _multi to 1>>
<<set $m_boss to 0>>\
<<if $mon_request[0] is "minor">>
<<set _baseth to 0>>
<<set $m_skillcap to 20>>\
<<set $m_ac to [30,30,0]>>\
<<set $m_skillcap to 20>>\
<<set $m_hp[0] to 20>>\
<<elseif $mon_request[0] is "lesser">>
<<set _multi to 2>>
<<set _baseth to 10>>
<<set $m_skillcap to 30>>\
<<set $m_ac to [40,40,10]>>\
<<set $m_skillcap to 30>>\
<<set $m_hp[0] to 50>>\
<<elseif $mon_request[0] is "common">>
<<set _multi to 3>>
<<set _baseth to 20>>
<<set $m_skillcap to 50>>\
<<set $m_ac to [60,60,20]>>\
<<set $m_skillcap to 50>>\
<<set $m_hp[0] to 100>>\
<<elseif $mon_request[0] is "greater">>
<<set _multi to 4>>
<<set _baseth to 30>>
<<set $m_skillcap to 80>>\
<<set $m_ac to [80,80,30]>>\
<<set $m_skillcap to 80>>\
<<set $m_hp[0] to 200>>\
<<elseif $mon_request[0] is "elder">>
<<set _multi to 5>>
<<set _baseth to 50>>
<<set $m_skillcap to 200>>\
<<set $m_ac to [100,100,40]>>\
<<set $m_skillcap to 200>>\
<<set $m_hp[0] to 300>>\
<<elseif $mon_request[0] is "boss">>
<<set _baseth to 100>>
<<set $m_skillcap to 999>>\
<<set $m_ac to [100,100,100]>>\
<<set $m_hp[0] to 100>>\
<<set $m_fullname to $mon_request[2]>>
<<AddToLog "Error: unrecognized monrequest(0) in GetMon. Defaulting to minor.">>
<<set $m_att to []>>\
<<set $m_flurryqty to 1>>\
<<set $m_pouncerbuff to 0>>\
<<if _whichmon is "puddle">>\
<!-- park -->\
<<set $m_name to "Puddle">>\
<<set $m_pic to "TENpuddle.gif">>\
<<set $m_desc to "An amoeboid blob, capable of forming tendrils of any desired shape. ">>\
<<set $m_att[0] to {type: $typephysical, mindam: 1, maxdam: 2 + _multi, tohit: _baseth, hitm: "hits you", missm: "takes a swipe at you but misses", absorbm: "hits you, but you shrug off the attack"}>>\
<<set $m_att[1] to {type: $typetease, mindam: 1, maxdam: 2 + _multi, tohit: 10, hitm: "brushes your thigh with a tendril", missm: "reaches for you but misses", absorbm: "clumsily bumps into you"}>>\
<<elseif _whichmon is "tripura">>\
<!-- park -->\
<<set $m_flurryqty to 3>>\
<<set $m_name to "Tripura">>\
<<set $m_pic to "TENtripura.gif">>\
<<set $m_desc to "A trio of tentacles sprouting from a central base. It moves by cartwheeling around, and is well known for having the same number of tentacles as a human girl has holes. ">>\
<<set $m_att[0] to {type: $typeflurry, mindam: 1, maxdam: 1 + _multi, tohit: _baseth, hitm: "hits you with a flurry of tentacles", missm: "flurries at you but misses", absorbm: "flurries, but you shrug off the blow"}>>\
<<set $m_att[1] to {type: $typetease, mindam: 1, maxdam: 1 + _multi, tohit: 10, hitm: "spurts white fluid on you", missm: "sprays white fluid at you but misses", absorbm: "sprays white fluid at you, but it lands harmlessly on your clothing"}>>\
<<elseif _whichmon is "quad burrower">>\
<!-- high school -->\
<<set $m_name to "Quad Burrower">>\
<<set $m_pic to "TENquad.gif">>\
<<set $m_desc to "A subterranean monster with four tentacles.">>\
<<set $m_att[0] to {type: $typephysical, mindam: 1, maxdam: 4 + _multi, tohit: _baseth, hitm: "hits you", missm: "takes a swipe at you but misses", absorbm: "hits you, but you shrug off the attack"}>>\
<<set $m_att[1] to {type: $typetease, mindam: 1, maxdam: 3, tohit: 10, hitm: "spurts white fluid on you", missm: "sprays white fluid at you but misses", absorbm: "sprays white fluid at you, but it lands harmlessly on your clothing"}>>\
<<elseif _whichmon is "clasper">>\
<!-- high school -->\
<<set $m_name to "Clasper">>\
<<set $m_pic to "TENclasper.gif">>\
<<set $m_desc to "Somewhat resembling a landbound octopus composed solely of long, blubbery tentacles without a head, the clasper gets its name from the suckers on its tentacles which makes it especially good at grabbing on to ankles and wrists. It's said that once a clasper gets a hold of you, it will never let go. Of course, the people who say this usually can't conjure up fireballs at will.">>\
<<set $m_ac[0] to $m_ac[0] + 10>>\
<<set $m_ac[1] to $m_ac[1] - 10>>\
<<set $m_att[0] to {type: $typephysical, mindam: 1, maxdam: 4 + _multi, tohit: _baseth, hitm: "whacks you with a thick blubbery tentacle", missm: "swings at you but misses", absorbm: "whacks you with a tentacle, but it's a glancing blow"}>>\
<<set $m_att[1] to {type: $typedebuffth, mindam: 1, maxdam: 10, tohit: _baseth + 20, hitm: "grabs onto your arm, making it difficult to move", missm: "reaches for your arm but misses", absorbm: "grabs your arm, but you manage to break free"}>>\
<<set $m_att[2] to {type: $typedebuffth, mindam: 1, maxdam: 10, tohit: _baseth + 20, hitm: "grabs onto your ankle, making it difficult to move", missm: "reaches for your leg but misses", absorbm: "grabs your ankle, but you manage to kick free"}>>\
<<set $m_att[3] to {type: $typetease, mindam: 1, maxdam: 4, tohit: 10, hitm: "suctions onto your left nipple", missm: "reaches for your boobs but misses", absorbm: "grabs your chest but fails to latch on"}>>\
<<set $m_att[4] to {type: $typetease, mindam: 1, maxdam: 4, tohit: 10, hitm: "suctions onto your right nipple", missm: "reaches for your boobs but misses", absorbm: "grabs your chest but fails to latch on"}>>\
<<elseif _whichmon is "burster">>\
<!-- city -->\
<<set $m_name to "Burster">>\
<<set $m_pic to "TENburster.gif">>\
<<set $m_ac[0] to $m_ac[0] + 10>>\
<<set $m_ac[1] to $m_ac[1] - 10>>\
<<set $m_desc to "A large, suckered tentacle, this one burrows through the ground and bursts out to surprise its chosen victims.">>\
<<set $m_att[0] to {type: $typephysical, mindam: 1, maxdam: 2 * _multi, tohit: _baseth, hitm: "crushes you", missm: "reaches for you but misses", absorbm: "graps onto you, but you break free"}>>\
<<set $m_att[1] to {type: $typetease, mindam: 1, maxdam: 5, tohit: 10, hitm: "spurts white fluid on you", missm: "sprays white fluid at you but misses", absorbm: "sprays white fluid at you, but it lands harmlessly on your clothing"}>>\
<<elseif _whichmon is "penispatch">>\
<!-- city -->\
<<set $m_flurryqty to 3>>\
<<set $m_name to "Penis Patch">>\
<<set $m_pic to "TENpenispatch.gif">>\
<<set $m_ac[0] to $m_ac[0] - 20>>\
<<set $m_ac[1] to $m_ac[1] + 10>>\
<<set $m_desc to "A patch of tentacles shaped very obviously like long penises, large enough to fall completely into. You idly wonder whether they're all attached to each other, or whether they're each individual tentacles. You're not sure you want to get close enough to find out.">>\
<<set $m_att[0] to {type: $typephysical, mindam: 1, maxdam: (2 * _multi), tohit: _baseth, hitm: "hits you", missm: "takes a swipe at you but misses", absorbm: "hits you, but you shrug off the attack"}>>\
<<set $m_att[1] to {type: $typeflurry, mindam: 1, maxdam: 1 + _multi, tohit: _baseth, hitm: "hits you with a flurry of tentacles", missm: "flurries at you but misses", absorbm: "flurries, but you shrug off the blow"}>>\
<<set $m_att[2] to {type: $typetease, mindam: 1, maxdam: 5, tohit: 10, hitm: "spurts white fluid on you", missm: "sprays white fluid at you but misses", absorbm: "sprays white fluid at you, but it lands harmlessly on your clothing"}>>\
<<elseif _whichmon is "pouncer">>\
<!-- city -->\
<<set $m_name to "Pouncer">>\
<<set $m_pic to "TENpouncer.png">>\
<<set $m_ac[0] to $m_ac[0] + 10>>\
<<set $m_ac[1] to $m_ac[1] + 10>>\
<<set $m_desc to "A writhing mass of tentacles with a single, armored head. It moves slowly, but strikes like lightning.">>\
<<set $m_att[0] to {type: $typepouncerbuff, mindam: 1, maxdam: _multi * 2, tohit: 999, hitm: "coils itself tighter", missm: "never misses", absorbm: "no absorb"}>>\
<<set $m_att[1] to {type: $typetease, mindam: 1, maxdam: 3, tohit: (_baseth + _multi), hitm: "purrs alluringly at you", missm: "purrs at you", absorbm: "makes a creepy purring noise"}>>\
<<elseif _whichmon is "octopoid">>\
<!-- ocean -->\
<<set $m_flurryqty to 8>>\
<<set $m_name to "Octopoid">>\
<<set $m_pic to "TENoctopoid.gif">>\
<<set $m_desc to "An octopus. No,'s an octopus. Octopenis, maybe?">>\
<<set $m_att[0] to {type: $typephysical, mindam: 8, maxdam: 16, tohit: _baseth, hitm: "crushes you", missm: "reaches for you but misses", absorbm: "latches onto you but fails to get a good grip"}>>\
<<set $m_att[1] to {type: $typeflurry, mindam: 1, maxdam: 3, tohit: _baseth, hitm: "crushes you", missm: "reaches for you with a tentacle but misses", absorbm: "grazes you with a tentacle"}>>\
<<set $m_att[2] to {type: $typetease, mindam: 1, maxdam: 8, tohit: (30 + _baseth), hitm: "slides a tentacle up between your thighs", missm: "reaches for your legs but misses", absorbm: "grabs your ankle and pulls, but you squeeze your legs together"}>>\
<<elseif _whichmon is "pitcher">>\
<!-- ocean -->\
<<set $m_name to "Pitcher Plant">>\
<<set $m_pic to "TENpitcher.gif">>\
<<set $m_desc to "Not technically a plant, but the name stuck.">>\
<<set $m_att[0] to {type: $typephysical, mindam: 1, maxdam: 5, tohit: _baseth, hitm: "hits you", missm: "takes a swipe at you but misses", absorbm: "hits you, but you shrug off the attack"}>>\
<<set $m_att[1] to {type: $typetease, mindam: 1, maxdam: 4, tohit: 10, hitm: "spurts white fluid on you", missm: "sprays white fluid at you but misses", absorbm: "sprays white fluid at you, but it lands harmlessly on your clothing"}>>\
<!-- doesn't exist or pending -->\
<<elseif _whichmon is "coiler">>\
<!-- constrictor themed? -->\
<<set $m_name to "Coiler">>\
<<set $m_pic to "TENcoiler.gif">>\
<<set $m_desc to "Implement coiler">>\
<<set $m_att[0] to {type: $typephysical, mindam: 1, maxdam: 5, tohit: _baseth, hitm: "hits you", missm: "takes a swipe at you but misses", absorbm: "hits you, but you shrug off the attack"}>>\
<<set $m_att[1] to {type: $typetease, mindam: 1, maxdam: 5, tohit: 10, hitm: "spurts white fluid on you", missm: "sprays white fluid at you but misses", absorbm: "sprays white fluid at you, but it lands harmlessly on your clothing"}>>\
<<elseif _whichmon is "shoggoth">>\
<<set $m_name to "Shoggoth">>\
<<set $m_pic to "TENshoggoth.gif">>\
<<set $m_desc to "A large, suckered tentacle, eagerly dripping with sexual fluids. ">>\
<<set $m_att[0] to {type: $typephysical, mindam: 1, maxdam: 10, tohit: _baseth, hitm: "hits you", missm: "takes a swipe at you but misses", absorbm: "hits you, but you shrug off the attack"}>>\
<<set $m_att[1] to {type: $typetease, mindam: 1, maxdam: 5, tohit: 10, hitm: "slithers a moist tendril up your leg", missm: "extends a tendril at you, but you dodge", absorbm: "extends a moist tendril up your leg, but you manage to brush it off"}>>\
<<elseif _whichmon is "space squid">>\
<<set $m_name to "Space squid">>\
<<set $m_pic to "TENsquid.gif">>\
<<set $m_desc to "Implement space squid">>\
<<set $m_att[0] to {type: $typephysical, mindam: 1, maxdam: 10, tohit: _baseth, hitm: "hits you", missm: "takes a swipe at you but misses", absorbm: "hits you, but you shrug off the attack"}>>\
<<set $m_att[1] to {type: $typemagic, mindam: 1, maxdam: 10, tohit: _baseth, hitm: "showers you in destructive magic", missm: "fires a bolt of magic clear past your head", absorbm: "strikes you with a bolt of magic, but you resist"}>>\
<<set $m_att[2] to {type: $typetease, mindam: 1, maxdam: 5, tohit: 10, hitm: "slithers a moist tendril up your leg", missm: "extends a tendril at you, but you dodge", absorbm: "extends a moist tendril up your leg, but you manage to brush it off"}>>\
<<elseif _whichmon is "bramble">>\
<<set $m_boss to 1>>\
<<set $m_name to "Bramble Patch">>\
<<set $m_pic to "TENbramble.png">>\
<<set $m_desc to "A giant network of pink, thorny (horny?) vines, twisting and writhing in a constant search for anything female to enjoy.">>\
<<set $m_att[0] to {type: $typephysical, mindam: 1, maxdam: 10, tohit: _baseth +50, hitm: "a tentacle shoots through the ground at your feet, hitting you", missm: "takes a swipe at you but misses", absorbm: "main attack absorb message"}>>\
<<set $m_att[1] to {type: $typedebuffpoison, mindam: 1, maxdam: 2, tohit: 999, hitm: "sprays a sicky sweet mist", missm: "never misses", absorbm: "unabsorbable"}>>\
<<set $m_att[2] to {type: $typeAoE, mindam: 1, maxdam: 6, tohit: 999, hitm: "sprays the field with chitinous spikes", missm: "never misses", absorbm: "unabsorbable"}>>\
<<set $m_ac to [60,60,999]>>\
<<set $m_hp[0] to 160>>\
<<elseif _whichmon is "wrecker">>\
<<set $m_boss to 2>>\
<<set $m_name to "City Wrecker">>\
<<set $m_pic to "TENwrecker.png">>\
<<set $m_desc to "Describe city wrecker boss">>\
<<set $m_att[0] to {type: $typephysical, mindam: 1, maxdam: 10, tohit: _baseth +50, hitm: "crushes you with a giant tentacle", missm: "takes a swipe at you but misses", absorbm: "main attack absorb message"}>>\
<<set $m_att[0] to {type: $typemagic, mindam: 1, maxdam: 10, tohit: _baseth +50, hitm: "slams into you with bolt of magic", missm: "fires a bolt of charged magic at you but misses", absorbm: "strikes you with a bolt of charged magic, but you resist the effect"}>>\
<<set $m_att[1] to {type: $typeAoE, mindam: 1, maxdam: 10, tohit: 999, hitm: "slams the ground, knocking you off your feet", missm: "slams the ground, but you remain upright", absorbm: "unabsorbable"}>>\
<<set $m_ac to [80,30,999]>>\
<<set $m_hp[0] to 240>>\
<<elseif _whichmon is "mega squid">>\
<<set $m_boss to 3>>\
<<set $m_name to "Mega-squid">>\
<<set $m_pic to "TENmegasquid.png">>\
<<set $m_desc to "Describe massive mega squid">>\
<<set $m_flurryqty to 9>>\
<<set $m_att[0] to {type: $typephysical, mindam: 1, maxdam: 10, tohit: _baseth +50, hitm: "grips you with a giant sucker", missm: "takes a swipe at you but misses", absorbm: ""}>>\
<<set $m_att[1] to {type: $typeflurry, mindam: 1, maxdam: 3, tohit: _baset +50, hitm: "smacks you with a flurry of tentacles", missm: "flurries but misses", absorbm: "flurries, but you endure the blow"}>>\
<<set $m_ac to [30,80,999]>>\
<<set $m_hp[0] to 320>>\
<<elseif _whichmon is "space boss">>\
<<set $m_boss to 4>>\
<<set $m_name to "Cosmic Horror">>\
<<set $m_pic to "TENcosmichorror.png">>\
<<set $m_desc to "Describe space boss">>\
<<set $m_att[0] to {type: $typemagic, mindam: 6, maxdam: 20, tohit: _baseth +100, hitm: "shower the space around you with destructive magic", missm: "tries to shower the space around you im magic, but it's diverted to an alternate dimension", absorbm: "showers you in destrutive magic, but you overcome and are unscathed!"}>>\
<<set $m_att[1] to {type: $typedebuffpoison, mindam: 1, maxdam: 5, tohit: 999, hitm: "sprays a cloud of gas at you", missm: "never misses", absorbm: "unabsorbable"}>>\
<<set $m_att[2] to {type: $typeaoe, mindam: 1, maxdam: 10, tohit: 999, hitm: "crushes with its many tentacles", missm: "never misses", absorbm: "unabsorbable"}>>\
<<set $m_att[3] to {type: $typedebuffth, mindam: 1, maxdam: 10, tohit: 999, hitm: "bores into you with a terrifying gaze", missm: "never misses", absorbm: "unabsorbable"}>>\
<<set $m_ac to [70,70,999]>>\
<<set $m_hp[0] to 400>>\
<<AddToLog "Error in GetMon: unrecognized monster requested">>\
<<set $m_hp[1] to $m_hp[0]>>
<<if $mon_request[0] is "boss">>
<<set $m_fullname to $m_name>>
<<set $m_fullname to $mon_request[0] + " " + $mon_request[1] + " " + $m_name>>
Followup desc:
<<if $mon_request[0] is "minor">>
<<set $m_desc to $m_desc + " This one is unusually small, and ">>
<<elseif $mon_request[0] is "lesser">>
<<set $m_desc to $m_desc + " This one seems a little smaller than usual, and is ">>
<<elseif $mon_request[0] is "common">>
<<set $m_desc to $m_desc + " A fairly typical example of its species, this one is ">>
<<elseif $mon_request[0] is "greater">>
<<set $m_desc to $m_desc + " This one is unusually large, and is ">>
<<elseif $mon_request[0] is "elder">>
<<set $m_desc to $m_desc + " Clearly an elder of its species, this creature seems unusually dangerous, and is ">>
<<elseif $mon_request[0] is "boss">>
<<AddToLog "Error: unrecognized monrequest(0) in GetMon. Defaulting to minor.">>
<<if $mon_request[1] is "boss">>
<<elseif $mon_request[1] is "bulbous">>
<<set $m_desc to $m_desc + " covered with numerous bulges across its body in a manner that leaves you simultaneously considering the expression, 'ribbed for her pleasure' while also uncer">>\
<<set $m_att[0] to {type: $typephysical, mindam: 1, maxdam: (1 + _multi), tohit: (_baseth +10), hitm: "tears across your flesh with a ribbed tentacle", missm: "reaches for you but misses", absorbm: "slides ineffectually across your body"}>>\
<<elseif $mon_request[1] is "slimy">>
<<set $m_desc to $m_desc + "coated with a layer of thick slime clearly intended to allow its rough tentacles to gain easy entrance into especially tight places.">>\
<<set $m_att[$m_att.length] to {type: $typetease, mindam: 1, maxdam: (1 + _multi), tohit: (_baseth +10 + _multi), hitm: "coils a tentacle around your thigh and prods at your panties", missm: "reaches for you but misses", absorbm: "extends a moist tendril up your leg, but you manage to brush it off"}>>\
<<set $m_att[$m_att.length] to {type: $typetease, mindam: 1, maxdam: (1 + _multi), tohit: (_baseth +10 + _multi), hitm: "trails slime up and down your legs with a tendril", missm: "extends a tendril at you, but you dodge", absorbm: "slides a tentacle up your thigh, but you bat it away"}>>\
<<elseif $mon_request[1] is "moist">>
<<set $m_desc to $m_desc + "dripping with a sweet-smelling liquid that clearly doubles as both pheromones and lubricant for its many slippery shafts. Your nipples harden at the scent.">>\
<<set $m_att[$m_att.length] to {type: $typetease, mindam: 1, maxdam: (1 + _multi), tohit: (_baseth +10 + _multi), hitm: "emits a pleasing scent", missm: "emits a visible scent cloud, but misses", absorbm: "emits a pleasing scent, which you ignore"}>>\
<<elseif $mon_request[1] is "phantasmal">>
<<set $m_ac[0] to $m_ac[0] + 20>>
<<set $m_hp[0] to $m_hp[0] + (5 * _multi)>>\
<<set $m_desc to $m_desc + "pulsating with an array of ever-shifting, vibrant colors. The effect distorts your view of its movement, making it a little harder to see where it ends and where it begins.">>\
<<elseif $mon_request[1] is "amorphous">>
<<set $m_ac[0] to $m_ac[0] + 10>>
<<set $m_ac[0] to $m_ac[1] + 10>>
<<set $m_hp[0] to $m_hp[0] + 10>>\
<<set $m_desc to $m_desc + "strangely difficult to see. Your eyes seem to slide off the outer edges of its tentacles, and it's mildly hypntoic even to try.">>\
<<elseif $mon_request[1] is "gelatinous">>
<<set $m_ac[0] to $m_ac[0] + 20>>
<<set $m_ac[1] to $m_ac[1] - 20>>
<<set $m_desc to $m_desc + "composed of a clearly gelatinous substance that picks up bits of the ground as it slides closer to you.">>\
<<elseif $mon_request[1] is "fertility">>
<<set $m_skillcap to $m_skillcap + 10>>\
<<set $m_ac[2] to 0>>
<<set $m_att[$m_att.length] to {type: $typefertility, mindam: 1, maxdam: 1, tohit: 30 + (_multi * 5), hitm: "wraps a tentacle around your thighs and spurts liquid up your pelvis, causing you to shudder in pleasure", missm: "tries to wrap itself around your thighs, but you quickly shove it away", absorbm: "wraps itself around your hips and sprays liquid up between your thighs, but you grit your teeth and resist the effect"}>>\
<<set $m_att[$m_att.length] to {type: $typepheromone, mindam: 1, maxdam: _multi, tohit: 30 + (_multi * 5), hitm: "sprays you with a pink liquid that absorbs into your skin", missm: "sprays pink liquid at you, but you dodge", absorbm: "sprays pink liquid on you, but you grit your teeth and resist the effect"}>>\
<<set $m_desc to $m_desc + "dripping with a milky white fluid that reeks of virility. You feel your nipples harden and your pussy clench merely from the sight of it, and somewhere deep in your belly you feel your ovaries begging you to submit to its ministrations.">>\
<<elseif $mon_request[1] is "eldritch">>
<<set $m_skillcap to $m_skillcap + 10>>\
<<set $m_ac[0] to $m_ac[0] + 20>>
<<set $m_ac[1] to $m_ac[1] + 20>>
<<set $m_ac[2] to $m_ac[2] + 20>>
<<set $m_desc to $m_desc + "brimming with power that fills you with with a sense of dread. And yet, you can't help but notice a moistness trickling down your thighs merely from standing in the vicinity of this creature. You sense that it is very aware of the affect it has on you, and that it is both pleased and amused.">>\
<<elseif $mon_request[1] is "combat">>
<<set $m_skillcap to $m_skillcap + 10>>\
<<set $m_ac[0] to $m_ac[0] + 10>>
<<set $m_ac[1] to $m_ac[1] - 10>>
<<for _asd to 0; _asd < $m_att.length; _asd++>>\
<<if $m_att[_asd].type is $typephysical>>\
<<set $m_att[_asd].mindam to $m_att[_asd].mindam + 1>>\
<<set $m_att[_asd].maxdam to $m_att[_asd].maxdam + 2>>\
<<set $m_att[_asd].tohit to $m_att[_asd].tohit + 10>>\
<<set $m_att[$m_att.length] to {type: $typephysical, mindam: 1, maxdam: 5, tohit: _baseth, hitm: "wraps a tentacle around you, which then stabs you with sharp spikes through its own skin", missm: "reaches for you with a tentacle, but misses", absorbm: "stabs you with its tentacle spikes, but they fail to penetrate"}>>\
<<set $m_desc to $m_desc + " covered with spikes and barbs that serve the dual purpose of not only making it more dangerous in a fight, but also to add extra //sensations// to the pleasures of those it defeats.">>\
<<elseif $mon_request[1] is "magical">>
<<set $m_skillcap to $m_skillcap + 10>>\
<<set $m_ac[1] to $m_ac[0] - 10>>
<<set $m_ac[1] to $m_ac[1] + 10>>
<<for _asd to 0; _asd < $m_att.length; _asd++>>\
<<if $m_att[_asd].type is $typemagic>>\
<<set $m_att[_asd].mindam to $m_att[_asd].mindam + 1>>\
<<set $m_att[_asd].maxdam to $m_att[_asd].maxdam + 2>>\
<<set $m_att[_asd].tohit to $m_att[_asd].tohit + 10>>\
<<set $m_desc to $m_desc + " glowing with a faint magical aura, clearly indicating its preferred attack mode.">>\
<<elseif $mon_request[1] is "nether">>
<<set $m_skillcap to $m_skillcap + 10>>\
<<set $m_ac[0] to $m_ac[0] + 10>>
<<set $m_desc to $m_desc + "emitting an eerie glow.">>\
<<elseif $mon_request[1] is "red">>
<<set $m_skillcap to $m_skillcap -5>>\
<<for _asd to 0; _asd < $m_att.length; _asd++>>\
<<set $m_att[_asd].tohit to $m_att[_asd].tohit - 10>>\
<<set $m_desc to $m_desc + "colored with small, subtle patches of red across its length.">>\
<<elseif $mon_request[1] is "yellow">>
<<set $m_skillcap to $m_skillcap -5>>\
<<for _asd to 0; _asd < $m_att.length; _asd++>>\
<<set $m_att[_asd].tohit to $m_att[_asd].tohit - 10>>\
<<set $m_desc to $m_desc + "colored with small, subtle patches of yellow across its length.">>\
<<elseif $mon_request[1] is "blue">>
<<set $m_skillcap to $m_skillcap -5>>\
<<for _asd to 0; _asd < $m_att.length; _asd++>>\
<<set $m_att[_asd].tohit to $m_att[_asd].tohit - 10>>\
<<set $m_desc to $m_desc + "colored with small, subtle patches of blue across its length.">>\
<<elseif $mon_request[1] is "orange">>
<<set $m_att[$m_att.length] to {type: $typedebuffth, mindam: 1, maxdam: (2 + _multi), tohit: (_baseth + _multi), hitm: "showers you in a sweet-smelling orange mist", missm: "showers you in an orange mist, but you hold your breath and move away", absorbm: "showers you in an orange mist, prompting you to cough a few times but little else"}>>\
<<set $m_desc to $m_desc + "colored with small, subtle patches of orange across its length.">>\
<<elseif $mon_request[1] is "green">>
<<set $m_att[$m_att.length] to {type: $typedebuffpoison, mindam: 1, maxdam: 1, tohit: (_baseth + _multi), hitm: "showers you in sickly green mist", missm: "showers you in a sickly green mist, but you hold your breath and move away", absorbm: "showers you in a green mist, but you're too tough to be very bothered by it"}>>\
<<set $m_desc to $m_desc + "colored with small, subtle patches of green across its length.">>\
<<elseif $mon_request[1] is "purple">>
<<set $m_att[$m_att.length] to {type: $typedebuffac, mindam: 1, maxdam: (2 + _multi), tohit: (_baseth + _multi), hitm: "showers you in purple mist", missm: "showers you in purple mist, but you hold your breath and move away", absorbm: "showers you in a green mist, but you're too tough to be very bothered by it"}>>\
<<set $m_desc to $m_desc + "colored with small, subtle patches of purple across its length.">>\
<<elseif $mon_request[1] is "pink">>
<<set $m_skillcap to $m_skillcap +10>>\
<<set $m_ac[2] to 0>>
<<set $m_att[$m_att.length] to {type: $typetease, mindam: 1, maxdam: _multi, tohit: (_baseth + 10), hitm: "emits a cloud of pink mist at you", missm: "emits a cloud of pink mist at you, but you hold your breath and dash away", absorbm: "showers you in a pink mist, but you press on, unaffected"}>>\
<<set $m_att[$m_att.length] to {type: $typepheromone, mindam: 1, maxdam: 1, tohit: 30 + (_multi * 5), hitm: "sprays you with a pink liquid that absorbs into your skin", missm: "sprays pink liquid at you, but you dodge", absorbm: "sprays pink liquid on you, but you grit your teeth and resist the effect"}>>\
<<set $m_desc to $m_desc + "adorned with an array of pink, attenion-grabbing splotches across its length. On close inspection, you see that the pink splotches are constantly pulsing in a manner that reminds you of breathing. Looking at them, you can't help but wonder what they would feel like inside you.">>\
<<AddToLog "Error: unrecognized type monrequest(1) in GetMon. Defaulting to default">>
version 3 generator:
<<if $WORLD.BattleData[0] neq "default">>\
<<set $m_hp[0] to Math.trunc($m_hp[0] * (1 + $Danger / 100))>>\
<<set $m_hp[1] to $m_hp[0]>>\
<<set _VThreeToHitBonus to 0>>\
<<set _VThreeArmorBonus to 0>>\
<<set _CurrentTimeName to setup.GetTime("timename")>>\
<<if _CurrentTimeName is "midnight">>\
<!-- implement extra attack type? -->\
<<elseif _CurrentTimeName is "after midnight">>\
<<set _VThreeToHitBonus to 10>>\
<<set _VThreeArmorBonus to 10>>\
<<elseif _CurrentTimeName is "still dark out">>\
<<set _VThreeToHitBonus to 10>>\
<<elseif _CurrentTimeName is "after dark">>\
<<set _VThreeToHitBonus to 10>>\
<<elseif _CurrentTimeName is "late at night">>\
<<set _VThreeToHitBonus to 10>>\
<<set _VThreeArmorBonus to 10>>\
<<for _asd to 0; _asd < $m_att.length; _asd++>>\
<<set $m_att[_asd].tohit to $m_att[_asd].tohit + _VThreeToHitBonus>>\
<<set $m_ac[0] to $m_ac[0] + _VThreeArmorBonus>>
<<set $m_ac[1] to $m_ac[1] + _VThreeArmorBonus>>
<<set $m_ac[2] to $m_ac[2] + _VThreeArmorBonus>>
<<widget MonsterTurn>>\
<<set _firststrike to $args[0]>>\
<<if $m_hp[0] < 1>>\
<<replace "#combatcontrols">>\
@@color:LightGreen;You are victorious!@@
<<set _olddanger to $Danger>>\
<<if $WORLD.teamfightnow is true>>\
<<set $Danger to $Danger - 1>>\
<<set $Danger to $Danger - 1>>\
<<if $Danger < 0>>\
<<set $Danger to 0>>\
<<set _dv to _olddanger - $Danger>>\
<<if $mon_request[0] is "boss">>\
<<set $Danger to 0>>\
* World danger reduced to zero. For now.
<<elseif _dv > 0>>\
* Danger level decreased by _dv%
<<set $LogKills to $LogKills +1>>\
<<RegionCredit "win">>\
<<if $mon_request[0] is "minor">>\
<<set _BaseXP to 1>>\
<<elseif $mon_request[0] is "lesser">>\
<<set _BaseXP to 2>>\
<<elseif $mon_request[0] is "common">>\
<<set _BaseXP to 3>>\
<<elseif $mon_request[0] is "greater">>\
<<set _BaseXP to 4>>\
<<elseif $mon_request[0] is "elder">>\
<<set _BaseXP to 5>>\
<<elseif $mon_request[0] is "boss">>\
<<set _BaseXP to 10>>\
@@color:Red;Error in Xp computation: ($mon_request / _BaseXP)
<<set _TeamPenalty to 1>>\
<<if $WORLD.teamfightnow is true>>\
<<set _TeamPenalty to .25>>\
@@color:LightGreen;Base XP: _BaseXP ($mon_request[0])@@
<<if $WORLD.teamfightnow is true>>\
@@color:Yellow;Team Shares xp: x 25%@@
<<set _AttGainReport to "error">>\
<<set _SkillPenalty to 1>>\
<<if $AttackGains.length > 0>>\
<<set _which to $AttackGains[random(0, $AttackGains.length -1)]>>\
<<set _TotalAttackSkillGain to _BaseXP * _TeamPenalty>>\
<<if $m_skillcap < $Stats[_which]>>\
<<set _SkillPenalty to $m_skillcap / $Stats[_which]>>\
<<set _SkillPenalty to setup.Hundredths(_SkillPenalty)>>\
<<set _TotalAttackSkillGain to setup.Hundredths(_TotalAttackSkillGain * _SkillPenalty)>>\
@@color:Red;Easy opponent penalty: _SkillPenalty@@
<<ChangeStat _which _TotalAttackSkillGain>>\
<<if _which is $STATphysatt>>\
<<set _AttGainReport to "@@color:LightGreen;Physical Attack gain: " + _TotalAttackSkillGain + "@@">>\
<<elseif _which is $STATmagatt>>\
<<set _AttGainReport to "@@color:LightGreen;Magical Attack gain: " + _TotalAttackSkillGain + "@@">>\
@@color:Red;Error in XP calc: (_which) is not an attack skill@@
<<set _AttGainReport to "@@color:Yellow;No attack skill gain: No successful attacks@@">>\
<<print _AttGainReport>>\
<<set _SkillPenalty to 1>>\
<<if $DefenseGains.length > 0>>\
<<set _which to $DefenseGains[random(0, $DefenseGains.length -1)]>>\
<<set _TotalDefenseSkillGain to _BaseXP * _TeamPenalty>>\
<<if $m_skillcap < $Stats[_which]>>\
<<set _SkillPenalty to $m_skillcap / $Stats[_which]>>\
<<set _SkillPenalty to setup.Hundredths(_SkillPenalty)>>\
<<set _TotalDefenseSkillGain to setup.Hundredths(_TotalDefenseSkillGain * _SkillPenalty)>>\
@@color:Red;Easy opponent penalty: _SkillPenalty@@
<<ChangeStat _which _TotalDefenseSkillGain>>\
<<if _which is $STATphysdef>>\
<<set _DefGainReport to "@@color:LightGreen;Physical Defense gain: " + _TotalDefenseSkillGain + "@@">>\
<<elseif _which is $STATmagdef>>\
<<set _DefGainReport to "@@color:LightGreen;Magical Defense gain: " + _TotalDefenseSkillGain + "@@">>\
@@color:Red;Error in XP calc: (_which) is not an defense skill@@
<<set _DefGainReport to "@@color:Yellow;No defense skill gain: No succesful attacks against you@@">>\
<<print _DefGainReport>>\
<<header "Options">>
<<if $mon_request[0] is "boss">>\
<!-- 0=solo/team 1=bossnum 2=health/lust -->\
<<set _WinData to []>>\
<<if ($WORLD.teamfightnow is true)>>\
<<set $WORLD.datapasser to "team boss win">>\
<<set _WinData[0] to "team">>\
<<set $WORLD.datapasser to "solo boss win">>\
<<set _WinData[0] to "solo">>\
<<set _WinData[1] to $m_boss>>\
<<set _WinData[2] to "not used">>\
<<set $WORLD.datapassertwo to _WinData>>\
<span id="KeypOne">\
<<link "1) Continue" "BossDialogues">>
<<set $ForbidMenu to false>>
<<elseif $CameFrom is "Intro">>\
<span id="KeypOne">\
<<link "1) Continue" $CameFrom>>
<<set $ForbidMenu to false>>
<<elseif $WORLD.teamfightnow is true>>\
<<if ($Stats[$STATfatiguemax] - $Stats[$STATfatiguecur]) < 10>>\
<<set $CameFrom to "Main">>\
<span id="KeypOne">\
<<link "1) Continue" $CameFrom>>
<<set $ForbidMenu to false>>
<<if ($Stats[$STATfatiguemax] - $Stats[$STATfatiguecur]) < 10>>\
<<set $CameFrom to "Main">>\
<span id="KeypOne">\
<<link "1) Continue" $CameFrom>>
<<set $ForbidMenu to false>>
<span id="KeypTwo">\
<<link "2) Have sexy times with this tentacle" "WillingSex">>
<<set $SexPasser to "woncombat">>\
<<set $Dialoguetracking to -1>>\
<<set $ForbidMenu to false>>
<<if $Cages > 0>>\
<<if ($Stats[$STATfatiguemax] - $Stats[$STATfatiguecur]) < 10>>\
3) Too tired to capture
<<set _cageavail to 0>>\
<<for _i to 0; _i < $Cages +1; _i++>>\
<<if ($Tentacles[_i].bought is true) and ($Tentacles[_i].avail is true)>>\
<<set _cageavail to _cageavail +1>>\
<<if _cageavail > 0>>\
<span id="KeypThree">\
<<link "3) Capture" "EngageNew">>
<<PassTime 4>>\
<<ChangeStat $STATfatiguecur 10 $NoMod>>\
<<set $ForbidMenu to false>>
3) No available cages
<!-- new equipment mods -->\
<<set _CWStats to setup.FetchEquip("Weapon", $INVEN.EquipWeapon)>>\
<<set _CWShortName to _CWStats[0]>>\
<<set _CWToHit to _CWStats[2]>>\
<<set _CWToDam to _CWStats[3]>>\
<<set _CUStats to setup.FetchEquip("Uniform", $INVEN.EquipUniform)>>\
<<set _CUShortName to _CUStats[0]>>\
<<set _CUPhysDodge to _CUStats[4]>>\
<<set _CUMagDodge to _CUStats[5]>>\
<<set _CUAbsorb to _CUStats[6]>>\
<<set _CUChest to _CUStats[7]>>\
<<set _CUWaist to _CUStats[8]>>\
<<set _CUHeight to _CUStats[9]>>\
<<set _CUSexy to _CUStats[10]>>\
<!-- end equipment mods -->\
<<set _foo to $m_att.length -1>>\
<<if $m_att.length < 1>>\
<<AddToLog "Error in MonsterTurn: no valid attacks in array">>\
<<set _which to random(0, _foo)>>\
<<set _monattacktype to $m_att[_which].type>>\
<!-- if monster is aroused, favor non-damaging attacks -->\
<<if (_monattacktype is $typephysical) or (_monattacktype is $typemagic) or (_monattacktype is $typeflurry) or (_monattacktype is $typeAoE)>>\
<<set _ChanceToSwap to $m_teasebuff>>\
<<if $BUFFS.Pheromone > 0>>\
<<set _ChanceToSwap to _ChanceToSwap + 10>>\
<<if _ChanceToSwap > random(1,100)>>\
<<set _NewAttackList to []>>
<<for _CSwap to 0; _CSwap < $m_att.length; _CSwap++>>\
<<set _CTryMe to $m_att[_CSwap].type>>\
<<if (_CTryMe is $typephysical) or (_CTryMe is $typemagic) or (_CTryMe is $typeflurry) or (_CTryMe is $typeAoE)>>\
<!-- skip -->\
<<set _NewAttackList[_NewAttackList.length] to _CSwap>>
<<if _NewAttackList.length > 0>>\
<<set _which to random(0, _NewAttackList.length)>>\
<<set _changeattack to "@@color:Pink;The " + $m_name + " seems too aroused to try to hurt you@@">>\
<<CombatLog _changeattack>>\
<<set _defgainonhit to -1>>\
<<set _monattacktype to $m_att[_which].type>>\
<<set _specialdamreduction to 0>>\
<<set _AttackQuantity to 1>>\
<<if _monattacktype is $typephysical>>\
<<set _defgainonhit to $STATphysdef>>\
<<set _thtarget to $Stats[$STATphysdef] + _CUPhysDodge>>\
<<elseif _monattacktype is $typemagic>>\
<<set _defgainonhit to $STATmagdef>>\
<<set _thtarget to $Stats[$STATmagdef] + _CUMagDodge>>\
<<elseif _monattacktype is $typefatigue>>\
<<set _defgainonhit to $STATmagdef>>\
<<set _thtarget to $Stats[$STATmagdef]>>\
<<elseif _monattacktype is $typepheromone>>\
<<set _thtarget to $Stats[$STATmagdef]>>\
<<set _thtarget to $Stats[$STATphysdef]>>
<<elseif _monattacktype is $typepouncerbuff>>\
<<set _thtarget to 0>>
<<elseif _monattacktype is $typetease>>\
<<set _thtarget to $Stats[$STATpurity] - $Stats[$STATcorrupt] - _CUSexy + $m_teasebuff>>\
<<if setup.GetTime("isfertile") is true>>\
<<set _thtarget to _thtarget -20>>\
<<elseif _monattacktype is $typedebuffac>>\
<<set _defgainonhit to $STATphysdef>>\
<<set _defgainonhit to $STATmagdef>>\
<<set _thtarget to $Stats[$STATmagdef]>>\
<<elseif _monattacktype is $typedebuffth>>\
<<set _defgainonhit to $STATmagdef>>\
<<set _thtarget to $Stats[$STATmagdef]>>\
<<elseif _monattacktype is $typedebuffpoison>>\
<<set _defgainonhit to $STATmagdef>>\
<<set _thtarget to $Stats[$STATcon]>>\
<<elseif _monattacktype is $typeflurry>>\
<<set _defgainonhit to $STATphysdef>>\
<<set _AttackQuantity to $m_flurryqty>>\
<<set _thtarget to $Stats[$STATphysdef] + _CUPhysDodge>>\
<<elseif _monattacktype is $typefertility>>\
<<set _defgainonhit to $STATmagdef>>\
<<set _thtarget to $Stats[$STATpurity] - _CUSexy>>\
<<set _ResistChance to Math.trunc($Stats[$STATcon] / 10)>>\
<<if _ResistChance > random(1,100)>>\
<<set _specialdamreduction to 1>>\
<<AddToLog "Error in combat: unrecognized monster attack type">>\
<<if $BUFFS.WellRested > 0>>\
<<set _thtarget to _thtarget + $BUFFS.WellRested>>\
<<if $BUFFS.Poison > 0>>\
<<set _pmess to "@@color:LightGreen;You are poisoned! You take " + $BUFFS.Poison + " damage!@@">>\
<<set _phack to 0 - $BUFFS.Poison>>\
<<ChangeStat $STAThealthcur _phack>>\
<<CombatLog _pmess>>\
<<set _thtarget to Math.trunc(_thtarget)>>\
<<for _AttLoops to 1; _AttLoops < (_AttackQuantity +1); _AttLoops++>>\
<<set _bag to "DEBUG: attack loop: " + _AttLoops + ", Desired QTY: " + _AttackQuantity>>\
<<set _foo to "">>\
<<set _th to random(1, 100) + $m_att[_which].tohit>>\
<<if _th < _thtarget>>\
<<set _foo to "The " + $m_name + " ">>\
<<set _foo to _foo + $m_att[_which].missm>>\
<<set _foo to _foo + " (roll: " + _th + " needed: " + _thtarget + ")">>\
<<elseif $INVEN.EquipExtras[8] is -1>>\
<<set _foo to @@color:Gold;Your Invulnerability Star absorbs a blow, then shatters!@@>>\
<<set $INVEN.EquipExtras[8] to 0>>\
<<if _defgainonhit > -1>>\
<<set $DefenseGains[$DefenseGains.length] to _defgainonhit>>\
<<set _RetainMinDamForAOE to $m_att[_which].mindam>>\
<<set _RetainMaxDamForAOE to $m_att[_which].maxdam>>\
<<set _td to random(_RetainMinDamForAOE, _RetainMaxDamForAOE)>>\
<<set _td to _td - _specialdamreduction>>\
<<set _applydam to 0 - _td>>\
<<set _PossibleTargets to [$PCPTR, $PCPTR]>>\
<<set _TotalTargets to 0>>\
<<if $WORLD.teamfightnow is true>>\
<<for _ttctr to 1; _ttctr < 4; _ttctr++>>\
<<if $WORLD.teamactive[_ttctr] is true>>\
<<set _TotalTargets to _TotalTargets +1>>\
<<set _PossibleTargets[_TotalTargets] to _ttctr>>\
<<set _AttackTarget to _PossibleTargets[random(0, _TotalTargets)]>>\
<<if _monattacktype is $typepouncerbuff>>\
<<set _AttackTarget to $PCPTR>>\
<<if _monattacktype is $typeAoE>>\
<<set _foo to "@@color:Yellow;The " + $m_name + " " + $m_att[_which].hitm + "@@">>\
<<CombatLog _foo>>\
<<set _foo to "@@color:Yellow;You are hit for " + _td + " damage!@@">>\
<<CombatLog _foo>>\
<<ChangeStat $STAThealthcur _applydam>>\
<<if $WORLD.teamfightnow is true>>\
<<set _foo to "@@color:Yellow;" + $MG[$LeaderOne][1] + " is hit for " + random(_RetainMinDamForAOE, _RetainMaxDamForAOE) + " damage!@@">>\
<<CombatLog _foo>>\
<<set _foo to "@@color:Yellow;" + $MG[$FieryOne][1] + " is hit for " + random(_RetainMinDamForAOE, _RetainMaxDamForAOE) + " damage!@@">>\
<<CombatLog _foo>>\
<<set _foo to "@@color:Yellow;" + $MG[$ShyOne][1] + " is hit for " + random(_RetainMinDamForAOE, _RetainMaxDamForAOE) + " damage!@@">>\
<!-- CombatLog _foo handled by default -->\
<<set $WORLD.scream to 1>>\
<<elseif _AttackTarget is $PCPTR>>\
<<if _td > 0>>\
<!-- invert for damage widget -->\
<<set _foo to "The " + $m_name + " ">>\
<<if _monattacktype is $typephysical>>\
<<set _td to _td - _CUAbsorb>>\
<<if _td < 1>>\
<<set _foo to _foo + $m_att[_which].absorbm>>\
<<set _applydam to 0 - _td>>\
<<set _foo to _foo + $m_att[_which].hitm + " for ">>\
<<set _foo to _foo + _td + " damage.">>\
<<ChangeStat $STAThealthcur _applydam>>\
<<elseif _monattacktype is $typeflurry>>\
<<set _td to _td - _CUAbsorb>>\
<<if _td < 1>>\
<<set _foo to _foo + $m_att[_which].absorbm>>\
<<set _applydam to 0 - _td>>\
<<set _foo to _foo + $m_att[_which].hitm + " for ">>\
<<set _foo to _foo + _td + " damage.">>\
<<ChangeStat $STAThealthcur _applydam>>\
<<elseif _monattacktype is $typemagic>>\
<<set _foo to _foo + $m_att[_which].hitm + " for ">>\
<<set _foo to _foo + _td + " damage.">>\
<<ChangeStat $STAThealthcur _applydam>>\
<<elseif _monattacktype is $typefatigue>>\
<<set _foo to _foo + $m_att[_which].hitm + " increasing your fatigue by " + _td>>\
<<ChangeStat $STATfatiguecur _td>>\
<<elseif _monattacktype is $typetease>>\
<<if setup.GetTime("isfertile") is true>>\
<<set _foo to _foo + $m_att[_which].hitm + ". You feel aroused.">>\
<<set _foo to _foo + $m_att[_which].hitm + ". @@color:Pink;" + either("Your nipples harden in arousal.@@","You cream your panties a little.@@")>>\
<<set _td to _td +1>>\
<<set _foo to _foo + $m_att[_which].hitm + ". You feel aroused.">>\
<<ChangeStat $STATlust _td>>\
<<elseif _monattacktype is $typedebuffac>>\
<<set $BUFFS.PhysDef to $BUFFS.PhysDef - _td>>\
<<set _foo to _foo + $m_att[_which].hitm>>\
<<elseif _monattacktype is $typedebuffth>>\
<<set $BUFFS.PhysAtt to $BUFFS.PhysAtt - _td>>\
<<set _foo to _foo + $m_att[_which].hitm>>\
<<elseif _monattacktype is $typedebuffpoison>>\
<<set $BUFFS.Poison to $BUFFS.Poison + _td>>\
<<set _foo to _foo + $m_att[_which].hitm>>\
<<elseif _monattacktype is $typepheromone>>\
<<set $BUFFS.Pheromone to $BUFFS.Pheromone + _td>>\
<<set _foo to _foo + $m_att[_which].hitm>>\
<<elseif _monattacktype is $typepouncerbuff>>\
<<if $m_pouncerbuff > $Stats[$STAThealthmax]>>\
<<set _foo to _foo + " releases its strike!">>\
<<set $m_pouncerbuff to ($m_pouncerbuff * -1)>>\
<<set _PouncerEffectiveDamage to $m_pouncerbuff - _CUAbsorb>>\
<<ChangeStat $STAThealthcur _PouncerEffectiveDamage>>\
<<set $m_pouncerbuff to 0>>\
<<elseif $m_pouncerbuff is 0>>\
<<set $m_pouncerbuff to $m_pouncerbuff + _td>>\
<<set _foo to _foo + "begins to coil itself up">>\
<<set $m_pouncerbuff to $m_pouncerbuff + _td>>\
<<set _foo to _foo + " coils itself tighter">>\
<<elseif _monattacktype is $typefertility>>\
<<set _foo to _foo + $m_att[_which].hitm + "@@color:Pink; You have become more fertile!@@">>\
<<if $FertilityStart is $FertilityEnd>>\
<!-- already at 100% fertility -->\
<<if random(1,4) < 4>>\
<<set $FertilityStart to $FertilityStart - 1>>\
<<set $FertilityEnd to $FertilityEnd + 1>>\
<<if $FertilityStart < 0>>\
<<set $FertilityStart to $FertilityStart + 30>>\
<<if $FertilityEnd > 30>>
<<set $FertilityEnd to $FertilityEnd - 30>>\
<<AddToLog "Error in combat widget: unrecognized attack type">>\
<<if _defgainonhit > -1>>\
<<set $DefenseGains[$DefenseGains.length] to _defgainonhit>>\
<<set _foo to "The " + $m_name + " " + $m_att[_which].absorbm>>\
<<if _monattacktype is $typeflurry>>\
<<set _foo to "The " + $m_name + " flurries at " + $MG[_AttackTarget][1] + " for " + _td + " damage">>\
<<set _foo to "@@color:Yellow;The " + $m_name + " hits " + $MG[_AttackTarget][1] + "@@">>\
<<if _firststrike is true>>\
<<CombatLogFirstStrikeHack _foo>>\
<<CombatLog _foo>>\
<!-- update sidebar -->\
<<CaptionUpdate "fatigue">>\
<<replace "#captionhealth">><<print $Stats[$STAThealthcur]>> / <<print $Stats[$STAThealthmax]>><</replace>>\
<<replace "#captionlust">><<print $Stats[$STATlust]>> / <<print $Stats[$STATlustcap]>><</replace>>\
<<replace "#capbuffs">><<ShowCombatBuffs>><</replace>>\
<<run Health2($Stats[$STAThealthcur], $Stats[$STAThealthmax], "healthbar", true)>>\
<<run Health2($Stats[$STATlust], $Stats[$STATlustcap], "lustbar", true)>>\
<<set _GST to setup.GetStatTotals()>>\
<<run Health2(_GST.PhysAtt, 100, "pattbar", true)>>\
<<run Health2(_GST.PhysDef, 100, "pdefbar", true)>>\
<<run Health2(_GST.MagAtt, 100, "mattbar", true)>>\
<<run Health2(_GST.MagDef, 100, "mdefbar", true)>>\
<<replace "#captionPhysAtt">><<print _GST.PhysAtt>><</replace>>\
<<replace "#captionPhysDef">><<print _GST.PhysDef>><</replace>>\
<<replace "#captionMagAtt">><<print _GST.MagAtt>><</replace>>\
<<replace "#captionMagDef">><<print _GST.MagDef>><</replace>>\
<<set _LossData to []>>\
<!-- 0=solo/team 1=bossnum 2=health/lust -->\
<<if $WORLD.teamfightnow is true>>\
<<set _LossData[0] to "team">>\
<<set _LossData[0] to "solo">>\
<<set _LossData[1] to $m_boss>>\
<<if $Stats[$STAThealthcur] < 1>>\
<<set _LossData[2] to "health">>\
<<elseif $Stats[$STATlust] >= ($Stats[$STATlustcap])>>\
<<set _LossData[2] to "lust">>\
<<if $Stats[$STAThealthcur] < 1>>\
<<if $m_boss is 0>>\
<<RegionCredit "lose">>\
<<set $WORLD.lostbattlesleep to 1>>\
<<if $CameFrom is "Intro">>\
<<FailedIntroBattle "health">>\
<<elseif ($WORLD.teamfightnow is true)>>\
<<LostTeamBattle "health">>\
<<CombatLog "You have been defeated!">>\
<<replace "#combatcontrols">>\
@@Color:Red;You have been defeated!@@
<span id="KeypSpace">\
<<link "Press space to Continue" "UnwillingSex">>
<<set $SexPasser to "lostcombathealth">>\
<<set $Dialoguetracking to -1>>\
<<set $ForbidMenu to false>>
<<if ($WORLD.teamfightnow is true)>>\
<<set $WORLD.datapasser to "team boss loss">>\
<<replace "#combatdialogue">>\
<<set _foo to "Abort! " + $MG[$PCPTR][1] + " is down!">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne _foo>>\
<<set $WORLD.datapasser to "solo boss loss">>\
<<replace "#combatdialogue">><</replace>>\
<<set $WORLD.scream to 0>>\
<<set $WORLD.datapassertwo to _LossData>>\
<<replace "#combatcontrols">>\
@@Color:Red;You have been defeated!@@
<span id="KeypSpace">\
<<link "Press space to Continue" "BossDialogues">>
<<set $SexPasser to "none because boss">>\
<<set $Dialoguetracking to -1>>\
<<set $ForbidMenu to false>>
<<elseif $Stats[$STATlust] >= ($Stats[$STATlustcap])>>\
<<if $m_boss is 0>>\
<<set $WORLD.lostbattlesleep to 2>>\
<<if $CameFrom is "Intro">>\
<<FailedIntroBattle "lust">>\
<<elseif ($WORLD.teamfightnow is true)>>\
<<LostTeamBattle "lust">>\
<<CombatLog "You have been defeated!">>\
<<replace "#combatcontrols">>\
@@Color:Red;You submit to the tentacle in a fit of lust!@@
<span id="KeypSpace">\
<<link "Press space to continue" "UnwillingSex">>
<<set $SexPasser to "lostcombatlust">>\
<<set $Dialoguetracking to -1>>\
<<set $ForbidMenu to false>>
<<set $WORLD.scream to 0>>\
<<if $WORLD.teamfightnow is true>>\
<<set $WORLD.datapasser to "team boss loss">>\
<<replace "#combatdialogue">>\
<<set _foo to "No! " + $MG[$PCPTR][1] + either("! Try to resist!","! Not like this!")>>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne _foo>>\
<<set $WORLD.datapasser to "solo boss loss">>\
<<replace "#combatdialogue">>\
<!-- -->\
<<set $WORLD.datapassertwo to _LossData>>\
<<replace "#combatcontrols">>\
@@Color:Red;You have been defeated!@@
<span id="KeypSpace">\
<<link "Press space to Continue" "BossDialogues">>
<<set $SexPasser to "none because boss">>\
<<set $Dialoguetracking to -1>>\
<<set $ForbidMenu to false>>
<<if $WORLD.scream > 0>>\
<<replace "#combatdialogue">>
<<set _foo to random(1,4)>>\
<<if _foo is 1>>\
<<set _bar to either("Damn, that hurt!","What, no warning before the big attack? Damn, this boss cheats!","What the hell was that attack?")>>\
<<Speak $FieryOne _bar>>\
<<elseif _foo is 2>>\
<<set _bar to either("We need to stop that AoE! My healing can't keep up with the damage!","Ow!")>>\
<<Speak $ShyOne _bar>>\
<<set _bar to either("AoE attack! We need to take this thing down fast!","Try to stay out of the AoE, girls!")>>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne _bar>>\
<<set $WORLD.scream to 0>>\
<<widget "CombatCleanup">>\
Config.history.maxStates = 2;
<<set $BUFFS.PhysAtt to 0>>\
<<set $BUFFS.PhysDef to 0>>\
<<set $BUFFS.MagAtt to 0>>\
<<set $BUFFS.MagDef to 0>>\
<<set $BUFFS.Poison to 0>>\
<<set $BUFFS.Pheromone to 0>>\
<<set $BUFFS.WellRested to 0>>\
<<set $m_teasebuff to 0>>\
<<set $m_pouncerbuff to 0>>\
<<set $WORLD.healsleft to 3>>
<<set $WORLD.teamactive to [true, true, true, true]>>
<<set $WORLD.teamshoutouts to [-1, "none"]>>
<<if $BUFFS.BoostJuice > 0>>\
<<set $BUFFS.BoostJuice to $BUFFS.BoostJuice -1>>\
<<if $WORLD.teamfightnow is true>>\
<<if $m_boss > 0>>
<<if $INVEN.Extras[5] neq 0>>\
<<set $WORLD.timeuntilteam to 7>>\
<<set $WORLD.timeuntilteam to 14>>\
<<set $m_boss to 0>>\
<!-- V3 -->\
<<if $WORLD.BattleData[0] is "local">>\
<<if $WORLD.BattleData[1] is "park">>\
<<elseif $WORLD.BattleData[1] is "mall">>\
<<elseif $WORLD.BattleData[1] is "highschool">>\
<<elseif $WORLD.BattleData[1] is "beach">>\
<<set $WORLD.BattleData[0] to "default">>\
<<set $WORLD.BattleData[1] to "default">>\
<!-- end V3 -->
<<widget "TeamButtons">>\
<<if $WORLD.teamfightnow is true>>\
<<set _ta to "q) " + $MG[$LeaderOne][1]>>\
<<set _tb to "w) " + $MG[$FieryOne][1]>>\
<<set _tc to "e) " + $MG[$ShyOne][1]>>\
<<set _aCOL to "blueb">>\
<<set _bCOL to "blueb">>\
<<set _cCOL to "blueb">>\
<<set _td to 0>>\
<<if $WORLD.teamactive[$LeaderOne] is true>>\
<<set _ta to _ta + " disengage">>\
<<set _ta to _ta + " engage">>\
<<set _td to _td +1>>\
<<set _aCOL to "greenb">>\
<<if $WORLD.teamactive[$FieryOne] is true>>\
<<set _tb to _tb + " disengage">>\
<<set _tb to _tb + " engage">>\
<<set _td to _td +1>>\
<<set _bCOL to "greenb">>\
<<if $WORLD.teamactive[$ShyOne] is true>>\
<<set _tc to _tc + " disengage">>\
<<set _tc to _tc + " engage">>\
<<set _td to _td +1>>\
<<set _cCOL to "greenb">>\
<span id="KeypQ">\
<<link "">>\
<<CombatTeamAct $LeaderOne>>
<<MonsterTurn false>>
<span @class=_aCOL><<button _ta>>
<<CombatTeamAct $LeaderOne>>
<<MonsterTurn false>>\
<</button>></span> | \
<span id="KeypW">\
<<link "">>\
<<CombatTeamAct $FieryOne>>
<<MonsterTurn false>>
<span @class=_bCOL><<button _tb>>
<<CombatTeamAct $FieryOne>>
<<MonsterTurn false>>\
<</button>></span> | \
<span id="KeypE">\
<<link "">>\
<<CombatTeamAct $ShyOne>>
<<MonsterTurn false>>
<span @class=_cCOL><<button _tc>>
<<CombatTeamAct $ShyOne>>
<<MonsterTurn false>>\
<</button>></span> | \
<<if _td is 3>>\
<span id="KeypR">\
<<link "">>\
<<CombatTeamAct $PCPTR>>
<<MonsterTurn false>>
<span class="redb"><<button "r) Combo Attack!">>
<<CombatTeamAct $PCPTR>>
<<MonsterTurn false>>\
<span class="grayb"><<button "r) Combo Attack!">><</button>></span>\
Error? TeamButtons called but we're not in a team fight.
<span id="KeypFour">\
<<set _foo to $ImgPath + "button4retreat.png">>\
[img[_foo][$CameFrom][$ForbidMenu to false]]
<<widget "CombatTeamAct">>\
<<set _CTAwho to $args[0]>>\
<<if _CTAwho is $PCPTR>>\
<<if ($WORLD.teamactive[$LeaderOne] is false) and ($WORLD.teamactive[$FieryOne] is false) and ($WORLD.teamactive[$ShyOne] is false)>>\
<<set $WORLD.teamshoutouts to [$PCPTR, "blast"]>>\
<<set $WORLD.teamshoutouts to [$PCPTR, "not in position"]>>\
<<if $WORLD.teamactive[_CTAwho] is true>>\
<<set $WORLD.teamactive[_CTAwho] to false>>\
<<set _CTA to "@@color:Gold;" + $MG[_CTAwho][1] + " gets into position!@@">>
<<set $WORLD.teamshoutouts to [_CTAwho, "in"]>>\
<<set $WORLD.teamactive[_CTAwho] to true>>\
<<set _CTA to "@@color:Gold;" + $MG[_CTAwho][1] + " resumes fighting@@">>
<<set $WORLD.teamshoutouts to [_CTAwho, "out"]>>\
<<include "CombatDialogues">>\
<<replace "#combatteambuttons">><<TeamButtons>><</replace>>\
<<header "Finale">>\
<<set _pool to [1,0,0,0]>>
<<set _Qualifying to 1>>\
<<for _i to 1; _i < 4; _i++>>\
<<set _QtySecrets to $GirlsInfo[_i][$PTRsecret][1] + $GirlsInfo[_i][$PTRsex][1]>>\
<<if _QtySecrets > is 0>>\
<<set _pool[i] to 1>>\
<<set _Qualifying to _Qualifying +1>>\
<<set _TentacleCount to 0>>\
<<set _TentacleTame to 0>>\
<<if $Cages > 0>>\
<<for _i to 0; _i < $Cages +1; _i++>>\
<<if ($Tentacles[_i].bought is true) and ($Tentacles[_i].avail is false)>>\
<<set _TentacleCount to _TentacleCount +1>>\
<<if ($Tentacles[$VisitTent].tame > 9>>\
<<set _TentacleTame to _TentacleTame +1>>\
<<if _Qualifying is 1>>\
<<Narrator "The Magical Girl Ball is tomorrow. You nervously pull out your phone and consider which of your friends to invite. Sadly, you can't muster up the courage to ask any of them.">>\
<<if _TentacleTame > 0>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Not that it matters. After everything I've learned this past year somehow that crush I had on her seems like silly childhood infatuation. I think I finally know myself well enough to know what I really want, and it's not some silly dance.">>\
<<Narrator "Your eyes turn to the dark stairwell leading to your basement.">>\
<<header "Options">>
<<link "Head to the basement" "Ball">>
<<set $WORLD.datapasser to ["tentacle", _TentacleCount, _TentacleTame]>>
<<Speak $PCPTR "I just...can't do it.">>\
<<Narrator "Just as you're about to put the phone down, you get a text from one of the girls showing off the gown she's wearing for the ball. As you stare at it, another text comes in. And another. You turn off your phone without reading them.">>\
<<header "Options">>
<<link "Stay home" "Ball">>
<<set $WORLD.datapasser to ["spinster", _TentacleCount, _TentacleTame]>>
<<Narrator "The Magical Girl Ball is tomorrow. You nervously pull out your phone and consider which of your friends to invite.">>\
<<if _Qualifying is 4>>\
<<Narrator "You briefly consider inviting all of them, but the Harem ending is not implemented in this version. Maybe next release.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Well, this is it. This next phone call determines my fate. Time to call my secret crush.">>\
<<if _pool[$LeaderOne] is 1>>\
<<set _foo to "Ask " + $MG[$LeaderOne][1] + " to the Ball">>\
<<link _foo "PhoneTrial">>
<<set $WORLD.datapasser to ["leader", _TentacleCount, _TentacleTame, 0]>>
<<set $WORLD.datapassertwo to ["noneyet"]>>
<<if _pool[$FieryOne] is 1>>\
<<set _foo to "Ask " + $MG[$FieryOne][1] + " to the Ball">>\
<<link _foo "PhoneTrial">>
<<set $WORLD.datapasser to ["fiery", _TentacleCount, _TentacleTame, 0]>>
<<set $WORLD.datapassertwo to ["noneyet"]>>
<<if _pool[$ShyOne] is 1>>\
<<set _foo to "Ask " + $MG[$ShyOne][1] + " to the Ball">>\
<<link _foo "PhoneTrial">>
<<set $WORLD.datapasser to ["shy", _TentacleCount, _TentacleTame, 0]>>
<<set $WORLD.datapassertwo to ["noneyet"]>>
<<set _foo to "Go to the Magical Ball alone">>\
<<link _foo "Ball">>
<<set $WORLD.datapasser to ["alone", _TentacleCount, _TentacleTame, 0]>>
<<PlayBGM "romance">>\
<<set $CameFrom to passage()>>\
<<set _party to [0,1,2,3]>>\
<<set _throwaway to _party.delete($PCPTR)>>\
<table style="width:100%; table-layout: fixed;"><tr><td>\
<<set _cimg to $ImgPath + "AV" + $MG[_party[0]][3] + $MG[_party[0]][0] + ".png">>\
<span id="KeypThree">\
<<if $GirlChat is _party[0]>>\
<<link [img[_cimg]]>>
<<set $GirlChat to _party[0]>>
<span style = "filter: grayscale(100%)">
<<link [img[_cimg]]>>
<<set $GirlChat to _party[0]>>
<<set _cimg to $ImgPath + "AV" + $MG[_party[1]][3] + $MG[_party[1]][0] + ".png">>\
<span id="KeypThree">\
<<if $GirlChat is _party[1]>>\
<<link [img[_cimg]]>>
<<set $GirlChat to _party[1]>>
<</link>> \
<span style = "filter: grayscale(100%)">
<<link [img[_cimg]]>>
<<set $GirlChat to _party[1]>>
<<set _cimg to $ImgPath + "AV" + $MG[_party[2]][3] + $MG[_party[2]][0] + ".png">>\
<span id="KeypThree">\
<<if $GirlChat is _party[2]>>\
<<link [img[_cimg]]>>
<<set $GirlChat to _party[2]>>
<</link>> \
<span style = "filter: grayscale(100%)">
<<link [img[_cimg]]>>
<<set $GirlChat to _party[2]>>
<<if $WORLD.bossA > 1>>\
<<set _cimg to $ImgPath + "RivalUnimpressed.jpg">>\
<span id="KeypFour">\
<<if $GirlChat is $RivalOne>>\
<<link [img[_cimg]]>>
<<set $GirlChat to $RivalOne>>
<</link>> \
<span style = "filter: grayscale(100%)">
<<link [img[_cimg]]>>
<<set $GirlChat to $RivalOne>>
<span id="KeypQ">\
<<set _foo to "q) View " + $MG[_party[0]][1]>>\
<<link _foo "Rolodex">>
<<set $GirlChat to _party[0]>>
<span id="KeypW">\
<<set _foo to "w) View " + $MG[_party[1]][1]>>\
<<link _foo "Rolodex">>
<<set $GirlChat to _party[1]>>
<span id="KeypE">\
<<set _foo to "e) View " + $MG[_party[2]][1]>>\
<<link _foo "Rolodex">>
<<set $GirlChat to _party[2]>>
<<if $WORLD.bossA > 1>>\
<span id="KeypR">\
<<set _foo to "r) View Mysterious Girl">>\
<<link _foo "Rolodex">>
<<set $GirlChat to $RivalOne>>
<<if $GirlChat neq -1>>\
<table style="width:100%; table-layout: fixed;"><tr><td style ="white-space: nowrap;">\
<<set _bio to "Team Captain">>\
<<if $GirlChat is $FieryOne>>\
<<set _bio to "Brawler">>\
<<elseif $GirlChat is $ShyOne>>\
<<set _bio to "Healer">>\
<<elseif $GirlChat is $RivalOne>>\
<<set _bio to "Magical Girl">>\
@@color:Khaki;Blood type:
Hair color:
Bust size:
<<print $MG[$GirlChat][2]>>
<<print $MG[$GirlChat][3].toUpperFirst()>>
<<print $MG[$GirlChat][$MGPTRweight]>> lbs.
<<ConvertHeight $MG[$GirlChat][$MGPTRheight]>>
<<ConvertBust $MG[$GirlChat][$MGPTRbust]>>
<<print $MG[$GirlChat][$MGPTRwaist]>>"
<<print $MG[$GirlChat][$MGPTRhips]>>"
</td><td style ="white-space: nowrap;">\
<<header "Likes">>
@@color:Khaki;Favorite food:
Favorite color:
Favorite dessert:
Favorite place:
Favorite music:
Favorite drink:@@
<span id="food"><<pref $GirlChat $PTRfood>></span>
<span id="color"><<pref $GirlChat $PTRcolor>></span>
<span id="dessert"><<pref $GirlChat $PTRdessert>></span>
<span id="place"><<pref $GirlChat $PTRplace>></span>
<span id="music"><<pref $GirlChat $PTRmusic>></span>
<span id="drink"><<pref $GirlChat $PTRdrink>></span>
</td><td style ="white-space: nowrap;">\
<<header "Ambitions">>
@@color:Khaki;Dream job:
Dream vacation:
Dream lifestyle:@@
<<header "Personal">>
@@color:Khaki;Sexual preference:
Personal Secret:@@
<span id="goal"><<pref $GirlChat $PTRgoal>></span>
<span id="vacation"><<pref $GirlChat $PTRvacation>></span>
<span id="lifestyle"><<pref $GirlChat $PTRlifestyle>></span>
<span id="sex"><<pref $GirlChat $PTRsex>></span>
<span id="secret"><<pref $GirlChat $PTRsecret>></span>
<<header "Options">>
<span id="KeypSpace">\
<<link "space) Return" "Main">>
<<set $GirlChat to -1>>
<<if $GirlChat is $RivalOne>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Unfortunately I have no way to contact the mysterious girl.">>\
<<elseif $GirlChat neq -1>>\
<<if $CalledToday[$GirlChat] is true>>\
1) You've already called <<print $MG[$GirlChat][1]>> today
<<elseif $Stats[$STATfatiguemax] - $Stats[$STATfatiguecur] < 10>>\
1) You're too tired to call anyone
<span id="KeypOne">\
<<set _foo to "1) Call " + $MG[$GirlChat][1]>>\
<<link _foo "Phone">>
<<set $TimesTalked[$GirlChat] to $TimesTalked[$GirlChat] +1>>
<<set $CalledToday[$GirlChat] to true>>
<<if $DebugMode is true>>\
<<header "Debug:">>
GirlChat is <<print $GirlChat>>
MG1: <<print $GirlsInfo[0]>>
MG2: <<print $GirlsInfo[1]>>
MG3: <<print $GirlsInfo[2]>>
MG4: <<print $GirlsInfo[3]>>
<<header "Error log">>
<span id="KeypOne">\
<<link "1) Continue" $CameFrom>>\
<<set $ForbidMenu to false>>
<<print $ErrorLog>>
THis version of the Rolodex is after avatars were made to be links, but before (grayscale was added and the links were removed)
<<set $CameFrom to passage()>>\
<<set _foo to [0,1,2,3]>>\
<<set _party to _foo.delete($PCPTR)>>\
<table style="border-spacing: 2px;"><tr><td>\
<<set _cimg to $ImgPath + $MG[_party[0]][3] + $MG[_party[0]][0] + ".jpg">>\
<span id="KeypThree">\
<<link [img[_cimg]]>>
<<set $GirlChat to _party[0]>>
<</link>> \
<<set _cimg to $ImgPath + $MG[_party[1]][3] + $MG[_party[1]][0] + ".jpg">>\
<span id="KeypThree">\
<<link [img[_cimg]]>>
<<set $GirlChat to _party[1]>>
<</link>> \
<<set _cimg to $ImgPath + $MG[_party[2]][3] + $MG[_party[2]][0] + ".jpg">>\
<span id="KeypThree">\
<<link [img[_cimg]]>>
<<set $GirlChatto _party[2]>>
<</link>> \
<center><<print "@@color:Gold;" + $MG[_party[0]][1] + "@@">></center>\
<center><<print "@@color:Gold;" + $MG[_party[1]][1] + "@@">></center>\
<center><<print "@@color:Gold;" + $MG[_party[2]][1] + "@@">></center>\
<<header "Options">>
<span id="KeypOne">\
<<set _foo to "1) Call " + $MG[_party[0]][1]>>\
<<link _foo "Rolodex">>
<<set $Girlchat to _party[0]>>
<span id="KeypTwo">\
<<set _foo to "2) Call " + $MG[_party[1]][1]>>\
<<link _foo "Rolodex">>
<<set $Girlchat to _party[1]>>
<span id="KeypThree">\
<<set _foo to "3) Call " + $MG[_party[2]][1]>>\
<<link _foo "Rolodex">>
<<set $Girlchat to _party[2]>>
<<set _foo to "Talking to " + $MG[$GirlChat][$MGPTRname]>>
<<header _foo>>\
<<set _hangsup to false>>\
<<set _allowquestions to false>>\
<<set _a to $ImgPath + $MG[0][3] + $MG[0][0] + ".jpg">>\
<<set _b to $ImgPath + $MG[1][3] + $MG[1][0] + ".jpg">>\
<<set _c to $ImgPath + $MG[2][3] + $MG[2][0] + ".jpg">>\
<<set _d to $ImgPath + $MG[3][3] + $MG[3][0] + ".jpg">>\
<<set _avatars to [_a, _b, _c, _d]>>\
General mood: <span id = "mgmood"><<print $MG[$GirlChat][$MGPTRmood]>></span>%
<div id="mgmoodbkg" class="hzbarbkg"><div id="mgmoodbar" class="hzbar"></div></div><<script>>$(document).one(':passagerender', function (ev) {
Health2(0, 100, "mgmoodbar", true, ev.content);
Personal attraction: <span id = "mgdisposition"><<print $MG[$GirlChat][$MGPTRdisposition]>></span>%
<div id="mgdispositionbkg" class="hzbarbkg"><div id="mgdispositionbar" class="hzbar"></div></div><<script>>$(document).one(':passagerender', function (ev) {
Health2(0, 100, "mgdispositionbar", true, ev.content);
<!-- timed at bottom -->\
<<if $PhoneLoop is 0>>\
<<PassTime 1>>\
<<if $GirlChat is $FieryOne>>\
<<set _foo to either("'Sup?", "Yeah? What's up?","Kinda busy right now. What do you need?")>>\
<<Speak $FieryOne _foo>>\
<<elseif $GirlChat is $ShyOne>>\
<<set _bar to "Hi, " + $MG[$PCPTR][$MGPTRname] + "!">>\
<<set _foo to either("Hello?", _bar)>>\
<<Speak $ShyOne _foo>>\
<<elseif $GirlChat is $LeaderOne>>\
<<set _bas to $MG[$LeaderOne][$MGPTRname] + " speaking.">>\
<<set _bar to "This is " + $MG[$LeaderOne][$MGPTRname]>>\
<<set _foo to either(_bar, _bas)>>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne _foo>>\
<<AddToLog "Error in Phone: no valid girl in GirlChat">>\
<<elseif $PhoneLoop is 1>>\
<!-- Asked about her day -->\
<<set _foo to "Hey, " + $MG[$GirlChat][$MGPTRname] + ". ">>\
<<set _bar to "Hi, " + $MG[$GirlChat][$MGPTRname] + ". ">>\
<<set _bas to "Hello. ">>\
<<set _foo to either(_foo, _bar, _bas) + either("How has your day been so far?","How's your day going?"," How are you doing?")>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _foo>>\
<<if $GirlChat is $FieryOne>>\
<<if $MG[$GirlChat][$MGPTRmood] < 40>>\
<<set _foo to either("Pretty bad, honestly. Ever feel like the universe is out to get you? Yeah, I feel like that right now.", "Let me put it this way: I've had better days fighting tentacles. I mean, I guess that's not saying much 'cuz I like fighting tentacles, but still. You know what I mean.","Today has sucked for me pretty hard. Hard like a cock. Hard like a cock ramming you in the asshole without lubricant until you bleed. Well, maybe not that bad. But bad.","Not great. Could really use a pick-me-up. Tired of things sucking so bad.")>>\
<<Speak $FieryOne _foo>>\
<<set _foo to either("Sorry to hear that. If you ever need to talk, I'm here for you.","I'm glad I could help you get that off your chest at least.","I can relate. I've been feeling the same way lately.")>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _foo>>\
<<set _foo to either("Yeah. Thanks for letting me vent I guess.","I guess it helps a little to talk about it.","Ehh, I'm not one for mushy feelings and stuff, but yeah. I get you.")>>\
<<Speak $FieryOne _foo>>\
<<elseif $MG[$GirlChat][$MGPTRmood] < 60>>\
<<set _foo to either("Ehh, it's been fine I guess.","I've had better days. I've had worse. Same old, same old, really.","It's been pretty 'meh' so far.", "On one hand, I didn't win the lottery today. On the other, I didn't get raped by a dump truck. So about like normal I guess.")>>
<<Speak $FieryOne _foo>>\
<<set _foo to either("Honestly, today's been pretty good so far, thanks for asking.", "Things have really been looking up for me lately, thanks.","Pretty good, really. I mean, I could use a pussy-licking and a martini, but that doesn't happen every day, you know?","I guess I'm feeling pretty good about things. My days are mostly just smashing tentacles then getting food, but I feel like things are looking up for me.")>>\
<<Speak $FieryOne _foo>>\
<<elseif $GirlChat is $ShyOne>>\
<<if $MG[$GirlChat][$MGPTRmood] < 40>>\
<<set _foo to either("I don't like to complain, but things haven't been very nice for me lately.","I don't really want to talk about it. Let's talk about nice things instead, shall we?","I've been feeling a little sad lately. Too much tragedy in the world, and not enough happy, nice things.")>>\
<<Speak $ShyOne _foo>>\
<<set _foo to either("I saw a cute cat video the other day. I could send you the link if you'd like.","Maybe you should go to the park sometime and go squirrel-watching. Have some alone time just to yourself.","Maybe we can talk " + $MG[$LeaderOne][1] + " into taking us out for ice cream sometime. We can call it a 'team building excerise' or something.")>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _foo>>\
<<set _foo to either("Oh! That does sound nice.","I'd like that!","Oh, yes please!")>>\
<<Speak $ShyOne _foo>>\
<<elseif $MG[$GirlChat][$MGPTRmood] < 60>>\
<<set _foo to either("I'm ok. How about you?","It's fine. Please don't worry about me. There are more important things.","Why are you asking about me? I'm fine. Are you ok?")>>\
<<Speak $ShyOne _foo>>\
<<set _foo to either("I've been so happy lately. It's really nice.","I feel kind of bad that so many nice things are happening to me when there are so many people in the world who need them more than I do. can you feel bad about feeling good? Is that silly?","Everything in the world seems really wonderful lately. thank you for being my friend. You're a good friend.">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne _foo>>\
<<elseif $GirlChat is $LeaderOne>>\
<<if $MG[$GirlChat][$MGPTRmood] < 40>>\
<<set _foo to either("Do you really need to ask? There are tentacles out there right now! Why are we here on the phone talking instead of doing something about it?","Awful! Absolutely awful! And things aren't just awful for me, they're awful for everybody in this entire city. Take a moment to consider how many girls are out there being tentacle-raped right this very moment that we don't even know about. It's frustrating that we can't be everywhere at once to fix it!","I feel like I'm perpetually stretched thin. So many tenatacles, and only one team of Magical Girls to fight them. Only one me to lead us. I need more time for training. I need more time for sleep. But how can I, knowing that every extra hour I waste in bed means rape, rape, rape of more girls, and it will all be my fault for being so selfish as that?")>>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne _foo>>\
<<set _aa to "Don't be so hard on yourself. I know you're doing the best you can. We all do.">>\
<<set _bb to "Believe me, this city would be //way// worse off without you, " + $MG[$LeaderOne][1] + ". Maybe things aren't perfect right now, but you're making them better every day. Eventually, everything will be ok again, and it will be because of you.">>\
<<set _cc to "Sleep if you need to sleep, " + $MG[$LeaderOne][1] + ". You make such a difference for me, the team, for the whole town. You need to take care of yourself. Without you, everything would be worse for everybody. As terrible as it is to say, if a few more girls meet up with tentacles because you slept in, it's acceptable losses for the extra difference you can make when you're at 100%. I've seen you at 100%. I know. You're worth it.">>\
<<set _foo to either(_aa, _bb, _cc)>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _foo>>\
<<set _foo to either("It's good to know my team has such confidence in me.","I'm glad you have faith in me.","Thank you. It's good to be reminded that we're making a real difference in the world.")>>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne _foo>>\
<<elseif $MG[$GirlChat][$MGPTRmood] < 60>>\
<<set _foo to either("The situation seems stable. Oh wait, you mean me? Personally? Thank you for your concern, but our priority really should be getting the tentacle situation under control. Our personal lives can wait.","Nothing to report. And you?","As well as can be expected, given the tentacle monster situation here in the city. I'm very fortunate to be able to fight them off, unlike some other girls out there.")>>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne _foo>>\
<<if $Danger > 74>>\
<<set _foo to "Everything is awful! Have you been outside lately? You can hardly walk to the subway without being accosted by a tentacle of some kind. It's so bad right now that people are starting to accept it as normal. We need to take action.">>
<<elseif $Danger > 49>>\
<<set _foo to "How can you ask me about my day when tentacles are running amuck? The situation in the city is starting to become downright dangerous, and we need to act soon.">>
<<elseif $Danger > 24>>\
<<set _foo to "How I am, can wait. The tentacles are out in force right now. It's our duty to protect the people of this city, and right now we're not living up to our capabilities.">>
<<set _foo to either("I'm feeling optimistic. The tentacle situation seems reasonably under control right now.","The city seems fairly peaceful right now. I'm content with that.")>>
<<Speak $LeaderOne _foo>>\
<<AddToLog "Error in Phone: no valid girl in GirlChat">>\
<<elseif $PhoneLoop is 2>>\
<<set _foo to either("Mind if I ask you a question?","Is it ok if I ask you something?","Hey, quick question for you.")>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _foo>>\
<<set _foo to $MG[$GirlChat][$MGPTRdisposition] + $MG[$GirlChat][$MGPTRmood] - 50 + Math.trunc($Stats[$STATconverse] /2)>>\
<<if _foo < 1>>\
<<if $GirlChat is $FieryOne>>\
<<set _foo to either("Ehh, can we do this later? Now's really not a good time.","Sorry, not right now. I've got stuff going on.","Not in the mood, sorry.","Man, are you really gonna waste my time with this feelings stuff? You're so lame sometimes.")>>\
<<elseif $GirlChat is $ShyOne>>\
<<set _foo to either("Umm, right now? I...uhh, have to go, sorry.","I'm sorry, something really important just came up. I have to go. Could we maybe catch up later? Thanks!","You mean, a personal question? I mean, sure, I guess. But could we maybe do that next time we're fighting tentacles instead? Over the phone just seems so impersonal.")>>\
<<elseif $GirlChat is $LeaderOne>>\
<<set _foo to either("The city is under siege by rapey-tentacle beasts, and you want to talk about feelings? Look, I appreciate that you care about team morale. But don't we have higher priorites right now?","A personal question? Don't we have more important things to focus on?","I'm sorry, but I have a magical workout session coming up. Please understand, you're an important member of the team and know that you can always talk to me. If you want to talk about the team, I'll make time for you. But there's a time and place for personal questions, and right now isn't it.")>>\
<<Speak $GirlChat _foo>>\
<<Narrator "She hangs up.">>\
<<set _hangsup to true>>\
<<set _allowquestions to true>>\
<<if $GirlChat is $FieryOne>>\
<<set _foo to either("Go for it.","Yeah, sure. What do you wanna know?","Sure, whatever. I've got some time.","Ask away.")>>\
<<elseif $GirlChat is $ShyOne>>\
<<set _foo to either("I don't mind.","You want to know about me? Really? Well, ok I guess.")>>\
<<elseif $GirlChat is $LeaderOne>>\
<<set _foo to either("Absolutely! It's important to know your teammates!","What would you like to know?")>>\
<<AddToLog "Error in personal question: unrecognized girl. This really should not happen.">>\
<<Speak $GirlChat _foo>>\
<<elseif $PhoneLoop is 3>>\
<<set _hangsup to true>>\
<<include "PhoneIncludes">>\
<<AddToLog "Error in Phone: unrecognized Loop request">>\
<<set $PhoneLoop to 0>>\
<<set $AskRequest to -1>>\
<<set _NoMethodOfObject to "" + $WORLD.datapasser>>\
<<if _NoMethodOfObject.count("MOOD") is 1>>\
<<print setup.Mid($WORLD.datapasser, 4, $WORLD.datapasser.length)>>
<<set $WORLD.datapasser to 0>>\
<<if _allowquestions is true>>\
<<set _RoundOnePTRs to [$PTRfood, $PTRcolor, $PTRdessert, $PTRplace, $PTRmusic, $PTRdrink]>>\
<<set _RoundOneQuestions to ["What's your favorite food?","What's your favorite color?","What's your favorie dessert?","What's your favorite place to visit?","What kind of music do you like?","What's your favorite drink?"]>>\
<<set _RoundOneQTY to 0>>\
<<set _pool to []>>\
<<for _i to 0; _i < _RoundOnePTRs.length; _i++>>\
<<set _whichptr to _RoundOnePTRs[_i]>>\
<<if $GirlsInfo[$GirlChat][_whichptr][1] is 0>>\
<<set _here to _pool.length>>\
<<set _pool[_here] to []>>\
<<set _pool[_here][0] to _RoundOnePTRs[_i]>>\
<<set _pool[_here][1] to _RoundOneQuestions[_i]>>\
<<set _RoundOneQTY to _RoundOneQTY +1>>\
<<if _RoundOneQTY < 3>>\
<<set _RoundTwoPTRs to [$PTRgoal, $PTRvacation, $PTRlifestyle]>>\
<<set _RoundTwoQuestions to ["Do you have a life's goal?","If you could go on a vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go?","If you could life any lifestyle you want, what would it be?"]>>\
<<set _RoundTwoQTY to 0>>\
<<set _questionpool to []>>\
<<for _i to 0; _i < _RoundTwoPTRs.length; _i++>>\
<<set _whichptr to _RoundTwoPTRs[_i]>>\
<<if $GirlsInfo[$GirlChat][_whichptr][1] is 0>>\
<<set _here to _pool.length>>\
<<set _pool[_here] to []>>\
<<set _pool[_here][0] to _RoundTwoPTRs[_i]>>\
<<set _pool[_here][1] to _RoundTwoQuestions[_i]>>\
<<set _RoundTwoQTY to _RoundTwoQTY +1>>\
<<if _RoundTwoQTY < 2>>\
<<set _RoundThreePTRs to [$PTRsecret, $PTRsex]>>\
<<set _RoundThreeQuestions to ["Do you have a special secret?","What are your sexual preferences?"]>>\
<<set _RoundThreeQTY to 0>>\
<<set _questionpool to []>>\
<<for _i to 0; _i < _RoundThreePTRs.length; _i++>>\
<<set _whichptr to _RoundThreePTRs[_i]>>\
<<if $GirlsInfo[$GirlChat][_whichptr][1] is 0>>\
<<set _pool[_here] to []>>\
<<set _pool[_here] to []>>\
<<set _pool[_here][0] to _RoundThreePTRs[_i]>>\
<<set _pool[_here][1] to _RoundThreeQuestions[_i]>>\
<<set _RoundThreeQTY to _RoundThreeQTY +1>>\
<<for _i to 0; _i < _pool.length; _i++>>\
<<set _tempswap to _pool[_i]>>\
<<set _swapthis to random(0, _pool.length -1)>>\
<<set _pool[_i] to _pool[_swapthis]>>\
<<set _pool[_swapthis] to _tempswap>>\
<<if _pool.length > 0>>\
<span id="KeypOne">\
<<set _foo to "1) " + _pool[0][1]>>\
<<link _foo "Phone">>
<<set $AskRequest to _pool[0][0]>>\
<<set $PhoneLoop to 3>>\
@@color:Red;You are out of questions to ask@@
<span id="KeypOne">\
<<set _foo to "1) Continue">>\
<<link _foo "Rolodex">>
<<if _pool.length > 1>>\
<span id="KeypTwo">\
<<set _foo to "2) " + _pool[1][1]>>\
<<link _foo "Phone">>
<<set $AskRequest to _pool[1][0]>>\
<<set $PhoneLoop to 3>>\
<<if _pool.length > 2>>\
<span id="KeypThree">\
<<set _foo to "3) " + _pool[2][1]>>\
<<link _foo "Phone">>
<<set $AskRequest to _pool[2][0]>>\
<<set $PhoneLoop to 3>>\
<<elseif _hangsup is true>>\
<span id="KeypOne">\
<<set _foo to "1) Continue">>\
<<link _foo "Rolodex">>
<<header "Options">>
<span id="KeypSpace">\
<<set _foo to "space) Talk to you later">>\
<<link _foo "Rolodex">>
<<if $AskedAboutDay[$GirlChat] is true>>\
1) Already asked how her day was
<span id="KeypOne">\
<<link "1) Ask about her day" "Phone">>
<<set $PhoneLoop to 1>>
<<ChangeStat $STATfatiguecur 10>>
<<PassTime 2>>
<<set $AskedAboutDay[$GirlChat] to true>>\
<<set _foo to Math.trunc($Stats[$STATconverse] / 5)>>\
<<set _foo to random(0, _foo)>>\
<<ChangeDisposition $GirlChat _foo>>\
<<if $SCdata < 0>>\
<<set $SCdata to $SCdata * -1>>\
<<set $WORLD.datapasser to "MOOD@@color:Red;" + $MG[$GirlChat][$MGPTRname] + "'s mood decreased by " + $SCdata + "@@">>\
<<elseif $SCdata > 0>>
<<set $WORLD.datapasser to "MOOD@@color:LightGreen;" + $MG[$GirlChat][$MGPTRname] + "'s mood increased by " + $SCdata + "@@">>\
<<set $WORLD.datapasser to "MOOD@@color:Yellow;" + $MG[$GirlChat][$MGPTRname] + "'s mood was unchanged@@">>\
<span id="KeypTwo">\
<<link "2) Ask a personal question" "Phone">>
<<set $PhoneLoop to 2>>
<<ChangeStat $STATfatiguecur 10>>
<<PassTime 2>>
<<if $GirlChat is $LeaderOne>>\
<span id="KeypThree">\
<<link "3) Ask for advice" "Advice">>
<<if $DebugMode is true>>\
<<header "Debug:">>
GirlChat is <<print $GirlChat>>
PhoneLoop is <<print $PhoneLoop>>
<<timed 100ms>>\
<<run Health2($MG[$GirlChat][$MGPTRdisposition], 100, "mgdispositionbar", true)>>\
<<run Health2($MG[$GirlChat][$MGPTRmood], 100, "mgmoodbar", true)>>\
<</timed>>\This is before the double wide table conversion was compelted, both methods on display:
<<set $CameFrom to passage()>>\
<<set _party to [0,1,2,3]>>\
<<set _throwaway to _party.delete($PCPTR)>>\
<table style="width:100%"><tr><td>\
<<set _cimg to $ImgPath + $MG[_party[0]][3] + $MG[_party[0]][0] + ".jpg">>\
<span id="KeypThree">\
<<if $GirlChat is _party[0]>>\
<<link [img[_cimg]]>>
<<set $GirlChat to _party[0]>>
<span style = "filter: grayscale(100%)">
<<link [img[_cimg]]>>
<<set $GirlChat to _party[0]>>
<<set _cimg to $ImgPath + $MG[_party[1]][3] + $MG[_party[1]][0] + ".jpg">>\
<span id="KeypThree">\
<<if $GirlChat is _party[1]>>\
<<link [img[_cimg]]>>
<<set $GirlChat to _party[1]>>
<</link>> \
<span style = "filter: grayscale(100%)">
<<link [img[_cimg]]>>
<<set $GirlChat to _party[1]>>
<<set _cimg to $ImgPath + $MG[_party[2]][3] + $MG[_party[2]][0] + ".jpg">>\
<span id="KeypThree">\
<<if $GirlChat is _party[2]>>\
<<link [img[_cimg]]>>
<<set $GirlChat to _party[2]>>
<</link>> \
<span style = "filter: grayscale(100%)">
<<link [img[_cimg]]>>
<<set $GirlChat to _party[2]>>
<span id="KeypOne">\
<<set _foo to "1) View " + $MG[_party[0]][1]>>\
<<link _foo "Rolodex">>
<<set $GirlChat to _party[0]>>
<span id="KeypTwo">\
<<set _foo to "2) View " + $MG[_party[1]][1]>>\
<<link _foo "Rolodex">>
<<set $GirlChat to _party[1]>>
<span id="KeypThree">\
<<set _foo to "3) View" + $MG[_party[2]][1]>>\
<<link _foo "Rolodex">>
<<set $GirlChat to _party[2]>>
<<if $GirlChat neq -1>>\
<table style="width:100%"><tr><td style ="width: 1%; white-space: nowrap;">\
<<header "Bio">>
Blood type: <<print $MG[$GirlChat][2]>>
Hair color: <<print $MG[$GirlChat][3].toUpperFirst()>>
Weight: <<print $MG[$GirlChat][$MGPTRweight]>> lbs.
Height: <<ConvertHeight $MG[$GirlChat][$MGPTRheight]>>
Bust size: <<ConvertBust $MG[$GirlChat][$MGPTRbust]>>
Waist: <<print $MG[$GirlChat][$MGPTRwaist]>>"
Hips: <<print $MG[$GirlChat][$MGPTRhips]>>"
<<print $MG[$GirlChat][2]>>
<<print $MG[$GirlChat][3].toUpperFirst()>>
<<print $MG[$GirlChat][$MGPTRweight]>> lbs.
<<ConvertHeight $MG[$GirlChat][$MGPTRheight]>>
<<ConvertBust $MG[$GirlChat][$MGPTRbust]>>
<<print $MG[$GirlChat][$MGPTRwaist]>>"
<<print $MG[$GirlChat][$MGPTRhips]>>"
<<header "Likes">>
Favorite food: <span id="food"><<pref $GirlChat $PTRfood>></span>
Favorite color: <span id="color"><<pref $GirlChat $PTRcolor>></span>
Favorite dessert: <span id="dessert"><<pref $GirlChat $PTRdessert>></span>
Favorite place: <span id="place"><<pref $GirlChat $PTRplace>></span>
Favorite music: <span id="music"><<pref $GirlChat $PTRmusic>></span>
Favorite drink: <span id="drink"><<pref $GirlChat $PTRdrink>></span>
<<header "Ambitions">>
Dream job: <span id="goal"><<pref $GirlChat $PTRgoal>></span>
Dream vacation: <span id="vacation"><<pref $GirlChat $PTRvacation>></span>
Dream lifestyle: <span id="lifestyle"><<pref $GirlChat $PTRlifestyle>></span>
<<header "Personal">>
Sexual preference: <span id="sex"><<pref $GirlChat $PTRsex>></span>
Personal Secret: <span id="secret"><<pref $GirlChat $PTRsecret>></span>
<<header "Options">>
<span id="KeypFour">\
<<link "4) Return" "Main">>
<<set $GirlChat to -1>>
<<if $GirlChat neq -1>>\
<<set _foo to "5) Call " + $MG[$GirlChat][1]>>\
<<link _foo "Phone">>
<<if $DebugMode is true>>\
MG1: <<print $GirlsInfo[0]>>
MG2: <<print $GirlsInfo[1]>>
MG3: <<print $GirlsInfo[2]>>
MG4: <<print $GirlsInfo[3]>>
<<set _multi to 1 + Math.trunc($TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] / 10)>>\
<<set _fatiguecost to 10>>\
<<set _pct to setup.FatigueChance()>>\
<<set _succeed to true>>\
<<if _pct > random(1,100)>>\
<<set _succeed to false>>\
<<if ($TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] > -1) and (_succeed is true)>>\
<<set $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] to $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] +1>>\
<<set _ContinueONLY to false>>\
<<if $TrainJob is $TJWeights>>\
<<header "Franz's Weightlifting Emporium">> \
<<if $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] > 0>>\
(You have have had $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] good workouts)
<<if $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] < 0>>\
<<MiscSpeaker "weighttrainer.png" "Franz" "Welcome to Franz's weightlifting Emporium. As a personal trainer, I speak from experience when I say that the key to becoming stronger is picking up heavy things and putting them back down.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "I think I can handle that.">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "weighttrainer.png" "Franz" "That's the spirit! You should know though, it's going to be exhausting work and the fee is 15 monies per session.">>\
<<Narrator "Do you want to train weightlifting?">>
<<PassTime 8>>\
<<ChangeStat $STATfatiguecur 10>>\
<<set _moneycost to 15>>\
<<ChangeMoney -15>>\
<<if _succeed is true>>\
<<if $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] < 10>>\
<<MiscSpeaker "weighttrainer.png" "Franz" "Welcome back! Today we'll be picking up heavy things and putting them back down! Ready? Go!">>\
<<set _foo to either("...ugh, I hate this!","This is horrible!","This is no fun at all!","I hurt so badly!","...ugh, my body aches.","I'm in agony!")>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _foo>>\
<<header "Results">>
<<ChangeStat $STATstr 1 $NoMod>> * Strength <<SCText $SCdata>>
<<ChangeStat $STATfatiguemax -1 $NoMod>> * Maximum fatigue <<SCText $SCdata>>
<<elseif $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] is 10>>\
<<MiscSpeaker "weighttrainer.png" "Franz" "I'm really impressed with how you've stuck with this.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "It's a lot of work, but I do feel like it's getting easier.">>\
<<header "Results">>
<<ChangeStat $STATstr 1 $NoMod>> * Strength <<SCText $SCdata>>
<<ChangeStat $STATfatiguemax -1 $NoMod>> * Maximum fatigue <<SCText $SCdata>>
<<MiscSpeaker "weighttrainer.png" "Franz" "Welcome back! Today we'll be picking up heavy things and putting them back down! Ready? Go!">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Pick up the heavy thing, put it back down. Pick up the heavy thing, put it back down. I think I've got this!">>\
<<header "Results">>
<<ChangeStat $STATstr 1 $NoMod>> * Strength <<SCText $SCdata>>
<<ChangeStat $STATfatiguemax -1 $NoMod>> * Maximum fatigue <<SCText $SCdata>>
<<set _foo to either("Ow! I think I pulled a muscle!")>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _foo>>\
<<MiscSpeaker "weighttrainer.png" "Franz" "Hmm, yes you should probably take it easy for now.">>\
<<header "Results">>
@@color:Red;No progress@@
<<elseif $TrainJob is $TJMartialArts>>\
<<header "Martial arts school">> \
<<if $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] > 0>>\
(You have had $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] good training sessions)
<<if $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] < 0>>\
<<MiscSpeaker "karate.png" "Sensei" "Welcome to Mr. Sensei's Karate Dojo.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Did you seriously name your studio that?">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "karate.png" "Sensei" "Yes...? Why do you ask?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Uhh, no reason. So anyway, I'd like to sign up for classes.">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "karate.png" "Sensei" "Excellent! But as a prospective student you should be aware that the path to martial prowess is long and hard. It may even be painful at first, but in time you may even come to enjoy it!">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR " are talking about karate, right?">>\
<<Narrator "Do you want to train in the physical combat arts?">>
<<PassTime 8>>\
<<ChangeStat $STATfatiguecur 10>>\
<<set _moneycost to 10>>\
<<ChangeMoney -10>>\
<<if _succeed is true>>\
<<if $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] is 999>>\
<<MiscSpeaker "karate.png" "Sensei" "Let us now begin!">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Awesome! I can't wait to learn to fight?">>\
<<Narrator "He looks at you and laughs.">>
<<MiscSpeaker "karate.png" "Sensei" "Fight? Haha! No, before you can learn to fight you must first learn proper dojo etiquette!">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Awesome! I can't wait to learn to fight?">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "karate.png" "Sensei" "The key to increasing your martial arts prowess is in perfecting the art of the gutteral yalp. Let me hear you scream!">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Kiai!">>\
<<header "Results">>
<<if $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] > 10>>\
<<ChangeStat $STATphysatt 2 $NoMod>>@@color:LightGreen;Physical attack <<SCText $SCdata>>@@
<<ChangeStat $STATphysdef 1 $NoMod>>@@color:LightGreen;Physical defense <<SCText $SCdata>>@@
<<elseif $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] > 5>>\
<<ChangeStat $STATphysatt 1 $NoMod>>@@color:LightGreen;Physical attack <<SCText $SCdata>>@@
<<ChangeStat $STATphysdef 1 $NoMod>>@@color:LightGreen;Physical defense <<SCText $SCdata>>@@
<<ChangeStat $STATphysatt 1 $NoMod>>@@color:LightGreen;Physical attack <<SCText $SCdata>>@@
<<MiscSpeaker "karate.png" "Sensei" "The key to increasing your martial arts prowess is in perfecting the art of the gutteral yalp. Let me hear you scream!">>\
<<set _foo to either("Meep!","Kii-OW! ...I think I just punched myself in the jaw.","Alonz-y!","Yalp!","Yarr!","Meow!","Nose boop!","Hugs!")>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Kiai!">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "karate.png" "Sensei" "That's not a convincing yell. Nobody would be intimidated by that.">>\
<<header "Results">>
@@color:Red;No progress@@
<<elseif $TrainJob is $TJUniversity>>\
<<header "Townsville Institute of Higher Learning">> \
<<if $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] > 0>>\
(You have succesfully studied $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] times)
<<if $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] < 0>>\
<<MiscSpeaker "teacher.png" "Teacher" "Welcome to the Townsville Institute of Higher Learning! *cough* It's always nice to see girls interested in improving themselves. *cough* *cough*">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Are you ok?">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "teacher.png" "Teacher" "*cough* Yes, I'm *cough* *cough* fine. I've just focused on my education so much, that I don't take care of my health as well as I *cough* *cough* should.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Is that going to happen to me if I study here?">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "teacher.png" "Teacher" "Maybe. *cough* *hack* *cough*" >>\
<<Narrator "Do you want to study at the University?">>
<<PassTime 8>>\
<<ChangeStat $STATfatiguecur 10>>\
<<set _moneycost to 10>>\
<<ChangeMoney -10>>\
<<if _succeed is true>>\
implement university dialogue
<<header "Results">>
<<if $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] > 19>>\
<<ChangeStat $STATint 1 $NoMod>>@@color:LightGreen;Intelligence <<SCText $SCdata>>@@
<<ChangeStat $STATcon -1 $NoMod>>@@color:Yellow;Constitution <<SCText $SCdata>>@@
<<ChangeStat $STATfatiguemax -1 $NoMod>>@@color:Yellow;Maximum fatigue <<SCText $SCdata>>@@
<<elseif $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] > 9>>\
<<ChangeStat $STATint 1 $NoMod>>@@color:LightGreen;Intelligence <<SCText $SCdata>>@@
<<ChangeStat $STATfatiguemax -1 $NoMod>>@@color:Yellow;Maximum fatigue <<SCText $SCdata>>@@
<<ChangeStat $STATint 1 $NoMod>>@@color:LightGreen;Intelligence <<SCText $SCdata>>@@
Implement university fail dialogue
<<header "Results">>
@@color:Red;No progress@@
<<elseif $TrainJob is $TJEtiquette>>
<<header "Rory's Speech and Etiquette class">> \
<<if $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] > 0>>\
(You have succesfully practiced etiquitte $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] times)
<<if $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] < 0>>\
<<MiscSpeaker "rory.png" "Rory" "Good evening, Miss. Welcome to my school.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Hey. Can you like, teach me to talk gooder and stuff?">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "rory.png" "Rory" "...indeed.">>\
<<Narrator "Do you want to study speech and etiquette?">>
<<PassTime 8>>\
<<ChangeStat $STATfatiguecur 10>>\
<<set _moneycost to 10>>\
<<ChangeMoney -10>>\
<<if _succeed is true>>\
implement dialogue
<<header "Results">>
<<ChangeStat $STATconverse 1 $NoMod>>@@color:LightGreen;Conversation <<SCText $SCdata>>@@
<<set _r to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _r is 1>>\
<<MiscSpeaker "rory.png" "Rory" "And now, place the salad fork to the left of...">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Salad? Eww! Yuck!">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "rory.png" "Rory" "Please don't let the chef hear you say that.">>\
<<elseif _r is 2>>\
<<MiscSpeaker "rory.png" "Rory" "...and so always remember that it costs you nothing to be polite. Even in the face of great indigity, always remember your manners.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Yeah, sorry, but if I'm being anally raped by a 30 foot tall tentacle monster with a spined penis, I don't think my manners are going to be real high of my priority list.">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "rory.png" "Rory" "And now, repeat after me: 'Thank you, sir or madam. I am grateful for this opportunity you've kindly offered me.'">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "...zzzzzz...*sneeze* whaa..? Oh, sorry. I feel asleep there.">>\
<<header "Results">>
@@color:Red;No progress@@
<<elseif $TrainJob is $TJDance>>\
<<SimplePic "ballet.jpg">>\
<<header "Dance School">> \
<<if $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] > 0>>\
(You have succesfully studied $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] times)
<<set _DanceQualify to $WORLD.datapasser>>\
<<if $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] < 0>>\
<<if _DanceQualify > 2>>\
<<MiscSpeaker "dancer.jpg" "Beverly" "Implement my 'student accepted' dialogue">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Yay!">>\
<<Narrator "Do you want to study dance?">>
<<set _ContinueONLY to true>>\
<<if random(1,3) is 1>>\
<<MiscSpeaker "dancer.jpg" "Beverly" "I'm sorry, but you're not pretty enough to train here.">>\
<<set _foo to either("What?!?","Excuse me?!?")>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _foo>>\
<<MiscSpeaker "dancer.jpg" "Beverly" "Dance is about //beauty//, and it's a waste to time to teach a cow like yourself. No matter what I teach you, you'll still be ugly.">>\
<<set _foo to either("Hmph. Shows what you know.","Well, at least this is a problem I can fix, unlike your rudeness.")>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _foo>>\
<<MiscSpeaker "dancer.jpg" "Beverly" "I'm sorry, but I'm not taking new students at this time.">>\
<<set _foo to either("Ok.","Ok, I guess.","Hmm, ok.","Alright.","Well, ok.")>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Ok.">>\
<<PassTime 8>>\
<<ChangeStat $STATfatiguecur 10>>\
<<set _moneycost to 20>>\
<<ChangeMoney -20>>\
<<if _succeed is true>>\
implement dance dialogue
<<header "Results">>
<<if $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] > 19>>\
<<ChangeStat $STATcon 1 $NoMod>>@@color:LightGreen;Constitution <<SCText $SCdata>>@@
<<elseif $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] > 9>>\
<<ChangeStat $STATcon 1 $NoMod>>@@color:LightGreen;Constitution <<SCText $SCdata>>@@
<<ChangeStat $STATcon 1 $NoMod>>@@color:LightGreen;Constitution <<SCText $SCdata>>@@
Implement dance fail dialogue
<<header "Results">>
@@color:Red;No progress@@
<<elseif $TrainJob is $TJMagic>>\
<<header "Selina's Magic School">> \
<<if $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] > 0>>\
(You have succesfully trained magic $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] times)
<<if $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] < 0>>\
<<MiscSpeaker "magictrainer.png" "Selina" "Hello! I'm Selina! Welcome to my school of magic!">>
<<Speak $PCPTR "Is this school new? I've been through here a bunch of times and all I saw was just an empty building here.">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "magictrainer.png" "Selina" "Of course! I don't like wasting my time with beginners, so I ecnahnted the building to hide the entrance! That you can see it now means you're powerful enough to see through the illision. So, welcome! Would you like to learn from the greatest sorceress in all of Townsville? That's me!">>
<<Speak $PCPTR "Maybe. What exactly do you teach? How to throw bigger fireballs and stuff like that, right?">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "magictrainer.png" "Selina" "Absolutely! I //love// fireballs! That's like my favoritest spell ever! I like it so, so much that soemtimes I cast it on myself just for fun! Yay fireball!">>
<<Speak $PCPTR "You cast fireball on yourself? Is that...uhh, safe?">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "magictrainer.png" "Selina" "Of course not, you silly goose! They're //fire//balls. That means they're made of //fire//!">>
<<Narrator "Do you want to train magic with Selina?">>
<<PassTime 8>>\
<<ChangeStat $STATfatiguecur 10>>\
<<set _moneycost to 25>>\
<<ChangeMoney -25>>\
<<if _succeed is true>>\
<<MiscSpeaker "magictrainer.png" "Selina" "Welcome to Remedial Magic 101! Let me hear your magic word!">>
<<set _foo to either("Abracadabra!","Alakazam!","Allons-y!","Achoo!")>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _foo>>\
<<if _foo is "Achoo!">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "magictrainer.png" "Serina" "Bad student! Bad! That's not a magic word! Cast 20 fireballs at the chalkboard!">>
<<Speak $PCPTR "//At// the chalkboard?>>\
<<MiscSpeaker "magictrainer.png" "Serina" "It's fire resistant!">>
<<header "Results">>
<<if $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] > 19>>\
<<ChangeStat $STATmagatt 1 $NoMod>>@@color:LightGreen;Magic attack <<SCText $SCdata>>@@
<<ChangeStat $STATmagdef 1 $NoMod>>@@color:LightGreen;Magic defense <<SCText $SCdata>>@@
<<ChangeStat $STATmagatt 1 $NoMod>>@@color:LightGreen;Magic attack <<SCText $SCdata>>@@
<<set _r to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _r is 1>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Gah! My hair is on fire! Put it out! Put it out!">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "magictrainer.png" "Selina" "Woo! High energy! That's great! But really, you should try to make your fireballs hit the practice targets.">>\
<<elseif _r is 2>>\
<<MiscSpeaker "magictrainer.png" "Selina" "And so always remember, red firb indicates insufficient oxygenation or inefficient fuel consumption. Blue fire indicates a much hotter flame.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "What does it mean if my fireballs are bright pink?">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "magictrainer.png" "Selina" "...that means that you did something very wrong, and we need to start over.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "What about other types of magic besides blowing things up with fire?">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "magictrainer.png" "Selina" "HERESY! BEGONE FROM MY CLASSROOM YOU FOUL WRETCH!">>\
<<header "Results">>
@@color:Red;No progress@@
<<AddToLog "Error: unrecognized TrainJob type in TrainResults">>
<<if _ContinueONLY is true>>\
<<header "Options">>
<span id="KeypSpace">\
<<link "space) Continue" "TrainingJobs">>
<<elseif $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] < 0>>\
<span id="KeypOne">\
<<link "1) Yes" "TrainResults">>
<<set $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] to 0>>
<span id="KeypTwo">\
<<link "2) No" "TrainingJobs">>
<<header "Next training">>
<<set _pct to setup.FatigueChance()>>\
<<if ($Stats[$STATfatiguemax] - $Stats[$STATfatiguecur]) < 10 >>\
<<set _pct to "fail">>\
<<if _pct is 0>>\
@@color:Green;No penalty@@
<<elseif _pct is "fail">>\
@@color:Red;Too tired!@@
@@color:Red;Fatigued! <<print _pct>>% chance of failure!@@
<<if _pct neq "fail">>\
<<set _oom to false>>\
<<if _moneycost is 0>>\
<<elseif _moneycost > $>>\
@@color:Red;_moneycost monies@@
<<set _oom to true>>\
@@color:Green;_moneycost monies@@
<<header "Options">>
<<if (_pct neq "fail") and (_oom is false)>>\
<span id="KeypOne">\
<<link "1) Repeat training" "TrainResults">>
<span id="KeypSpace">\
<<link "space) Finished" "TrainingJobs">>
<<set _fatiguecost to 10>>\
<<set _pct to setup.FatigueChance()>>\
<<set _succeed to true>>\
<<set _Costume to -1>>\
<<if _pct > random(1,100)>>\
<<set _succeed to false>>\
<<set _skipcloser to false>>\
<<set _ShowBottomLinks to true>>\
<<if ($TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] > -1) and (_succeed is true)>>\
<<set $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] to $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] +1>>\
<<if $TrainJob is $TJBabysit>>\
<<header "Babysitting for your neighbor">> \
<<if $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] > 0>>\
(You have successfully babysat $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] times)
<<if $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] < 0>>\
<<if $TrainJobProgress[$TJSpeechTutor] > 0>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Hi, I'm responding to the ad for a babysitter?">>\
<<set _foo to "Oh, hi " + $MG[$PCPTR][1] + "! You've been such a terrific teacher for Tabetha I'd love to have you babysit her younger sister!">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "I'm happy to help! Babies are so cute!">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "baby.png" "Baby" "I DID A POOPIE!!!">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "mother.png" "Mother" "...uhh, yeah. 'Cute.' Look, I'm really happy about everything you've already done for my family, so I kind of have to ask: do you really want this job? I can't pay very much and cleaning up messy diapers is never fun. Caring for another human being is good for your soul, though, and that's it's own reward.">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "mother.png" "Mother" "Oh, thank goodness! It's so hard to find a nice girl to take care of my little one. My husband and I haven't had any alone time in months.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "I'm happy to help! Babies are so cute!">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "baby.png" "Baby" "I DID A POOPIE!!!">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "mother.png" "Mother" "...uhh, yeah. 'Cute.' We'll go with that. Look, do you really want this job? I can't pay very much. But if all you need is some pocket change, caring for another human being is good for your soul, and I'd be grateful for your help.">>\
<<Narrator "Do you want to babysit?">>
<<PassTime 8>>\
<<if _succeed is true>>\
<<set _foo to either("Thank you so much! ","Thank you for the help. ", "Thank you for doing this. ", "It's nice to see a girl willing to help a neighbor. ","Thank you for agreeing to watch my little precious.")>>\
<<MiscSpeaker "mother.png" "Mother" _foo>>\
<<set _bar to either("I'm sure it will be no trouble","I'm happy to help.","Thank you for trusting me with this.")>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _bar>>\
<<set _bas to either("Wahhh!!!","Ba ba da da!","Ma ma!","*suspicious glare*","Ga da ga ga!","I DID A POOPIE AGAIN!")>>\
<<MiscSpeaker "baby.png" "Baby" _bas>>\
<<set _moneygain to 1>>\
<<header "Results">>
<<if $Stats[$STATpurity] < 20>>\
<<ChangeStat $STATpurity 1 $NoMod>>@@color:LightGreen;Purity <<SCText $SCdata>>@@
* @@color:Yellow;Purity softcap reached@@
<<MiscSpeaker "baby.png" "Baby" "Wahhhh!!!">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Please, baby, please stop crying.">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "baby.png" "Baby" "WAWAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Oh, the love of...would you shut up?">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "mother.png" "Mother" "Goodness! We come home early and find this? If that's how you're going to behave, you can go home right now!">>\
<<header "Results">>
@@color:Red;You do not get paid for your work@@
<<elseif $TrainJob is $TJDogwalker>>\
<<header "Dog walking">>\
<<if $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] > 50>> \
(You have successfully...//excercised// the dog $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] times)
<<elseif $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] > 0>> \
(You have successfully walked the dog $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] times)
<<if $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] < 0>>\
<<MiscSpeaker "dogwalker.jpg" "Dog lover" "Oh, hello. Are you here in response to the ad? I'd like to hire a part-time dog walker. Rex really could use more walkies, and I'm a little too banged up right now to do it myself. Rex is a little rough on me sometimes.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "I notice the bandages. What exactly were you doing that he scratched you up like that?">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "dogwalker.jpg" "Dog lover" "He dragged me through a rose bush. They have thorns. I love him dearly, but it's hard to get him to stop once he gets started, and sometimes it's not so much taking him for a walk as him taking you for a drag, through bushes, into trees...wherever he's a mind to go.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Oh, ok. I thought maybe he was attacking you or something. My mistake.">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "dogwalker.jpg" "Dog lover" "...well, he does scratch me up pretty good sometimes, but I doubt you'll be doing anything that would end up like that. You'll be fine. Probably.">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "dog.jpg" "Dog" "Arf!">>\
<<Narrator "Do you want to become a dog walker?">>
<<PassTime 8>>\
<<if _succeed is true>>\
<<set _NoHealthLoss to false>>\
<<if $Stats[$STAThealthcur] < 4>>\
<<set _skipcloser to true>>\
<<set _succeed to false>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Slow down! I can't keep up!">>\
<<set _foo to either("Arf! ","Woof! ","Bark! ")>>\
<<set _foo to _foo + either("Arf! ","Woof! ","Bark! ")>>\
<<set _foo to _foo + either("Arf! ","Woof! ","Bark! ")>>\
<<MiscSpeaker "dog.jpg" "Dog" _foo>>\
<<Narrator " hour later...">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "dogwalker.jpg" "Dog lover" "Oh, dear. Rex, did you drag that poor girl until she collapsed?">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "dog.jpg" "Dog" "Bark!">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "dogwalker.jpg" "Dog lover" "Well, I see you at least brought her back with her clothes still on. It could have been worse.">>\
<<header "Results">>
<<ChangeStat $STAThealthcur -3 $NoMod>>@@color:Yellow;Injured: health <<SCText $SCdata>>@@
@@color:Red;You do not get paid for your work@@
<span id="KeypSpace">\
<<link "space) Go home and sleep it off" "Sleep">>
<<set _moneygain to 2>>\
<<if $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] > 39>>\
<<set _moneygain to 5>>\
<<elseif $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] > 29>>\
<<set _moneygain to 5>>\
<<elseif $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] > 19>>\
<<set _moneygain to 4>>\
<<elseif $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] > 9>>\
<<set _moneygain to 3>>\
<<if $INVEN.Extras[4] is -1>>\
<<set _NoHealthLoss to true>>\
<<set $TimesVaginal to $TimesVaginal +1>>\
<<Narrator "When Rex sees you wearing his collar, his tail goes into overdrive, wagging at a million miles an hour as he bites onto your skirt and drags you off into a corner.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Be gentle!">>\
<<Narrator "Considering your statement a request for his consideration more than a command, he wastes no time pulling you down onto your hands and knees to mount you.">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "dog.jpg" "Dog" "Arf! Arf! Bark!">>\
<<Narrator "It's a good 'workout' all in all, and by the time he's done you're both exhausted.">>\
<<elseif $INVEN.Extras[4] is 1>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Hey, Rex. I think we'll go on a normal walk for today.">>\
<<Narrator "He seems a litle disappointed, but enjoys his run through the bushes and trees all the same.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Ow!">>\
<<elseif $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] < 10>>\
<<set _foo to either("Please slow down! You're dragging me!","Watch out for the-OW!","Slow down, I can't keep up!","*Sigh* Why do dogs have to be so difficult?","Wow, he really wore me out today.","Watch out of the rosebushes! Ow! Ow! No! Bad dog! Ow!")>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _foo>>\
<<set _foo to either("Arf!","Woof!","Bark!")>>\
<<MiscSpeaker "dog.jpg" "Dog" _foo>>\
<<elseif $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] is 10>>\
<<set _NoHealthLoss to true>>\
<<Narrator "Your run goes well today. No crashing into trees or being dragged through rosebushes. In fact, you manage to stay ahead of Rex for the entire jog, and he seems content to follow behind you.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Wow, is this finally becoming easier? Great!">>\
<<Narrator "When you return to his owner's house, you kneel down to remove his leash while he eagerly licks your face.">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "dogwalker.jpg" "Dog lover" "My, you certainly seem to be taking good care of Rex. I think maybe maybe you deserve a raise.">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "dog.jpg" "Dog" "Arf! Arf! Bark!">>\
<<elseif $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] < 20>>\
<<set _foo to either("Rex takes you for a drag through the bushes today.","Rex seems in good spirits today.","Rex thanks you for his walk today by giving you a big sloppy lick on the face.")>>\
<<Narrator _foo>>\
<<set _foo to either("Arf!","Bark!","Woof!")>>\
<<MiscSpeaker "dog.jpg" "Dog" _foo>>\
<<set _foo to either("I'm glad we're finally settling into a routine.","Such a good dog! Well, mostly.","You're not such a bad dog. I mean, I could do without the rough walkies, but I could get used to this.")>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _foo>>\
<<elseif $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] is 20>>\
<<set _NoHealthLoss to true>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Let's see if we can avoid running into any trees today, ok doggie?">>\
<<Narrator "You reach over and pat him on the head. He licks your hand affectionately, then prods his nose between your legs.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Eeep! No! Bad dog">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "dog.jpg" "Dog" "Arf! Arf! Bark!">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "dogwalker.jpg" "Dog lover" "...uhh, I'm not interrupting anything am I? I was just going to say since you've been doing such a good job, I'm giving you another raise. Though it looks like you've already given one to Rex.">>\
<<Narrator "Following her eyes, you see that Rex is sporting an 8 inch long erection. Embarassed, you take Rex on his walk in silence.">>\
<<elseif $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] is 30>>\
<<set _NoHealthLoss to true>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Hold still! I need to put the leash on you.">>\
<<Narrator "Rex gives you a curious look, then when you lean over to wrap the leash around his neck he pokes his head under your skirt. Before you can push him away, he loops one of his canines into the band of your panties, and with a yank, tears them clean off of you.">>
<<Speak $PCPTR "Eeep! No! Bad dog!">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "dogwalker.jpg" "Dog lover" "I see you and Rex are getting along well. I was going to give you another raise today, but I'm starting to wonder if you took this job for reasons other than money.">>\
<<Narrator "You spend the entire run awkwardly trying to hold your skirt down to hide your exposure while passersby stare at your panties dangling from his mouth.">>\
<<set _foo to either("Arf!","Bark!","Woof!")>>\
<<MiscSpeaker "dog.jpg" "Dog" _foo>>\
<<elseif $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] is 40>>\
<<set _NoHealthLoss to true>>\
<<set _foo to "Oh, hello " + $MG[$PCPTR][1] + ". Rex has been looking forward to seeing you today.">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "dogwalker.jpg" "Dog lover" _foo>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Really? How can you tell?">>\
<<Narrator "At that moment, Rex comes running into the room, comes up on his hind legs and begins licking your face. You laugh at his antics until you notice something wet and pointy poking between your thighs.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "No! Down! Bad dog!">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "dogwalker.jpg" "Dog lover" "You say that, but as many times as you've come back I don't really believe that you're not into it. Anyway, Rex is obviously happy with this arrangement so I'm giving you another raise.">>\
<<elseif $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] is 50>>\
<<set _NoHealthLoss to true>>\
<<set $INVEN.Extras[4] to 1>>\
<<Narrator "When you show up to walk Rex, he's sporting an erection the size of your forearm and his tail is wagging.">>\
<<set _foo to "Hey, " + $MG[$PCPTR][1] + ". So, Rex and I had a talk earlier, and I think it's time we give you a present.">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "dogwalker.jpg" "Dog lover" _foo>>\
<<Narrator "For a moment you think she's about to give you a raise, but instead she hands you a leather dog collar with an engraved dog paw as a centerpiece. You can't help but notice that Rex is wearing a matching collar.">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "dogwalker.jpg" "Dog lover" "From now on, whenever you want, go ahead and put on that collar to let him know that he can give //you// some excercise too, and you get can get some excercise together. Trust me, a few scratches on your back sure beats being smacked into bushes and trees for an hour.">>\
<<Narrator "You decide to pocket the collar for now and give him a normal walk...for now.">>\
<<if random(1,2) is 1>>\
<<set _foo to either("Hello, " + $MG[$PCPTR][1] + ". Are you ready to take Rex for his jog?","Rex has been especially worked up lately. Hopefully you can wear him out some.","Be careful out there today. Rex has been especially horny lately.")>>\
<<MiscSpeaker "dogwalker.jpg" "Dog lover" _foo>>\
<<set _foo to either("Arf!","Bark!","Woof!")>>\
<<MiscSpeaker "dog.jpg" "Dog" _foo>>\
<<set _foo to either("Hey, Rex! Are you ready for your run?","Hey, puppers. Ready to go for a walk?","It's jogging time!")>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _foo>>\
<<if random(1,2) is 1>>\
<<set _foo to either("Rex's tail starts wagging at a mile a minute as he noses his way beneath your skirt.","Rex instantly grows an erection and his tail starts wagging excitedly.","You reach out to pat him nicely on the head, but he immediately rolls onto his back to show the giant erection he's sporting.","He gives you bedroom eyes and you could swear he's winking at you.")>>\
<<Narrator _foo>>\
<<set _foo to either("Uhh, that's not what I had in mind. Come on, let's go outside!","...ugh, what does that girl do with you whem I'm not around? Come on doggie, let's go for a jog.","I'm not your owner, Rex. I take you for walkies and nothing else, understand?","*sigh* at least he's not a pet tentacle monster.")>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _foo>>\
<<set _foo to either("Arf!","Bark!","Woof!")>>\
<<MiscSpeaker "dog.jpg" "Dog" _foo>>\
<<set _foo to either("Today Rex drags you through an interaction. You only narrowly avoid being hit by a car.","Rex bangs you into a bunch of trees on your run today, like usual.","Today, Rex drags you through some poison ivy.","Rex drags you through a particularly thorny bush today.")>>\
<<Narrator _foo>>\
<<header "Results">>
<<if _NoHealthLoss is true>>\
@@color:Aqua;No health loss today!@@
<<ChangeStat $STAThealthcur -3 $NoMod>>@@color:Yellow;Injured: health <<SCText $SCdata>>@@
<<if $INVEN.Extras[4] is -1>>\
<<set $TimesVaginal to $TimesVaginal +1>>\
<<Narrator "Seeing you wearing his collar, Rex excitedlty drags you off behind a bush and mounts you.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Rex! Not so hard. Be gentle! Please?">>\
<<Narrator "Ignoring your pleas, the dog mashes your face into the ground hard and plows his cock into you even harder.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Rex! Ow! Also, OH! But ow!">>\
<<Narrator "He keeps at it until eventually you pass out. You wake you a couple hours later feeling sore, but happy.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Not exactly what I imagined I'd be doing with my life, but at least he's not a tentacle monster, right?">>\
<<header "Results">>
@@color:Red;You do not get paid for your..."work"@@
<<Speak $PCPTR "Please slow down! You're dragging me!">>\
<<set _foo to either("Arf!","Woof!","Bark!")>>\
<<MiscSpeaker "dog.jpg" "Dog" _foo>>\
<<Narrator "Unable to keep up due to your exhaustion, the leash slips out of your hand.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Wait! No! Come back!">>\
<<Narrator "After an hour of looking, you return to his owner's house in defeat.">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "dogwalker.jpg" "Dog lover" "Would you care to explain why Rex showed up at my door //alone//? If you think I'm going to pay you for this, you're crazy!">>\
<<header "Results">>
@@color:Red;You do not get paid for your work@@
<<elseif $TrainJob is $TJWaitress>>\
<<SimplePic "cafe.jpg">>\
<<header "The local diner">> \
<<if $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] > 0>>\
(You have successfully worked as a waitress $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] times)
<<set _Costume to 0>>\
<<if $INVEN.EquipUniform is 3>>\
<<set _Costume to 2>>\
<<elseif $INVEN.Uniform[3] is true>>\
<<set _Costume to 1>>\
<<if $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] < 0>>\
<<if _Costume is 0>>\
<<MiscSpeaker "cafeowner.png" "Cafe owner" "Table for one? Feel free to seat yourself. Most customers do anyway whether or not we ask.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "No, I'm here in response to the ad. Are you hiring part-time waitresses?">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "cafeowner.png" "Cafe owner" "We are, but are you sure you want to work here? You look like a nice girl, and the customers here are incredibly rude. If you're polite they'll try to take advantage of you, so you'll have to learn to be firm with them. The pay is good, but working here won't do any favors for your social skills.">>\
<<elseif _Costume is 1>>\
<<Narrator "Looking to make a good impression, you put on your maid constume and approach the owner.">>
<<Speak $PCPTR "Excuse me, are you hiring?">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "cafeowner.png" "Cafe owner" "Actually, yes. I love your cosplay by the way. You could totally wear it on the job, and I bet you'd get bigger tips. Probably more perverts leering at you too, but I suppose wearing an outfit like that you must be used to it.">>\
<<elseif _Costume is 2>>\
<<MiscSpeaker "cafeowner.png" "Cafe owner" "That's a very convincing maid cosplay you're wearing. I don't suppose you're looking for a job?">>\
Error in waitressing job: _Costume
<<Narrator "Do you want to become a waitress?">>
<<PassTime 8>>\
<<set _InCaseOfHorny to either("Wow. I'm so horny right now, that pickup line almost works for me.","Heh, don't make me blush.","*giggles*")>>\
<<if $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] is 1>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Hello, and welcome to the cafe! Please be kind, you're my first customer. May I take your order?">>\
<<set _foo to either("Yeah, I order you to take your shirt off! Ha ha ha ha!","Yes, I'll take one order of your panties please.","I'll take today's special, babe, with an extra side of blowjob! *wink*")>>\
<<MiscSpeaker "cafepatron.png" "Customer" _foo>>\
<<if $Stats[$STATlustcur] > ($Stats[$STATlustcap] /2)>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _InCaseOfHorny>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "What?!? How rude!">>\
<<elseif $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] is 2>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Hello, and welcome to the cafe. May I take your order?">>\
<<set _foo to either("You can suck my balls, slut.","I don't know, that depends. Are you smart enough to suck dick, or do I have to jam your head onto my cock?","Oh, hey...question for you: are you into BDSM? Because I think you'd look super hot tied down to my bed while my buddies and I gangbang you.")>>\
<<MiscSpeaker "cafepatron.png" "Customer" _foo>>\
<<if $Stats[$STATlustcur] > ($Stats[$STATlustcap] /2)>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _InCaseOfHorny>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "...this is going to be a job I end up regretting, isn't it?">>\
<<elseif $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] is 15>>\
<<set _foo to "Hey, " + $MG[$PCPTR][1] + ". You've been here for a while now, and I'm happy that you've stuck with this so long. So starting today I'm giving you a raise.">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "cafeowner.png" "Cafe owner" _foo>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Wonderful! Thank you so much!">>\
<<if _Costume > 0>>\
<<MiscSpeaker "cafepatron.png" "Customer" "Hey! My water glass is empty! Where's that slut in the maid costume to refill it for me?">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "cafepatron.png" "Customer" "Hey! My water glass is empty! Where's that flat-chested troglodyte to refill it for me?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "*sigh*">>\
<<elseif $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] is 30>>\
<<set _foo to "Hey, " + $MG[$PCPTR][1] + ". You've been here longer than most of my other servers now, so I think it's time for me to give you another raise.">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "cafeowner.png" "Cafe owner" _foo>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Wonderful! Thank you so much!">>\
<<if _Costume > 0>>\
<<MiscSpeaker "cafepatron.png" "Customer" "Hey! My water glass is empty! Where's that slut in the maid costume to refill it for me?">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "cafepatron.png" "Customer" "Hi, my name is James. I have a revservation for two, but my date ditched me. Do your waitresses give complimentary blowjobs, or does that cost extra?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Neither. But how about I take you to your table?">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "cafepatron.png" "Customer" "Sure, but be sure you're ready to take my 'order' afterwards too!">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "*sigh*">>\
<<set _r to random(1,24)>>\
<<if _r is 1>>\
<<set _foo to "Hey, babe. Are you on the menu today?">>\
<<set _bar to "No.">>\
<<elseif _r is 2>>\
<<set _foo to "How about a blowjob?">>\
<<set _bar to "How about, no.">>\
<<elseif _r is 3>>\
<<set _foo to either("Yes, I'd like the shrimp salad sandwich please.","Could I get a regular cheeseburger with some seasoned fries?","Just a chocolate sundae, please.","Would you bring me a breakfast bagel and some coffee, please? I'm so sleepy.")>>\
<<set _bar to "Not interested. Oh...wait. You actually ordered food? Ok, I'll go get it for you.">>\
<<elseif _r is 4>>\
<<set _foo to "What's a nice girl like you doing working at a place like this when you could be back at my place working my cock instead?">>\
<<set _bar to "Trying to take your food order is what I'm doing.">>\
<<elseif _r is 5>>\
<<set _foo to "I really like that dress you're wearing. It would look great on the floor while I ram your ass with my cock.">>\
<<set _bar to "*sigh* The customers at this place really are the worst.">>\
<<elseif _r is 6>>\
<<set _foo to "Wanna make twenty monies? Let me sniff your panties. I'll make it thirty if you're still wearing them when I do it.">>\
<<set _bar to "Gee, I don't know. Oh wait, I do know. No.">>\
<<elseif _r is 7>>\
<<set _foo to "You want to get ahead in life? Give me head, and you'll get a head!">>\
<<set _bar to "More clever than most pickup lines I hear, but still no.">>\
<<elseif _r is 8>>\
<<set _foo to "I feel so sorry for you.. You're so tiny and petite. It's going to hurt you so bad when my gigantic cock rips your pussy wide open. How about it?">>\
<<set _bar to "Eww, no. Why would you even //think// that would turn me on?">>\
<<elseif _r is 9>>\
<<set _foo to "I'm sorry miss, but my eyesight isn't what it used to be. Would you come a little closer? *//stealthily reaches camera under your skirt//*">>\
<<set _bar to "Gah! Get away you pervert!">>\
<<elseif _r is 10>>\
<<set _foo to "What's an attractive man like me doing without your lips around my cock?">>\
<<set _bar to "Ordering food?">>\
<<elseif _r is 11>>\
<<set _foo to "Hey, do you have a few minutes to spare for me to hit on you?">>\
<<set _bar to "Only if you place a food order too.">>\
<<elseif _r is 12>>\
<<set _foo to "You sound a little hoarse. Are you sick? Because I hear that semen is good for sore throats.">>\
<<set _bar to "I think I'll stick with lozenges, thanks.">>\
<<elseif _r is 13>>\
<<set _foo to "Christmas is coming soon. You want to be on the naughty list?">>\
<<set _bar to "And here I was expecting a pun based on the word cum.">>\
<<elseif _r is 14>>\
<<set _foo to "Milk does a body good. Let me suck your titties.">>\
<<set _bar to "Fists do a body bad. Let me smack you.">>\
<<elseif _r is 15>>\
<<set _foo to "I lost my teddy bear. Will you sleep with me instead?">>\
<<set _bar to "...what exactly do you do with your teddy bear?">>\
<<elseif _r is 16>>\
<<set _foo to "I like that dress you're wearing, but I'd look a lot better on you that it does.">>\
<<set _bar to "Great. Insult my fashion sense. That's a sure winner.">>\
<<elseif _r is 17>>\
<<set _foo to "Let's play rock-paper-scissors. Two out of three, winner gets to date the loser.">>\
<<set _bar to "The only way to win is not to play.">>\
<<elseif _r is 18>>\
<<set _foo to "Are you a steak? Because I'd do you well-done">>\
<<set _bar to "I'm not sure that joke really works.">>\
<<elseif _r is 19>>\
<<set _foo to "Hey, babe. If looks could kill, you'd be a weapon of mass destruction.">>\
<<set _bar to "I don't need my looks to do that. I can throw fireballs.">>\
<<elseif _r is 20>>\
<<set _foo to "Wow, you're hot! Here, let me give you a kiss. If you don't like it, you can give it back. On my dick.">>\
<<set _bar to "Why did I even think that could have been a compliment without an innuendo attached?">>\
<<elseif _r is 21>>\
<<set _foo to "Is it hot in here, or is it just me?">>\
<<set _bar to "No, I don't think you're hot.">>\
<<elseif _r is 22>>\
<<set _foo to "I'll take the soup of the day with a side of blowjob, please.">>\
<<set _bar to "And I'll take a no with a side of chance buster.">>\
<<elseif _r is 23>>\
<<set _foo to "How much do you weigh? I think I can pick you up.">>\
<<set _bar to "Not with that pickup line you can't.">>\
<<set _foo to "If I followed you home, you would keep me?">>\
<<set _bar to "No.">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "cafepatron.png" "Customer" _foo>>\
<<if _succeed is true>>\
<<if $Stats[$STATlustcur] > ($Stats[$STATlustcap] /2)>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _InCaseOfHorny>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _bar>>\
<<set _foo to either("What?!? I'll have you know I'm a Magical Girl and I could blast you with fire right now!!!","I think maybe it's time to take out the trash. And by trash I mean you. And by take out I mean take you out //permanently//.","Yeah, I think I've had enough. You want to step outside or shall I just beat you up here where everybody can see it happen?")>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _foo>>\
<<set _foo to either("Uhhh...maybe you should go home early today? Yes, I think that would be best.", $MG[$PCPTR][1] + "! We don't talk to customers that way no matter how much they deserve it! I'm sending you home early today.","Look, I know he's a jerk, but why don't you take the rest of the day off and head home, ok?")>>\
<<MiscSpeaker "cafeowner.png" "Cafe owner" _foo>>\
<<set _foo to either("If you're going home, you can feel free to go to //my// home, babe!","Wait, come back! Being threatened is my fetish!","Pity. I was looking forward to the 'ground pound' part of our fight.","Oh, yeah baby...go straight home. I want to know where you live so I can masturbate outside your window.")>>\
<<MiscSpeaker "cafepatron.png" "Customer" _foo>>\
<<set _moneygain to 3>>\
<<if $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] > 29>>\
<<set _moneygain to 9>>\
<<elseif $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] > 14>>\
<<set _moneygain to 6>>\
<<if _Costume > 0>>\
<<set _moneygain to _moneygain +1>>\
<<header "Results">>
<<if _succeed is true>>\
<<ChangeStat $STATconverse -1 $NoMod>>@@color:Yellow;Conversation <<SCText $SCdata>>@@
@@color:Red;You do not get paid for your work@@
<<elseif $TrainJob is $TJSpeechTutor>>\
<<header "Tutoring for a neighborhood child">> \
<<if $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] > 0>>\
(You have successfully tutored $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] times)
<<if $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] < 0>>\
<<if $TrainJobProgress[$TJBabysit] > 0>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Hi, I'm responding to the ad for a private English tutor?">>\
<<set _foo to "Oh, hi " + $MG[$PCPTR][1] + "! You've been so good to my baby, I'd love to have you teach her older sister!">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "mother.png" "Mother" _foo>>\
<<MiscSpeaker "kid.jpg" "Daughter" "Mommy! Is Timmy's sitter! She nice! I learn good for her!">>\
<<set _foo to "I still can't pay you very much. But you're so good with children, I'm sure you'll have a great time and the practice might even be good for you too!">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "mother.png" "Mother" _foo>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Hi, I'm responding to the ad. You're looking for a private English tutor for your daughter?">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "mother.png" "Mother" "Yes, please. I can't pay you very much, but you can never get too much practice, right? It might even be good for you too!">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "kid.jpg" "Student" "Are yu engrich teecher? I learn good!">>\
<<Narrator "Do you want to become a private English tutor?">>
<<PassTime 8>>\
<<if _succeed is true>>\
<<set _moneygain to 1>>\
<<if $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] > 11>>\
<<set _moneygain to 2>>\
<<if $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] is 1>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Learning to speak English is easy! Now repeat after me: 'My hovercraft is full of eels!'">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "kid.jpg" "Student" "My hoovercart is fool of wheels!">>\
<<elseif $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] is 2>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "You're doing so well! Now repeat after me: 'Rubber baby buggy bumpers!'">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "kid.jpg" "Student" "Rudder baggy booby boogers!">>\
<<elseif $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] is 3>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Now try this one: 'She sells seashells by the seashore!">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "kid.jpg" "Student" "...she shells see sells by she sore!">>\
<<elseif $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] is 4>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "How about: 'Peter piper picked a peck of pickle peppers?">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "kid.jpg" "Student" "Peter priper pricked a perk of prickle preppers!">>\
<<elseif $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] is 5>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "You're doing great! Now let's try an actually hard one. We'll break this up into multiple lessons. Are you ready?">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "kid.jpg" "Student" "I an reaby!">>\
<<elseif $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] is 6>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Ok, ready? Here we go! 'My dad's a slick sheet slitter.">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "kid.jpg" "Student" "Was a slitter?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "It's...uhh, hmm. Let me look it up."
<<Narrator "You consult an online dictionary.">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "kid.jpg" "Student" "You dant know? Yer a bad teecha!">>\
<<elseif $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] is 7>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Ok, so I thought 'slitting sheets meant to hang them up and whack them with a stick to knock the dust off. But according to the internet, it's 'slitter' as in 'to make slits.' So a 'slick sheet slitter' is somebody who's talented at cutting up sheets.">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "kid.jpg" "Student" "...why would peeple do that?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "To distract the mattress police from seeing that they'd removed the tags? I have no idea. But how about just focus on pronunciation, alright?">>\
<<elseif $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] is 8>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "So once again, from the beginning: 'My dad's a slick sheet slitter.">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "kid.jpg" "Student" "My dahs a slick sheet shitter!">>\
<<elseif $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] is 9>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "He slits sheets!">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "kid.jpg" "Student" "He shits sheets!">>
<<elseif $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] is 10>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "He's the slickest sheet slitter...">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "kid.jpg" "Student" "He's the sickest sheet shitter..">>\
<<elseif $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] is 11>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "...who ever slit a sheet!">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "kid.jpg" "Student" "Who ever shit a seat! Yay! Did I get it? Did I do it right, huh, huh, did I?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Ehh, close enough.">>\
<<elseif $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] is 12>>\
<<MiscSpeaker "mother.png" "Mother" "So how are you two doing?">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "kid.jpg" "Student" "Mommy! I can pronounciate things!">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Yeah, this is still a work in progress.">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "mother.png" "Mother" "Clearly, but I can see there's been a big improvement since you've been helping her. Enough that I think you deserve a raise. From now on I'll be paying two monies per session instead of one. I know it's not a lot of money, but I really do appreciate your help.">>\
<<set _tjrand to (random(1,8))>>\
<<if _tjrand is 1>>\
<<set _foo to "Imagine an imaginary menagerie manager managing an imaginary menagerie.">>\
<<set _bar to "Imagine an imaginary menagerie manager managing an imaginary menagerie.">>\
<<elseif _tjrand is 2>>\
<<set _foo to "Rory the warrior and Roger the worrier were reared wrongly in a rural brewery.">>\
<<set _bar to "Rory the warrior and Roger the worrier were reared wrongly in a rural brewery.">>\
<<elseif _tjrand is 3>>\
<<set _foo to "Six sick hicks nick six slick bricks with picks and sticks.">>\
<<set _bar to "Six sick hicks nick six slick bricks with picks and sticks.">>\
<<elseif _tjrand is 4>>\
<<set _foo to "The 33 thieves thought that they thrilled the throne throughout Thursday.">>\
<<set _bar to "The 33 thieves thought that they thrilled the throne throughout Thursday.">>\
<<elseif _tjrand is 5>>\
<<set _foo to "Thirty-three thousand feathers on a thrushes throat.">>\
<<set _bar to "Thirty-three thousand feathers on a thrushes throat.">>\
<<elseif _tjrand is 6>>\
<<set _foo to "Round the rough and rugged rock the ragged rascal rudely ran.">>\
<<set _bar to "Round the rough and rugged rock the ragged rascal rudely ran.">>\
<<elseif _tjrand is 7>>\
<<set _foo to "Six sleek swans swam swiftly southwards">>\
<<set _bar to "Six sleek swans swam swiftly southwards">>\
<<set _foo to "Red lorry, yellow lorry. Blue lorry, low lorry! Smelly lorry, jelly lorry!">>\
<<set _bar to "Red lorry, yellow lorry. Blue lorry, low lorry! Smelly lorry, jelly lorry!">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _foo>>\
<<MiscSpeaker "kid.jpg" "Student" _bar>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "You've become good at this!">>\
<<header "Results">>
<<ChangeStat $STATconverse 1 $NoMod>>@@color:LightGreen;Conversation <<SCText $SCdata>>@@
<<header "Results">>
<<set _foo to "Ok, try this one: " + either("I'm a stupid little girl and I'll never learn English!","Ooga booga booba!","'I have a knife!' That's how you ask for directions in English.")>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _foo>>\
<<MiscSpeaker "kid.jpg" "Student" "...ehh?">>
<<MiscSpeaker "mother.png" "Mother" "I heard that!">>\
@@color:Red;You do not get paid for your work@@
<<elseif $TrainJob is $TJEscort>>\
<<header "A dark alley">> \
<<if $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] > 0>>\
(You have prostituted yourself $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] times)
<<if $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] < 0>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Money has been so tight, lately. I really need to find a way to make more, but how?">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "lecher.png" "Lecher" "Hey, good looking. You have money problems? Tell you what, how about I do you a favor and take those panties you're wearing and I'll give you some spending money.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Oh, dear. This won't end well, will it?">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "lecher.png" "Lecher" "Probably not, but money talks, right?">>\
<<Narrator "Do you want to become a prostitute?">>\
<<PassTime 8>>\
<<if _succeed is true>>\
<<set _moneygain to 5>>\
<<if $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] > 19>>\
<<set _moneygain to 15>>\
<<elseif $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] > 9>>\
<<set _moneygain to 10>>\
<<if $Stats[$STATlust] gte $Stats[$STATlustcap]>>\
<<set _ShowBottomLinks to false>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "So...horny! I can't take it anymore!">>\
<<Narrator "Overcome by a fit of lust, you tear at your clothes and toss them carelessly to the ground in the dark alley.">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "lecher.png" "Lecher" "Now //that's what I'm talking about!">>\
<<Narrator "Pushing you eagerly against the alley wall, the man teases his cock against your pussy lips only briefly before plunging inside.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Yes!">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "lecher.png" "Lecher" "Unf! Unf! *grunt* Unf!">>\
<<if setup.GetTime("isfertile") is true>>\
<<Narrator "It takes only a minute or two before his spasms, and fills your insides with his load. You climax when he does, and while sex in a dark alley isn't exactly the most dignififed thing in the world, you can't help but bask in the afterglow.">>\
<<if $BUFFS.BirthControl > 0>>\
@@color:Red;Thank goodness you're on birth control!@@
<<include "Pregnancy">>
<<Narrator "It takes only a minute or two before he spasms, and fills your insides with his load. Some part of you reflects on the indignity of all this, but some other part of you reminds you that at least he's not a tentacle monster. While you reflect, he pulls his pants back up, tosses you some coins and walks away, leaving you half naked on the ground, unsatisfied. Climbing unsteadily to your feet, you stumble you way home and masturbate yourself to sleep.">>\
<<elseif $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] is 1>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Ok, here you go. One fresh pair of panties.">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "lecher.png" "Lecher" "Fresh?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Well, not entirely fresh. I mean, I've been wearing them for a while.">>\
<<Narrator "The man drapes your panties across his face and inhales deeply.">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "lecher.png" "Lecher" "Mmm...savory.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Eww.">>\
<<elseif $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] is 2>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Last time I was here some lecher bought my panties for 5 monies. I wonder if-">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "lecher.png" "Lecher" "Hey, I remember you. I still have your panties in my sock drawer. The smell is starting to fade though, and I could use a refersher. You selling?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "I suppose I'm selling if you're buying.">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "lecher.png" "Lecher" "Deal. I can see this is the start of a beautiful relationship.">>\
<<elseif $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] is 3>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Oh, look at me! Sweet, innocent girl minding her own business walking through a dark alley!">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "lecher.png" "Lecher" "Hey sweetheart. You had me at 'look at me.' You got any panties for me?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Yep. Haven't even washed them.">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "lecher.png" "Lecher" "Perfect.">>\
<<elseif $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] is 4>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "La dee dah...innocent girl here, walking through a sketchy alley! If only some sleazy guy with money would come take advantage of me!">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "lecher.png" "Lecher" "Careful what you wish for, sweetie. You might get it.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Yeah, whatever. Here are my panties.">>\
<<elseif $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] is 5>>\
<<MiscSpeaker "lecher.png" "Lecher" "Hey sweetheart. Since I'm such a loyal customer, how about you do me a solid and toss in your bra for free? I'll make it up to you next time.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Sure, whatever. I've got spares.">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "lecher.png" "Lecher" "Sweet">>\
<<elseif $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] is 6>>\\
<<MiscSpeaker "lecher.png" "Lecher" "Hey, good looking. Good to smell you again. I mean, see you. You have the goods?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "You have the money?">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "lecher.png" "Lecher" "Here you go. 5 monies. Now spread 'em.">>\
<<Narrator "You lift your skirt for the lecher and he reaches his head underneath and starts licking your labia right there in the alley.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Umm...that's more than sniffing you're doing.">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "lecher.png" "Lecher" "You complaining?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR ", I guess not. Carry on.">>
<<elseif $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] is 7>>\\
Implement escort dialogue 7
<<elseif $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] is 8>>\\
Implement escort dialogue 8
<<elseif $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] is 9>>\\
Implement escort dialogue 9
<<elseif $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] is 10>>\
<<MiscSpeaker "lecher.png" "Lecher" "Hey, good looking. Gotta say, I've been happy with our arrangement up until now, but the whole panty sniffing thing is getting old. How about I buy an upgrade? 10 monies...and I get a sniff directly from the source.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Well, I'm in this far, so point stopping now. Go for it.">>\
<<Narrator "You lift your skirt for the lecher and he reaches head underneath and stick his nose between your labia folds and inhales deeply.">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "lecher.png" "Lecher" "Ahh, this is much better. Here's 10 monies.">>\
implement more escort dialogues
<<header "Results">>
<<ChangeStat $STATconverse 1 $NoMod>>@@color:LightGreen;Conversation <<SCText $SCdata>>@@
<<ChangeStat $STATpurity -1 $NoMod>>@@color:LightGreen;Purity <<SCText $SCdata>>@@
<<ChangeStat $STATcorrupt 1 $NMod>>@@color:Yellow;Corruption <<SCText $SCdata>>@@
<<ChangeStat $STATlust 1 $NoMod>>@@color:Yellow;Lust <<SCText $SCdata>>@@
<<if _ShowBottomLinks is false>>\
<<header "options">>\
<span id="KeypSpace">\
<<link "space) Continue" "Sleep">>
<<Speak $PCPTR "Hey, anybody want to buy some panties? I haven't bathed recently. Anyone?">>\
<<header "Results">>
@@color:Red;You don't find any customers@@
<<AddToLog "Error: unrecognized TrainJob type in JobResults">>
@@color:Red;Error: $TrainJob@@
<<if _ShowBottomLinks is false>>\
<<elseif $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] < 0>>\
<span id="KeypOne">\
<<link "1) Yes" "JobResults">>
<<set $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] to 0>>
<span id="KeypTwo">\
<<link "2) No" "TrainingJobs">>
<<set _fatiguecost to 10>>\
<<ChangeStat $STATfatiguecur _fatiguecost>>\
<<if _succeed is true>>\
<<if ($TrainJob is $TJWaitress) and (_Costume > 0)>>\
@@color:LightGreen;You receive a higher tip because of your maid cosplay!@@
<<set $ to $ + _moneygain>>\
@@color:LightGreen;You are paid _moneygain monies for your work@@
<<if _skipcloser is true>>\
<!-- do nothing -->\
<<header "Next job session">>
<<set _pct to setup.FatigueChance()>>\
<<if ($Stats[$STATfatiguemax] - $Stats[$STATfatiguecur]) < 10 >>\
<<set _pct to "fail">>\
<<if _pct is 0>>\
@@color:Green;No penalty@@
<<elseif _pct is "fail">>\
@@color:Red;Too tired!@@
@@color:Red;Fatigued! <<print _pct>>% chance of failure!@@
<<header "Options">>
<<if _pct neq "fail">>\
<span id="KeypOne">\
<<link "1) Repeat job" "JobResults">>
<span id="KeypSpace">\
<<link "space) Finished" "TrainingJobs">>
<<endif>>\Master list of things affected by stats:
* When asking a girl about her day, her mood will improve by random 1 to Math.trunc($Stats[$STATconverse] /2)
* Acts like AC for tease attacks<<silently>>\
<<set _team to [0,1,2,3]>>\
<<set _throwaway to _team.deleteAt($PCPTR)>>\
Player chose: _throwaway
What's left: <<print _team>>
<<set _bar to []>>
<<set _bar[0] to $MG[_team[0]][3] + $MG[_team[0]][0]>>
<<set _bar[1] to $MG[_team[1]][3] + $MG[_team[1]][0]>>
<<set _bar[2] to $MG[_team[2]][3] + $MG[_team[2]][0]>>
<<set _favorshy to ["black2", "black4", "black6", "blonde11", "blue4", "blue7", "blue8", "brunette3", "green2", "purple2", "purple8", "redhead1", "white2"]>>
<<set _validshy to []>>\
<<for _i to 0; _i < _team.length; _i++>>\
<<for _j to 0; _j < _favorshy.length; _j++>>\
<<if _bar[_i] is _favorshy[_j]>>\
<<set _validshy[_validshy.length] to _team[_i]>>\
<<if _validshy.length > 0>>\
validshy array: <<print _validshy>>
array length: <<print _validshy.length>>\
<<set _asd to random(0, _validshy.length -1)>>
random number: _asd
<<set $ShyOne to _validshy[_asd]>>
<<set _throwaway to _team.delete($ShyOne)>>
Shy is: $ShyOne
What's left: <<print _team>>
<<set _favorfiery to ["black1", "blonde4", "blonde12", "blue3", "green1", "green3", "purple1", "redhead3", "redhead6", "white1"]>>
<<set _validfiery to []>>\
<<for _i to 0; _i < _team.length; _i++>>\
<<for _j to 0; _j < _favorfiery.length; _j++>>\
<<if _bar[_i] is _favorfiery[_j]>>\
<<set _validfiery[_validfiery.length] to _team[_i]>>\
<<if _validfiery.length > 0>>\
validfiery array: <<print _validfiery>>
array length: <<print _validfiery.length>>\
<<set _asd to random(0, _validfiery.length -1)>>
random number: _asd
<<set $FieryOne to _validfiery[_asd]>>
<<set _throwaway to _team.delete($FieryOne)>>
Fiery is: $FieryOne
What's left: <<print _team>>
<<set _favorleader to ["black1", "blonde4", "blonde12", "blue3", "green1", "green3", "purple1", "redhead3", "redhead6", "white1"]>>
<<set _validleader to []>>\
<<for _i to 0; _i < _team.length; _i++>>\
<<for _j to 0; _j < _favorleader.length; _j++>>\
<<if _bar[_i] is _favorleader[_j]>>\
<<set _validleader[_validleader.length] to _team[_i]>>\
<<if _validleader.length > 0>>\
validleader array: <<print _validleader>>
array length: <<print _validleader.length>>\
<<set _asd to random(0, _validleader.length -1)>>
random number: _asd
<<set $LeaderOne to _validfiery[_asd]>>
<<set _throwaway to _team.delete($LeaderOne)>>
Leader is: $LeaderOne
What's left: <<print _team>>
<<if $ShyOne < 0>>\
<<set $ShyOne to _team.delete(_team[random(0, _team.length-1)])>>
Shy is: $ShyOne
What's left: <<print _team>>
<<if $FieryOne < 0>>\
<<set $FieryOne to _team.delete(_team[random(0, _team.length-1)])>>
Fiery is: $FieryOne
What's left: <<print _team>>
<<if $LeaderOne < 0>>\
<<set $LeaderOne to _team.delete(_team[random(0, _team.length-1)])>>
Leader is: $LeaderOne
What's left: <<print _team>>
1 $ShyOne
2 $FieryOne
3 $LeaderOne
5 <<print _bar>>
6 <<print _team>>
<</silently>>\ <<if $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] < 0>>\
<!-- hobby has no approval requirement -->\
<<set $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] to 0>>\
<!-- note interaction with nap: -->\
<<set _fatiguecost to 10>>\
<<set _skipfatiguereport to false>>\
<<set _pct to setup.FatigueChance()>>\
<<set _succeed to true>>\
<<if _pct > random(1,100)>>\
<<set _succeed to false>>\
<<if ($TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] > -1) and (_succeed is true)>>\
<!-- first qualifier not needed, but leaving for congruity with other two -->\
<<set $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] to $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] +1>>\
<<if $TrainJob is $TJMasturbate>>\
<<set _skipfatiguereport to true>>\
<<PassTime 4>>
<<ChangeStat $STATfatiguecur _fatiguecost>>\
<<header "Your bedroom">> \
<<if $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] > 0>>\
(You have masturbated $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] times)
<<set _multi to 1>>\
<<if $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] > 5>>\
<<set _foo to either("Time to take the edge off.","So horny. Guess i'd better take care of it before a pack of lusty tentacle monsters push me to the ground and slither up my thighs, that's turning me on just thinking about it. Yeah, better masturbate now.","I'm a Magical Girl with Magical fingers.","Wouldn't it be nice if I could do this with my secret crush?")>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _foo>>\
<<elseif $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] is 5>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Mmm...fighting tentacle monsters all day really gets to a girl. Every day, seeing those slippery tentacles sliding all over me. Better take care of it now, or else one of them...or two, or three...oh! Mmm, yeah, a dozen of them rolling me one after another like a train. Wow, I really need this. Even just thinking about it is turning me on.">>\
<<elseif $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] > 0>>\
<<set _foo to either("Ok, that's enough saving the world for now. I need to cool off.","Feeling a little horny. Guess I should take care of it.","I either need some alone time or a cold shower.","Hello, Mr. Fingers. Is that my skirt you're pulling off or are you just happy to see me?")>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _foo>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "I've been feeling a little horny lately. I should probably take care of that. If I fight a tentacle monster while I'm turned on, somebody might get the wrong idea.">>\
<<Narrator "You lay down on your bed and masturbate.">>\
<<set _base to 1>>\
<<header "Results">>
<<ChangeStat $STATlust -1000 $NoMod>> * Lust <<SCText $SCdata>>
<<elseif $TrainJob is $TJJogging>>\
<<PassTime 8>>\
<<ChangeStat $STATfatiguecur _fatiguecost>>\
<<header "Jogging">> \
<<if $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] > 0>>\
(You have succesfully jogged $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] times)
<<if _succeed is true>>\
<<set _gains to 1>>\
<<if $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] is 1>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Alright, cue the Rocky training montage music, time to jog!">>\
<<elseif $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] < 11>>\
<<set _foo to either("*huff* *huff* Jogging is a lot of work.","I don't enjoy jogging, but it sure is good for the body!","I don't enjoy cardio, but more work now means...uhh, I guess it means I can do more work later too? Wait, why I am doing this again?",", tiring!","Jog, jog, jog...yay jogging! Well, not really.","Ehh, not feeling it today. Gotta psyche myself up for this. Ok, what would Nadia Comaneci do to...wait, no. She was a gymnast. What would...umm, I can't think of any famous joggers.", " I can't believe some people do this for fun!","Jogging is so tiring!","Why isn't this an Olympic sport? I mean sure, //running// is, but running isn't jogging. There should be Olympic jogging. With pizza breaks.","I wonder if this would be easier if I chugged a gallon of coffee first?","Maybe instead of the Rocky training montage music, I should play the music from Punchout. You know, that old Nintendo boxing game? Dam...da da dum. Dam...da da dam! Bam...da, da-da da-dum...dam, dam...dam, dam...da da dum! *pant* *pant* ...oh, gosh. *pant* *pant* ...can't sing and run at the same time...","Ok...if I make it all the way around the block I'll reward myself with a pound of chocolate. Surely that's an effective weight-loss strategy!")>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _foo>>\
<<elseif $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] is 11>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "You know, I think I'm getting the hang of this jogging thing.">>\
<<set _foo to either("I feel great!","I bet I could go another mile.","I'm so good at this!","I love jogging!","Jog, jog, jog...yay jogging! Unironically, even!")>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _foo>>\
<<header "Results">>
<<if $Stats[$STATfatiguemax] > 70>>\
<<set _FractionalGain to 1 - (($Stats[$STATfatiguemax] - 70) / 31)>>\
<<set _FractionalGain to setup.Hundredths(_FractionalGain)>>\
<<set $Stats[$STATfatiguemax] to $Stats[$STATfatiguemax] + _FractionalGain>>\
<<if $Stats[$STATfatiguemax] > 100>>\
<<set $Stats[$STATfatiguemax] to 100>>\
@@color:Red;Maximum fatigue capped at 100@@
@@color:Red;Diminishing returns: Maximum fatigue + _FractionalGain@@
<<ChangeStat $STATfatiguemax _gains $NoMod>> * Maximum fatigue <<SCText $SCdata>>
<<Speak $PCPTR "*gasp* ...too... *pant* tired... *choke*">>\
<<header "Results">>
@@color:Red;No progress@@
<<elseif $TrainJob is $TJMeditate>>\
<<PassTime 8>>\
<<ChangeStat $STATfatiguecur _fatiguecost>>\
<<header "A nearby park">> \
<<if $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] > 0>>\
(You have succesfully meditated $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] times)
<<if _succeed is true>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Auuuuuum. Auuuuuum. Auuuuuum.">>\
<<header "Results">>
<<ChangeStat $STATlust -5 $NoMod>> * Lust <<SCText $SCdata>>
<<ChangeStat $STATcorrupt -1 $NoMod>> * Corruption <<SCText $SCdata>>
<<Speak $PCPTR "Ok, the key to meditation is clearing your mind of stray thoughts. Clearing my mind. My mind is clear. Very clear. So clear that I can clearly see how very clear it is. So clear that I can clearly imagine myself sitting in a quiet field, meditating clearly. Yes. Very clear. Although I wonder...">>\
<<Narrator " hour later...">>\
<<set _foo to "..." + either("oh my gosh! I just realized that Tim from my junior year of high school had a crush on me! //That's// why he asked me to prom! But how coudl I possibly have figured that out? It's not like he //told// me he liked me or anything. Boys are so hard to figure out sometimes!.","hmm, I wonder why bra sizes are named after letters.","and so clearly //that's// the key to becoming a succesful Magical Girl! Oh, wow! Why did I never think of that before? ","I sure hope I didn't leave the stove on.","I hope Id idn't leave the water running.","la la dee la la dee da! My mind's so clear dee de dee da dee la la!")>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _foo>>\
<<header "Results">>
@@color:Red;No progress@@
<<elseif $TrainJob is $TJRead>>\
<<if _succeed is true>>\
<<if ($WORLD.library * 20) > $Stats[$STATint]>>
<<PassTime 8>>\
<<ChangeStat $STATfatiguecur _fatiguecost>>\
<<header "Reading">> \
<<if $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] > 0>>\
(You have read $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] books)
<<if $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] is 1>>\
<<set _foo to "Finally, a chance to forget about tentacle monsters and sit down with a nice, relaxing book! What shall I read today?">>\
<<set _book to either("Gulliver's Travels? Oh, that sounds like a travel guide! How exciting!","A Botanists Guide to Botany. Sounds a little dull, but maybe it will surprise me?","The Tale of Tevye and Lazar Wolf? Wow, a wolf that shoots lasers? Sounds exciting!","Grimm's Tales of Fairy Blood and Horror. Sounds scary.","The Sea Urchin Who Loved Snuggles. Somehow I don't think this one will end well.","Arabian Days. Hmm, the author's note says that this is the less well-known companion story to Arabian Nights.","Biography of Steven Hawking. Oh! I bet this is about falconry!","A Vampire's Guide to touristry in Amsterdam. I'm not sure how useful this will be. Let's see...the first chapter is about how to select quality sunscreen. Huh. Ok, may as well give it a try, I suppose.","Ladies of the Night. Oh! I bet this is a ninja story!","1984? Oh! Here's my chance to brush up on my math!","Hamlet. Hmm, I guess I could stand to brush up on my cooking.","Faust, by Wolfgang von Goethe. Oh, wow! A whole book about the producer of My Little Pony! This will surely make for a fun and light-hearted read!","The Old Man and the Sea? Hmm...maybe it's a love story?","The Complete Works of Poetry of Edgar Allen Poe? Oh, I love poetry! It's so romantic!","The Teachings of Don Juan, by Carlos Casteneda. Huh, Don Juan? Wasn't he the guy famous for seducing women? What is this, a pickup book?","What Do You Say After You Say Hello? Oh, maybe this will help me become a better conversationalist!","The Art of Defenestration? Huh, well I've always wanted to live in a house with a white picket fence, so I guess I can give it a read.","How to Cook Brownies? Hrm. Not sure if innocent cookbook, or a how-to guide for gingerbread witches.","Little Red Riding Hood. I never did understand why she walked through the forest in a riding hood. Shouldn't she have taken her horse?","Arabaian Knights? What is this, a crossover fanfic?","The Grapes of Wrath? Must be about an angry drunk.","The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy? Meh, I think I'll pass. Astronomy is terribly dull.","...uhh, Moby Dick? How did a porn novel get into my book collection?!?","One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest? Hmm, I wouldn't mind reading a bird watching primer.","The Shining, by Steven Kind. Sounds bright and cheerful!","To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee. Meh, I might give this one a pass. i'd prefer to watch birds than hunt them.","War of the Worlds, by H.G. Wells. Hmm, don't think I feel like reading a history book today. Maybe I'll pick something else.","Around the World in 80 Days, by Jules Verne. What? Why so long? He could have just flown, right?")>>\
<<set _r to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _r is 1>>\
<<set _foo to "Hmm, what shall I read today? How about, " + _book>>\
<<elseif _r is 2>>\
<<set _foo to "Here's a book called " + _book>>\
<<set _foo to "Let's about " + _book>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _foo>>\
<<header "Results">>
<<ChangeStat $STATint 1 $NoMod>> * Intellect <<SCText $SCdata>>
<<header "Out of books">> \
<<set _skipfatiguereport to true>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "I think I've read everything I have. Maybe it's time to buy more books.">>
<<PassTime 8>>\
<<ChangeStat $STATfatiguecur _fatiguecost>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Mmm...reading is so... *yawn* relaxing. I think I need to rest my eyes though. Just for a few minutes. *ZZZZzzzzzzz*">>\
<<header "Results">>
@@color:Red;No progress@@
<<elseif $TrainJob is $TJNap>>\
<<set _skipfatiguereport to true>>\
<<PassTime 8>>
<<ChangeStat $STATfatiguecur _fatiguecost>>\
<<header "Your bedroom">> \
<<if $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] > 0>>\
(You have taken $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] naps)
<<set _multi to 1>>\
<<if $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] > 6>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Power nap time! Yay!">>\
<<elseif $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] is 6>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "I'm getting really good at this napping thing. Maybe it's my secret superpower.">>\
<<elseif $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] is 1>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Enough saving the world for today. *yawn* I think I'm going to take a nap.">>\
<<set _foo to either("...soo...tired. Must...nap.","A little nap never hurt anyone. Traumatized them as a child maybe, but not hurt.","Ok, time for a quick break from saving the world.","Ok, time for a quick break from fighting horny tentacles.")>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _foo>>\
<<set _base to 1>>\
<<header "Results">>
<<set _hgain to 10 + ($WORLD.bed * 5)>>\
<<if $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] > 5>>\
<<set _hgain to _hgain + 10>>\
<<ChangeStat $STAThealthcur _hgain $NoMod>> * Current health <<SCText $SCdata>>
<<ChangeStat $STAThealthcur _hgain $NoMod>> * Current health <<SCText $SCdata>>
<<elseif $TrainJob is $TJChurch>>\
<<PassTime 8>>\
<<ChangeStat $STATfatiguecur _fatiguecost>>\
<<header "The Church of Holy Divinity">> \
<<if $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] > 0>>\
(You have earnestly sought religion $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] times)
<<if _succeed is true>>\
<<if $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] is 1>>\
<<MiscSpeaker "nun.png" "Sister Belle" "Welcome to the Church of the Holy Divinity, sweet child. It speaks well of one so young to come here in these trying times.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Thank you, sister. Can you tell me what this church is about?">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "nun.png" "Sister Belle" "We preach a message of non-violence.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Uhh...what's that?">>\
<<elseif $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] is 2>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "So tell me more about this non-violence thing. I'm not sure I understand.">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "nun.png" "Sister Belle" "The way to God is through peace. We must seek to live in harmony with others. We achieve this by choosing to avoid confrontation.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Does not compute.">>\
<<elseif $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] is 3>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "So...hypothetically, what if somebody was trying to murder me? I'm I supposed to just let them?">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "nun.png" "Sister Belle" "Fear not death, my child. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ teaches us to turn the other cheek.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Ok, but isn't this also the same guy who said he came to bring a sword to the Earth? Turning the other cheek seems like it could end badly.">>\
<<elseif $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] is 4>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Ok, so...just humor me here, what if instead of somebody trying to murder me, what if there's tentacle monster trying to rape me? Can I be violent then?">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "nun.png" "Sister Belle" "It would be best to avoid such creatures.">>\
<<elseif $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] is 5>>\
<<MiscSpeaker "nun.png" "Sister Belle" "You show much promise, my child. It is good to see that despite your doubts, you continue to come to this holy place. Seek and ye shall find.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "...yeah, but will I find what I'm looking for?">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "nun.png" "Sister Belle" "If you're patient, God willing, yes.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Awesome! Because I misplaced a box of cookies earlier, and I have a serious case of munchies right now. Do you think God would be willing to let me find it again?">>\
<<elseif $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] is 6>>\
<<MiscSpeaker "nun.png" "Sister Belle" "I have a present for you, dear. Since you've shown such devotion, here is your very own Bible. May it answer any questions you have and carry you through to grace.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Oh! Thank you!">>\
<<elseif $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] is 7>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Hello, Sister Belle!">>\
<<set _foo to "Hello, Miss " + $MG[$PCPTR][1] + ". Have you been reading the book I gave you?">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "nun.png" "Sister Belle" _foo>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "I have! And I have to say, Sister Belle, it's really amazing! I had no idea God loved coffee so much!">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "nun.png" "Sister Belle" "What do you mean?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Well, there's an entire chapter call 'He brews,' and it's his book right?">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "nun.png" "Sister Belle" "That's 'Hebrews,' one word. They were a group of pre-Roman nomads, and the descendance of Abraham, who made the original covenant with God.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Oh, wow! So it's not just God but an entire historic civilization of people who loved coffee? I had no idea religion was so amazing!">>\
<<elseif $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] is 8>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Hey, Sister Belle. So I've, uhh...been reading that book you gave me some more. At least, I made it past the table of contents and I'm into the first part, Generalness.">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "nun.png" "Sister Belle" "Genesis?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Yeah. That.">>\
<<elseif $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] is 9>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "So anyway, I'm to the part in the Book of Generalness where Eve takes the apple from 'a serpent' that's //very obviously// a tentacle monster, and I've just gotta ask, how could Jesus' mom be so dumb? Like, didn't anyone teach her not to take candy apples from horny tentacle monsters?">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "nun.png" "Sister Belle" "...I'm not sure how to answer that question, but I think it's safe to say that a lack of knowledge might be involved.">>\
<<elseif $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] is 11>>\
<<MiscSpeaker "nun.png" "Sister Belle" "...and so the serpent in Genesis was not merely a tentacle monster, but rather a fallen angel. The Lord of Lies himself, Satan.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Wow, Santa is a lier? I had no idea! Come to think of it that does explain why I never did get that pony I wanted.">>\
<<elseif $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] is 12>>\
implement me
<<elseif $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] is 13>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Sister Belle!">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "nun.png" "Sister Belle" "Yes, my child?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "I read some more from the Book of Generaless, and that serpent was //totally// a tentacle monster! Eve ate the candy apple and then was totally like all naked! They made a whole big deal about it and God came down and got angry at her and everything!">>\
<<set _foo to "I know you mean well, " + $MG[$PCPTR][1] + ", but you've misunderstood what the good Book says. God wasn't angry because they were naked. They were naked all along, and eating the apple merely revealed the truth of their nakednes to them.">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "nun.png" "Sister Belle" _foo>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "They were //always// naked? Wow, tentacle monsters in Eden must have a really easy time of things.">>\
<<elseif $TrainJobProgress[$TrainJob] is 14>>\
<<set _foo to "Hello, my child. How are your studies progressing?">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "nun.png" "Sister Belle" _foo>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Pretty good. I'm still not totally sure I get this whole 'non-violence' thing though. Like, how am I supposed to beat stuff up if I can't be violent at it?">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "nun.png" "Sister Belle" "Have you ever considered, perhaps, //not// 'beating stuff up?'">\
<<Speak $PCPTR "No, why do you ask?">>\
implement more church dialogue
<<set _base to 1>>\
<<header "Results">>
<<ChangeStat $STATpurity 1 $NoMod>> * Purity <<SCText $SCdata>>
<<ChangeStat $STATphsyatt -1 $NoMod>> * Physical Attack <<SCText $SCdata>>
<<ChangeStat $STATlust -1 $NoMod>> * Lust <<SCText $SCdata>>
<<ChangeStat $STATcorrupt -1 $NoMod>> * Corruption <<SCText $SCdata>>
<<Speak $PCPTR "...zzzzzzzzzz">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "nun.png" "Sister Belle" "Excuse me, but you seem to have fallen asleep during the sermon.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "...oh, is it over already? Sorry. I'm sure whatever you were sermonizing about was great, but I'm just so tired.">>\
<<header "Results">>\
@@color:Red;No progress@@
<<AddToLog "Error: unrecognized TrainJob type in TrainResults">>
<<if _skipfatiguereport is false>>\
<<header "Next training">>
<<set _pct to setup.FatigueChance()>>\
<<if ($Stats[$STATfatiguemax] - $Stats[$STATfatiguecur]) < 10 >>\
<<set _pct to "fail">>\
<<if _pct is 0>>\
@@color:Green;No penalty@@
<<elseif _pct is "fail">>\
@@color:Red;Too tired!@@
@@color:Red;Fatigued! <<print _pct>>% chance of failure!@@
<<header "Options">>
<<if _pct neq "fail">>\
<span id="KeypOne">\
<<link "1) Repeat hobby" "HobbyResults">>
<span id="KeypSpace">\
<<link "space) Finished" "TrainingJobs">>
<<header "Releasing a tentacle">>\
<<set _which to $WORLD.datapasser>>\
<<set _tame to $Tentacles[_which].tame>>\
<<if -999 > _tame>>\
<<Narrator "You open the cage and take a step back. The tentacle looks at you tentatively but doesn't leave its cage right away.">>\
<<set _foo to either("Go on. You're free.","I'm releasing you. Go, live!","You're free. Go on, get out of here.")>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _foo>>\
<<Narrator "It leaps from the cage and tries to grab you. Looks like you have a fight on your hands.">>\
<<set $CameFrom to "Basement">>\
<<set $mon_request[0] to $Tentacles[_which].a>>\
<<set $mon_request[1] to $Tentacles[_which].b>>\
<<set $mon_request[2] to $Tentacles[_which].c>>\
<<set $Tentacles[_which] to { bought: true, avail: true, tame: 0, a: 0, b: 0, c: 0 }>>
<<header "Options">>
<span id="KeypSpace">\
<<link "Press space to continue" "Combat">>
<<set $Tentacles[_which] to { bought: true, avail: true, tame: 0, a: 0, b: 0, c: 0 }>>
<<Narrator "You open the cage and take a step back. The tentacle looks at you tentatively but doesn't leave its cage right away.">>\
<<set _foo to either("Go on. You're free.","I'm releasing you. Go, live!","It's been fun, but it's time for you to go. I'll always remember you.")>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _foo>>\
<!-- implement untame tentacle attack -->\
<<set _foo to either("The tentacle doesn't react right away, as it taking the time to absorb its new situation.","Several of its appendages seem to look at you for a moment, but the creature doesn't leave the cage immediately.", "Slowly, tentatively, it reaches a tendril outside its cage and feels around on the ground. Offering it words of encouragement, it slowly works itself out of its cage and comes over to you.")>>\
<<set _foo to _foo + " " + either("Eventually, it gives one last parting look to you then wordlessly climbs out of your basement.","Slowly reaching out to you it nuzzles your cheeck and affectionately sprays your face with a handful of warm semen. You suppose that for a tentacle monster, that's surprisingly affectionate.","Then it reaches a single tendril out and gently pats you on the head, affectionately caresses your cheeck, then wordlessly climbs the stairs leading out of your basement.","Reaching out to you as if to say goodbye, it reaches out to give your titties one last, final squeze before leaving your basement, never to return.")>>\
<<Narrator _foo>>
Of course, it's probably going to head straight for the nearest all girl's high school or college dorm. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.
<<header "Options">>
<span id="KeypOne">\
<<link "1) Continue" "Basement">>
<<if $GirlChat is $FieryOne>>\
<<if $AskRequest is $PTRfood>><!-- pizza hamburgers lasagna sushi steak lobster -->\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRfood][1] to 1>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "What's your favorite food?">>\
<<if $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRfood][0] is "pizza">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Pizza, obviously. It's the food of the gods!">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "I thought that was mana.">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "What do you think mana was MADE ouf ot though? Pizza!">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRfood][0] is "hamburgers">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Ehh, call me simple but I love myself a good burger.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRfood][0] is "lasagna">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Ehh, I don't know. Probably lasagna, honestly.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Really? I wouldn't have guessed that.">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "My mom used to make it when I was a kid. It just stuck with me, I guess.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRfood][0] is "sushi">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Call me a traditionalist, but saltwater eel and mackeral.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Sushi?">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Well, yeah? Obviously. It kills the flavor to cook it. But I'll take it with or without rice.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRfood][0] is "steak">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "My favorite? Steak. Great big ol' meaty gob of ribeye, or tenderloin, ahh...makes my mouth water just thinking about it.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Knowing you, that doesn't surprise me.">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Hey, what are you saying?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "That you like taking thick slabs of meat down your throat?">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Well, when you put it like THAT it sounds kinda cringe, but yeah, I guess.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRfood][0] is "lobster">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Lobster. Cooked. With or without lemon. Sushi's fine, but call me a heathen...lobster just doesn't taste as good raw.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Doesn't cooking it kill the flavor?">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Oh sure, you SAY that...but once you've had lobster cooked by a chef who knows what he's doing? Trust me, it's amazing.">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "@@color:Red;Error in phone includes@@">>\
<<AddToLog "Error in phone includes: unrecognized data in girls information array">>
<<elseif $AskRequest is $PTRcolor>><!-- red blue yellow green orange pruple black white pink -->\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRcolor][1] to 1>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "What's your favorite color?">>\
<<if $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRcolor][0] is "red">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "My favorite color? Red, totally. Bright, fiery, race-rocket motorbike red.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Yeah, that suits you.">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "I know, right?">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRcolor][0] is "yellow">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Ehh, yellow probably. I know, you were probably thinking blood red, or death metal black, or something. But yeah, yellow.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Why?">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "I don't know. I've always just liked it.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRcolor][0] is "blue">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Blue, totally. Not sky blue, not navy, it's gotta be awesome blue.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Awesome blue? I'm...not completely sure which shade of blue that is.">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "You'll know it when you see it. Because it's awesome.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRcolor][0] is "green">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Green, totally.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Puke green, or tentacle-trying-to-rape-you green?">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Oh, ha ha, very funny. No, I mean like...summer grass green. The kind of grass you just wanna go lay down on and fall asleep on. Except don't actually do that, because grass is itchy. Trust me, I speak from experience. But it looks nice.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRcolor][0] is "orange">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "I don't know. Orange maybe?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Why orange?">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Tabbies.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "What?">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "You know, the cats? Tabby cats? I had a big one when I was younger. Terrible cat, always smelled like farts. But he was big and orange, and I always loved him anyway. Guess the color just stuck with me.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRcolor][0] is "purple">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "I've always kind of liked purple. Color of royalty.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "It's also the color of a lot of tentacle monsters.">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "...ehh, I guess.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRcolor][0] is "black">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Black, totally.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Isn't that a little emo for you?">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Yeah, you can go fuck yourself. Black is awesome.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRcolor][0] is "white">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "I don't know. Maybe white I guess.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Why white?">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Do I need a reason? I just like white, is all. Spend all day fighting green and purple tentacles monsters trying to stick slimy stuff inside you, a girl just wants to feel clean afterwards, alright? White makes me feel clean.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRcolor][0] is "pink">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "My favorite color? Why do you want to know?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "No reason, I guess. Just asking.">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Well, I mean...ok. If it's no big deal, I guess I can tell you.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Uhh, ok? Seems like a lot of angst over such a small question.">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Well yeah...but, I mean...ok, look, it's pink, alright? My favorite color is pink. Just...if anybody asks, tell them I said death metal black with neon green spikes or something.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Huh. Yeah, no worries. I can keep a secret. But it's not like anyone would care.">>\
<<set _foo to "You cared, enough to ask anyway. And sure, if " + $MG[$ShyOne][1] + " found out, she'd just think it was cute, no big deal. But " + $MG[$LeaderOne][1] + "? Oh, man...she's be sneaking bright pink kitten stickers onto my motorcycle and stuff. She'd never let me live it down.">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne _foo>>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "@@color:Red;Error in phone includes@@">>\
<<AddToLog "Error in phone includes: unrecognized data in girls information array">>\
<<elseif $AskRequest is $PTRdessert>><!-- fiery: parfait dark chocolate chocolate sundae chocolate chip cookies -->\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRdessert][1] to 1>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "What's your favorite dessert?">>\
<<if $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRdessert][0] is "parfait">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Parfait, totally.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Everybody loves parfait though.">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Yeah? So what? Who cares about everybody else, we're talking about me. Parfait is awesome.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRdessert][0] is "dark chocolate">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Dark chocolate's where it's at.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Not milk chocolate?">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Nah, milk chocolate's trash. They don't stick milk in there because it tastes good. It's just cheap filler.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRdessert][0] is "chocolate sundae">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Honestly, I love a good chocolate sundae, with hot fudge dripping down the sides and whipped cream and nuts.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "And a cherry?">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Yep! Gotta have a cherry on top or it doesn't count.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRdessert][0] is "whipped cream">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Honestly? You really want to know?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Yes.">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "'Kay. Favorite dessert of all time: whipped cream. Not that light garbage you get out of a spray can, although that's cool too. But yeah, if you want to do whipped cream right, you get one of those huge tubs of the stuff, stick it in the freezer then it straight out of the thing with a spoon.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "You've given a lot of thought to this, I see.">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Are you kidding me? Try it. It's completely awesome.">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "@@color:Red;Error in phone includes@@">>\
<<AddToLog "Error in phone includes: unrecognized data in girls information array">>\
<<elseif $AskRequest is $PTRplace>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRplace][1] to 1>>\
<<if $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRplace][0] is "park">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Call me simple, but I love going to the park!">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Let me guess, because-">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Because I get to smash tentacles, yeah! 'Help me!' 'Rawwr Imma tentacle going to have my way with with you!' 'Not so fast, slime! You're goin' down!' 'Oh, thank you awesome Magical Girl, can I have your autograph?'">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Sounds like it's not about the park so much as those other things.">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Yep!">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRplace][0] is "beach">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "I love to swim, actually. But I hate how tiny pools are, so it's gotta be at the beach. Lay out some, swim some, smash a squid or two, it's pretty awesome.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "When you say squid, do you mean-">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Ehh, either way. Tentacle monster squid are super fun to punch, but they don't taste as good as regular squid.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRplace][0] is "mall">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "I don't know. I generally just hang out at the mall, or whatever.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Do you like to shop?">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Nahh, that's lame. I just go to hang out and chill. ">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRplace][0] is "lake">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "My favorite place? Huh. I guess probably the lake up in the mountains. You ever been there?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Once or twice.">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Yeah, I like it. Nice and quiet. Good for swimming. ">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Swimming I get, but since when are you into quiet?">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Hey, even I can't be all piss and vinegar all the time. Girl's gotta relax every now and then.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRplace][0] is "space">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Have you ever been to the space station? It's totally awesome!">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Isn't it really expensive to go?">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Yeah, that part sucks. But my dad took me for my birthday a few years ago, and I gotta say, it's amazing up there!">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "@@color:Red;Error in phone includes@@">>\
<<AddToLog "Error in phone includes: unrecognized data in girls information array">>\
<<elseif $AskRequest is $PTRmusic>><!-- anime tunes opera heavy metal punk -->\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRmusic][1] to 1>>\
<<if $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRmusic][0] is "anime tunes">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Ehh, it's kind of lame but I music just listen to songs from anime I watch.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Like which?">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "I don't know. Dragonball? Akira? Evangelion? Bubblegum Crisis?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "So you're sort of a traditionalist.">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Nahh, I'm just oldschool.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRmusic][0] is "opera">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "You probably never would have guessed, but I actually really like opera.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Really?">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Yeah, it's awesome! Don't get me wrong, I dig me some metal...but Opera? Man, it's way more metal than metal is sometimes. Like, Ride of the Valkyries? You know that song? You know what's going on in that song?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "What?">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "It's being sung by a bunch of angelic warrior-maidens showing up to a battlefield to escort the souls of the dead to a giant party in the afterlife.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Wow.">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "I know, right? Most modern music is somebody whining about heartbreak or some nonsense. Opera? Man, some of that stuff is heavy.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRmusic][0] is "heavy metal">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Guess.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "The jeans company?">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "What? No, guess what kind of music I like. Come on, this should be easy.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "I dont't know. Viking funeral lamentations?">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "...actually, that sounds pretty cool. But nah, I'm into heavy metal. You know, AC/DC, Aerosmith, should know me well enough to know this already.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRmusic][0] is "punk">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Dude, I love me some classical punk rock.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Classical? You mean like Mozart? Bach?">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Never heard of them. I don't follow pop music at all. I mean real oldschool music like Bad Religion, the Misfits, L7. You know, punk rock!">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Yeah, I don't recognize some of those names.">>\
<<set _foo to "Laaaaaaame! You need to expand your mind, " + $MG[$PCPTR][1] + "!">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne _foo>>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "@@color:Red;Error in phone includes@@">>\
<<AddToLog "Error in phone includes: unrecognized data in girls information array">>\
<<elseif $AskRequest is $PTRdrink>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRdrink][1] to 1>>\
<<if $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRdrink][0] is "whiskey">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Ehh, I've always loved a good whiskey. Burns your throat but make my belly warm with bliss.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Whiskey? Somehow that doesn't surprise me.">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "I know, right? It's the perfect drink for me!">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRdrink][0] is "vodka">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "I'm a vodka-gal, comrade! Didn't you know?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "I guess that doesnt' surprise me much. Any brand in particular?">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Ehh, honestly it doesn't really matter that much. Sure, I'll drink Grey Goose if you're buying, but honestly even a cheapo bottle of Smirnoff is totally ok. Vodka isn't like wine. It's hard to go wrong, and there just isn't all that much difference between cheap and expensive.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRdrink][0] is "red wine">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "I like smooth red wines. Cabernet Sauvingnon usually, but Merlot is always a safe backup.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Really? That surprises me.">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Yeah, everybody seems to think I'm either a hardcore whiskey drinker or some kind of beer-chugging sorority girl. I mean, come on...I've got //some// class.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRdrink][0] is "white wine">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Ehh, I like wine but most reds are a little too intense. Riesling is pretty awsome, and Moscato and Gewurztraminer are delicious. But I'll take any old Sauvignon Blanc in a pinch.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Huh. I don't know half those words.">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Heh, only half? That's better than most people!">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRdrink][0] is "not picky">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Ehh, I'm not that picky.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Really? Beer, wine, mixed preference?">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Nah, it's all good. I mean, I wouldn't want them all in the same glass, for sure, but they're all good.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRdrink][0] is "beer">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Nothing fancy. Beer's fine.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "It's fine or it's your favorite?">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Well, I'm sure, I'll drink a fancy drink if somebody else is buying. But wine is too expensive and hard liquor makes you drunk too fast. Sure, I like to get tipsy as much as anybody. But drinking for the sake of drink is fun too, and it's no good if you just take a couple shots and then have to sit there with nothing to do. Beer lets you take your time. I like that.">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "@@color:Red;Error in phone includes@@">>\
<<AddToLog "Error in phone includes: unrecognized data in girls information array">>\
<<elseif $AskRequest is $PTRgoal>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRgoal][1] to 1>>\
<<if $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRgoal][0] is "housewife">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Ehh, don't laugh, but I really just wanna give up this whole Magical Girl thing and go be somebody's boring ol' housewife.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Really? Why?">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Don't get me wrong. I like smashing tentacles, but it's a lot of work, you know? If I were a housewife I could just sit around giving blowjobs and munching chips. ">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Wouldn't have figured you for the eager giver type. Are the blowjobs, uhh...important?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "No, look...honestly it's not that I even really like cock all that much. I'd even date a chick or whatever if she were hot. It's just like that would be so //easy//. Cook a steak, suck a dick, that's an hour and now I've got the rest of the day for myself, you know? Guys don't ask for much. It'd be such an easy lifestyle, and I could dig that.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRgoal][0] is "astronaut">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Earth is lame. I wanna be an astronaut.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "I could see you doing that.">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Yeah! I'd be a space test pilot, flying the biggest and badest ships before anyone else! Aliens would come say hi and I'd be like 'pew! pew!' with my lasers and save the world!">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "What if the aliens were friendly?">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Ehh, I don't know. I guess if they were friendly they could be in my fan club or something.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRgoal][0] is "rule the world">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Heh, you want to know my dream job? For real?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Yes, I'd like to know.">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "I wanna rule the world!">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "...what? How?">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Ehh, don't bore me with stuff like //how//. How isn't super important. I mean, it's not like I want to be a supervillain and blow everybody up with nukes or anything, but yeah...imagine me in a suit on a throne with a monocle and a cat in my lap! Everybody bowing and calling me 'your supreme awesomeness' and stuff! And I'd have a giant wallscreen so I could push a button and watch anybody in the world and bark orders at them and they'd bow and apologize for not doing it already and go do it! Heheh, yeah. I'm bad. But it would be awesome.">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "@@color:Red;Error in phone includes@@">>\
<<AddToLog "Error in phone includes: unrecognized data in girls information array">>\
<<elseif $AskRequest is $PTRvacation>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRvacation][1] to 1>>\
<<if $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRvacation][0] is "cruise">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "I've always wanted to go on a cruise. Big ol' ship, free food and drinks, lounge around all day...yeah, that would be pretty awesome.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "The food isn't really free if you have to pay to get on the boat.">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Yeah, yeah. I know. Whatever.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Where would you go?">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "To the Carribean! That's where the pirates live, right? Arrr!">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRvacation][0] is "Bahamas">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "The Bahamas. In a heart beat. Just think, couple weeks layout out on the beach drinking great big ol' fruity drinks right out of a pineapple as a mug. That would be the life!">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "I think you're thinking of Hawaii. Pineapples aren't native to the Bahamas.">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Stop spoiling my fantasy!">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRvacation][0] is "South Pole">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Did you ever see The Thing?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "You mean with the alien that steals people's bodies? Yes, why?">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "I'd love to go to the South Pole. Think about it, hiking through the snow, digging up spaceships, hunting aliens with a shotgun...that would be amazing!">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "You do know The Thing was a movie, right?">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRvacation][0] is "road trip">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Ehh, the thing about vacations is that they're not about where you go. It's the going that's fun. Doesn't really matter where.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "So how would you do it? Fly a plane? Hike?">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Nah, those are both lame. Think I'd get a big gas-guzzling American muscle car and go road tripping. Something loud, like a Firebird or a Corvette. Toss some food in a cooler and just get on the road and see where it takes me.">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "@@color:Red;Error in phone includes@@">>\
<<AddToLog "Error in phone includes: unrecognized data in girls information array">>\
<<elseif $AskRequest is $PTRlifestyle>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRlifestyle][1] to 1>>\
<<if $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRlifestyle][0] is "cabin">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Ehh, I don't know. I alerady live a pretty awesome life, you know?>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "What, here in Townsville? This isn't exactly a vacation resort town, what with the marauding hordes of tentacle monsters and all.">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Yeah, but that's half the fun! Where else would I have an excuse to smash stuff all the time? If I could live a different way, it would have to offer some kind of excitment to make up for that. Like, maybe living in a cabin in the woods or something. ">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "What's exciting about that?">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Are you kidding? Hunting bears for dinner with my bare hands and roasting them over an over fire? That would be awesome!">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRlifestyle][0] is "yacht">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "I wanna live on yachy! You know, one of those super mega awesome yachts as a big as a house?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Bigger, I think. I've read some are hunderds of feet long.">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Yeah, that sounds awesome.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "What would you do? Go deep sea fishing? SCUBA diving? Sail around the world?">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Ha ha! No, I don't care about that. I just wanna have a huge yacht so I can thumb my nose at all you plebes.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRlifestyle][0] is "be rich">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "I wanna be rich.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Well, don't we all.">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Hey, you asked. My dream lifestyle? Super. Mega. Awesome. RICH.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRlifestyle][0] is "travel">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Ehh, I guess it would be nice to travel. Lots of places I want to see. Europe, America, the Great Pyramia, Paris, France, New York.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Paris is in France.">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Is it? That's awesome! That means I'd get to visit both at the same time!">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "...uhh, yeah.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRlifestyle][0] is "quiet life">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Promise not to tell anyone?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "My lips are sealed.">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "If you tell anyone I'm going punch you, got it? Alright, so...I like fighting stuff. It's cool. But sometimes it gets a bit old, and it's not like I'm going to want to live like we do forever, right?">>\
<<set _foo to "Don't let " + $MG[$FieryOne][1] + " catch you saying that. I think she's pretty set on us being a team until the day we die.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _foo>>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Tell me about it. Yeah, don't get me wrong. I'm good to keep at this for handful of years, sure. It's fun. But I don't care about 'climbing the ranks' or 'being recognized' or any of that stuff she talks about. I just wanna smash stuff. But not forever. Soemday, I wanna just settle down and live anice, quiet life, you know? ">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Get married and live in the suburbs maybe?">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "The details aren't important. Just somewhere where nothin' happens, you know? Sometimes I just wanna sleep in and eat microwaved brownies in bed without having to worry about stuff. So, yeah. That's how I wanna live when we're done smashing tentacles.">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "@@color:Red;Error in phone includes@@">>\
<<AddToLog "Error in phone includes: unrecognized data in girls information array">>\
<<elseif $AskRequest is $PTRsex>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRsex][1] to 1>>\
<<if $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRsex][0] is "big boobs">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Boobs!">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Boobs?">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Yeah! Gotta find me a big-tittied goth girl. Though I guess the goth part is optional.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "How big?">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "You know. BIG!">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRsex][0] is "waist/hip ratio">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "'I like big butts and I can not lie!' Yeah, but seriously...I like me some thick hips and a tiny waist. That's //soooo// sexy. I love it.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Is it more about the big hips or the tiny waist?">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Well, it's gotta be both, you know? It's nice to be thin, but I can't do anything with some tiny little waif. Need somebody tough enough to take what I can dish out without collapsing, you know? And a 200 pound whale may have the hips, but that's disgusting. It's all about the difference between them.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "The ratio?">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Yeah, the radio. You have to have both.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Ratio.">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Whatever.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRsex][0] is "petite">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Well, I like being the one in charge in a relatinship, you know? So I gotta find somebody who's...well, they don't gotta be tiny. But someone I can be the big spoon for. Someone who has to come up on her tip-ties to kiss me. Somebody I can pick and hold and feel protective of, you know?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "That's surprisingly sweet of you.">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Yeah, whatever. You asked.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRsex][0] is "chaste">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "I'd like to, ehh...I'll just come out and say it. I want to be the more experienced partner in a relationship. I hate to feel like I'm just this month's fling, and a girl's going to move on afterwards. Plus, too much sex is kind of bad for the brain. It makes you think different. So I want somebody who's...what's the word?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Chaste?">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "What's that mean?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Pure? Hasn't had sex?">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Well, it's not like that can't have had sex //ever//. But it shouldn't just be a hobby for them, you know? I want to feel like I'm special.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRsex][0] is "bigger partner">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "I want somebody who's...look, you know I like girls, right?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Kind of figured.">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "So, yeah. But, I mean...I still want to feel like I'm a girl, you know? So I've gotta have somebody who's big enough to, you know, make me feel like I'm the girl in a relationship.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Is it just about size? Or do you want to be dominated?">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Dominoes? I don't even know what that means. Look, it's not that complicated. It's not even about the sex. I just...come on, I want to the be little spoon, alright?">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRsex][0] is "experienced partner">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "I want somebody who knows their way around the block. ">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "What?">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Look, sex is awesome, right? But we don't exactly get out much in our lien of work. It's always smash tentacles this, or save the world that. I just want to come home and lay down and and get fucked still I'm unconscious. And then wake up with a dick still inside me. Or a strap-on. Whatever.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "I'm not sure where you're going with this.">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "I just want somebody who's //better// at sex than me, alright? I'm great at smashing stuff, but I kind of suck at being all lovey-dovey. But sex is important to a realtionship, so I just gotta find somebody who knows enough to take care of it for both of us.">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "@@color:Red;Error in phone includes@@">>\
<<AddToLog "Error in phone includes: unrecognized data in girls information array">>
<<elseif $AskRequest is $PTRsecret>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRsecret][1] to 1>>\
<<if $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRsecret][0] is "lesbian">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "I, wont' tell anyone this, right?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Not a soul.">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "I...uhh, like girls. Romantically. No, not romantically. I'm not into lame girly stuff like that. I mean, in other ways. You know what I mean, right? Does that make me weird?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "I'm ok with that.">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Good. 'Cause if you weren't ok with it, I'd have to smash your face in.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRsecret][0] is "bad with money">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "It's no huge secret or anything, but I'm kidn of lousy with money.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "No impulse control?">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "I don't know what that is, but if you mean I see stuff and can't resist buying it, pretty much, yeah. Saving money never made much sense to me. You save money so you can buy stuff, right? So why not just skip the saving part and buy stuff now? That's way more efficient, right?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "I guess it's more efficient is the goal is to spend money.">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Well, duh. What else are you going to do with money besides spend it?">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRsecret][0] is "fear of snakes">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "I'm afraid of snakes.">>\
<<Narrator "There's a long pause."
<<Speak $PCPTR "Isn't that kind of a problem, what with us fighting tentacle monsters all the time?">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "You have no idea.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$FieryOne][$PTRsecret][0] is "web history">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Personal secret? Don't think I have one.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Reall? Nothing that would embarass you if your grandmother found out?">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Yeah, no.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Well, I guess there is one thing. I'm not going to tell you what it is, but let's just put it this way: If I ever fall into a coma and don't wake up or anything, do me a favor and erase my web browsing history before people go through my stuff, ok? ">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "@@color:Red;Error in phone includes@@">>\
<<AddToLog "Error in phone includes: unrecognized data in girls information array">>
<<AddToLog "Error: invalid askrequest in phone includes">>\
<<elseif $GirlChat is $ShyOne>>\
<<if $AskRequest is $PTRfood>><!-- pizza hamburgers lasagna sushi steak lobster -->\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRfood][1] to 1>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "What's your favorite food?">>\
<<if $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRfood][0] is "pizza">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "My favorite? Hmm. Vegetarian pizza, I think. Mushroom and olive is really good, but I especially like it with artichoke and peppers.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Artichoke on pizza? I don't think I've ever had that.">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "You should try it! It's wonderful! So tangy!">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRfood][0] is "hamburgers">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Back in elementary school we used to always have American-style hamburgers every Friday. I don't usually like greasy food, but for some reason the taste really stuck with me. I mostly only eat veggie burgers now, but I still love them.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRfood][0] is "lasagna">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Hmm. I think maybe lasagna.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Really? I don't think I've ever seen you eat pasta.">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Oh, not just any pasta. Lasagna is special. Did you know that tomato is a fruit not a vegetable? So lasagna is pasta in fruit sauce?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Isn't tomato sauce really common with pasta dishes though?">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Is it? Oh. Now that you mention it, I guess it kind of is. Still, I like lasagna.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRfood][0] is "sushi">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "My favorite? I don't know. I'm not picky. Sushi I guess?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "What kind?">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Umm...eel? Or octopus maybe? What about you?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "I don't know. I always feel kind of strange eating octopus after fighting a giant squid monster raping a girl. Feeling the suckers go down my throat makes me think about, well, you know.">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Oh. Right. I just...try not to think about that.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRfood][0] is "steak">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "I really like beef.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Just beef?">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Well, steak especially. Hamburger is ok too I guess, but it's a little too processed for me. ">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRfood][0] is "lobster">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "I feel a little bad about it, but I really love lobster.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "If it makes you feel any better, that whole thing about them screaming when you cook them is a myth. It's just the sound of air escaping from their shell.">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "They're still boiled live. That's the horrible part, not the sound. How would you like it if somebody cooked you?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "I'd hate it. But I don't think I'd feel much better about it if they killed me first.">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "At least it would be faster to chop their head off. Oh, I don't want to think about this.">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "@@color:Red;Error in phone includes@@">>\
<<AddToLog "Error in phone includes: unrecognized data in girls information array">>\
<<elseif $AskRequest is $PTRcolor>><!-- red blue yellow green orange purple black white pink -->\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRcolor][1] to 1>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "What's your favorite color?">>\
<<if $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRcolor][0] is "red">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "I kind of really like red, I think. It makes me think about happy things, like hearts and flowers and yummy cherries and cute little ladybugs.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Huh, yeah. I was thinking blood.">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Well, yes. Also blood I guess. But blood is why hearts are red, so you really shouldn't find it scary.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "That's a cute way of looking at it.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRcolor][0] is "yellow">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "I think maybe yellow. Yellow is cute.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "How is yellow cute?">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Rubber duckies are yellow. Aren't rubber duckies cute? And sunflowers! Sunflowers are cute! And bananas! Bananas are...oh. Maybe not bananas. But still, yellow is cute.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRcolor][0] is "blue">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "I've always kind of liked blue.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Isn't blue a guy's color?">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Oh, no! That's a common misconception. Blue was always traditionally the color for little girls.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRcolor][0] is "green">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "I really love green. Everything in nature is beautifully green and vibrant and alive. Grass, and trees...I love green.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRcolor][0] is "orange">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Oh, I don't know. Maybe orange I guess?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Really? I would have guessed you'd be more into pink.">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Pink is nice too. But orange is the color of pumpkins and orange juice and little baby foxes. How could you not love orange?">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRcolor][0] is "purple">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "I'm not sure I erally have a favorite color. But if I had to pick one, maybe purple? Is that ok?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Of course it's ok. Why wouldn't it be?">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "I don't know. Just asking?">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRcolor][0] is "black">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "I find black to be...umm, comforting.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Comforting? Why?">>\
<<set _foo to "Well, I'm kind of shy. When I'm out in the light, everyone can see me and that's a little scary. But when I was little and I thought monstes were in my closet, I always used to hide under my covers. That was safe, beause the monsters couldn't see me. And when " + $MG[$FieryOne][1] + " makes me go to a party so I hide in a closet until it's over, nobody can see me there either. Dark is safe.">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne _foo>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Huh. That makes a surprising amount of sense. Sad, maybe. But I can see it.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRcolor][0] is "white">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "I really like, umm...white. It's...clean. It's safe.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "How do you mean safe?">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Well, all of the really nice things in fairy tales are white, aren't they? Angels and unicorns and things?">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRcolor][0] is "pink">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "You probably already guess this, but I really like pink. It's cute, and I like cute things.">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "@@color:Red;Error in phone includes@@">>\
<<AddToLog "Error in phone includes: unrecognized data in girls information array">>
<<elseif $AskRequest is $PTRdessert>><!-- shy: butterscotch taffy apple pie strawberry jello peeps -->\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRdessert][1] to 1>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "What's your favorite dessert?">>\
<<if $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRdessert][0] is "butterscotch taffy">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "It's hard to get, but my favorite is butterscotch taffy.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "I don't think I've ever tried that.">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "They don't sell it anywhere near here, so I have to import it from overseas. If you want to try, I can let you know next time I get some?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "I'd like that.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRdessert][0] is "apple pie">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "I've always loved dutch apple pie. Simple, nice. Smells like cinnamon, tastes like joy.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "That's sweet.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRdessert][0] is "strawberry jello">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "I don't know, it's hard to pick just one. Cookies and candy and cake...I love them all, but if I had to choose just one I think I'd choose strawberry jelly.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Strawberry jelly? Do you mean jello?">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Uh-huh! It jiggles in your mouth and feels fun! And I like strawberries. The jelly doesn't really taste like strawberries very much, but it's still nice.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRdessert][0] is "peeps">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "You know those little marshmellow bunnies you get at Easter time?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Peeps?">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Yes! Peeps! They're so adorable!">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Do you actually like them though? I mean, they're cute, sure. But they're basically just marshmallows.">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "They're not just marshamllow, though, they have little sugar sprinkles too that crunch when you chew them!">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Huh. You might be the only person I've ever met who actually likes those.">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "@@color:Red;Error in phone includes@@">>\
<<AddToLog "Error in phone includes: unrecognized data in girls information array">>\
<<elseif $AskRequest is $PTRplace>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRplace][1] to 1>>\
<<if $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRplace][0] is "park">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "My favorite place? Is my bedroom ok? It's nice and quiet there.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "No, I mean if you were going to go somewhere, like for a trip or a date or whatever, where would you want to go?">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Oh, a date? Umm. I guess...if anyone ever liked me enough to ask me out, I wouldn't want to feel like I was being demanding. I do like the local park. It has swings and grass, and even little squirrels! They're fun to watch.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRplace][0] is "beach">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Hmm. I don't know. Maybe...the beach?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "You like to swim?">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Oh, no. You don't go to the beach to swim. You go to have fun! You can sit around a fire and talk with friends and roast marshmallows.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Smores?">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Yes!">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRplace][0] is "mall">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "My favorite place? Well, ok. I'm, umm, kind of shy. You know that, right?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "It's...something I've noticed, yes.">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Oh. I'm sorry. But yes, well...I kind of feel bad about it sometimes. So I like to go to mall people. Not like a creepy stalker! Just...I like being //around// people, but if I have to talk I get so embarrassed, and well, at the mall I can feel close to people without being embarrased by having to talk. I don't feel so lonely that way.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRplace][0] is "lake">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Sometimes, I like going to the lake up in the mountains. You know the one?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "I've been there.">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "So you know how it is then. Safe, quiet...not so many people around. It's fun to go and watch the birds, and the squirrels, and once I even saw a bear!">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Really, a bear? Was it scary?">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne ", he was just a great big shy teddy bear. I'm sure he was more sared of me than I was of him.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRplace][0] is "space">>\
<<set _foo to $MG[$FieryOne][1] + " stared distantly up at the sky.">>\
<<Narrator _foo>>
<<Speak $ShyOne "I've alwayed want to visit the space station.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "It's really expensive to go.">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "I know. But if I could go anywhere, that's where I'd want to go.">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "@@color:Red;Error in phone includes@@">>\
<<AddToLog "Error in phone includes: unrecognized data in girls information array">>\
<<elseif $AskRequest is $PTRmusic>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRmusic][1] to 1>>\
<<if $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRmusic][0] is "anime tunes">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "I mostly just listen to anime songs.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Like which?">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Oh, well...I like Ah My Goddess. That has some very nice songs, like when she sings about eggs. And, oh! The dango daikazoku song from Clannad! That's so cute!">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Wasn't Clannad a game though?">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Yes, but they made an anime of it too.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRmusic][0] is "weird al">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Do you know Weird Al?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Weird Al Yankovic?">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Yes! He's so funny! I love listening to his music, and it's so silly that I can sing along and laugh!">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRmusic][0] is "country">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Oh. Well, umm...I like...*mumbles*">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "What was that?">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "...I like Country. I'm sorry.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "What? No, that's nothing to be sorry for. Like what song? Anything I might know?">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "The Gambler by Kenny Rogers? I Will Always Love You, by Dolly parton? Garth Brooks? Oh! How about some John Denver!">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Who?">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "You know! 'Country roooooads! Take me hoooomme! To the plaaaace, I beeelooooong!!!'">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRmusic][0] is "none">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "I don't really listen to music all the much.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "You don't?">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "No, I mostly just prefer it to be quiet. Does that make me strange?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Not really. Not everybody has to all like the same things. Any idea why though? I think most people prefer to have at least some sound going on in the background.">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Maybe because I was an only child? I think if you grow up with other kids always yelling and shouting over each other for attention, you probably get used to that. Me, I was alone most of the time growing up, and so the only noise most of the time was what I made myself. And since I never had to talk over anyone, so I was usually pretty quiet. I think I just got used to that.">>\
<<elseif $AskRequest is $PTRdrink>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRdrink][1] to 1>>\
<<if $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRdrink][0] is "whiskey">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Oh. Umm. Don't tell anyone but my favorite is actually...whiskey.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Really? You?">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "You won't tell the others, will you?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "My lips are sealed. But still, whiskey?">>\
<<set _foo to "I know it's awful, but coffee tastes bad when you first try it too. My first time with alcohol was with " + $MG[$FieryOne][1] + " and she made me try it. I coughed a lot and she kind of laughed at me, but we ended up having a whole of fun once I got past the taste. We sang karaoke and there hugs and it was all around just a really nice time. So I guess it's not really the whiskey I like so much as, well..."
<<Speak $ShyOne _foo>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Fond memories?">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Right. It was nice. Whiskey always brings back how much fun we had together.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRdrink][0] is "vodka">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "It's kind of a long story. Most of my friends started drinking in high school, but my parents didn't want me getting drunk with strangers, so they introduced me to alcohol as soon as I became a teenager.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "At home, where they could be sure you'd be safe?">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Yes, exactly. So the first thing I ever tried was vodka at a family Christmas party. I don't know what brand. But I've always liked it ever since. It reminds me of family.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRdrink][0] is "red wine">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "I guess if I'm going to drink, I'll generally go with red wine.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Any kind in particular?">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Umm...the red kind?">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRdrink][0] is "white wine">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "I guess if I'm going to drink, I'll generally go with white wine.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "It's a classic choice.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRdrink][0] is "not picky">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "To drink? You mean like water?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "I was really thinking more along the lines of alcohol.">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Oh! Oh, right. Umm. I don't know, really. I don't drink very much. I guess I know I don't like beer for sure, but beyond that I'm not picky. I generally just get whatever everybody else is getting.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRdrink][0] is "beer">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "I don't know. I usually just get whatever beer everyone else is drinking.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Have you even tried anything else?">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Umm, well I've had champagne a few times at weddings and things. The bubbles get in my nose though, so I usually just stick with beer. It's a safe choice.">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "@@color:Red;Error in phone includes@@">>\
<<AddToLog "Error in phone includes: unrecognized data in girls information array">>\
<<elseif $AskRequest is $PTRgoal>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRgoal][1] to 1>>\
<<if $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRgoal][0] is "actress">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "My goal? Me? Do you...umm, promise not to laugh?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "I promise.">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Well, someday I would like to be an actress.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Really? I wouldn't have guessed that. Any particular reason?">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Well, I'm kind of...umm, shy. So I guess...well, it's just...I think. Hmm. Maybe it's just sort of a silly fantasy, but to me, the idea of being able to be in front of so many people and feel...adequate? Good, even? Instead of terrified? That just sounds so amazing to me. I mean, I'd probably hate it if it ever happened, so maybe it's more about the idea of it than what it would really be like. But I wish I could be in front of everybody and be happy and proud. And that's what an actress does. So some part of me wishes that were me.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRgoal][0] is "housewife">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Me? If I could do anything? Well, I guess...umm, please don't misunderstand. I know that what we do is important. But it there weren't so many scary monsters in the world and so many people depending on me to protect them...if I could have anything, I think I'd want to just be married and stay at home.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "You want to be a housewife? That's it?">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Oh, but there's so much to being a good wife! It's not just cooking and cleaning and...umm, bedroom things. It's about loving and caring for someone. It's about putting their needs first and always supporting them no matter what. I' it, if that could be me. I'll probably never be very important myself. But if I could help somebody else be the best they could be? That would be like being important in a way, but without having to be in the spotlight. It would be helping to put somebody else where //they// want to be. I guess I don't want very much for myself. But if I can make somebody else happy, //truly// happy...that would be amazing.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "That's very sweet of you.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRgoal][0] is "veterinarian">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "I've always felt my true calling with to be a veterianian. I like helping people, and beign a Magical Girl allows me to do that. But it's...umm, kind of scary? I think I'd be happier if I could put away the costume and have a nice little animal clinic to help all the cute little puppies and poor injured kittens of the world.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "That suits you.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRgoal][0] is "rancher">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Me? Well, I love animals and so more than anything I'd like to have my own little place in the country, far away from any big cities or people. I'd have my own little ranch full of happy, fluffy animals to take care of. Little pigs with adorable little snoots to boop, and kittens in needs of hugs and cuddles. Oh, that would make me so happy!">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "You realize that ranchers usually breed animals for, umm...">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Pets?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Right. 'Pets.' Absoutely, that's exactly what I was going to say.">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Yay!">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "@@color:Red;Error in phone includes@@">>\
<<AddToLog "Error in phone includes: unrecognized data in girls information array">>\
<<elseif $AskRequest is $PTRvacation>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRvacation][1] to 1>>\
<<if $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRvacation][0] is "cruise">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Hmm. Well, I doubt I'll ever be able to go, but I've always wanted to go on a cruise ship.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Where would you go?">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Oh, it doesn't matter very much. I think everyplace is more or less the same, really. I know that cruises like to stop every now and then let let people off, but that's not the point. It seems a little silly to go on vacation just to go shopping somewhere. It's being on the ocean that I want to try.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Why? What's so great about being on a boat?">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Imagine being a hundred miles away from the nearest city, away from traffic, away from tentacle monsters. Just you and good friends on a boat, out of the open water, away from everyone and everything.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Right. I get it now.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRvacation][0] is "Australia">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "If I could visit anywhere, I think I'd want to go to Australia.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Let me guess, you're a closet Lord of the Rings fan?">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "No, that was New Zealand. Though that might be nice too. But Australia is famous for it's fluffy, cute animals! Kangaroos and sugar gliders and quolls! So cute!">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "...also crocodiles and snakes and spiders as big as your head.">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Yes! So cute!">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRvacation][0] is "dog-sledding">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "I don't know. I kind of feel like a vacation needs to be something a little...umm, adventurous. Not a lot, but just a little. Hmm. Well, you know that I love animals, right?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Of course.">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "I bet it would be fun to go dog-sledding.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "So, Alaska?">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Well, anywhere where there's enough snow, I guess. But wouldn't that be fun? A dozen big fluffy, cuddly dogs all happily running through the snow all day, then cuddling up with them for warmth at night. Can't you imagine it?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "I guses that would be kind of fun.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRvacation][0] is "safari">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "I don't know. The zoo, maybe?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "You can go to the zoo anytime, though. Maybe something a little more ambitious?">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Well, anywhere I'd go for a vacation would have to involve animals. Maybe...umm, maybe I could go on anA frican safari?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "To see the lions?">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Right! Not just lions though. Cheetahs and elephants and giraffes! Also, lemurs live in Africa. And wildebeasts. I've never seen a wildebeast!">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "That could be fun. I've always wanted to see a tiger up close.">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Oh. Well, umm. That would be nice, too. But tigers are from southeast Asia. They don't live in Africa.">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "@@color:Red;Error in phone includes@@">>\
<<AddToLog "Error in phone includes: unrecognized data in girls information array">>\
<<elseif $AskRequest is $PTRlifestyle>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRlifestyle][1] to 1>>\
<<if $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRlifestyle][0] is "cabin">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "You mean, if I could live in any way I want?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Sure.">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "I'd have to live somewhere with cute animals.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Of course.">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "I guess...I think I'd want to live in a cabin in the woods. Maybe I could be a park ranger. A national park, not like the one we have. And every day I'd go out and feed the squirrels, and listen to the birds, and hug wild raccoons and deer.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "And tend to injured deer, and rescue bears from traps?">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "No. Because those things wouldn't happen in my park. It would just be nice everyone, bears included.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRlifestyle][0] is "yacht">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "I guess it might be fun to live on a boat.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "A yacht?">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Are those the ones you live on? Ok, sure I guess. I don't really care how big it is. I'd just like to be able sail around by myself and see new places and watch the dolphins and things like that.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "You'd probably need staff. I don't think you can sail a yacht on your own.">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Oh. Well, a small yacht then.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRlifestyle][0] is "be rich">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "I'd like to...well, I guess I'd like to do a lot of things. I'd like to a nature reserve in the mountains.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "That sounds nice.">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "But that's not all. I'd also like to free all the dolphins from captivity. And lobby the government to stop polluting the ocean. And...I'd like to build an orphanage for all the little orphans who have nobody to turn to, someplace where they could always be warm and happy and fed.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Those all sound like nice things to do.">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "I suppose. But, I think it would take a lot of money to do them all. So I suppose if I could life any lifestyle I wanted, I'd want to be rich. Not for me! many things, so many important things I want to do. And I guess maybe I'd have to be rich to have a chance of maybe doing them all. So...that. That's what I'd want.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRlifestyle][0] is "travel">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "I want to travel.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Oh? Where to?">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "...well, everywhere. Not just one place. I want to see the tigers in India. I want to walk the Great Wall of China. I want to see the Pyramid at Giza. I want to try Swiss chocolate fresh from a factory in Switzerland. I guess I want to go and see and do lots of things. So...that's how I'd want to live. I'd want to travel the world.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRlifestyle][0] is "quiet life">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "I...umm. Wish I could...please don't be angry.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "What's the matter?">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "I just...wish i could run away from everything. Tentacles are mean, but I don't like hurting them. I don't like fighting very much either. I really wish...I wish I could just run away and go find some place far away and away from it all. I wish I could live a simple, quiet life.">>\
<<set _foo to $MG[$ShyOne][1] + " sighs wistfully.">>\
<<Narrator _foo>>
<<Speak $ShyOne "It will never happen though.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Why not?">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Because...well, I //hate// what we do. But,'s important. If it weren't for us, is we left...what would happen to all the girls who live here?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "I suppose Townsville would descend into a never-ending orgy of tentacle rape.">>\
<<set _foo to $MG[$ShyOne][1] + " frowns at you distatefully.">>\
<<Narrator _foo>>
<<Speak $ShyOne "Right. That's why. That's why it will never happen.">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "@@color:Red;Error in phone includes@@">>\
<<AddToLog "Error in phone includes: unrecognized data in girls information array">>\
<<elseif $AskRequest is $PTRsex>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRsex][1] to 1>>\
<<if $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRsex][0] is "big boobs">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "I like boobs.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Don't we all?">>\
<<Narrator "She giggles at that.">>
<<Speak $ShyOne "I suppose you're right. Breastfeeding as a child made us feel safe and warm and loved. Boys and girls both! So it's not just boys who can like bigs. Everybody can like big boobs, right?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Heh, sure. It's not like you need permission for what you like. What you're saying makes sense to me. I hope you find her.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRsex][0] is "waist/hip ratio">>\
<<Narrator "She scrunches her eyes up in deep thought.">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "It's...umm, complicated.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Complicated how? What is it you like? Hugs? Long hair? A pretty smile? What's the one thing that really turns you on to smoebody?">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "That's just it though. It's not just one thing, I guess. A small waist is cute. But...well, I don't just want someone tiny. And wide hips are attractive because, well, it makes childbirth easy. But I don't want somebody so big they're scary. So, slender and smallish, but still able to have lots of cute babies. They should be both of those things together.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Hmm. Waist/hip ratio. Got it.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRsex][0] is "petite">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "I'd like to be with someone...small.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Small?">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Well...yes. I know that lots of girls like to be held and feel protected, but the world is big and scary, and I'd kind of like to feel like //I// could protect someone. Wouldn't that be amazing? Me, being the big strong protector? It's...just a fantasy, I know. But some part of me wants to know what that would feel like.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRsex][0] is "chaste">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "I'm not...umm...I don't...well..">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Take your time.">>\
<<Narrator "She takes a deep breath.">>
<<Speak $ShyOne "I'm a virgin.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "So you want to share your first time with someone who it's their first time too? That's going to be hard to find in this town.">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "I know. But maybe...maybe if I could at least find somebody who wasn't bouncing between people all the time. Somebody was was willing to wait for least a little?">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRsex][0] is "bigger partner">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "I'd, well, really like somebody who could make me feel safe.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Safe how? You're a Magical Girl. You can throw fireballs and kick through concrete.">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Oh, I know all that. But being safe and feeling safe aren't the same thing. Have you ever been picked up and held and felt yourself completely completely enveloped by somebody who loves you?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "...sadly, no.">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Me neither. And I'd really like to have that. Somebody big and strong and able to hold me and cuddle me and I could snuggles into them and feel tiny and warm and loved in their arms.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRsex][0] is "experienced partner">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "...umm, well...I'm a virgin. ">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "So do you want to find someone who's a virgin too?">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Oh, goodness no! I don't know anything about sex! And I'm probably going to be really bad at it. But I don't my partner to have to suffer, so...well, I've alwasy thought it would be nice to be with someond who, umm...really knows what they're doing.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "So, you want someone with a lot of sexual experience?">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "...well, maybe. Yes. A bit?">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "@@color:Red;Error in phone includes@@">>\
<<AddToLog "Error in phone includes: unrecognized data in girls information array">>\
<<elseif $AskRequest is $PTRsecret>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRsecret][1] to 1>>\
<<if $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRsecret][0] is "adopted">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "I'm...umm, adopted.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Really? But I've met your parents. They're not your real parents?">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Oh, don't say it like that. I love them both very much. They've been very kind to me. ">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRsecret][0] is "lewd thought">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "I...umm, sometimes think...naughty thoughts.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Naughty how? Are we talking hard-core sex fantasies here?">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Kind of? Like..., well like the other day. I was, school. I was in my uniform like always. And I, umm...was going up the stairs in the east quad.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "The one with the huge empty spce in the middle of the stairwell?">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Right. Those. And while I was walking, I thought...I couldn't //help// but think...what if...what is somebody saw up my skirt. And...I liked it.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "That's your idea of 'kind of' a hardcore sexual fantasy?">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "I'm sorry if you didn't know what sort of person I really am. I can't help if if I think...perverted things, sometimes. I'm so sorry! Please don't stop being my friend!">>\
<<set _foo to "Don't worry, " + $MG[$ShyOne][1] + ". I've had thoughts at least as lewd as that before, and I guess we 'perverts' have to stick together. I'll stay your friend, always and forever.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _foo>>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$ShyOne][$PTRsecret][0] is "stole candy">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "You really shouldn't ask me that.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Why not?">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "...I'm...kind of a horrible person. Deep down. I have a really dark secret that I can never forgive myself for. I'm sorry.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Really? You, of all people? What's this terrible thing that you did? Maybe it will make you feel better to talk about it.">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Maybe. I doubt it. When I was...younger. I don't remember how old. Six or seven I think. I...umm, was at a store with my mother. She wandered off while I was looking at candy. I looked aroudn and couldn't find her. And so, when I was all alone with nobody to keep me in line...I stold a piece of candy. And ate it, right there in the store.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "I see. At age six or seven. And so t ell me, did this horrific moment of your childhood follow you and lead you to a life of crime? Do you still steal from stores in the present day?">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "What?!?! No, of course not! Why would you even think that?!! It was just that one time, isn't that bad enough!?!">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "@@color:Red;Error in phone includes@@">>\
<<AddToLog "Error in phone includes: unrecognized data in girls information array">>
<<AddToLog "Error: invalid askrequest in phone includes">>\
<<elseif $GirlChat is $LeaderOne>>\
<<if $AskRequest is $PTRfood>><!-- pizza hamburgers lasagna sushi steak yogurt lobster -->\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRfood][1] to 1>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "What's your favorite food?">>\
<<if $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRfood][0] is "pizza">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Pizza! Just like the ninja turtles!">>\
<<set _foo to "I'm surprised. That sounds more like something " + $MG[$FieryOne][1] + " would say.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _foo>>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Hey, I'm allowed to like pizza too! Besides, it was Leonardo's favorite!">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Of course he'd be the one you identify with.">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Absolutely!">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRfood][0] is "hamburgers">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "I've always liked American food. Hamburgers especially, with extra cheese.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Wouldn't that make it a cheeseburger?">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Heresy! A hamburger with cheese is TOTALLY DIFFERENT from a cheeseburger!">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRfood][0] is "lasagna">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "I love pasta. Sometimes I feel like it's the only thing with enough calories to keep me going. Lasagna is especially good. With a bunch of layers of cheese smooshed bewteen ground beef and more cheese! Different kinds of cheese. Mozzaralla and ricotta and parmesan!">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Sounds delicious.">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "It is!">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRfood][0] is "sushi">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "I love all kinds of sushi, but fatty tuna and salmon roe are my favorites!">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRfood][0] is "steak">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Definitely steak. I like other meats, of course, but I need the protein to keep this body going and chicken and fish both feel so insubstantial that I'm always still hungry afterwards. Beef is yummy and it's the only thing that makes me feel full.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRfood][0] is "lobster">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Lobster marinated in butter with a hint of lemon. ">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "That seems strangely specific. You don't like it cooked any other way?">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "You asked.">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "@@color:Red;Error in phone includes@@">>\
<<AddToLog "Error in phone includes: unrecognized data in girls information array">>
<<elseif $AskRequest is $PTRcolor>><!-- red blue yellow green orange pruple black white pink -->\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRcolor][1] to 1>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "What's your favorite color?">>\
<<if $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRcolor][0] is "red">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Red! It's the color of leadership! Of purpose!">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "It's the color of middle-management.">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Same thing!">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRcolor][0] is "yellow">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Yellow.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Why yellow?">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Because I like it.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "I...guess that's a good reason.">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Yep!">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRcolor][0] is "blue">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Blue. When I was younger, the girl next door used to pick on me. My mother told me to be the better person, and so I tolerated it for years. Until one day she tried to pick on my younger sister, and so I smashed the girls face into a wall. She came up crying, her left eye a beautiful shade of blue. She never picked on either of us again. Or anyone else.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Huh. That's unexpectedly brutal.">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Not brutal. Justice. Blue is the color of justice.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRcolor][0] is "green">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Green.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR " Any story behind that?">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Nope. Green.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRcolor][0] is "orange">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Orange. Peeople usually think of red as the color of fire, but if you actually look at a campfire, for example, you'll see that it's orange. A little bit of yellow too, but mostly varying shades of orange.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "The color's caused by whatever it is that's burning. Fire from a propane torch is blue, for example.">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Ok, but which would you rather cook marshmallows on, a propane torch or a campfire?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "I see your point.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRcolor][0] is "purple">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Purple. It's regal, and strong. It's the color of temperance, and royalty, and justice.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Where do you get that from? I don't think of any of those things when I think of purple. I think of...I don't know, grapes?">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Medievil heraldry. You should read up on it. Understanding your past can help you to choose a compelling future!">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRcolor][0] is "black">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Hmm. Probably black, I think.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Really? Why black?">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Think about it. The color you see is what light reaches your eyes. White is all colors of light reachign your eyes, and black is no colors reaching your eyes. White reflects, black absorbs.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Ok. And?">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "That means that something that's black...IS all of those colors that a white object is reflecting away. It looks white because it reflects, but black actually is all of the things that white reflects.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRcolor][0] is "white">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "White, definitely. ">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Why?">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Because! Think about it! White is the color of virtue, of honor! It's the color you wear at your wedding, the color of unicorns, the color of purity and strength! We should all strive to be like these things!">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRcolor][0] is "pink">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "I've always loved pink. It's like red, except more feminine.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Yeah, I can see that.">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "@@color:Red;Error in phone includes@@">>\
<<AddToLog "Error in phone includes: unrecognized data in girls information array">>
<<elseif $AskRequest is $PTRdessert>><!-- leader: coffee cake german chocolate cake ice cream baklava -->\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRdessert][1] to 1>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "What's your favorite dessert?">>\
<<if $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRdessert][0] is "coffee cake">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Coffee cake. When I was younger I used to host tea parties for my mechs.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Your mechs?">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Other girls had dolls. Me? I had complete set of 1:72 scale gundam. I'd set them up in chairs, and we'd all take turns telling stories about smiting the wicked over tea and coffee cake.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "That's really neat. Scary, but neat.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRdessert][0] is "german chocolate cake">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "German chocolate cake.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "What makes it German?">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Oh, have you never had it? It's not actually German. It's from Texas, I think. But it has a unique flavor, it's not just chocolate. There's frosting on the side, but it's topped with pecan custard.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Sounds delicious.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRdessert][0] is "ice cream">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Actually, it' cream.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Nothing strange about that.">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "I always keep a five-gallon tub in the freezer. Sometimes when fighting tentacles gets to me, I pull it out and eat it straight out of the tub.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "That sounds a litle unhealthy, honestly.">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "It's comfort food. Everyone depends on me so much, and sometimes that's hard. On a bad day I can barely even taste the ice cream, but it helps me keep going. You won't tell anyone, will you?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Your secret is safe with me.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRdessert][0] is "baklava">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Baklava.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "What's that?">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "It's a Turkish pastry, layered and flaky and crunchy, with nuts and honey.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Sounds interesting.">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "You should try it!">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "@@color:Red;Error in phone includes@@">>\
<<AddToLog "Error in phone includes: unrecognized data in girls information array">>
<<elseif $AskRequest is $PTRplace>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRplace][1] to 1>>\
<<if $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRplace][0] is "park">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "The park!">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "The park?">>\
<<set _foo to $MG[$LeaderOne][1] + " nods emphatically.">>\
<<Narrator _foo>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "...why?">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Are you kidding? The park has everything! There are people to talk to! There's an ice cream stand that serves my favorite! I can jog to stay in shape! And then rest in the grass when I'm done. The park is the best!">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRplace][0] is "beach">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "I love the beach!">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Any particular reason? To swim?">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Sure, I love to swim. But it's also fun to run along the sand where it's wet from the tides. And to collect sand dollars, or look for rocks with sea anemones. Or even just lay out to tan. There's all sorts of fun stuff to do!">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRplace][0] is "mall">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Being Team Captain doesn't leave me much time to relax. When I do, I usually just go sit in the food court at the mall and watch people. There's a place that serves orange slushies. I usually get out of those.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "So, is it the drink or the people-watching?">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "It's the people. Tens of thousands of people in this little town who depend on us to keep them safe, but how many of them will we ever meet? We're responsible for them, but do we actually know who they are? When you standing in line at the post office, do you know any of the people in line with you? Do you know the clerk? You probably see hundreds of people every day just walking around, but do you really know any of them?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Not most of them, no. And probably most of them don't know who I am either. When I'm not in uniform, I must seem like any ordinary schoolgirl to them.">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Exactly. So that's where I go in my spare time. To see the people we help. To watch them live their lives, and to remind myself that they're able to live those livs because no matter how hard it is to do what we do, we'll never give up on them.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRplace][0] is "lake">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Hmm. When I really just want some alone time, I like to head up to the lake in the mountains. Not so many tentacles up there. Not as much prey for them, so they tend to prefer hunting here in town. It's nice to have a chance to relax.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "What about that one girl who went swimming up there and-">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Yes, yes. A dozen tentacle monsters fighting for their turn, one after another. At least that's what the papers said. But //usually// it's quiet.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRplace][0] is "space">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "I've only been once, but if I could go anywhere, I'd go to the space station again. It's crazy expensive, but once you've seen the Earth from space...there's nothing like it.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Since we're Magical Girls, I wonder if we could maybe just fly there.">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "With spacesuits? I bet we could!">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "@@color:Red;Error in phone includes@@">>\
<<AddToLog "Error in phone includes: unrecognized data in girls information array">>\
\ <<elseif $AskRequest is $PTRmusic>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRmusic][1] to 1>>\
<<if $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRmusic][0] is "anime tunes">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Anime show tunes mostly.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Like which?">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Record of the Lodoss War. Macross. Laputa. Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Hmm. That's a wide mix. Not sure I see the common theme.">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "I like what I like.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRmusic][0] is "classical">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Classical Soprano. For example, I especially like the Queen of the Night aria from the Magic Flute, Angel of Music from Phantom, Sarah Brightman's Time to Say Goodbye duet with Andrea Bocelli. Songs like those.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "I'm not not sure I recognize some of those.">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "You might recognize them if you heard them. If not, you'll never forget them once you have.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRmusic][0] is "irish">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Lately, I've been mostly listening to Irish music.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Irish? Is that a genre?">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "No, Irish as in from Ireland. Flogging Molly, Cranberries, the Irish rovers. Irish bands. Not all the same kind of music, but there's a common them to them that I like. And I like Irish accents.">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "@@color:Red;Error in phone includes@@">>\
<<AddToLog "Error in phone includes: unrecognized data in girls information array">>
<<elseif $AskRequest is $PTRdrink>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRdrink][1] to 1>>\
<<if $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRdrink][0] is "whiskey">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Whiskey! It's harsh, and it stings, and it burns on the way down. But after all that, the whiskey is just an empty glass, but me? I'm still here. It makes me feel alive!">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "That's surprisingly philosophical.">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "What can I say? Seize the day! We can rest when we're dead.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRdrink][0] is "vodka">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "It's kind of a long story. Most of my friends started drinking in high school, but my parents didn't want me getting drunk with strangers, so they introduced me to alcohol as soon as I became a teenager.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "At home, where they could be sure you'd be safe?">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Yes, exactly. So the first thing I ever tried was vodka at a family Christmas party. I don't know what brand. But I've always liked it ever since. It reminds me of family.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRdrink][0] is "red wine">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Me? I'm a wine drinker. I'm surprised you didn't already know.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Red or white?">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "What? Red, of course! White hardly even qualifies as wine.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRdrink][0] is "white wine">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "I guess if I'm going to drink, I'll generally go with white wine.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "It's a classic choice.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRdrink][0] is "not picky">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "I mostly drink water. It's keeps you hydrated better than soda.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "No, I meant alcohol.">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Oh. I'm not really much of a drinker. But at social functions where it's needed, usually whatever is fine.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRdrink][0] is "beer">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "I like a thick, rich beer or ale. Unfiltered, preferably. Texture is important.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "So like, any brands in particular?">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "If you're drinking store-bought beer, you're doing it wrong. Go to a brewery and get something fresh from the tap. It's much better that way.">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "@@color:Red;Error in phone includes@@">>\
<<AddToLog "Error in phone includes: unrecognized data in girls information array">>
<<elseif $AskRequest is $PTRgoal>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRgoal][1] to 1>>\
<<if $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRgoal][0] is "magical girl">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "My goal in life is to become the brightest and best Magical Girl ever!">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "You're already a Magical Girl though.">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "I know! And every day brings me closer to being the best! Thank you for your help. Being a leader means having great friends on my team. People like you. I couldn't do what I do without your support!">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Daww...thank you.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRgoal][0] is "president">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "My secret ambition? My secret life goal">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Yes.">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Hmm, well I'll always be a Magical Girl in spirit. But I think the //world// needs more magic, and so I want to be the world's first Magical Girl president. You and me and thr other girls know the power of the magic of friendship, but imagine if we could bring that to the whole world! With me as president, we could change everything for the better!">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRgoal][0] is "chairman">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "I'll always be a Magical Girl at heart. What better way to be the //best// Magical Girl than by advancing through the ranks and becoming Chairgirl of the Magical Girl Magical Board of Directors!">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "'Magical Board of Directors.' Somehow that sounds, uhh...">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Amazing?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "...right. 'Amazing.' That's exactly what I was thinking. Definitely.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRgoal][0] is "teacher">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "I'll always go where I'm needed, but if I could choose anything? I'd go back to the Magical Girl Academy and teach.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "You?">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Absolutely! Future generations need leaders with vision! With strength! And beauty! And passion for doing what's right! And how better to learn those qualities than from the best. So, me? I strive to become the best Magical Girl ever so I can spread those qualities far and wide, that we all may share a bright and wonderful future!">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Huh. That's...beautiful.">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Yes! I'm so glad you understand!">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "@@color:Red;Error in phone includes@@">>\
<<AddToLog "Error in phone includes: unrecognized data in girls information array">>
<<elseif $AskRequest is $PTRvacation>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRvacation][1] to 1>>\
<<if $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRvacation][0] is "cruise">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Why do you ask? Did you win a contest?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "No, I'm just curious.">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "I'd go on a cruise in the Americas then. Fly in to Los Angeles, go south to Mexico and through the Panama Canal, then stop by the Carribean on the way up the US east coast and then fly home from New York.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "That might take more than three weeks.">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "So much the better!">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRvacation][0] is "Germany">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Germany, no question!">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Why Germany?">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "As the Captain of our Magical Girl team, martial prowess and the history of battle are very important to me! It would be a waste of a vacation just to go have fun someplace. And as a Japanese school girl, the Germans were our allies in World War 2, so //obviously// I'd want to visit Berlin and tour the Rhine and see the homeland of our greatest historical military ally!">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "...uhh, yeah. I guess that makes sense, but since this game is made in English, most people playing are probably either going to be Americans on Europeans. They fought with the Allies, so wanting to go to Germany is probably going to seem a little weird to them.">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Deutschland uber alles!">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRvacation][0] is "temple">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "There's a Shinto shrine up near the lake here. I go sometimes for ofuda, but I think it would be fun to hike to Haguromachi Touge somebody.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "If you're going to visit a temple, wouldn't the Golden Pavilion be the more traditional choice?">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Kinkaku-ji? Maybe, but that's a Buddhist Temple, not a Shinto shrine.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRvacation][0] is "skiing">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "I've always wanted to try skiing.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Any particular reason?">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Is there any reason for skiing to //not// be amazing? Imagine, flying through the sky on a ski lift to a chateau at top of a mountain, seeing the whole world from a mile up! Eating BBQ and drinking hot chocolate, then barreling back down the mountain at a million miles an hour, dodging the trees and slowpokes alike in a race to the bottom!">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Huh. Yeah, you do make that sound like a lot of fun.">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "@@color:Red;Error in phone includes@@">>\
<<AddToLog "Error in phone includes: unrecognized data in girls information array">>\
<<elseif $AskRequest is $PTRlifestyle>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRlifestyle][1] to 1>>\
<<if $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRlifestyle][0] is "cabin">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "I bet you ask everybody this. I bet most people don't even know. Me? I know //exactly// how I'd want to live!">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Ok. How?">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "In a cabin in the woods!">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "...what? Why?">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Think about it like training! I could hike and trek through the woods! I could fight bears! I could cut trees and dig wells with my fireballs! I'd come back as the bestest Magical Girl ever!">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "...I'm not sure that really fits with the spirit of the question.">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Of course it does!">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRlifestyle][0] is "yacht">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "I'd love to live on a superyacht. One of the big ones. 200 feet long, with a helicopter landing pad and everything.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "That sounds fun. What would you do, sail around the world?">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "What? No, of course not! I'd use it as a mobile base to scout out tentacle monsters and deploy my own private army of enhanced cybernetic Magical Girl Super Soldiers!">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Of course. Why didn't I think of that.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRlifestyle][0] is "travel">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "I would never actually do it, but sometimes I think it might be nice to give up my life as a beautiful and noble Magical Girl, and simply travel the world.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Where would you go?">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "I wouldn't pick fom a list, I'd just get up and go. As Captain of the team, it's my job to take account and plan for everything. Where we'll fight and when. I have to weigh how much rest we need against the risk a tentacle brings to the city. I have to wake up early every day to watch for news of infestations, monitor the strength and progress of our team, monitor both us and our lives and everything that happens in the city. It's important work, but sometimes...sometimes I'd like to just //do// things without having to mastermind every little detail.">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "@@color:Red;Error in phone includes@@">>\
<<AddToLog "Error in phone includes: unrecognized data in girls information array">>\
<<elseif $AskRequest is $PTRsex>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRsex][1] to 1>>\
<<if $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRsex][0] is "big boobs">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Hmm. Is that really important? Why ask about this when you couuld ask about far more imoprtant things? I want honesty. I want love. I want someone with passion and a noble spirit!">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "...uhh, right. Of course those things are important. But cake is better with frosting right? if you could have someone noble and kind and loving and all that...but //also// have a sexy body, what sort of body would you want them to have?">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Boobs. It would be nice to have a partner with big boobs. It's not the most important thing. But if I can have it all, yes...I would like someone with big, thick, powerful boobs. Big enough to nap on. Big enough to lick and watch them jiggle. Big enough to fill out a dress, but still firm enough to hold their shape when she lays at my side. Yes, that would be very nice.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRsex][0] is "waist/hip ratio">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Small waist, wide hips.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "That's it?">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Isn't that enough? I also want someone honest, genuine, loving, sweet, kind, noble of heart, stalwart of mind, gentle of character. And these are //far// more important qualities. But you asked about my sexual preferences, and that's what I prefer: small waist, wide hips.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRsex][0] is "petite">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Hmm. I suppose it's no secret. Much as I'd love to tell you I dream crush would be a 6 foot tall Amazon with thighs that could crush steel, the truth of the matter is that I rather favor smaller builds. Slender. Lithe. Not overly muscled. Breast size isn't super important, but short and petite, yes. Someone I can pick up.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "You want to be the big spoon?">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Yes. I want to be the big spoon.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRsex][0] is "chaste">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "I've always thought that sex should be a sacred sharing between people. I won't date a slut!">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "What qualifies as a slot though? Probably half the sex going on in this town is tentacle rape.">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Well, that's fair, ok. Also, //eww// and that brings up another point: I don't want to be picking up some monster's leftovers! Can you imagine? Intimately holding hands, kissing passionately, lookign deeply into someone's eyes and proceeding to oral sex...then getting a mouthful of crunchy leftover tentacle semen out of the deal? No, thank you!">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "She could shower?">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Yes! MANY showers! A month's worth, at least!">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRsex][0] is "bigger partner">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "I want someone with passion! And a noble heart! Someone who knows what they want and aren't afraid to go after it!">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Right. All that sounds wonderful. But what about the physical part?">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "I honestly haven't given it much thought. But I suppose it would be nice to have someone not only with the heart of warrior, but also the body.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Like an Amazon, maybe?">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Yes! Tall, powerful, strong! Someone who could not only lay by the side, but also stand with me when defending the weak! Someone big! Tall! Strong! I think I could get used to that.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRsex][0] is "experienced partner">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Sex is important! Or so I hear. And hope to find out someday. But it's important! So I want to date someone who's really good at it!">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Isn't that a little unfair, expecting someone who's experience at something that you...aren't?">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Not at all! I have many good qualities, and anyone should be grateful to date me! What's more, I'm honest. I care about justice. I would never cheat on a partner! Those are deeply engrained traits that can't be easily learned. Sex? That can be learned! I'm offering a great deal, and this one little weakness I may have can be overcome! And who better to overcome it with, than an experienced partner?">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "@@color:Red;Error in phone includes@@">>\
<<AddToLog "Error in phone includes: unrecognized data in girls information array">>
<<elseif $AskRequest is $PTRsecret>>\
<<set $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRsecret][1] to 1>>\
<<if $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRsecret][0] is "self doubt">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "I do have a secret, but as your leader, I probably shouldn't tell you. It might make you lose faith in me. It could be dangerous.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "I'd never lose faith in you, Captain. You're the shining beacon of light that ">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "It's nice of you to say that. If only I had taht much confidence.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Don't you?">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "No. And...that's the secret. Sometimes I'm not completely sure of myself. Sometimes I wonder if I'm making the right choices. Sometimes I wonder if I'm pushing us too hard, or not taking the tentacle menace seriously enough. How many girls are raped even just when we're resting, or at school? Should I drop out, to keep people safe? Or would the burden of loss be greater if I pushed myself as hard as that? I can never truly know. All I can do is my best, and pray that it's good enough. ">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Honestly, hearing you say makes me have more faith in you as a leader. You really, truly what what's best. It's important to you, and you're willing to do everything in your power to make it happen. So what if you make mistakes? We all make mistakes sometimes. But you? You don't let your mistakes slow you down, you learn from them, and get back up and keep trying. Like a true leader should. And that's you: a true leader.">>\
<<set _foo to "Thank you, " + $MG[$PCPTR][1] + ". It means a lot to me to know you think that. Thank you.">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne _foo>>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRsecret][0] is "dead sibling">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Did you know that I wasn't always an only child?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "'Wasn't always?' What do you mean by that?">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "I had a little brother. He died when I was very young.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "What happened?">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Some sort of accident, I think. My parents never told me the details. I only even found out about him from lookign at old pictures. When I asked about the little boy in the pictures, my mother cried so hard I felt bad for even asking. When I found out I had a dead little brother...that was the moment I decided to become a Magical Girl. To protect people. To right wrongs. To keep us safe, and to make sure that nobody else would have to share my mother's tears.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "In a sad way, that's sort of beautiful.">>\
<<elseif $GirlsInfo[$LeaderOne][$PTRsecret][0] is "rich family">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Do you remember last summer, when we all went to that beach resort together?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Yes, that was amazing. It was so nice of your family to offer to pay for us all.">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Right. Well, they didn't, exactly. My family owns the resort. And three others across Japan.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "What, really? Is your family rich?">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Extremely. Please, I trust you with this, but don't tell the others. Money is just a tool to make things happen. It's not important. What we do every day for the people of Townsville, that's what's really important. I wouldn't want something as ridiculous as petty envy or greed to get in the way of that.">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "@@color:Red;Error in phone includes@@">>\
<<AddToLog "Error in phone includes: unrecognized data in girls information array">>
<<AddToLog "Error: invalid askrequest in phone includes">>\
<<AddToLog "Error: invalid girlchat in phone includes">>\
<<if $DebugMode is true>>\
boss: $WORLD.datapasser
<<set _ForceExitToMain to false>>\
<<if $WORLD.datapasser is "A">>\
<<SimplePic "bossalert.gif">>\
<<PlayBGM "boss">>\
<<set $WORLD.timeuntilteam to 0>>\
<<set _bossnow to "bramble">>\
<<set _foo to $MG[$PCPTR][1] + "! What's your status? Are you alright?">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne _foo>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "I'm fine. Just getting ready for breakfast.">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Oh, thank goodness! When you didn't answer your phone, I feared the worst!">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "What's the situation?">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "A giant tentacle monster has sprung up around the entire city! Anyone who tries to leave or gets close is snatched up inside it and never seen again!">>\
<<if $Stats[setup.BiggerOfTwo($STATphysatt, $STATmagatt)] < 30>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "...uhh, that sounds kind of dangerous. Maybe we should just avoid it?">>\
<<header "Boss battle available:">>
<<set _cimg to $ImgPath + "BossAButton.png">>\
<<link [img[_cimg][Combat]]>>
<<set $CameFrom to "Main">><<set $WORLD.teamfightnow to true>><<set $mon_request to ["boss","boss",_bossnow]>>
<span id="KeypOne"><<link "1) Deal with it later" "WakeEvents">><<set $WORLD.datapasser to "avoid A">><</link>></span>
<<elseif $WORLD.datapasser is "B">>\
<<SimplePic "alert2.gif">>\
<<PlayBGM "boss">>\
<<set $WORLD.timeuntilteam to 0>>\
<<set _foo to $MG[$PCPTR][1] + "! We have an emergency! A massive tentacle monster just burst up through the ground from under Main Street, and for the past hour it's tearing through downtown office buildings!">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne _foo>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "It's tearing through...//buildings//?">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Yes! The thing's enormous. We need to go before anyone gets hurt!">>\
<<header "Boss battle available:">>
<<set _cimg to $ImgPath + "BossBButton.png">>\
<<link [img[_cimg][Combat]]>>
<<set $CameFrom to "Main">><<set $WORLD.teamfightnow to true>><<set $mon_request to ["boss","boss","wrecker"]>>
<span id="KeypOne"><<link "1) Not now. We need prep time." "WakeEvents">><<set $WORLD.datapasser to "avoid B">><</link>></span>
<<elseif $WORLD.datapasser is "C">>\
<<SimplePic "alert2.gif">>\
<<PlayBGM "boss">>\
<<set $WORLD.timeuntilteam to 0>>\
<<set _foo to $MG[$LeaderOne][1] + "! Have you seen the news?">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne _foo>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "No, what's up?">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "A deep ocean research lab was attacked by a giant squid! The whole thing was livestreamed, at least until the cameras went out. The thing was enormous, and it ripped through the facility like it was nothing.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Squid are normal ocean creatures though, although that does sound unusual. You think this was some sort of tentacle monster?">>\
<<if $WORLD.scuba is true>>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Yes, I believe so. Shall I call the girls now?">>\
<<header "Boss battle available:">>
<<set _cimg to $ImgPath + "BossCButton.png">>\
<<link [img[_cimg][Combat]]>>
<<set $CameFrom to "Main">><<set $WORLD.teamfightnow to true>><<set $mon_request to ["boss","boss","mega squid"]>>
<span id="KeypOne"><<link "1) No, let's do this later." "WakeEvents">><<set $WORLD.datapasser to "avoid C">><</link>></span>
<<set _ForceExitToMain to true>>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Yes, I believe so. We should definitely investigate, but I'm not sure how we can if it's underwater. How about this: I'll see if I can locate the site and arrange for transporation, you get some sort of diving gear so we can actually get down there to do the investigating.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Ok. Will do.">>\
<<elseif $WORLD.datapasser is "D">>\
<<SimplePic "alert2.gif">>\
<<PlayBGM "boss">>\
<<set $WORLD.timeuntilteam to 0>>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Describe Boss D!">>\
<<if $WORLD.spacesuit is true>>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Hmm. We should definitely check that out. Shall I call the girls now?">>\
<<header "Boss battle available:">>
<<set _cimg to $ImgPath + "BossDButton.png">>\
<<link [img[_cimg][Combat]]>>
<<set $CameFrom to "Main">><<set $WORLD.teamfightnow to true>><<set $mon_request to ["boss","boss","cosmic horror"]>>
<span id="KeypOne"><<link "1) No, let's do this later." "WakeEvents">><<set $WORLD.datapasser to "avoid D">><</link>></span>
<<set _ForceExitToMain to true>>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "We should definitely check that out, but I'm not sure how we can if it's underwater. How about this: I'll see if I can locate the site and arrange for transporation, you get some sort of diving gear so we can actually get down there to do the investigating.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Ok. Will do.">>\
<<elseif $WORLD.datapasser is "avoid A">>\
<<set _ForceExitToMain to true>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "That sounds dangerous. Maybe we should deal with it later?">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "WHAT?!? A tentacle boss monster shows up and you want us to ignore it? We're Magical Girls. It's our DUTY to protect the people of this town!">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "No, of course we're going to fight. I just want to be better prepared before we do. The whole town depends on us, and if we fail, what then? We owe it to the people we serve to be at our best.">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "...I don't like it, but I suppose that makes sense. Alright, I'll have the team standing by. Let me know when you're ready.">>\
<<set _foo to $MG[$LeaderOne][1] + " accepts your explanation, but having such an important battle looming will probably put a lot of stress on the team. When you're ready to engage the boss, you can find it on the local tab during solo or team engagements.">>\
<<Narrator _foo>>\
<<ChangeMood $LeaderOne -5>>\
<<ChangeMood $FieryOne -5>>\
<<ChangeMood $ShyOne -5>>\
<<ChangeDisposition $LeaderOne -5>>\
<<ChangeDisposition $FieryOne -5>>\
<<ChangeDisposition $ShyOne -5>>\
<<elseif $WORLD.datapasser is "avoid B">>\
<<set _ForceExitToMain to true>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "We can't do this now. We need prep time.">>\
<<set _foo to "You can hear " + $MG[$LeaderOne][1] + " grating her teeth through the phone.">>\
<<Narrator _foo>>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "You're not //wrong// but what about all the people who are going to //die// if we don't go now?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "What about the bigger number of people who'll die if we fail because we go in unprepared?">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "...alright. Contact me when you're ready. I'll have the others standing by.">>\
<<Narrator "Having such an important battle looming is going to put a lot of stress on the team.">>\
<<ChangeMood $LeaderOne -5>>\
<<ChangeMood $FieryOne -5>>\
<<ChangeMood $ShyOne -5>>\
<<ChangeDisposition $LeaderOne -5>>\
<<ChangeDisposition $FieryOne -5>>\
<<ChangeDisposition $ShyOne -5>>\
<<elseif $WORLD.datapasser is "avoid C">>\
<<set _ForceExitToMain to true>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Let's do this later.">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "We have the gear to get down there. Why wait?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Why rush? So long as that monster's in the middle of the ocean, it's not hurting anyone here. No sense rushing into a battle we don't need to fight when we could be spending that time becomign stronger.">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "...alright. We'll play it your way. Contact me when you're ready.">>\
<<elseif $WORLD.datapasser is "avoid D">>\
<<set _ForceExitToMain to true>>\
implement avoid D
<<elseif $WORLD.datapasser is "solo boss A team wakeup">>\
@@color:Gold;Morning visit from <<print $MG[$LeaderOne][1]>>@@
<<set _ForceExitToMain to true>>\
<<ChangeMood $LeaderOne -5>>\
<<ChangeDisposition $LeaderOne -5>>\
<<set $ to $ + 400>>\
<<set _cimg to "AV" + $MG[$LeaderOne][3] + $MG[$LeaderOne][0] + ".png">>\
<<SimplePic _cimg>>\
<<Narrator "Nodding for her to go ahead, she hands you the envelope and waits for you to open it. Inside you find 400 monies and a letter from the town mayor thanking you for defeating the giant tentacle monster accosting the town.">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Ever since that monster showed up I've been waiting for you to let me know you were ready so we could all fight it together. Can you understand my surprise when a courier delivered that letter to my door? Can you understand how awkward it was to be invited to a celebratory dinner for a battle I wasn't even present for?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to inconvenience anyone. I just wanted to save the town.">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "And you did. Thank you. But why did you fight alone? Aren't we supposed to be a team?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Of course we're a team. But isn't the important thing that the town is safe? I was able to handle it, so I did.">>\
<<Narrator "She nods sadly to herself.">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "I'm glad you weren't hurt. Even if it was stupid of you to act alone, it would still be my responsibility if you had been. You're my teammate. Please remember that.">>\
<<elseif $WORLD.datapasser is "solo boss B team wakeup">>\
@@color:Gold;Morning visit from <<print $MG[$LeaderOne][1]>>@@
<<ChangeMood $LeaderOne -5>>\
<<ChangeDisposition $LeaderOne -5>>\
<<set $ to $ + 400>>\
<<set _cimg to "AV" + $MG[$LeaderOne][3] + $MG[$LeaderOne][0] + ".png">>\
<<SimplePic _cimg>>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Would you care to explain this to me?"??\
<<Narrator "Still frowning, she hands you am envelope. You open it up to fine 400 monies inside and a letter from some governmment official thanking you for defeating the City Wrecker.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Uhh, I did good, didn't I? I beat a huge tentacle monster and saved the day. Shouldn't you be happy?">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "I would be, if you'd done like you'd said and let us know when you were ready to fight. Instead you said we'd fight it when we were better prepaed, and then left us all waiting. We were so worried! And then that letter shows up just like that, problem solved and our worries were for nothing?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "I could share the reward with the team if you'd like.">>\
<<set _foo to "It's not about the money, " + $MG[$PCPTR][1] + ". It's about us being a team. Please remember that.">>
<<Speak $LeaderOne _foo>>\
implement other wake events
<<if _ForceExitToMain is true>>\
<<header "Options">>
<span id="KeypOne">\
<<link "1) Continue" "Main">>\
<<if $SexPasser is "caged">>\
<<SimplePic "caged.jpg">>\
<<set _fullname to $Tentacles[$VisitTent][0] + " " + $Tentacles[$VisitTent].a + " " + $Tentacles[$VisitTent].b>>\
<<set _shortname to $Tentacles[$VisitTent].b + " " + $Tentacles[$VisitTent].c>>\
<<set _veryshortname to $Tentacles[$VisitTent].c>>\
<<set $mon_request[0] to $Tentacles[$VisitTent].a>>\
<<set $mon_request[1] to $Tentacles[$VisitTent].b>>\
<<set $mon_request[2] to $Tentacles[$VisitTent].c>>\
<<elseif $SexPasser is "woncombat">>\
@@color:Red;Error in WillingSex: Passer is: $SexPasser
@@color:Gold;Sexy times with a $mon_request[0] $mon_request[1] $mon_request[2]@@
<<set _sexp to $TimesBlowjob>>\
<<set _sexp to _sexp + ($TimesVaginal * 2)>>\
<<set _sexp to _sexp + ($TimesAnal * 3)>>\
<<set _sexp to _sexp + $Stats[$STATcorrupt]>>
<<set _sexp to _sexp - $Stats[$STATpurity]>>
<<if $SexPasser is "woncombat">>\
<<Narrator "Approaching the defeated tentacle, you consider your options.">>\
<<set _sexp to _sexp + 10>>\
<<Narrator "As you approach the caged tentacle, it reaches out for you between the steel bars and attempts to grab you. Though caged, it's clearly very eager to get a hold of you. The cage will protect you to some degree, but surely it will seek to gain any advantage you allow it.">>\
<<header "What sort of sex act will you attempt to perform?">>
<span id="KeypOne">\
<<link "1) Nevermind, leave it" "EngageNew">>
<span id="KeypTwo">\
<<link "2) Blowjob" "BJWilling">>
<<if $SexPasser is "caged">>
<<set $Tentacles[$VisitTent].visitedtoday to true>>
<<if _sexp < 0 >>\
3) You are too pure to consider vaginal sex
<span id="KeypThree">\
<<link "3) Vaginal intercourse" "VaginalWilling">>
<<if $SexPasser is "caged">>
<<set $Tentacles[$VisitTent].visitedtoday to true>>
<<if _sexp < 10 >>\
4) You are too pure to consider anal sex
<span id="KeypFour">\
<<link "4) Anal intercourse" "AnalWilling">>
<<if $SexPasser is "caged">>
<<set $Tentacles[$VisitTent].visitedtoday to true>>
<<if _sexp < 20 >>\
5) You are too pure to consider whatever this is
<span id="KeypFive">\
<<link "5) Double penetration" "DoubleWilling">>
<<if $SexPasser is "caged">>
<<set $Tentacles[$VisitTent].visitedtoday to true>>
<<if _sexp < 30 >>\
6) You are too pure to consider such a deviant act
<span id="KeypSix">\
<<link "6) Triple penetration" "TripleWilling">>
<<if $SexPasser is "caged">>
<<set $Tentacles[$VisitTent].visitedtoday to true>>
<<widget "TentacleFilter">>\
<<set _Amod to $args[0]>>
<<set _Bmod to $args[1]>>
<<set _Cmod to $args[2]>>
modlist, note not everything needs to be used:
*** Class 1/3 ***
<<set _qtycap to 1>>
<<if _Amod is "minor">>
<<set _qtycap to 1>>
<<set _multi to 1>>
<<elseif _Amod is "lesser">>
<<set _qtycap to 2>>
<<set _multi to 1>>
<<elseif _Amod is "common">>
<<set _qtycap to 3>>
<<set _multi to 1>>
<<elseif _Amod is "greater">>
<<set _qtycap to 4>>
<<set _multi to 2>>
<<elseif _Amod is "elder">>
<<set _qtycap to 5>>
<<set _multi to 3>>
<br>@@color:Red;ERROR in TentacleFilter!@@<br>
<<set _errfoo to "Error in TentacleFilter set A: " + _Amod>>
<<AddToLog _errfoo>>
1: <<print _Bmod>>
2: <<print $ModMask>>
*** Category 2/3 ***
<<if _Bmod is "bulbous">>
<<set $ModMask[$STATboobs] to $ModMask[$STATboobs] + random(1,3)>>
<<set $ModMask[$STATweight] to $ModMask[$STATweight] + random(1,3)>>
<<set $ModMask[$STATphysdef] to $ModMask[$STATphysdef] - random(1,2)>>
<<elseif _Bmod is "slimy">>
<<set $ModMask[$STATlust] to $ModMask[$STATlust] + random(0,3)>>
<<elseif _Bmod is "eldritch">>
<<set $ModMask[$STATmagatt] to $ModMask[$STATmagatt] + random(1,3)>>
<<set $ModMask[$STATmagdef] to $ModMask[$STATmagdef] + random(1,3)>>
<<elseif _Bmod is "phantasmal">>
<<set _r to random(1,5)>>
<<set $ModMask[$STATphysdef] to $ModMask[$STATphysdef] + random(1,2)>>
<<if _r is 1>>
<<set $ModMask[$STATboobs] to $ModMask[$STATboobs] + random(-1,-2)>>
<<elseif _r is 2>>
<<set $ModMask[$STATwaist] to $ModMask[$STATwaist] + random(-1,-2)>>
<<elseif _r is 3>>
<<set $ModMask[$STAThips] to $ModMask[$STAThips] + random(-1,-2)>>
<<elseif _r is 4>>
<<set $ModMask[$STATweight] to $ModMask[$STATweight] + random(-1,-2)>>
<<set $ModMask[$STATheight] to $ModMask[$STATheight] + random(-1,-2)>>
<<elseif _Bmod is "combat">>
<<set $ModMask[$STATlust] to $ModMask[$STATlust] + random(0,1)>>
<<set $ModMask[$STATphysatt] to $ModMask[$STATphysatt] + random(1,3)>>
<<set $ModMask[$STATphysdef] to $ModMask[$STATphysdef] + random(1,3)>>
<<if random(1,2) is 1>>
<<set $ModMask[$STATmagatt] to $ModMask[$STATmagatt] + random(-1,-2)>>
<<set $ModMask[$STATmagdef] to $ModMask[$STATmagdef] + random(-1,-2)>>
<<elseif _Bmod is "magical">>
<<set $ModMask[$STATcorrupt] to $ModMask[$STATcorrupt] + random(0,1)>>
<<set $ModMask[$STATmagatt] to $ModMask[$STATmagatt] + random(1,3)>>
<<set $ModMask[$STATmagdef] to $ModMask[$STATmagdef] + random(1,3)>>
<<if random(1,2) is 1>>
<<set $ModMask[$STATphysatt] to $ModMask[$STATphysatt] + random(-1,-2)>>
<<set $ModMask[$STATphysdef] to $ModMask[$STATphysdef] + random(-1,-2)>>
<<elseif _Bmod is "red">>
<<set _mod to 1>>
<<if random(1,2) is 1>>
<<set _mod to -1>>
<<set _r to random(1,5)>>
<<if _r is 1>>
<<set $ModMask[$STATboobs] to $ModMask[$STATboobs] + _mod>>
<<elseif _r is 2>>
<<set $ModMask[$STATwaist] to $ModMask[$STATwaist] + _mod>>
<<elseif _r is 3>>
<<set $ModMask[$STAThips] to $ModMask[$STAThips] + _mod>>
<<elseif _r is 4>>
<<set $ModMask[$STATweight] to $ModMask[$STATweight] + _mod>>
<<set $ModMask[$STATheight] to $ModMask[$STATheight] + _mod>>
<<elseif _Bmod is "blue">>
<<set _mod to 1>>
<<if random(1,2) is 1>>
<<set _mod to -1>>
<<set _r to random(1,5)>>
<<if _r is 1>>
<<set $ModMask[$STATphysatt] to $ModMask[$STATphysatt] + _mod>>
<<elseif _r is 2>>
<<set $ModMask[$STATphysdef] to $ModMask[$STATphysdef] + _mod>>
<<elseif _r is 3>>
<<set $ModMask[$STATmagatt] to $ModMask[$STATmagatt] + _mod>>
<<elseif _r is 4>>
<<set $ModMask[$STATmagdef] to $ModMask[$STATmagdef] + _mod>>
<<set $ModMask[$STAThealthmax] to $ModMask[$STAThealthmax] + _mod>>
<<elseif _Bmod is "yellow">>
<<set _mod to 1>>
<<if random(1,2) is 1>>
<<set _mod to -1>>
<<set _r to random(1,2)>>
<<if _r is 1>>
<<set $ModMask[$STATlust] to $ModMask[$STATlust] + _mod>>
<<set $ModMask[$STATcorrupt] to $ModMask[$STATcorrupt] + _mod>>
<<elseif _Bmod is "purple">>
<<elseif _Bmod is "green">>
<<elseif _Bmod is "orange">>
<<elseif _Bmod is "pink">>
<<set $ModMask[$STATboobs] to $ModMask[$STATboobs] + random(0,1)>>
<<set $ModMask[$STATwaist] to $ModMask[$STATwaist] + random(0,1)>>
<<set $ModMask[$STAThips] to $ModMask[$STAThips] + random(0,1)>>
<<set $ModMask[$STATlust] to $ModMask[$STATlust] + random(1,5)>>
<<elseif _Bmod is "black">>
<<set _mod to _multi>>
<<set $ModMask[$STAThealthmax] to $ModMask[$STAThealthmax] + _mod>>
<<set _r to random(1,2)>>
<<if _r is 1>>
<<set $ModMask[$STATphysatt] to $ModMask[$STATphysatt] - _mod>>
<<elseif _r is 2>>
<<set $ModMask[$STATphysdef] to $ModMask[$STATphysdef] - _mod>>
<<set _r to random(1,2)>>
<<if _r is 1>>
<<set $ModMask[$STATmagatt] to $ModMask[$STATmagatt] - _mod>>
<<elseif _r is 2>>
<<set $ModMask[$STATmagdef] to $ModMask[$STATmagdef] - _mod>>
<<elseif _Bmod is "white">>
<br>@@color:Red;ERROR in TentacleFilter!@@<br>
<<set _errfoo to "Error in TentacleFilter set B: " + _Bmod>>
<<AddToLog _errfoo>>
3: <<print _Bmod>>
4: <<print $ModMask>>
*** Type 3/3 ***
<<if _Cmod is "puddle">>
<<elseif _Cmod is "quad burrower">>
<<elseif _Cmod is "rape tentacle">>
<<elseif _Cmod is "kraken">>
<<elseif _Cmod is "shoggoth">>
<br>@@color:Red;ERROR in TentacleFilter!@@<br>
<<set _errfoo to "Error in TentacleFilter set C: " + _Cmod>>
<<AddToLog _errfoo>>
<<set _tname to $mon_request[2].toUpperFirst()>>\
<<set _foo to "Being raped by a " + _tname + "!">>\
<<set _tentacleimg to "av-purpletentacles.jpg">>\
<<if $SexPasser is "lostcombathealth">>\
<<set $Dialoguetracking to random(20, 22)>>\
<<Narrator "Overcome by your injuries, you collapse to the ground in pain and exhaustion. Seeing this, the tentacle quickly rushes in to take advantage of your helplessness.">>
<<set _foo to either("Ahh, fresh magical girl. The best kind.","This will be exquisite.","Do not fear, human, but rather //tremble// as I take your precious body for my pleasure!","Excellent. I will enjoy this.","Such sweet, succulent young flesh, all for my pleasure!", "Submit to my many pleasures, human!", "Ahh, and now for the climax of our battle. //My// climax!")>>\
<<MiscSpeaker _tentacleimg _tname _foo>>\
<<set _foo to either("No! Nooooooo!!!","No, stay back, fiend!"," body may be too damaged to resist you any longer, but my heart will fight on!","You might take my body, fiend, but you will never rule my heart!")>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _foo>>\
<<set _foo to either("Such fire! I will enjoy taming you!", "Heheh, yes, resist! It will be more fun for me that way, hahahaha!")>>\
<<MiscSpeaker _tentacleimg _tname _foo>>\
<<elseif $SexPasser is "lostcombatlust">>
<<set $Dialoguetracking to random(30, 32)>>\
<<Narrator "Too aroused to continue the fight, you collapse to the ground in a fit of lust. Seeing this, the tentacle quickly rushes in and envelopes you.">>\
<<set _foo to either("Fear not, mortal. For I will show you such pleasures as though you have never known.","Mmm, yes. I see that you have come to see things my way. Now you will see me //cum// my way!","Tremble, girl! For you are about to know pleasure beyond mortal reckoning!","Now to fuck every hole in your body! Mwahahaha!","I look forward to seeing how such a thing young thing as you will look as gallons of semen stream from your every orifice!","Such delightful pleasures await you, human!","Prepare yourself for pleasure as you've never known, human!")>>\
<<MiscSpeaker _tentacleimg _tname _foo>>\
<<set _foo to either("...ok.","That...doesn't sound so terrible.","I think I can live with that.","Please be gentle with me.")>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _foo>>
<<set _foo to either("Despite your best effort to resist, your body responds eagerly to its touch.","You gasp at the sensation as the tentacle grabs hold of you.","You feel like a passenger in your own body, now under the thrall of the tentacle.")>>\
<<Narrator _foo>>
@@color:Red;Error in UnwillingSex: $SexPasser
<<header "Options">>
<<if ($Stats[$STATfatiguemax] - $Stats[$STATfatiguecur]) < 20>>\
1) You are too tired to struggle
<span id="KeypOne">\
<<link "1) Struggle!" "USexA">>
<<ChangeStat $STATfatiguecur 20>>
<span id="KeypTwo">\
<<link "2) Conserve your strength" "USexB">>
<<set $WORLD.datapasser to "USexHack">>\
<span id="KeypThree">\
<<link "3) Pass out" "USexD">>
<<set $SexPasser to "skip">>\
</span>\<<set _tname to $mon_request[2]>>\
<<if $WORLD.datapasser is "lust">>\
<<Narrator "Overcome with lust, you collapse to your hands and knees and begin furiously masturbating.">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "av-purpletentacles.jpg" "Purple Tentacle" "Hmm, allow me to provide an alternative to those fingers, human.">>\
<<Narrator "Feeling a long, slippery tendril slide between your thighs and encircling your waist, you lay your chest to the ground and eagerly push your hips back.">>
<<set _foo to "Not so fast, monster! That's my teammate and you can't have her! " + $MG[$FieryOne][1] + "! Use your sonic fist attack!">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne _foo>>\
<<Narrator "Overcome by your injuries, you collapse to the ground in pain and exhaustion. Seeing this, the tentacle quickly rushes in to take advantage of your helplessness.">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "av-purpletentacles.jpg" "Purple Tentacle" "Mmm, yes...another luscious human to enjoy!">>\
<<Narrator "As you struggle to your hands and knees, you feel a long, slippery tendril slide between your thighs and encircle your waist.">>\
<<set _foo to "Not so fast, monster! That's my teammate you have your filthy tentacle on! " + $MG[$FieryOne][1] + "! Use your sonic fist attack!">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne _foo>>\
<<set _hairinsult to setup.Hairsult($MG[$LeaderOne][3])>>\
<<set _foo to "Get in line, " + _hairinsult + ". Your turn will come next, just as soon as I enjoy this tasty morsel!">>\
<<MiscSpeaker "av-purpletentacles.jpg" "Purple Tentacle" _foo>>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "I don't think so, slimy!">>\
<<set _kerpow to $ImgPath + "kerpow.png">>\
<table id ="av-table"><tr id="av-tr"><td id ="av-td"><div id="img-misc"><img @src="_kerpow"></div></td><td> </td></tr></table>\
<<set $DialogueTracking to 10>>\
<<header "Dialogue">>
<span id="KeypSpace">\
<<link "(Press space to continue)" "Intro">>
<<set _a to $mon_request[0]>>\
<<set _b to $mon_request[1]>>\
<<set _c to $mon_request[2]>>\
<<SimplePic "WillingB.jpg" "nsfw">>\
<<if $SexPasser is "caged">>\
<<set $Tentacles[$VisitTent].tame to $Tentacles[$VisitTent].tame +1>>\
@@color:Red;Sucking off a _b _c tentacle through the bars of its cage@@
<<set _foo to "As you cautiously step closer to the cage, a single tentacle reaches through the cage's bars " + either("and grabs onto your leg. ","grabs you by the wrist. ","wraps itself around your waist. ","delicately flicks your left nipple though your clothing. ") + either("You bat it away and give it a good scolding.","You allow it this much, then bat it away is it becomes too bold.", "As it works it way across your torso and encircles a breast, you feel your arousal grow.","Before you can react, it quickly darts between your legs to probe half an inch into your panties. Grabbing it to reassert control, you hold it up to your eyes and give it a stern glare. After a few moments of this, it seems to calm down again.", "For a moment you wonder who's really in control here, but then you remember. You are.")>>\
<<elseif $SexPasser is "woncombat">>\
@@color:Red;Sucking off a _b _c in the middle of town@@
<<set _foo to either("Cautiously approaching the defeated ","Stepping over to the ","Walking boldy up to the ") + _c + ", you " + either("feel a sense of thrill as you get down on your knees and take one of its tentacles into your mouth.","pick up a limp tentacle and delicately place it in your mouth.","hesitantly pick up one of one still-moving tentacles and bring it tentatively to your lips.","pick one of its more manageably-sized tentacles and bring it slowly to your mouth.")>>\
@@color:Red;Error in BJWilling: $SexPasser@@
<<Narrator _foo>>\
<<if $TimesBlowjob > 9>>\
<<set _foo to either("And now for the //fun// part!","I'll never get over how much fun this is.","Hope you enjoy this as much as I do.","Surprise, Mr. Tentacle! You're about to discover that losing is as much as winning!")>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _foo>>\
<<elseif $TimesBlowjob > 0>>\
<<set _foo to either("I think I'm starting to enjoy this","I sure hope this is worth it.","Not sure I'll ever get used to this.","Hopefully you taste better than the last tentacle I sucked off.")>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _foo>>\
<<set _foo to either("So, first time's the charm, right?","Well, here goes nothing.","I'm a little nervous about this. Maybe it's like jumping into a pool? Easier if you jump right in rather than take your time?","I can't say I'm thrilled about doing this, but it will all be worthwhile once I'm at the Magical Ball with my date standing proudly beside me.")>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _foo>>\
<<if $SexPasser is "caged">>\
<<set _foo to either("Grasping the tentacle with both hands, you hold it to your lips and lightly tease its tip with your tongue. After a few moments of this, ","Taking it fully into your mouth, you begin to lightly roll it over your tongue, taking in its lightly salty taste. As you do, ","Inhaling deeply of its musky scent and leaning your head down onto it, you hold it in place with one hand while you envelop your lips around it. The moment you do,") + " the " + _c + either(" immediately perks up, pushing deeper into your mouth than you intended.", " seems to realize what's about to happen and slams itself against the inside of the cage trying to at you. Turned on by its eagerness, you tug at your shirt collar and wink. It extends a single tentacle between the bars, but you're standing just far enough away that it can't get at you. tired of teasing it, you open your mouth and put your tongue out mere inches away from it, then take a step forward and kissing your lips around the barest edge of its tip."," erupts into movement as if suddenly healed of its injuries. Pulling it out and readying yourself for a fight, it immediately calms down, the one single tentacle in your hands looking at you as if in apology. Smiling, you bop it lightly and begin sucking on it in earnest.","slowly reaches a second tentacle up to your torso and begins lightly teasing your nipples. Aroused, you unbutton your shirt to give it better access to your eager breasts."," immediately spurts a light jet of fluid across your lips. The scent is intoxicating, and you eagerly pick up the pace, sucking it deeply into your mouth and exhaling it back out as you squeeze it with your lips.")>>\
<<set _foo to either("As you lightly tease its tip with your tongue, ","Taking it fully into your mouth, you begin to lightly roll it over your tongue, taking in its lightly salty taste. As you do, ","Inhaling deeply of its musky scent and leaning your head down onto it, you hold it in place with one hand while you envelop your lips around it. The moment you do,") + " the " + _c + either(" immediately perks up, pushing deeper into your mouth than you intended.", " seems to realize what's about to happen and several tentacles besides the one you're holding immediately begin squirming. They seem too injured from your recent battle to be much threat, however, and they mostly wiggle and gyrate at your knees while you suck on their brother."," erupts into movement as if suddenly healed of its injuries. Pulling it out and readying yourself for a fight, it immediately goes limp, the one single tentacle in your hands looking at you as if in apology. Smiling, you bop it lightly and begin sucking on it in earnest."," slowly reaches a second tentacle up to your torso that slides up beneath your shirt and begins feeling up your chest. You bashfully look around to see if anyone's watching, then blush as you remember that you're sucking off a tentacle right now. Nobody's going to bat an eye over a little nipple-play. Refocusing on the task at hand, you suck deeply on the thick tentacle in your mouth while its brother plays with your breasts."," immediately spurts a light jet of fluid across your lips. For a moment you're disappointed, but then you feel the tentacle harden and press more deeply into you, and you realize that this was only its pre-cum. The scent is intoxicating, and you eagerly pick up the pace, sucking it deeply into your mouth and exhaling it back out as you squeeze it with your lips.")>>\
<<Narrator _foo>>\
<<if $SexPasser is "caged">>\
<<print either("It doesn't take long before you feel the tentacle spasm, and a large jet of milky fluid fills your mouth.","Taking the time to draw this out as long as possible, you roll the tentacle around on your tongue as you suck on it gently with your lips, until at last you're rewarded with a jet of fresh semen spurting into your mouth.","Feeling bold, the creature wraps a tentacle around your neck and pulls you against the cage to give itself better access. Before you can struggle free, the tentacle thrusts itself down your throat and ejaculates what feels like half a gallon of hot liquid inside you.")>> \
<<print either("You struggle to swallow it all, and a warm overflows spills out both sides of your mouth with droplets scattering across the ground and your knees.","Your pussy involuntarily clenches at the sensation and you dutifully swallow the entire load, your eyes closed and your nipples hard with the feeling of this beast filing you with its seed.","You choke a little, but grit your teeth and force yourself to swallow every last drop that it has to give you.","It's not the most delicious thing in the world, but you remind yourself as you swallow it down how worthwhile this will all be when you're the prettiest girl at the ball.")>>
<<print either("It doesn't take long before you feel the tentacle spasm, and a large jet of milky fluid fills your mouth.","Taking the time to draw this out as long as possible, you gently lick the underside of the tentacle, inhaling deeply of its scent and massaging it with your lips until it last it delivers a thick salty flow across your tongue that gently continues for long enough that you're forced to swallow and inhale multiple times while it continues.","Before long, another tentacle revives from its injuries and begins snaking its way towards you. While mildly alarmed, you can't help but reach out and lightly stroke it with your free hand while you continue to suck its brother. When the tentacle in your hand coils around your wrist and begins reaching for your torso, you grab it with your second hand to both hold it in place and doubly stroke it. While seemingly content with this, the tentacle in your mouth takes advantage of the opportunity to thrust down into your throat and immediately ejaculates.")>>
<<print either("Your nipples harden in arousal, and some part of you wishes the creatures cock were between your legs rather than in your mouth, but you quickly dismiss the thought.", "The beast shudders in exctasy, the vibrations lightly tickling the roof of your mouth, but you suppress a giggle and merely finish swallowing every drop it has to offer.", "Your nostrils are filled with a strong musky scent, and your pussy clenches in a mild climax as you swallow down the thick salty liquid.","You close your eyes and take in the flavor, the texture, the //thickness// of the creature's semen working it's way across your tongue and down your throat.")>>
<<if $SexPasser is "caged">>\
<<print either("Feeling satiated with a belly full of tentacle semen, you double check the cage to ensure that the creature is well-contained, and continue about your day.","Satisfied with the outcome of this encounter, you ensure that the monster's cage is secure and look yourself over in a mirror for changes.")>>\
<<print either("It doesn't take long before the flow tapers to a mere few drips trickling across your lips.","The tentacle shudders in a brief fit of either exhaustion or extasy, perhaps both, and then goes limp.","Feeling not quite finished, you squeeze the tentacle with your lips and pull to gently suction out every last drop it has to give you, before at last nothing remains.","Your nipples harden as the tentacle delivers its final spurt between your lips, and you briefly consider what else you might do. But alas, it collapses to the ground in limp exhaustion.")>> <<print either("Spent from the combination of injuries sustained in and sexual release, it now seems fairly harmless. You banish it back to the tentacle realm without issue.","Having finished what you set out to do, you banish the monster back to its home dimension and continue on your way.","Now too exhausted to resist your banishing magic, you return the creature to its native realm, its semen in your stomach and mouth the only traces of its presence in this world.")>>\
<<set $TimesBlowjob to $TimesBlowjob +1>>\
<<GainSexKnowledge _b "bj" 2>>\
<<set $WORLD.datapasser to ["bj"]>>\
<<include "SexModsParser">>\
<<if $SexPasser is "caged">>\
<span id="KeypOne">\
<<link "1) Continue" "Basement">>
<span id="KeypOne">\
<<link "1) Continue" "EngageNew">>
<<set _foo to "1) The local park">>\
<span id="KeypOne">\
<<link _foo "Park">>
</span> (Danger: <<ShowSoloDanger 0 true>>)
<span id="KeypTwo">\
<<link "2) The local high school" "HighSchool">>
</span> (Danger: <<ShowSoloDanger 10 true>>)
<span id="KeypThree">\
<<link "3) The city" "City">>
</span> (Danger: <<ShowSoloDanger 20 true>>)
<<if $WORLD.scuba is false>>\
4) (location locked)
<span id="KeypFour">\
<<link "4) The deep ocean" "Ocean">>
</span> (Danger: <<ShowSoloDanger 30 true>>)
<<if $WORLD.spacesuit is false>>\
5) (location locked)
<span id="KeypFive">\
<<link "5) Space" "Space">>
</span> (Current danger: <<ShowSoloDanger 40 true>>)
<<set _tname to $mon_request[2]>>\
<<set _timg to "av-purpletentacles.jpg">>\
<<set _foo to "Being raped by a " + _tname + "!">>\
<<set _grabsfrom to ["left ankle","right ankle","left thigh","right thigh","left arm","right arm","waist","hair","breasts","neck"]>>\
<<set _grabs to []>>\
<<set _grabs[0] to _grabsfrom.deleteAt(random(0,9))>>\
<<set _grabs[1] to _grabsfrom.deleteAt(random(0,8))>>\
<<set _grabs[2] to _grabsfrom.deleteAt(random(0,7))>>\
<<if random(1,2) is 1>>\
<<set _foo to either("Ahahaha! Struggle if you must, girl! Your resistance will only make my member harder!","Mmm, yes I like my magical girls to have some fight in them! I hope that //you// like your magical girls to have my cock in them!","Yes, resist! Let me feel your puny struggle as I have my way with you!")>>\
<<MiscSpeaker _timg _tname _foo>>\
<<set _foo to "The " + _tname + " grabs your " + _grabs[0] + ", " + _grabs[1] + ", and " + _grabs[2] + ". You lack the strength to completely fend off every tentacle, but if you can maintain control of at least some of your body, you may be able to at least close off certain avenues of attack.">>\
<<Narrator _foo>>
What will you attempt to free?
<span id="KeypOne">\
<<set _foo to "1) Your " + _grabs[0]>>\
<<link _foo "USexB">>
<<set $SexPasser to []>>
<<set $SexPasser[0] to _grabs.deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $SexPasser[1] to _grabs>>\
<span id="KeypTwo">\
<<set _foo to "2) Your " + _grabs[1]>>\
<<link _foo "USexB">>
<<set $SexPasser to []>>
<<set $SexPasser[0] to _grabs.deleteAt(1)>>
<<set $SexPasser[1] to _grabs>>\
<span id="KeypThree">\
<<set _foo to "3) Your " + _grabs[2]>>\
<<link _foo "USexB">>
<<set $SexPasser to []>>
<<set $SexPasser[0] to _grabs.deleteAt(2)>>
<<set $SexPasser[1] to _grabs>>\
<span id="KeypFour">\
<<link "4) Submit" "USexB">>
<<set $SexPasser to "submit">>\
<<set _tname to $mon_request[2]>>\
<<set _timg to "av-purpletentacles.jpg">>\
<!-- header duplicated in each, for image interaction -->\
<<set _foo to "Being raped by a " + _tname + "!">>\
<<if $WORLD.datapasser is "USexHack">>\
<<set _onenow to either("v","a","bj")>>\
<<set _btar to 0>>\
<<for _i = 0; _i < 2; _i++>>\
<<if $SexPasser[_i].count("ankle") > 0>>\
<!-- 0 -->\
<<elseif $SexPasser[_i].count("thigh") > 0>>\
<<set _btar to _btar + 1>>\
<<elseif $SexPasser[_i].count("waist") > 0>>\
<<set _btar to _btar + 2>>\
<<elseif $SexPasser[_i].count("arm") > 0>>\
<<set _btar to _btar + 2>>\
<<elseif $SexPasser[_i] is "breasts" > 0>>\
<<set _btar to _btar + 2>>\
<<elseif $SexPasser[_i] is "hair">>\
<<set _btar to _btar + 3>>\
<<elseif $SexPasser[_i] is "neck">>\
<<set _btar to _btar + 3>>\
<<set _onenow to "v">>\
<<if _btar > 4>>\
<<set _onenow to "bj">>\
<<elseif_btar > 2>>\
<<set _onenow to "a">>\
<<if _onenow is "v">>\
<<if $mon_request[2] is "octopoid">>\
<!-- implement on beach check -->\
<<SimplePic "OctopoidOnBeach.jpg" "nsfw">>\
<<SimplePic "UnwillingV.jpg" "nsfw">>\
<<set $TimesVaginal to $TimesVaginal + 1>>\
<<set _choiceA to "open your mouth">>\
<<set _choiceB to "arch your back and lean forward">>\
<<set _aCOST to 5>>\
<<set _bCOST to 10>>\
<<set _choiceApam to "bj">>\
<<set _choiceBpam to "a">>\
<<if $WORLD.datapasser is "USexHack">>\
<<set _foo to either("Pleased with your lack of resistance, the ", "Wasting no time, the ", "Moving quickly, the ") + _tname + either(" immediately grabs you by both ankles and yanks them apart.", " coils itself around both your thighs and pries them apart."," extends a single tendril between your legs, and in a single thrust, penetrates effortlessly through your panties, slides past your vaginal lips, and buries itself nearly to your cervix.")>>\
<<Narrator _foo>>\
<<set _foo to either("Yes, the sweet, delicious pussy of a magical girl. I will delight in your every squeek and moan!","Ahh, the luscious fragance of your folds, the delicious moistness...these are now mine!","Prepare to take my seed, human, and feel me take root within your most precious temple!","And now to plant my seed in the most deliciously fertile soil!")>>
<<MiscSpeaker _timg _tname _foo>>\
<<set _foo to either("No--oh--OH!","What are you--ahh!","Oh my---OH!")>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _foo>>\
<<set _foo to either("You somehow manage to free your ","It's a struggle, but you eventually manage to free your ","With a focused burst of strength you whack the monster and free your ") + $SexPasser[0] + ", but with the solid grip it still has on your " + $SexPasser[1][0] + " and " + $SexPasser[1][1] + either(" it effortlessly yanks your legs apart with its remaining tentacles. "," reaches lewdly betwen your legs with a third tentacle and slowly pries them apart. ", " it has an easy time holding you in place while yet more tenactles coil themselves up and around your legs.", ", it coils a third tentacle around your waist and between your thighs. ") + either("With both your ankles held securely and a third tentacle now coiled around your waist, the " + _tname + " slowly brings a fourth up to your pussy lips and delicately flicks your moist folds once, twice...then slides slowly inside you, carried effortlessly on your growing fluids.", "Instantly, a long, slippery tendrils thrusts itself between your legs and plunges into your pussy, spurting fluids to lubricate your insides and thrusting mercilessly upon them.", "Stretching your legs apart as far as they'll go, the " + _tname + " lifts you into the air and holds a third tendril between your legs. Coiling yet another tentacle around your waist, it then tilts your head forward and forces you to watch as it slowly lowers your hips down onto its turgid member, already spurting copious fluids before it so much as touches you. You struggle in vain, clenching your pussy tight in a futile effort to keep it out, but the " + _tname + " merely grunts in pleasure as you do.")>>\
<<Narrator _foo>>\
<<set _foo to either("Noo! Nooooo!!!!","Oh...AHH!!! OHHH!!","Oh...OH! ...oh, OHH!!!")>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _foo>>\
<<set _foo to either("Yes...yes!","So...tight! So pleasing! Feel my cock massage your insides! YES!","Ahh, I will definitely take my sweet time with this one!")>>\
<<MiscSpeaker _timg _tname _foo>>\
<<set _narratorhelper to "With your pussy now full of tentacle cock and already spurting with an overflow of its fluids from multiple ejaculations and with more still to come, you can only hope that this beast's seed somehow fails to take root inside you. It's out of your control now. But perhaps you can at least retain some small portion of your dignity? The creature has nearly enveloped your entire body within its writhing mass, and as easily as it has taken you you have no hope of being able to stop it completely. But perhaps if you //willingly// offer up one of your remaining holes, you might possibly stand a chance of keeping it too distracted to bother with the other. But the question is, where would you rather it take you?">>\
<<elseif _onenow is "a">>\
<<SimplePic "UnwillingA.jpg" "nsfw">>\
<<set $TimesAnal to $TimesAnal + 1>>\
<<set _choiceA to "open your mouth">>\
<<set _choiceB to "spread your knees apart">>\
<<set _aCOST to 5>>\
<<set _bCOST to 15>>\
<<set _choiceApam to "bj">>\
<<set _choiceBpam to "v">>\
<<if $WORLD.datapasser is "USexHack">>\
<<set _foo to either("Pleased with your lack of resistance, the", "Wasting no time, the ", "Moving quickly, the ") + _tname + " grips you by the neck and ankles and forces your torso forward.">>\
<<Narrator _foo>>\
<<set _foo to either("Mmm, pussy is sweet, but I sense an even tighter opening for my enjoyment!","Ahh, now to start with the most exquisite, and tightest hole!","Prepare to squirm, human! It will be more fun for me if you resist.","Have you any fight left in you, puny human? Please say that you do!","Ahahaha! Yes, submit to my pleasure!")>>
<<MiscSpeaker _timg _tname _foo>>\
<<set _foo to either("Wait, no! Not--THERE!?!","What do you--gah!","You're not seriously going to-ACK!","What? Yuck! No!")>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _foo>>\
<<set _foo to either("You somehow manage to free your ","It's a struggle, but you eventually manage to free your ","With a focused burst of strength you whack the monster and free your") + $SexPasser[0] + ", but with the solid grip it still has on your " + $SexPasser[1][0] + " and " + $SexPasser[1][1] + either("leverages your top and bottom halves together","forces your head downward","bends in forward") + " and " + either("buries a tentacle deep into your asshole."," coils a tentacle around your waist, then slides between your buttcheecks and glides effortlessly into your asshole.", "pulls your buttcheeks apart and worms a pair of tentacles straight into your asshole.")>>
<<Narrator _foo>>\
<<set _foo to either("Wait, no! Not--THERE!?!","What do you--gah!","You're not seriously going to-ACK!","What? Yuck! No!")>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _foo>>\
<<set _narratorhelper to "With your tight asshole now being stretched by a tentacle cock, spraying fluids and working its way deeper into your intestines, there is little you can do to conserve your dignity. At least, that's what you think, until you see its many other tendrils eagerly working their way towards your lips. At first you lurch your head away, disconcerted by the idea of being forced to service the creature with your mouth. At least, until you notice some of those same tenatacles taken a sudden interest in your //vaginal// lips. A sinking sensation reaches the pit of your stomach as you think back on the tales of girls being //bred// by tentacle monsters, being forced to carry their children only to breed yet more the creatures. According to the tales, being impregnated results in a never-ending cycle of birth and re-impregnation, as a newborn tentacle immediately rapes and impregnates its birth mother again, in a never-ending cycle. Looking down, you see three members fighting each other to be the first to plunge into your luscious depths, knowing full well that it doesn't matter, because whichever is first, both of the other two will follow soon after.<br><br>But, perhaps if you willingly offer up one of the two holes you have available, if you service this monster with sufficient //eagerness//, then perhaps, just might be too occupied to take the third by force.">>\
<<SimplePic "UnwillingB.jpg" "nsfw">>\
<<set $TimesBlowjob to $TimesBlowjob + 1>>\
<<set _choiceA to "clamp your knees closed and lean forward">>\
<<set _choiceB to "relax your legs and clench your butt closed">>\
<<set _aCOST to 15>>\
<<set _bCOST to 10>>\
<<set _choiceApam to "a">>\
<<set _choiceBpam to "v">>\
<<if $WORLD.datapasser is "USexHack">>\
<<set _foo to either("Pleased with your lack of resistance, the", "Wasting no time, the ", "Moving quickly, the ") + _tname + " immediately slithers a pair of long tendrils around your waist and neck. Pulling on your hair with a third, you gasp as your head is yanked back, and immediately a thank tentacle drenched in slippery fluids slides past your lips and worms its way down your throat.">>\
<<Narrator _foo>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "...mmmrmphh!">>\
<<set _foo to either("Hahaha! What was that, dear? I'm afraid I can't hear you over the sound of my cock in your mouth!","Mmm, yes....cry out! Scream! Add the vibrations of your voice to the pleasure of my swollen member!")>>\
<<MiscSpeaker _timg _tname _foo>>\
<<set _foo to either("MmrmmMMMllrrm!!!","...rrmllmmnrw?","mmrrmrMRRRMMM!")>>\
<<set _foo to either("You somehow manage to free your ","It's a struggle, but you eventually manage to free your ","With a focused burst of strength you whack the monster and free your") + $SexPasser[0] + either(", but the monster still has a firm hold of your ",". But it still holds securely onto your ","but it still has a solid grip on your") + $SexPasser[1][0] + " and " + $SexPasser[1][1] + either(", which gives it easy access to your face. You see the tentacle coming and clamp your jaws shut, but it makes no difference. A little big of pressure on both sides of your jaws and your mouth is forced open to grant access to a tentacle that immediately works way down your throat.",". Focused as you on on guarding your bottom half, you're taken unaware by a tentacle coming at you from around your head and sliding directly into your unfortunately already-open mouth. What might have been a battle-cry instead becomes a muffled choking sound as it glides effortlessly down your throat.",". Moments later a third tentacle wraps around your neck, holding your head securely in place while a fourth slides past your lips and leaves of trail of precum on your tongue as it works it way towards and down your throat.")>>\
<<Narrator _foo>>\
<<set _narratorhelper to "Within moments you feel a warm blast of fluid fill your stomach. The tentacle withdraws and just as you register the taste of its semen crossing your tongue, another tentacle, larger than the first immediately takes it place in your throat. There is little you can do to stop the many blowjobs you're about to give, but your legs are still free, and the creature is only now getting around to wrapping itself around your ankles. You loathe the throught of a dozen tentacles blowing their loads in your asshole, but that might be far preferable to the risk of //pregnancy// if those tentacles instead take turns riding a chain in your pussy, filling your cervix to overflowing with a gallon of eagerly virile sperm. Neither option is especially appealing, but perhaps if you willingly offer up one hole, the dozen other tentacles still awaiting their pleasure might choose to leave the other alone.">>\
<<Narrator _narratorhelper>>\
<<header "Options">>
<<if ($Stats[$STATfatiguemax] - $Stats[$STATfatiguecur]) < _aCOST>>\
1) You are too tired to _choiceA
<span id="KeypOne">\
<<set _foo to "1) " + _choiceA.toUpperFirst()>>\
<<link _foo "USexC">>\
<<ChangeStat $STATfatiguecur _aCOST>>
<<set $SexPasser to []>>
<<set $SexPasser[0] to _onenow>>
<<set $SexPasser[1] to _choiceApam>>
<<if ($Stats[$STATfatiguemax] - $Stats[$STATfatiguecur]) < _bCOST>>\
2) You are too tired to _choiceB
<span id="KeypTwo">\
<<set _foo to "2) " + _choiceB.toUpperFirst()>>\
<<link _foo "USexC">>\
<<ChangeStat $STATfatiguecur _bCOST>>
<<set $SexPasser to []>>
<<set $SexPasser[0] to _onenow>>
<<set $SexPasser[1] to _choiceBpam>>
<span id="KeypThree">\
<<link "3) Give in completely to the pleasure" "USexD">>
<<set $SexPasser to "submit">>\
<<PassTime 12>>\
<<Narrator "The last thing you see before blacking out is a tentacle reaching for you. You wake up several hours later, naked and dripping fluids from every orifice. ">>
<<set _foo to "So...tired.","I feel exhausted.","How long has it been? I don't remember anything.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _foo>>\
<<set _skip to false>>\
<<if setup.GetTime("isfertile") is true>>\
<<if $BUFFS.BirthControl > 0>>\
@@color:Red;You feel that you have avoided a bad outcome!@@
<<set $WORLD.pregnant to "conception">>\
<<if _skip is false>>\
<<Narrator "Standing, you notice immediately that your belly is distended to such a size that it's difficult to stay on your feet. For one terrifying moment you wonder if you're pregnant, but the unmistakable taste of semen drenching your mouth makes it clear that's not a baby in your belly.">>\
<<set _foo to either("Well, it's nutritious at least.","At least I won't feel hungry for a while.","Guess that's one way to save on food bills.")>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _foo>>\
<<set _b to $mon_request[1]>>\
<<set $TimesBlowjob to $TimesBlowjob +1>>\
<<set $TimesVaginal to $TimesVaginal +1>>\
<<set $TimesAnal to $TimesAnal +1>>\
<<GainSexKnowledge _b "v" 1>>\
<<GainSexKnowledge _b "a" 1>>\
<<GainSexKnowledge _b "bj" 1>>\
<<set $WORLD.datapasser to ["bj","v","a"]>>\
<<include "SexModsParser">>\
<<header "Options">>
<span id="KeypOne">\
<<link "1) Go home and sleep it off" "Sleep">>
<<set _tname to $mon_request[2]>>\
<<set _timg to "av-purpletentacles.jpg">>\
<<set _foo to "Being raped by a " + _tname + "!">>\
<<header _foo>>\
<<set _onenow to either("p,"a","m">>\
<<if _onenow is "p">>\
<<set _choiceA to "Clench your butt cheeks">>\
<<set _choiceB to "Clamp your jaws shut">>\
<<set _aCOST to 20>>
<<set _bCOST to 10>>
<<set _foo to either("Pleased with your lack of resistance, the", "Wasting no time, the ", "Moving quickly, the ") + _tname + " immediately grabs you by both ankles and yanks them apart.">>
<<Narrator _foo>>
<<set _foo to either("Yes, sweet, delicious, pussy. This is the best!","Ahh, my favorite!","Prepare to take my seed, human!","And now to plany my seed in the most deliciously fertile soil!">>
<<MiscSpeaker _timg _tname _foo>>\
<<set _foo to either("No--oh--OH!","What do you--ahh!","Oh my---OH!">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _foo>>\
<<set _foo to either(
"With both your ankles held securely and a third tentacle now coiled around your waist, the " + _tname + " slowly brings a fourth up to your pussy lips and delicately flicks your moist folds once, twice...then slides slowly inside you, carried effortlessly on your growing fluids.",
"Instantly, a long, slippery tendrils thrusts itself between your legs and plunges into your pussy, spurting fluids to lubricate your insides and thrusting mercilessly upon them.",
"Stretching your legs apart as far as they'll go, the " + _tname + " lifts you into the air and holds a third tendril between your legs. Wrapping yet another tentacle around the back of your neck, it then pushes your head forward and forces you to watch as it slowly lowers you onto its turgid member, already spurting copious fluids before it so much as touches you. You struggle in vain, clenching your pussy tight in a futile effort to keep it out, but the " + _tname + " merely grunts in pleasure as you do."
<<Narrator _foo>>
<<set _foo to either("Noo! Nooooo!!!!","Oh...AHH!!! OHHH!!","Oh...OH! ...oh, OHH!!!>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _foo>>\
<<set _foo to either("Yes...yes!","So...tight! So pleasing! Feel my cock massage your insides! YES!","Ahh, I will definitely take my sweet time with this one!">>\
<<MiscSpeaker _timg _tname _foo>>\
<<elseif _onenow is "a">>\
<<set _choiceA to "Squeeze your thighs together">>\
<<set _choiceB to "Clamp your jaws shut">>\
<<set _aCOST to 30>>
<<set _bCOST to 10>>
<<set _foo to either("Pleased with your lack of resistance, the", "Wasting no time, the ", "Moving quickly, the ") + _tname + " grips you by the neck and ankles and forces your torso forward.">>\
<<Narrator _foo>>
<<set _foo to either("Mmm, pussy is sweet, but I sense an even tighter crevassee for my pleasure!","Ahh, now to start with the most exquisite, and tightest hole!","Prepare to squirm, human! It will be more fun for me if you resist.","Have you any fight left in you, puny human? Please say that you do!","Ahahaha! Struggle if you must, girl! Your resistance will only make my member harder!">>
<<MiscSpeaker _timg _tname _foo>>\
<<set _foo to either("Wait, no! Not--THERE!?!","What do you--gah!","You're not seriously going to-ACK!","What? Yuck! No!">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _foo>>\
<<set _choiceA to "Squeeze your thighs together">>\
<<set _choiceA to "Clench your butt cheeks">>\
<<set _aCOST to 30>>
<<set _bCOST to 20>>
<<set _foo to either("Pleased with your lack of resistance, the", "Wasting no time, the ", "Moving quickly, the ") + _tname + " immediately grabs you by both ankles and yanks them apart.">>
<<Narrator _foo>>
<<Narrator "With one orifice now full of tentacle cock gliding on your mixed fluids, there still remain two holes. It is too late to save this one, but if you have the strength left you might at least be able to spare one by willingly offering up the other. >>
<<header "Options">>
<<if $Stats[$STATfatiguecur] >= _aCOST>>\
<span id="KeypOne">\
<<set _foo to "1) " + _choiceA>>\
<<link _foo "USexC">>\
<<set $SexPasser to _choiceA>>
1) You are too tired to _choiceA
<<if $Stats[$STATfatiguecur] >= _aCOST>>\
<span id="KeypTwo">\
<<set _foo to "2) " + _choiceB>>\
<<link _foo "USexC">>\
<<set $SexPasser to _choiceB>>
2) You are too tired to _choiceB
<span id="KeypThree">\
<<link "3) Give in completely to the pleasure" "USexC">>
<<set $SexPasser to "submit">>\
<<set _foo to ["minor","lesser","common","greater","elder"]>>\
<<set _newhighmon to $WORLD.highestmon>>\
<<for _i to 0; _i < _foo.length; _i++>>\
<<if $mon_request[0] is _foo[_i]>>\
<<if _i > _newhighmob>>\
<<set _newhighmob to _i>>\
<<if _newhighmon > $WORLD.highestmon>>\
<<replace "#combatdialogue">>\
<<set $WORLD.highestmon to _newhighmon>>\
<<if $WORLD.teamfightnow is true>>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Careful, girls! This tentacle looks a little tougher than what we usually fight.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Hmm. This tentacle looks tougher than anything I've fought before. I should be ready to run if I can't take him.">>\
<<elseif $WORLD.teamfightnow is true>>\
<<replace "#combatdialogue">>\
<<set _partyavail to []>>\
<<if $WORLD.teamactive[$LeaderOne] is true>>\
<<set _partyavail[0] to $LeaderOne>>\
<<if $WORLD.teamactive[$FieryOne] is true>>\
<<set _partyavail[_partyavail.length] to $FieryOne>>\
<<if $WORLD.teamactive[$ShyOne] is true>>\
<<set _partyavail[_partyavail.length] to $ShyOne>>\
<<if $WORLD.playeraction is "tease">>\
<<if $CameFrom is "Intro">>\
<<include "Tutorial">>\
<<if $m_hp[0] < 1>>\
<<if random(1,3) is 1>>\
<<set _foo to either("Aww, yeah! We're awesome!","Man, we sure pounded that guy!","Piece of cake!")>>\
<<Speak $FieryOne _foo>>\
<<set _foo to either("Victory is ours!","You cannot defeat the power of friendship!","Great teamwork girls!","The beauty and honor of a Magical Girl will never be tarnished!")>>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne _foo>>\
<<if $WORLD.teamshoutouts[0] neq -1>>\
<<if ($WORLD.teamactive[$ShyOne] is true) and ($BUFFS.Poison > 0) and (random(1,2) is 1)>>\
<<elseif ($WORLD.teamactive[$ShyOne] is true) and ($Stats[$STAThealthcur] * 2 < $Stats[$STAThealthmax]) and ($WORLD.healsleft > 0)>>\
<<elseif random(1,2) is 1>>\
<!-- do nothing -->\
<<set _throwaway to _partyavail.delete[$ShyOne]>>\
<<set _r to -1>>\
<<if _partyavail.length > 0>>\
<<set _r to _partyavail[random(0, _partyavail.length -1)]>>\
<<if _r is $LeaderOne>>\
<<elseif _r is $FieryOne>>\
<<replace "#combatdialogue">><</replace>>\
<<endif>>\<<widget "ShowDate">>\
<<set _incs to $TimeTracker>>\
<<set _hrs to Math.trunc(_incs / 4)>>\
<<set _quarters to 15 * (_incs - (_hrs * 4))>>\
<<set _days to Math.trunc(_hrs / 24)>>\
<<set _hrs to _hrs - (_days * 24)>>\
<<if _quarters is 0>>\
<<set _quarters to "00">>\
<<set _suf to " am">>\
<<if _hrs is 0>>\
<<set _hrs to 12>>\
<<elseif _hrs > 11>>\
<<set _hrs to _hrs -12>>\
<<set _suf to " pm">>\
<<set _days to _days +1>>\
<<print "Day: " + _days + ", " + _hrs + ":" + _quarters + _suf>>\
<</widget>>\<<set _a to $mon_request[0]>>\
<<set _b to $mon_request[1]>>\
<<set _c to $mon_request[2]>>\
<<GetSexMods _a _b _c>>\
@@color:Gold;Sex with a _b _c@@
<<set _TurnTables to -1>><!-- maybe use this for caged too? -->\
<<if $SexPasser is "caged">>\
<<SimplePic "WillingV.gif" "nsfw">>\
<<set _tame to $Tentacles[$VisitTent].tame>>\
@@color:Red;Sex with a caged _b _c@@
<<if _tame < 2>>\
<<set _foo to either("You walk boldly up to the cage and drop your panties to the floor.","As you approach the cage","Throwing caution to the wind, you walk straight up the cage as","You cautiously approach the cage, eyeing it warily as the tentacle reaches out between the bars for you.","Keeping your distance, you consider the caged tentacle carefully.")>>\
<<set _foo to _foo + either(" The tentacle monster", "The " + _c, "the creature within") + either(" reaches between the bars and ", " slides a tentacle between the bars of its cage and ", " snakes a tentacle outside the confines of its cage and tries to grab you."," grasps the bars of its cage and tries to squeeze them apart.")>>\
<<set _foo to _foo + either("Spreading your legs to give to easiy access, it immediately understand your intent and ","Gently guiding a tentacle away from your breasts and between your legs, it immediately undestands your intent and ") + either(" slips a tentacle between your most pussy folds.", " thrusts a tentacle inside you nearly to your cervix. You gasp and grasp the bars, but there's no chance of you falling over as the creature grabs you by both wrists and coils itself through the bars around your waist."," you watch in amusement as half a dozen tentacles rush and stumble over each other to be the first inside you. Meanwhile, another pair encircles your breasts and begin teasing your nipples, distracting you so you don't even see but merely //feel// when the first tentacle flicks open your pussy lips and slips in on its own fluids.")>>\
<<Narrator _foo>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Now,'re going to be stuck in this cage for a long time. If you're good then we can maybe do this again. If you don't cooperate, I won't be so eager to come back. Which would you rather have? Two holes just this once followed by an angry magical girl forever, or one hole lots of times from a willing and //eager// magical girl?">>\
<<Narrator "The tentacle seems to consider this, then settles down in its cage in what almost seems a submissive manner. You still don't trust it, but it seems willing to cooperate for the time being.">>\
@@color:Gold;<<print either("Satisfied with that for now, you turn around and press your butt up against the cage bars, bending over to give it easy access.", "Deciding you want to keep as much control as possible, you reach in and pull a single tentacle out through the cage bars as far as it will go and guide it between your legs.", "To ensure there's no confusion about which hole it's allowed to explore, you walk to the cage and trail a single finger between your pussy lips. For a moment the creature is unsure whether to chase after the smell on your finger on the smell between your legs. Eventually it decides to go after both.")>>@@\
@@color:Gold;<<print either("Within moments it's pumping in and out of you at a steady clip.", "Taking the cue, it touches itself against your pussy lips and immediately presses itself inside.", "Quick as lightning, it jams itself between you pussy lips with nearly enough force to knock you over, the pleasure overwhelming your common sense telling you to not let it take charge of you like this.","Gliding up your thighs and coiling itself around your torse, the creature teases you by sliding its length between your labial folds to climb up your stomach rather than penetrating you immediately. Your pussy clenches at the sensation, prompting you to beg it to enter you properly, to which it happily obliges.")>> <<print either("Pumping in and out of you gently at first, then gradually picking up the pace, you immediately feel several pulses of ejaculate spurt from the tentacle deep inside you. ", "Taking you much harder than expected, you have to grab onto the steel bars of the cage to hold yourself in place against its thrusts, which then somehow come even harder as you find yourself gently pulling away to avoid bruising on your insides.","As it thrusts in and out of you, two more tentacles reach out to encircle your breasts, gently flicking and teasing across your nipples as the larger tentacle beigns to pour hot semen into you.")>>@@
@@color:Gold;<<print either("You cry out in extasy when the final burst of semen comes, so abdundant and that it rolls down your thighs in unsightly globs.", "Seconds later you find yourself sharing or orgasm with the creature as it sprays your insides with its seed, prompting uncontrollable spasms in your pussy that trap the copious fluids inside you so tightly that for a moment your belly distends, before the subsequent downpour gushes out of you and hits the floor with enough force and volume that you hear the splatter.","The creature ejaculates before you're ready, but then just as your disappointment registers it ejaculates //again//, pushing you over the edge to share in its second climax as it fills you with its virile seed.")>>@@
<<elseif _tame < 5>>\
implement tame < 5 outcome
<<set _foo to either("Smiling at the tentacle monster like an old friend, you approach the cage with an eager bounce to your step.", "Not wanting to stand on ceremony, you walk boldly up to the cage and drop your panties to the floor.","")>>\
implement high tamness outcome
<<Narrator _foo>>\
<<SimplePic "WillingV.gif">>\
<<if $TimesVaginal > 9>>\
<<set _foo to either("And now for the //fun// part!","Oh, I so need this.","Hope you enjoy this as much as I do, Mr. Tentacle Monster!")>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _foo>>\
<<elseif $TimesVaginal > 0>>\
<<set _foo to either("I think I'm starting to enjoy this.","I sure hope this is worth it.","Not sure I'll ever get used to this.","Hopefully this hurts less than last time.")>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _foo>>\
<<set _foo to either("I can't believe I'm giving my virginity to a tentacle monster.","Please be gentle with me.","I'm a little sad my first time won't be with my secret crush.","Somehow, this isn't how I imagined my first time would be.")>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _foo>>\
@@color:Gold;<<print either("Dropping your panties to the ground, you walk over to the defeated monster","Taking in its writhing mass with your eyes, you contemplate seriously what you're about to do as you","Sliding one finger into your waist band, you unbutton your skirt and let it fall to the ground. Approaching with caution, you step towards the creature")>> <<print either(" and indelicately squat on one of its larger tentacles.",", lay down on the ground and pull your knees apart. Propping yourself up on your elbows, you look between your legs and give it your best 'come hither' look.","stand over the fallen tentacle monster with your fists on your hips, then stand with your legs apart as if mimicking a proud superhero.")>> The <<print either("creature","monster","tentacle",_c)>> <<print either("gets the hint immediately and begins coiling itself around your calves and climbing up your thighs.","seems hesitant at first, but gradually begins sliding itself between your legs.","immediately grabs a hold of your feet, coiling itself in great rolls to hold them securely in place before gently pulling them further part. Looks like there's no backing out now.","climbs up your legs and wraps itself around your waist, levering itself upwards to pull the bulk of its body up and between your thighs.")>>@@
@@color:Gold;<<print either("With a firm grip on you, it wastes no further time and immediately plunges itself into your pussy","Seemingly content to take its time, you watch as a sigle tentacle glides up to your pussy lips and begins gently probing at your pussy lips. Your eyes glaze over as it nudges and presses and licks between your folds for several moments before pressing up inside of you","Watching in fascination, you try to relax as a single tentacle, much larger than the rest, snakes its way up your thighs and plants itself firmly at your entrance")>> <<print either(", sliding effortlessly on the generous load of warm semen now spurting from its hardening member.","prompting you to to gasp at the suddenness of the sensation.",". You can't help but tense at the sensation, wondering if this was a good idea, but you're far too aroused to do very much but accept what's about to happen.",". Taking in a deep breath, you feel your knees being spread further apart and your nipples hardening as it buries so much of its length deeply inside you that you can feel it coiling into a spiral on the inside wider than your entrance."," while two more tentacles begin flicking at your clit, overwhelming you with sensation while they await their turn inside you.")>>@@
<<set _foo to either("Oh!","Mmph!","Oh, yes!","Yes!")>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _foo>>\
<<set _TurnTables to random(1,50) - $TimesVaginal>>\
<<if _TurnTables < 0>>\
To your surprise, the various tentacles on the <<print either("creature","lustful beast", _c)>> are so intent on cumming inside your pussy that they leave your mouth and anus completely untouched.
<<Speak $PCPTR "Oh, yeah. I'm just that good.">>\
<<if setup.GetTime("isfertile") is true>>\
<<if $BUFFS.BirthControl > 0>>\
@@color:Red;Panting and out of breath, a tickle in your wombs prompts thoughts of the possibility of becoming pregnant. But with some disappoinmenbt, the sensation passes.@@
<<set $WORLD.pregnant to "conception">>\
<<set $TimesVaginal to $TimesVaginal +1>>\
<<GainSexKnowledge _b "v" 2>>\
<<set $WORLD.datapasser to ["v"]>>\
<<include "SexModsParser">>\
<<if $SexPasser is "caged">>\
<span id="KeypOne">\
<<link "1) Continue" "Basement">>
<span id="KeypOne">\
<<link "1) Continue" "EngageNew">>
<<endif>>\<<set _a to $mon_request[0]>>\
<<set _b to $mon_request[1]>>\
<<set _c to $mon_request[2]>>\
<<GetSexMods _a _b _c>>\
@@color:Gold;Dev note@@: This sex act is not well implemented. Your game is safe, and your stats are being correctly changed, but the dialogue is out of order.
<<set $TimesAnal to $TimesAnal +1>>\
<<GainSexKnowledge _b "a" 2>>\
<<set $WORLD.datapasser to ["a"]>>\
<<include "SexModsParser">>\
<<if $SexPasser is "caged">>\
<span id="KeypOne">\
<<link "1) Continue" "Basement">>
<span id="KeypOne">\
<<link "1) Continue" "EngageNew">>
<<SimplePic "WillingA.gif" "nsfw">>\
<<if $SexPasser is "caged">>\
<<set _tame to $Tentacles[$VisitTent].tame>>\
@@color:Gold;Anal sex with caged _c@@
<<if _tame < 2>>\
<<set _foo to either("As you consider how best to approach this, you're caught off guard by an unexpected sensation","Filled with sexy thoughts of what you're about to do, you're not surprised when you feel a sudden moistness","Distracted with fantasies of how beautiful you'll soon be, you're torn your from your thoughts by an expected sensation","Approaching the cage, your eager smile is wiped from your face when you feel a slippery appendage")>>\
<<set _foo to _foo + either("on your ankle. ","sliding its way up your thighs. ","between your legs. ", "working its way up your thighs. ", "tugging at your ankle. ", " worming its way way up your thigh.", " coiling itself around your waist. ")>>\
<<set _foo to _foo + either("Startled, you try to jump back but discover that the tentacle has slid a feeler between the bars and has too firm grip a on you to easily escape. ","Looking down you see that the tentacle has slid a feeler between the bars and now has a strong grip on you.", "A moment of dread passes over you as you feel yourself being dragged closer to the cage. ", "You try to bat it away, but it merely grabs your arm and begins exploring the rest of your body in earnest.")>>\
@@color:Gold;Anal sex with a _c@@
<<if $TimesAnal is 0>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Am I really doing this?">>\
<<print either("Questioning your life's choices up until now, ","Taking a deep breath and counting to ten, ", "Feeling your anus involuntarily tighten at the thought of letting a tentacle monster roam free up there, ")>>\
you <<print either("take a deep breath","
<<set _foo to either("Oh, yay. More anal sex. My favorite.","Don't think I'll ever get used to this.","This might not be the craziest thing I've ever done, but it's easily top four.","Yeah, because this is what I always imagined myself doign when I grew up.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _foo>>\
<<set _mood to either("angry","scared","sexy")>>\
<<Narrator _foo>>
"wraps itself around your waist and tries to bodily pull you closer. ",
"wraps a feeler around your waist and begins to slids itself between your breasts.",
"grabs you roughly by both ankles, and tries to pull them apart. ",
"reaches out to flick your left nipple. ",
"entwines itself around your ankle and begins sliding up your thighs. ">>\
<<set $TimesAnal to $TimesAnal +1>>\
<<GainSexKnowledge _b "a" 2>>\
<<set $WORLD.datapasser to ["a"]>>\
<<include "SexModsParser">>\
<<if $SexPasser is "caged">>\
<span id="KeypOne">\
<<link "1) Continue" "Basement">>
<span id="KeypOne">\
<<link "1) Continue" "EngageNew">>
-->\<<set _a to $mon_request[0]>>\
<<set _b to $mon_request[1]>>\
<<set _c to $mon_request[2]>>\
<<GetSexMods _a _b _c>>\
@@color:Gold;SDouble penetration with a _b _c@@
Dev note: this whole section is not well implemented
<<link "Click me to continue" "Main">>
<<set $TimesVaginal to $TimesVaginal +1>>\
<<set $TimesAnal to $TimesAnal +1>>\
<<GainSexKnowledge _b "v" 1>>\
<<GainSexKnowledge _b "a" 1>>\
<<set $WORLD.datapasser to ["v","a"]>>\
<<include "SexModsParser">>\
<<header "Options">>
<<if $SexPasser is "caged">>\
<span id="KeypOne">\
<<link "1) Continue" "Basement">>
<span id="KeypOne">\
<<link "1) Continue" "EngageNew">>
<<set _a to $mon_request[0]>>\
<<set _b to $mon_request[1]>>\
<<set _c to $mon_request[2]>>\
<<GetSexMods _a _b _c>>\
@@color:Gold;Triple penetration with a _c _c@@
Dev note: this whole section is not well implemented
<<link "Click me to continue" "Main">>
<<set $TimesBlowjob to $TimesBlowjob +1>>\
<<set $TimesVaginal to $TimesVaginal +1>>\
<<set $TimesAnal to $TimesAnal +1>>\
<<GainSexKnowledge _b "v" 1>>\
<<GainSexKnowledge _b "a" 1>>\
<<GainSexKnowledge _b "bj" 1>>\
<<set $WORLD.datapasser to ["bj","v","a"]>>\
<<include "SexModsParser">>\
<<header "Options">>
<<if $SexPasser is "caged">>\
<span id="KeypOne">\
<<link "1) Continue" "Basement">>
<span id="KeypOne">\
<<link "1) Continue" "EngageNew">>
<<set _a to $mon_request[0]>>\
<<set _b to $mon_request[1]>>\
<<set _c to $mon_request[2]>>\
<<GetSexMods _a _b _c>>\
<<set _procBJ to false>>\
<<set _procV to false>>\
<<set _procA to false>>\
<<set _procALL to true>>\
<<for _i = 0; _i < $WORLD.datapasser.length; _i++>>\
<<if $WORLD.datapasser[_i] is "bj">>\
<<set _procBJ to true>>\
<<elseif $WORLD.datapasser[_i] is "v">>\
<<set _procV to true>>\
<<elseif $WORLD.datapasser[_i] is "a">>\
<<set _procA to true>>\
@@color:LightGreen;You are transformed by the _c's sexual fluids!@@
<<set _bjmods to Object.keys($>>\
<<set _vagmods to Object.keys($SexMods.v)>>\
<<set _analmods to Object.keys($SexMods.a)>>\
<<set _alwaysmods to Object.keys($SexMods.always)>>\
<<if _procBJ is true>>\\
<<for _j = 0; _j < _bjmods.length; _j++>>\
<<set _modkeyname to _bjmods[_j]>>\
<<TFKeytoFlag _modkeyname>>\
<<set _tfqty to $[_modkeyname]>>\
<<if _tfqty neq 0>>\
<<TentacleChangeStat _modkeyname _tfqty>>
<<if _procV is true>>\
<<for _j = 0; _j < _vagmods.length; _j++>>\
<<set _modkeyname to _vagmods[_j]>>\
<<TFKeytoFlag _modkeyname>>\
<<set _tfqty to $SexMods.v[_modkeyname]>>\
<<if _tfqty neq 0>>\
<<TentacleChangeStat _modkeyname _tfqty>>
<<if _procA is true>>\\
<<for _j = 0; _j < _analmods.length; _j++>>\
<<set _modkeyname to _analmods[_j]>>\
<<TFKeytoFlag _modkeyname>>\
<<set _tfqty to $SexMods.a[_modkeyname]>>\
<<if _tfqty neq 0>>\
<<TentacleChangeStat _modkeyname _tfqty>>
<<if _procALL is true>>\\
<<for _j = 0; _j < _alwaysmods.length; _j++>>\
<<set _modkeyname to _alwaysmods[_j]>>\
<<if _modkeyname neq "none">>\
<<TFKeytoFlag _modkeyname>>\
<<set _tfqty to $SexMods.always[_modkeyname]>>\
<<if _tfqty neq 0>>\
<<TentacleChangeStat _modkeyname _tfqty>>
<<endif>>\<<set $ForbidMenu to true>>
<<header "Options">>
<span id="KeypEsc">\
<<link "Esc) close window">>
<<set _bj to {}>>\
<<set _v to {}>>\
<<set _a to {}>>\
@@color:Gold;Known transformations:@@
<<set _MonKeylist to Object.keys($KNOW)>>\
<<for _i = 0; _i < _MonKeylist.length; _i++>>\
<<set _tfall to $KNOW[_MonKeylist[_i]].bj + $KNOW[_MonKeylist[_i]].v + $KNOW[_MonKeylist[_i]].a>>\
<<if _tfall > 0>>\
<<GetSexMods "minor" _MonKeylist[_i] "whatever">>\
<<set _bjmods to Object.keys($>>\
<<set _vagmods to Object.keys($SexMods.v)>>\
<<set _analmods to Object.keys($SexMods.a)>>\
<<set _alwaysmods to Object.keys($SexMods.always)>>\
<<set _SomeKnow to []>>\
<<set _ButtonText to _MonKeylist[_i].toUpperFirst()>>\
<<set _TCSelect to "#" + _ButtonText>>\
<<capture _TCSelect>>\
<<button _ButtonText>>
<<toggleclass _TCSelect "hide">>
<!-- @@color:LightGreen;<<print _MonKeylist[_i].toUpperFirst()>>:@@ -->\
<<capture _ButtonText>>\
<span @id="_ButtonText" class="hide">
<<if $KNOW[_MonKeylist[_i]].bj is 2>>\
@@color:Aqua;- Blowjobs:@@
<<for _j = 0; _j < _bjmods.length; _j++>>\
<<set _modkeyname to _bjmods[_j]>>\
<<if $[_modkeyname] > 0>>\
Increases <<StatKeyToName _modkeyname>>
<<elseif $[_modkeyname] < 0>>\
Decreases <<StatKeyToName _modkeyname>>
Error: key value is <<print $[_modkeyname]>>\
<<elseif $KNOW[_MonKeylist[_i]].bj is 1>>\
<<set _SomeKnow to $>>\
<<if $KNOW[_MonKeylist[_i]].v is 2>>\
@@color:Aqua;- Vaginal sex:@@
<<for _j = 0; _j < _vagmods.length; _j++>>\
<<set _modkeyname to _vagmods[_j]>>\
<<if $SexMods.v[_modkeyname] > 0>>\
Increases <<StatKeyToName _modkeyname>>
<<elseif $SexMods.v[_modkeyname] < 0>>\
Decreases <<StatKeyToName _modkeyname>>
Error: key value is <<print $SexMods.v[_modkeyname]>>\
<<elseif $KNOW[_MonKeylist[_i]].v is 1>>\
<<set _SomeKnow to setup.ConcatSexMods(_SomeKnow, $SexMods.v)>>\
<<if $KNOW[_MonKeylist[_i]].a is 2>>\
@@color:Aqua;- Anal sex:@@
<<for _j = 0; _j < _analmods.length; _j++>>\
<<set _modkeyname to _analmods[_j]>>\
<<if $SexMods.a[_modkeyname] > 0>>\
Increases <<StatKeyToName _modkeyname>>
<<elseif $SexMods.a[_modkeyname] < 0>>\
Decreases <<StatKeyToName _modkeyname>>
Error: key value is <<print $SexMods.a[_modkeyname]>>\
<<elseif $KNOW[_MonKeylist[_i]].a is 1>>\
<<set _SomeKnow to setup.ConcatSexMods(_SomeKnow, $SexMods.a)>>\
@@color:Aqua;- Uncategorized effects:@@
<<set _SomeKnowMods to Object.keys(_SomeKnow)>>\
<<for _j = 0; _j < _SomeKnowMods.length; _j++>>\
<<set _modkeyname to _SomeKnowMods[_j]>>\
<<if _SomeKnow[_modkeyname] > 0>>\
Increases <<StatKeyToName _modkeyname>>
<<elseif _SomeKnow[_modkeyname] < 0>>\
Decreases <<StatKeyToName _modkeyname>>
Error: * key name is _modkeyname
* key value is <<print _SomeKnow[_modkeyname]>>
<<set _tname to $mon_request[2]>>\
<<set _timg to "av-purpletentacles.jpg">>\
<<set _foo to "Being raped by a " + _tname + "!">>\
<<set _parta to "none">>\
<<set _partb to "none">>\
<<set _whatsleft to "none">>\
<<if $SexPasser[1] is "v">>\
<<set $TimesVaginal to $TimesVaginal +1>>\
<<set _parta to "clit">>\
@@color:Gold;Narrator:@@ "Spreading your legs for easy access, the _tname immediately gets the idea. Half a dozen slippery tendrils engulf your pelvis, thrusting into your dripping pussy sometimes two or three at a time."
<<if $SexPasser[0] is "a">>
<<set $TimesAnal to $TimesAnal +1>>\
<<set _partb to "ass">>\
<<set _whatsleft to "bj">>\
To your horror, many of the tentacles already fucking your ass join in, swapping indiscriminately back and forth between your holes.
<<Speak $PCPTR "That's unsanitary!">>\
The _tname ignores you, but you at least take some small solace in the fact that your thankfully tentacle-free mouth is still able to complain about the treatment of your lower half.
<<set $TimesBlowjob to $TimesBlowjob +1>>\
<<set _partb to "throat">>\
<<set _whatsleft to "a">>\
With your mouth full of tentacles rapidly gliding in and out, somtimes two or three at a time, you can't even scream. But at least they're leaving your asshole alone, for now.
<<elseif $SexPasser[1] is "a">>\
<<set $TimesAnal to $TimesAnal +1>>\
<<set _parta to "ass">>\
Bending over, the _tname wastes no time <<print either("plunging","sliding","gliding","forcing")>> a tendril <<print either("directly", "deeply")>> <<print either("up","into")>> your ass hole.<br> \
<<if $SexPasser[0] is "v">>\
<<set $TimesVaginal to $TimesVaginal +1>>\
<<set _partb to "pussy">>\
<<set _whatsleft to "bj">>\
<<set $TimesAnal to $TimesAnal +1>>\
<<set _partb to "asshole">>\
<<set _whatsleft to "v">>\
<<SimplePic "UnwillingB2.jpg" "nsfw">>\
<<set $TimesBlowjob to $TimesBlowjob +1>>\
<<set _parta to "throat">>\
<<print either ("Closing your eyes","Steeling your resolve","Resigning yourself to your fate")>>, you open your mouth and stick out your tongue. Instantly a pair of tentacles glide across it and worm their way down your throat. What started in your mind as a blowjob rapidly becomes full-on throat fucking by a pair of tentacles that can't be bothered to wait on your mouth and lips.
<<if $SexPasser[0] is "v">>\
<<set _whatsleft to "a">>\
<<set _whatsleft to "v">>\
<<if (_whatsleft neq "v") and (setup.GetTime("isfertile") is true)>>
<<set $WORLD.pregnant to "conception">>\
<<if (_parta is "v") and (_partb is "a")>>\
<<SimplePic "UnwillingVA.gif">>\
<<elseif (_parta is "a") and (_partb is "v")>>\
<<SimplePic "UnwillingVA.gif">>\
<<if _whatsleft is "a">>\
<<set _WhatsLeftDesc to either("backside","ass","ass hole")>>\
<<elseif _whatsleft is "v">>\
<<set _WhatsLeftDesc to either("pussy","pussy lips","vagina","increasingly wet vagina")>>\
<<elseif _whatsleft is "bj">>\
<<set _WhatsLeftDesc to either("mouth","face")>>\
<<set _foo to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _foo is 1>>\
<<PassTime 4>>\
For the next hour you struggle to fend the _tname away from your _WhatsLeftDesc while it thoroughly rapes your _parta and _partb. \
<<elseif _foo is 11>>\
<<PassTime 8>>\
For the next two hours, you either("guard", "struggle to cover your") _WhatsLeftDesc while the _tname rapes your _parta and _partb. \
<<PassTime 12>>\
Helpless to resist, the _tname rapes you nonstop for the next several hours. \
Eventually, //finally//, as you're about to pass out, the <<print either("horny","lustful","unrelenting")>> <<print either("creature","monster","beast")>> <<print either("seems to have finally had enough","has had its fill","is satiated")>> and <<print either("drops you unceremoniously to the ground.","releases you.","with a tremendous grunt, sprays one last shower of semen both inside you and across your chest and face.","lets go with one final, enduring ejaculation that leaves your belly visibly distended from all the fluids now inside you.","envelops you in a writhing mass of its tentacles and in one combined, mass ejaculation drenches you so completely in a shower of sperm so thick that you have to wipe your face to be able to breath.")>>
<<print either("It then tosses you aside and wanders off to find its next victim.","At last having had its fill of you, it unceremoniously drops you to the ground, your fall cushioned only by the pool of its fluids you land in, and wanders off.","Finally finished, it withdraws itself from your used, moistened form and leaves in search of its next victim.")>>\
<<set _b to $mon_request[1]>>\
<<GainSexKnowledge _b $SexPasser[0] 1>>\
<<GainSexKnowledge _b $SexPasser[1] 1>>\
<<set $WORLD.datapasser to [$SexPasser[0], $SexPasser[1]]>>\
<<include "SexModsParser">>\
<<header "Options">>
<span id="KeypOne">\
<<link "1) Go home and sleep it off" "Sleep">>
<<if $WORLD.datapasser is "pregnancy">>\
<<GainAchievement "Broodmother">>\
Error in GameOver: unrecognized ending
Corruption: <span id = "captioncorrupt"><<print $Stats[$STATcorrupt]>></span>%\
<div id="corruptionbkg" class="hzbarbkg"><div id="corruptionbar" class="hzbar"></div></div><<script>>$(document).one(':passagerender', function (ev) {
Health2(100, 100, "hzhealthbar", true, ev.content);
<<run Health2($Stats[$STATcorrupt], 100, "corruptionbar", true)>>\
Corruption: <span id = "captioncorrupt"><<print $Stats[$STATcorrupt]>></span>%\
<div id="corruptionbkg" class="hzbarbkg"><div id="corruptionbar" class="hzbar"></div></div><<script>>$(document).one(':passagerender', function (ev) {
Health2(100, 100, "hzhealthbar", true, ev.content);
<<run Health2($Stats[$STATcorrupt], 100, "corruptionbar", true)>>\
<<set _foo to "Talking to " + $MG[$GirlChat][$MGPTRname]>>
<<set _moodchange to "no report">>\
<<header _foo>>\
<<set _hangsup to false>>\
<<set _allowquestions to false>>\
<<set _a to $ImgPath + $MG[0][3] + $MG[0][0] + ".jpg">>\
<<set _b to $ImgPath + $MG[1][3] + $MG[1][0] + ".jpg">>\
<<set _c to $ImgPath + $MG[2][3] + $MG[2][0] + ".jpg">>\
<<set _d to $ImgPath + $MG[3][3] + $MG[3][0] + ".jpg">>\
<<set _avatars to [_a, _b, _c, _d]>>\
Attraction: <span id = "mgdisposition"><<print $MG[$GirlChat][$MGPTRdisposition]>></span>%
<div id="mgdispositionbkg" class="hzbarbkg"><div id="healthbar" class="hzbar"></div></div><<script>>$(document).one(':passagerender', function (ev) {
Health2(100, 100, "mgdispositionbar", true, ev.content);
<<run Health2($MG[$GirlChat][$MGPTRdisposition], 100, "mgdispositionbar", true)>>\
Current Mood: <span id = "mgmood"><<print $MG[$GirlChat][$MGPTRmood]>></span>%
<div id="mgmoodbkg" class="hzbarbkg"><div id="healthbar" class="hzbar"></div></div><<script>>$(document).one(':passagerender', function (ev) {
Health2(100, 100, "mgmoodbar", true, ev.content);
<<run Health2($MG[$GirlChat][$MGPTRmood], 100, "mgmoodbar", true)>>\
<<if $PhoneLoop is 0>>\
<<PassTime 1>>\
<<if $GirlChat is $FieryOne>>\
<<set _foo to either("'Sup?", "Yeah? What's up?","Kinda busy right now. What do you need?")>>\
<<Speak $FieryOne _foo>>\
<<elseif $GirlChat is $ShyOne>>\
<<set _bar to "Hi, " + $MG[$PCPTR][$MGPTRname] + "!">>\
<<set _foo to either("Hello?", _bar)>>\
<<Speak $ShyOne _foo>>\
<<elseif $GirlChat is $LeaderOne>>\
<<set _bas to $MG[$LeaderOne][$MGPTRname] + " speaking.">>\
<<set _bar to "This is " + $MG[$LeaderOne][$MGPTRname]>>\
<<set _foo to either(_bar, _bas)>>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne _foo>>\
<<AddToLog "Error in Phone: no valid girl in GirlChat">>\
<<elseif $PhoneLoop is 1>>\
<<PassTime 2>>\
<!-- Asked about her day -->\
<<set $AskedAboutDay[$GirlChat] to true>>\
<<set _foo to Math.trunc($Stats[$STATconverse] / 5)>>\
<<set _foo to random(-1, _foo)>>\
<<ChangeDisposition $GirlChat _foo>>\
<<set _moodchange to $SCdata>>\
<<set _foo to "Hey, " + $MG[$GirlChat][$MGPTRname] + ". ">>\
<<set _bar to "Hi, " + $MG[$GirlChat][$MGPTRname] + ". ">>\
<<set _bas to "Hello. ">>\
<<set _foo to either(_foo, _bar, _bas) + either("How has your day been so far?","How's your day going?"," How are you doing?")>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _foo>>\
<<if $GirlChat is $FieryOne>>\
<<if $MG[$GirlChat][$MGPTRmood] < 40>>\
<<set _foo to either("Pretty bad, honestly. ", "Let me put it this way: I've had better days fighting tentacles. I mean, I guess that's not saying much 'cuz I like fighting tentacles, but still. You know what I mean.","Today has sucked for me pretty hard. Hard like a cock. Hard like a cock ramming you in the asshole without lubricant until you bleed. Well, maybe not that bad. But bad.")>>\
<<elseif $MG[$GirlChat][$MGPTRmood] < 60>>\
<<set _foo to either("Ehh, it's been fine I guess.","I've had better days. I've had worse. Same old, same old, really.","It's been pretty 'meh' so far.", "On one hand, I didn't win the lottery today. On the other, I didn't get raped by a dump truck. So about like normal I guess.")>>
<<set _foo to either("Honestly, today's been pretty good so far, thanks for asking. Things have really been looking up for me lately, thanks.","Pretty good, really. I mean, I could use a pussy-licking and a martini, but that doesn't happen every day, you know?","I guess I'm feeling pretty good about things. My days are mostly just smashing tentacles then getting food, but I feel like things are looking up for me.")>>\
<<Speak $FieryOne _foo>>\
<<elseif $GirlChat is $ShyOne>>\
<<if $MG[$GirlChat][$MGPTRmood] < 40>>\
<<set _foo to either("I don't like to complain, but things haven't been very nice for me lately.","I don't really want to talk about it. Let's talk about nice things instead, shall we?")>>\
<<elseif $MG[$GirlChat][$MGPTRmood] < 60>>\
<<set _foo to either("I'm ok. How about you?","It's fine. Please don't worry about me. There are more important things.","Why are you asking about me? I'm fine. Are you ok?")>>\
<<set _foo to either("I've been so happy lately. It's really nice.","I feel kind of bad that so many nice things are happening to me when there are so many people in the world who need them more than I do. can you feel bad about feeling good? Is that silly?","Everything in the world seems really wonderful lately. thank you for being my friend. You're a good friend.">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne _foo>>\
<<elseif $GirlChat is $LeaderOne>>\
<<if $MG[$GirlChat][$MGPTRmood] < 40>>\
<<set _foo to either("Do you really need to ask? There are tentacles out there right now! Why are we here on the phone talking instead of doing something about it?","Awful! Absolutely awful! And things aren't just awful for me, they're awful for everybody in this entire city. Take a moment to consider how many girls are out there being tentacle-raped right this very moment that we don't even know about. It's frustrating that we can't be everywhere at once to fix it!")>>\
<<elseif $MG[$GirlChat][$MGPTRmood] < 60>>\
<<set _foo to either("The situation seems stable. Oh wait, you mean me? Personally? Thank you for your concern, but our priority really should be getting the tentacle situation under control. Our personal lives can wait.","Nothing to report. And you?","As well as can be expected, given the tentacle monster situation here in the city. I'm very fortunate to be able to fight them off, unlike some other girls out there.")>>\
<<if $Danger > 74>>\
<<set _foo to "Everything is awful! Have you been outside lately? You can hardly walk to the subway without being accosted by a tenatcle of some kind. It's so bad right now that people are starting to accept it as normal. We need to take action.">>
<<elseif $Danger > 49>>\
<<set _foo to "How can you ask me about my day when tentacles are running amuck? The situation in the city is starting to become downright dangerous, and we need to act soon.">>
<<elseif $Danger > 24>>\
<<set _foo to "How I am, can wait. The tentacles are out in force right now. It's our duty to protect the people of this city, and right now we're not living up to our capabilities.">>
<<set _foo to either("I'm feeling optimistic. The tentacle situation seems reasonably under control right now.","The city seems fairly peaceful right now. I'm content with that.")>>
<<Speak $LeaderOne _foo>>\
<<AddToLog "Error in Phone: no valid girl in GirlChat">>\
<<elseif $PhoneLoop is 2>>\
<<set _foo to either("Mind if I ask you a question?","Is it ok if I ask you something?","Hey, quick question for you.")>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _foo>>\
<<set _foo to $MG[$GirlChat][$MGPTRdisposition] + $MG[$GirlChat][$MGPTRmood] - 50 + Math.trunc($Stats[$STATconverse] /2)>>\
<<if _foo < 1>>\
<<if $GirlChat is $FieryOne>>\
<<set _foo to either("Sorry, not right now. I've got stuff going on.","Not in the mood, sorry.","Man, are you really gonna waste my time with this feelings stuff? You're so lame sometimes.")>>\
<<elseif $GirlChat is $ShyOne>>\
<<set _foo to either("Umm, right now? I...uhh, have to go, sorry.","I'm sorry, something really important just came up. I have to go. Could we maybe catch up later? Thanks!","You mean, a personal question? I mean, sure, I guess. But could we maybe do that next time we're fighting tentacles instead? Over the phone just seems so impersonal.")>>\
<<elseif $GirlChat is $LeaderOne>>\
<<set _foo to either("Can we do this later? Now's really not a good time.","The city is under siege by rapey-tentacle beasts, and you want to talk about feelings? Look, I appreciate that you care about team morale. But there are higher priorites right now.","Maybe later? I have important things to take care of right now. Not that you're not important, all of us are...but there's a time and place for this sort of thing, and right now isn't it.")>>\
<<Speak $GirlChat _foo>>\
<<Narrator "She hangs up.">>\
<<set _hangsup to true>>\
<<set _allowquestions to true>>\
<<if $GirlChat is $FieryOne>>\
<<set _foo to either("Go for it.","Yeah, sure. What do you wanna know?","Sure, whatever. I've got some time.","Ask away.")>>\
<<elseif $GirlChat is $ShyOne>>\
<<set _foo to either("I don't mind.","You want to know about me? Really? Well, ok I guess.")>>\
<<elseif $GirlChat is $LeaderOne>>\
<<set _foo to either("Absolutely! It's important to know your teammates!","What would you like to know?")>>\
<<AddToLog "Error in personal question: unrecognized girl. This really should not happen.">>\
<<Speak $GirlChat _foo>>\
<<elseif $PhoneLoop is 3>>\
<<include "PhoneIncludes">>\
<<AddToLog "Error in Phone: unrecognized Loop request">>\
<<set $PhoneLoop to 0>>\
<<set $AskRequest to -1>>\
<<if _moodchange neq "no report">>\
<<if _moodchange < 0>>\
@@color:Red;$MG[$LeaderOne][$MGPTRname]'s mood <<SCText _moodchange>>@@
<<elseif _moodchange > 0>>\
@@color:LightGreen;$MG[$LeaderOne][$MGPTRname]'s mood <<SCText _moodchange>>@@
@@color:Gold;$MG[$LeaderOne][$MGPTRname]'s mood <<SCText _moodchange>>@@
<<if _allowquestions is true>>\
<<if $GirlsInfo[$GirlChat][$PTRfood][1] is 0>>\
<<link "What's your favorite food?" "Phone">>
<<set $AskRequest to $PTRfood>>\
<<set $PhoneLoop to 3>>\
<<if $GirlsInfo[$GirlChat][$PTRcolor][1] is 0>>\
<<link "What's your favorite color?" "Phone">>
<<set $AskRequest to $PTRcolor>>\
<<set $PhoneLoop to 3>>\
<<if $GirlsInfo[$GirlChat][$PTRdessert][1] is 0>>\
<<link "What's your favorite dessert?" "Phone">>
<<set $AskRequest to $PTRdessert>>\
<<set $PhoneLoop to 3>>\
<<if $GirlsInfo[$GirlChat][$PTRplace][1] is 0>>\
<<link "What's your favorite place to visit?" "Phone">>
<<set $AskRequest to $PTRplace>>\
<<set $PhoneLoop to 3>>\
<<if $GirlsInfo[$GirlChat][$PTRmusic][1] is 0>>\
<<link "What kind of music do you like?" "Phone">>
<<set $AskRequest to $PTRmusic>>\
<<set $PhoneLoop to 3>>\
<<if $GirlsInfo[$GirlChat][$PTRdrink][1] is 0>>\
<<link "What's your favorite drink?" "Phone">>
<<set $AskRequest to $PTRdrink>>\
<<set $PhoneLoop to 3>>\
<<if $GirlsInfo[$GirlChat][$PTRgoal][1] is 0>>\
<<link "Do you have a life's goal?" "Phone">>
<<set $AskRequest to $PTRgoal>>\
<<set $PhoneLoop to 3>>\
<<if $GirlsInfo[$GirlChat][$PTRvacation][1] is 0>>\
<<link "If you could go on a vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go?" "Phone">>
<<set $AskRequest to $PTRvacation>>\
<<set $PhoneLoop to 3>>\
<<if $GirlsInfo[$GirlChat][$PTRlifestyle][1] is 0>>\
<<link "If you could life any lifestyle you want, what would it be?" "Phone">>
<<set $AskRequest to $PTRlifestyle>>\
<<set $PhoneLoop to 3>>\
<<if $GirlsInfo[$GirlChat][$PTRsecret][1] is 0>>\
<<link "Do you have a special secret?" "Phone">>
<<set $AskRequest to $PTRsecret>>\
<<set $PhoneLoop to 3>>\
<<if $GirlsInfo[$GirlChat][$PTRsex][1] is 0>>\
<<link "What are your sexual preferences?" "Phone">>
<<set $AskRequest to $PTRsex>>\
<<set $PhoneLoop to 3>>\
<<elseif _hangsup is true>>\
<span id="KeypOne">\
<<set _foo to "1) Continue">>\
<<link _foo "Rolodex">>
<span id="KeypOne">\
<<set _foo to "1) Talk to you later">>\
<<link _foo "Rolodex">>
<<if $AskedAboutDay[$GirlChat] is true>>\
2) Already asked how her day was
<span id="KeypTwo">\
<<link "2) Ask about her day" "Phone">>
<<set $PhoneLoop to 1>>
<<ChangeStat $STATfatiguecur 10>>
<<PassTime 2>>
<span id="KeypThree">\
<<link "3) Ask a personal question" "Phone">>
<<set $PhoneLoop to 2>>
<<ChangeStat $STATfatiguecur 10>>
<<PassTime 2>>
<span id="KeypFour">\
4) Let's meet up! (not implemented)
<<if $DebugMode is true>>\
<<header "Debug:">>
GirlChat is <<print $GirlChat>>
PhoneLoop is <<print $PhoneLoop>>
<span id="KeypOne">\
<<link "1) The local park" "Park">>
<<set $WORLD.DangerLoss to 5>>\
</span> @@color:Aqua;(-5 World Danger on victory)@@
<span id="KeypTwo">\
<<link "2) The local high school" "HighSchool">>
<<set $WORLD.DangerLoss to 10>>\
</span> @@color:LightGreen;(-10 World Danger on victory)@@
<span id="KeypThree">\
<<link "3) The city" "City">>
<<set $WORLD.DangerLoss to 15>>\
</span> @@color:Yellow;(-15 World Danger on victory)@@
<<if $WORLD.scuba is false>>\
4) (location locked)
<span id="KeypFour">\
<<link "4) The deep ocean" "Ocean">>
<<set $WORLD.DangerLoss to 20>>\
</span> @@color:Orange;(-20 World Danger on victory)@@
<<if $WORLD.spacesuit is false>>\
5) (location locked)
<span id="KeypFive">\
<<link "5) Space" "Space">>
<<set $WORLD.DangerLoss to 25>>\
</span> @@color:Red;(-25 World Danger on victory)@@
<<set _BossCount to 0>>\
<<if ($WORLD.bossA is 1)>>\
<<set _BossCount to 1>>\
<<if ($WORLD.bossB is 1)>>\
<<set _BossCount to _BossCount + 1>>\
<<if ($WORLD.bossC is 1)>>\
<<set _BossCount to _BossCount + 1>>\
<<if ($WORLD.bossD is 1)>>\
<<set _BossCount to _BossCount + 1>>\
<<if _BossCount is 0>>\
<<elseif _BossCount is 1>>\
<<header "Boss battle available:">>
<<header "Boss battles available:">>
<<if $WORLD.bossA is 1>>\
<<set _TrailingHR to true>>\
<<set _cimg to $ImgPath + "BossAButton.png">>\
<<link [img[_cimg][Combat]]>>
<<set $CameFrom to "Main">>
<<set $WORLD.teamfightnow to true>>
<<set $mon_request to ["boss","boss","bramble"]>>
<<if $WORLD.bossB is 1>>\
<<set _cimg to $ImgPath + "BossBButton.png">>\
<<link [img[_cimg][Combat]]>>
<<set $CameFrom to "Main">>
<<set $WORLD.teamfightnow to true>>
<<set $mon_request to ["boss","boss","wrecker"]>>
<<if $WORLD.bossC is 1>>\
<<set _cimg to $ImgPath + "BossCButton.png">>\
<<link [img[_cimg][Combat]]>>
<<set $CameFrom to "Main">>
<<set $WORLD.teamfightnow to true>>
<<set $mon_request to ["boss","boss","mega squid"]>>
<<if $WORLD.bossD is 1>>\
<<set _cimg to $ImgPath + "BossDButton.png">>\
<<link [img[_cimg][Combat]]>>
<<set $CameFrom to "Main">>
<<set $WORLD.teamfightnow to true>>
<<set $mon_request to ["boss","boss","cosmic horror"]>>
<<if _BossCount > 0>>\
<<endif>>\Tentacle Ball\<<set _SoloTeam to $WORLD.datapassertwo[0]>>\
<<set _BossNum to $WORLD.datapassertwo[1]>>\
<<set _HealthLust to $WORLD.datapassertwo[2]>>\
<<set _BossDialReturn to "main">>\
<<set _LinkRedirect to "error">>\
<<set $DialogueTracking to 0>>\
<!-- bossX: 0=default, 1=avail, 2=solo kill, 3= team kill, 4=rival -->\
<<set _BossWins to 0>>\
<<set _BossLosses to 0>>\
<<if $WORLD.bossA is 4>>\
<<set _BossLosses to _BossLosses +1>>\
<<elseif $WORLD.bossA > 1>>\
<<set _BossWins to _BossWins +1>>\
<<if $WORLD.bossB is 4>>\
<<set _BossLosses to _BossLosses +1>>\
<<elseif $WORLD.bossB > 1>>\
<<set _BossWins to _BossWins +1>>\
<<if $WORLD.bossC is 4>>\
<<set _BossLosses to _BossLosses +1>>\
<<elseif $WORLD.bossC > 1>>\
<<set _BossWins to _BossWins +1>>\
<<if $WORLD.bossD is 4>>\
<<set _BossLosses to _BossLosses +1>>\
<<elseif $WORLD.bossD > 1>>\
<<set _BossWins to _BossWins +1>>\
<<if $WORLD.datapasser is "team loss to boss hospital wakeup">>\
<<set _BossDialReturn to "loop">>\
<<set $WORLD.datapasser to "team loss to boss hospital wakeup part 2">>\
<<SleepCycleDays 7>>\
<<set $Danger to 0>>\
<<SimplePic "hospital.png">>\
<<Narrator "The next thing you know, your eyes open to an unfamiliar ceiling.">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "She's coming around.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Girls? Where am I? What happened?">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "Everything's ok. You're safe.">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "What's the last thing you remember?">>\
<<elseif $WORLD.datapasser is "team loss to boss hospital wakeup part 2">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _BossDescrip>>\
<<set _BossDialReturn to "main">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Yeah. Bastard nearly got us too. Would have if it weren't for Miss Killsteal.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Who?">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "A magical girl, like us. She swooped in at the last minute and defeated the monster, then flew off without so much as introducing herself.">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Yeah. What a bitch. Gotta say I'm jealous of her skills though.">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "I'm just glad that she came. I don't care to imagine what would have happened if she hadn't.">>\
<<Narrator "Over the next several days you find yourself wondering if you'll see the mysterious girl again. Eventually, the hospital staff give you leave to return home.">>\
<<elseif $WORLD.datapasser is "solo loss to boss hospital wakeup">>\
<<set _BossDialReturn to "loop">>\
<<set $WORLD.datapasser to "solo loss to boss hospital wakeup part 2">>\
<<SleepCycleDays 7>>\
<<set $Danger to 0>>\
<<SimplePic "hospital.png">>\
<<Narrator "The next thing you know, your eyes open to an unfamiliar ceiling.">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "She's coming around.">>\
<<set _who to setup.WhoHasHairColor("red")>>\
<<if _who > -1>>\
<<set _foo to "Girls? Oh, thank goodness! I'm sorry for going out there to fight alone, " + $MG[_who][1] + ". Thank you for rescuing me.">>\
<<Narrator "The girls exchange a subtle glace at each other.">>\
<<Speak _who "It wasn't me.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "No? But she had red hair just like you. If it wasn't you, then who saved me? How'd I get here? Who brought me to the hospital?">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "We were hoping you could tell us. What's the last thing you remember?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "....Girls? What am I doing in the hospital? What happened?">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "We were hoping you could tell us. What's the last thing you remember?">>\
<<elseif $WORLD.datapasser is "solo loss to boss hospital wakeup part 2">>\
<<set _BossDialReturn to "main">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _BossDescrip>>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Yes, the same one you told me we could deal with later, ''as a team''. You really should have waited for us. Solo actions like that are dangerous. You could have been killed, or worse.">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "You've been in the hospital for a week.">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Yeah, it's sucked being down one for so long. But I gotta say, it's pretty awesome that you beat that thing on your own. It was huge! How did you even manage it?">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "But...I didn't beat it. It grabbed me, and then some girl with red hair showed up and saved me.">>\
<<Narrator "You share what little you remember with the girls, but with nothing else to go on there's not much you can do for now to figure out the identity of the mystery girl who resuced you.">>\
<<elseif $WORLD.datapasser is "solo boss win">>\
<<set $Danger to 0>>\
<<set _BossDialReturn to "SKIP">>\
<<if _BossNum is 1>>\
<<include "SoloWinA">>
<<elseif _BossNum is 2>>\
<<include "SoloWinB">>
<<elseif _BossNum is 3>>\
<<include "SoloWinC">>
<<elseif _BossNum is 4>>\
<<include "SoloWinD">>
Error in solo boss win: boss is _BossNum
<<elseif $WORLD.datapasser is "team boss win">>\
<<set _BossDialReturn to "SKIP">>\
<<set $Danger to 0>>\
<<if _BossNum is 1>>\
<<include "TeamWinA">>
<<set $WORLD.bossA to 3>>\
<<elseif _BossNum is 2>>\
<<include "TeamWinB">>
<<set $WORLD.bossB to 3>>\
<<elseif _BossNum is 3>>\
<<include "TeamWinC">>
<<set $WORLD.bossC to 3>>\
<<elseif _BossNum is 4>>\
<<include "TeamWinD">>
<<set $WORLD.bossD to 3>>\
Error in solo boss win: boss is _BossNum
<<elseif $WORLD.datapasser is "team win rival reveal">>\
implement or is this obsolete now?
<!-- WORLD.bossX: 0=default, 1=avail, 2=solo kill, 3= team kill, 4=rival -->\
<<elseif $WORLD.datapasser is "solo boss loss">>\
<<set _BossDialReturn to "SKIP">>\
<<set $Danger to 0>>\
<!-- intro per boss -->\
<<if _BossNum is 1>>\
<<set $WORLD.bossA to 4>>\
<<include "SoloLossA">>
<<elseif _BossNum is 2>>\
<<set _LinkRedirect to "SoloLossB">>\
<<set $WORLD.bossB to 4>>\
<<elseif _BossNum is 3>>\
<<set _LinkRedirect to "SoloLossC">>\
<<set $WORLD.bossC to 4>>\
<<elseif _BossNum is 4>>\
<<set _LinkRedirect to "SoloLossD">>\
<<set $WORLD.bossD to 4>>\
Error in solo boss loss: boss reported was: _BossNum
<<elseif $WORLD.datapasser is "team boss loss">>\
<<set _BossDialReturn to "SKIP">>\
<<set $Danger to 0>>\
<!-- intro per boss -->\
<<if _BossNum is 1>>\
<<include "TeamLossA">>
<<set $WORLD.bossA to 4>>\
<<elseif _BossNum is 2>>\
<<include "TeamLossB">>
<<set $WORLD.bossB to 4>>\
<<elseif _BossNum is 3>>\
<<include "TeamLossC">>
<<set $WORLD.bossC to 4>>\
<<elseif _BossNum is 4>>\
<<include "TeamLossD">>
<<set $WORLD.bossD to 4>>\
Error in team boss loss: boss reported was: _BossNum
@@color:Red;Error in BossDialogues:@@
WORLD.datapasser is $WORLD.datapasser
WORLD.datapassertwo is $WORLD.datapassertwo
<<if _BossDialReturn is "main">>\
<<header "Options">>
<span id="KeypOne">\
<<link "1) Continue" "Main">>
<<elseif _BossDialReturn is "loop">>\
<<header "Options">>
<span id="KeypOne">\
<<link "1) Continue" "BossDialogues">>
<<elseif _BossDialReturn is "redirect">>\
<<header "Options">>
<span id="KeypOne">\
<<link "1) Continue" _LinkRedirect>>
<<elseif _BossDialReturn is "SKIP">>\
Error in BossDialogues
<<if $Cages > 0>>\
<<set _tqty to 0>>\
<<for _i to 0; _i < $Cages +1; _i++>>\
<<if ($Tentacles[_i].bought is true) and ($Tentacles[_i].avail is false)>>\
<<set _tqty to _tqty +1>>\
<<if _tqty is 0>>\
<span id="KeypSpace">\
<<link "space) Back" "Main">>
<<header "Totally innocent magisteel cages you keep purely for decorative purposes and absolutely no other reason">>\
<<SimplePic "caged.jpg">>\
<<header "Basement">>
<span id="KeypSpace">\
<<link "space) Back" "Main">>
<<Narrator "As a Magical Girl, it's your sworn duty to protect the people of Townsville from the ravages of horny tentacle monsters. So natually it follows that you could 'play' with the tentacles you keep in your basement. That's completely normal and not at all dangerous or unhealthy, right?">>
@@color:LightGreen;Cages:@@ (<<print _tqty>> occupied of <<print $Cages>> total)
<<for _i to 0; _i < $Cages; _i++>>\
<<if $Tentacles[_i].avail is true>>\
<<print (_i +1)>>) @@color:Gray;[Visit] [Release]@@ (empty)
<<capture _i>>\
<<print (_i +1)>>) \
<<if $Tentacles[_i].visitedtoday is true>>\
[Visited] \
<<elseif ($Stats[$STATfatiguemax] - $Stats[$STATfatiguecur]) < 20>>\
[Too tired] \
<<link "[Visit]" "WillingSex">>
<<set $SexPasser to "caged">>\
<<ChangeStat $STATfatiguecur 20 $NoMod>>
<<set $VisitTent to _i>>\
<</link>> \
<<link "[Release]" "Release">>
<<set $WORLD.datapasser to _i>>\
<</link>> \
<<set _tentname to $Tentacles[_i].a + " " + $Tentacles[_i].b + " " + $Tentacles[_i].c>>\
<<print _tentname>>
<<header "Basement">>
<span id="KeypSpace">\
<<link "space) Back" "Main">>
The basement is empty.
<<set _foo to random(1,4)>>\
<<if _foo is 1>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "You know, I bet magi-steel cages would go really well with the decor down here. Purely for the good feng-shui of course, and definitely not to keep a harem full of horny tentacle monsters as sex slaves. Why would I even think such a thing.">>\
<<elseif _foo is 2>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "I suppose if I ever need a place to bury a body, this would be a good place. Hypothetically, of course.">>\
<<elseif _foo is 3>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Some little girls have monsters in their closet. Sometimes those little girls grow up to be big girls with skeletons in their closet. Sadly, I have nothing in my...oh, wait. This is my basement. That metaphor doesn't work at all.">>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Hmm. Seems like a waste of space. Bet I can think of something good to do with it.">>\
<<if $WORLD.tutorial is 1>>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "As you can see, you have two different rows of commands. The first are personal actions. As a spellcaster myself, I can say with authority that a combat tentacle like this has strong evasion against physical attacks and is easy to hit with magic. So I recommend you focus on magic!">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Ehh, physical resistance is kind of rare and magic is lame anyway. It's way cooler to punch stuff until it dies. You'll train whichever attack type you use more in a fight, so when you fight stuff that resists that just means you have to hit it more. So I say, go with physical!">>\
<<elseif $WORLD.tutorial is 2>>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "On the second row you'll see Team Actions that allow you to move any of the three of us in or out of combat. We'll each help with our particular speciality if we're engaged, but only if we're involved in the battle. You won't have us to help when you engage in solo actions!">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "...oh, I can't imagine fighting a tentacle monster on my own. They're so big and scary!">>\
<<elseif $WORLD.tutorial is 3>>\
<<set _foo to "As Team Leader it's my job to coordinate the team and provide magical support buffs. " + $MG[$ShyOne][1] + " is our healer. If she's engaged, she'll automatically heal you if you fall below half health and has limited ability to cure poison and similar negative effects. She has a limited number of casts per battle though, so don't expect her to keep you standing forever. Then there's " + $MG[$FieryOne][1] + ". She's our brawler. Her specialty is...well, hitting things.">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne _foo>>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Yeah, yeah. Less talking and more fighting please. WHAM! Did you see that? I'm awesome!">>\
<<set $m_hp[0] to $m_hp[0] - 10>>\
<<set _fd to random(8,10)>>\
<<set _foo to "@@color:Red;" + $MG[$FieryOne][1] + either(" punches"," smashes"," blasts") + " the " + $m_name + " for " + _fd + " damage@@">>\
<<CombatLog _foo>>\
<<elseif $WORLD.tutorial is 4>>\
<<set _foo to "Finally, there's you. You're our team generalist and you're free to act as you please every round, but there's only a chance that one of us will act for each action you take. You can't directly control our actions, but you can increase the chance of any particular one of us acting by having others disengage. Why don't you experiment for a bit? " + $MG[$ShyOne][1] + " should be able to keep you healed for a while.">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne _foo>>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "No! Wait! Please don't depend on me! That's too much pressure!">>\
<<elseif $WORLD.tutorial is 9>>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Good! Finally, you may have noticed the 'Combo Attack' option. When we disengage from combat, we get into our Magical Girl Mega Friendly Rainbow Blast Cannon formation. Once all of us are in formation, we can unleash the combined power of all our buffs into a powerful attack! Those buffs will be consumed in the process, and the more buffs consumed, the stronger the attack will be. Try it now!">>\
<<elseif $WORLD.tutorial is 5>>\
<<if ($WORLD.teamactive[$ShyOne] is true) and ($Stats[$STAThealthcur] * 2 < $Stats[$STAThealthmax]) and ($WORLD.healsleft > 0)>>\
<<set _r to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _r is 1 and ($WORLD.teamactive[$LeaderOne] is true)>>\
<<elseif _r is 2 and ($WORLD.teamactive[$FieryOne] is true)>>\
<<set _foo to either("Take //that// you big meanie!","Feel the power of my fists!","You're going down, tentacle!","Aww, yeah! I'm awesome!","Take that, monster!")>>\
<<Speak $FieryOne _foo>>\
<<set _fd to random(1, 10)>>\
<<set $m_hp[0] to $m_hp[0] - _fd>>\
<<set _foo to "@@color:Red;" + $MG[$FieryOne][1] + either(" punches"," smashes"," blasts") + " the " + $m_name + " for " + _fd + " damage@@">>\
<<CombatLog _foo>>\
<<set $WORLD.tutorial to $WORLD.tutorial +1>>\
<!-- players might not follow the tutorial -->\
<<if $WORLD.teamshoutouts[0] neq -1>>\
<<widget "TeaseDuringTeamCombat">>\
<<set _cdtease to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _cdtease is 1>>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "What are you doing?!?">>\
<<elseif _cdtease is 2>>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "...yeah, you just keep doing...whatever it is you're doing and we'll beat it up. Good plan, I guess?">>\
<<set _foo to "That seems tactically unwise, " + $MG[$PCPTR][1] + ". I suggest you engage it with physical or magical attacks instead.">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne _foo>>\
<<widget "InstaCombatTalk">>\
<<if $WORLD.sleeptrackers[2] is "jog">>\
<<set $WORLD.sleeptrackers[2] to 0>>\
<<set _ICT to "Alright " + $MG[$PCPTR][1] + either(", let's see the @@color:LightGreen;power of jogging@@ put to the test!", ", let's see how those @@color:LightGreen;awesome jogging superpowers@@ hold up in a fight!")>>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne _ICT>>\
<<set _ICT to either("You're never going to let me live this down, are you?")>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR _ICT>>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "I'm not one to hold a grudge. I know you're just trying to play optimally. But as Team Leader it's my duty to keep my team focused and on task!">>\
<<elseif ($CameFrom is "Intro") and ($WORLD.tutorial is 0)>>\
<<set $WORLD.tutorial to 1>>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Wait, 'combat puddle?' That's out of our level range! Be ready for a tough fight, girls and remember our team training!">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "Nah, it's just the tutorial monster. We can probably just punch it to death.">>\
<<elseif $m_name is "Bramble Patch">>\
<<if $WORLD.teamfightnow is true>>\
<<set _foo to either("Alright girls, there are four of us and only one of him, so let's do this!","Alright girls, he may be a huge tentacle monster, but we have the power of friendship!")>>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne _foo>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Ok, just me against the boss. Time to see if I'm as good as I think I am.">>\
<<elseif $m_name is "City Wrecker">>\
<<if $WORLD.teamfightnow is true>>\
<<set _foo to either("We can't let that monster continue destroying the city! It's up to us, girls!","Alright girls, let's put the power of friendship to good use!")>>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne _foo>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Maybe I'm crazy trying to solo that thing, but here goes nothing.">>\
<<elseif $m_name is "Mega-squid">>\
<<if $WORLD.teamfightnow is true>>\
<<set _foo to either("There it is! Come on girls, let's make quick work of him!","")>>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne _foo>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "I have to be strategic about this. If I lose this fight, it's a long swim to the surface.">>\
<<elseif $m_name is "Cosmic Horror">>\
<<if $WORLD.teamfightnow is true>>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "That things's fricken huge!">>\
<<set _foo to either("It may have size, but we have the power of friendship! Come on girls, let's send this thing back to whatever planet it came from!","Yes, I see it. Alright girls, time to prove that the power of friendship is universal!")>>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne _foo>>\
<<Speak $PCPTR "Welp, this is it. Final space boss. There had better be an achievement for soloing this thing.">>\
<<elseif $WORLD.teamfightnow is true>>\
<<set _foo to either("Go Go Magical Girl Team Go!","Magical Girls...move out!","Magical Girl Team assemble!","Alright girls, let's show this monster the power of friendship!")>>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne _foo>>\
<<widget "LeaderTeamAttack">>\
<<set _foo to either("Shining ","Moonlight ","Flying ","Flower ","Burning ","Lovely ","Elegant ","Pretty ","Twinkling ","Passionate ","Loving ") + either("","","",""," sparkle ","snow ","jewel ","power ","electric ","crescent "," shower ") + either("embrace!","charge!","burst!","blast!","wave!","symphony!","typhoon!","magic!","blessing!")>>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne _foo>>\
<<set _StarOpalBonus to 0>>\
<<if $INVEN.EquipWeapon is 15>><!-- Star Opal wand -->\
<<set _StarOpalBonus to 1>>\
<<set _foo to "@@color:Aqua;" + $MG[$LeaderOne][1] + " buffs the party@@. Her magic is @@color:LightGreen;amplified by your Star Opal wand!@@">>\
<<set _foo to "@@color:Aqua;" + $MG[$LeaderOne][1] + " buffs the party@@">>\
<<CombatLog _foo>>\
<<set _r to random(1,4)>>\
<<if _r is 1>>\
<<set $BUFFS.PhysAtt to $BUFFS.PhysAtt + random(1,2) + _StarOpalBonus>>\
<<elseif _r is 2>>\
<<set $BUFFS.PhysDef to $BUFFS.PhysDef + random(1,2) + _StarOpalBonus>>\
<<elseif _r is 3>>\
<<set $BUFFS.MagAtt to $BUFFS.MagAtt + random(1,2) + _StarOpalBonus>>\
<<set $BUFFS.MagDef to $BUFFS.MagDef + random(1,2) + _StarOpalBonus>>\
<<widget "FieryTeamAttack">>\
<<set _foo to either("Take //that// you big meanie!","Feel the power of my fists!","You're going down, tentacle!","Aww, yeah! I'm awesome!","Take that, monster!")>>\
<<Speak $FieryOne _foo>>\
<<set _fd to Math.trunc($Stats[$STATstr] / 2)>>\
<<if $INVEN.EquipWeapon is 15>><!-- Star Opal wand -->\
<<set _fd to _fd +1>>\
<<set _foo to "@@color:Red;" + $MG[$FieryOne][1] + either(" punches"," smashes"," blasts") + " the " + $m_name + " for " + _fd + " damage@@" + " @@color:LightGreen;(+1 from Star Opal wand)@@">>\
<<set _foo to "@@color:Red;" + $MG[$FieryOne][1] + either(" punches"," smashes"," blasts") + " the " + $m_name + " for " + _fd + " damage@@">>\
<<set $m_hp[0] to $m_hp[0] - _fd>>\
<<run Health2($m_hp[0], $m_hp[1], "monhpnbar", true)>>\
<<CombatLog _foo>>\
<<widget "ShyTeamCure">>\
<<set $WORLD.healsleft to $WORLD.healsleft -1>>\
<<set _bar to $MG[$PCPTR][1] + " is poisoned! Casting cure!">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne _bar>>\
<<set _maxcure to Math.trunc($Stats[$STATmagatt] / 10)>>\
<<if _maxcure < 1>>\
<<set _maxcure to 1>>\
<<set _foo to "">>\
<<if $INVEN.EquipWeapon is 15>><!-- Star Opal wand -->\
<<set _foo to "@@color:LightGreen;Buffed by your Star Opal wand@@, ">>\
<<set _maxcure to _maxcure +1>>\
<<set $BUFFS.Poison to $BUFFS.Poison - _maxcure>>\
<<if $BUFFS.Poison < 0>>\
<<set $BUFFS.Poison to 0>>\
<<set _foo to _foo + "@@color:Aqua;" + $MG[$ShyOne][1] + " eliminates the poison from your body@@">>\
<<set _foo to _foo + "@@color:Aqua;" + $MG[$ShyOne][1] + " removes " + _maxcure + " points of recurring poison damage@@">>\
<<CombatLog _foo>>\
<<widget "ShyTeamAttack">>\
<<set $WORLD.healsleft to $WORLD.healsleft -1>>\
<<set _foo to ["This is my last heal, girls!","I'm healing her but I only have one left after this!","Casting heal!"]>>\
<<set _bar to $MG[$PCPTR][1] + " is injured! " + _foo[$WORLD.healsleft]>>\
<<Speak $ShyOne _bar>>\
<<set _heal to random(1, $Stats[$STATmagatt])>>\
<<set _foo to "">>\
<<if $INVEN.EquipWeapon is 15>><!-- Star Opal wand -->\
<<set _foo to "@@color:LightGreen;Buffed by your Star Opal wand@@, ">>\
<<set _heal to _heal +1>>\
<<set _foo to _foo + "@@color:Aqua;" + $MG[$ShyOne][1] + " heals you for " + _heal + "!@@">>\
<<ChangeStat $STAThealthcur _heal>>\
<<replace "#captionhealth">><<print $Stats[$STAThealthcur]>> / <<print $Stats[$STAThealthmax]>><</replace>>\
<<run Health2($Stats[$STAThealthcur], $Stats[$STAThealthmax], "healthbar", true)>>\
<<CombatLog _foo>>\
<<widget "TeamPositionChange">>\
<<if $WORLD.teamshoutouts[0] is $PCPTR>>\
<<if $WORLD.teamshoutouts[1] is "not in position">>\
<<if $WORLD.teamactive[$LeaderOne] is true>>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "I'm not in position!">>\
<<if $WORLD.teamactive[$FieryOne] is true>>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "I'm not in position!">>\
<<if $WORLD.teamactive[$ShyOne] is true>>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "I'm not in position!">>\
<<elseif $WORLD.teamshoutouts[1] is "blast">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "Through the power of friendship...WE SHALL VANQUISH EVIL!!!">>\
<<set $WORLD.cannonfiredcount to $WORLD.cannonfiredcount +1>>\
<<set $WORLD.teamactive to [true, true, true, true]>>\
<<set _bcdamage to 0>>\
<<if $BUFFS.PhysAtt > 0>>\
<<set _bcdamage to _bcdamage + $BUFFS.PhysAtt>>\
<<set $BUFFS.PhysAtt to 0>>\
<<if $BUFFS.PhysDef > 0>>\
<<set _bcdamage to _bcdamage + $BUFFS.PhysDef>>\
<<set $BUFFS.PhysDef to 0>>\
<<if $BUFFS.MagAtt > 0>>\
<<set _bcdamage to _bcdamage + $BUFFS.MagAtt>>\
<<set $BUFFS.MagAtt to 0>>\
<<if $BUFFS.MagDef > 0>>\
<<set _bcdamage to _bcdamage + $BUFFS.MagDef>>\
<<set $BUFFS.MagDef to 0>>\
<<replace "#capbuffs">><<ShowBuffs>><</replace>>\
<<set _bcdamage to _bcdamage * random(2,4)>>\
<<if $CameFrom is "Intro">>\
<<set _bcdamage to _bcdamage * 2>>\
<<if _bcdamage is 0>>\
<<set _foo to either("The Magical Rainbow Friendship Cannon Formation Attack needs to be powered up with friendship buffs first!")>>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne _foo>>\
<<set $m_hp[0] to $m_hp[0] - _bcdamage>>\
<<run Health2($m_hp[0], $m_hp[1], "monhpnbar", true)>>\
<<set _foo to "The @@color:Red;Ra@@@@color:Orange;inb@@@@color:Yellow;ow B@@@@color:LightBlue;la@@@@color:Green;st@@@@color:Purple; CANNON!!!@@ hits for " + _bcdamage + " damage!">>\
<<CombatLog _foo>>\
<<if $CameFrom is "Intro">>\
<<if $m_hp[0] > 0>>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "...he didn't die? Lame. Need to build up more friendship buffs if you wanna one-shot stuff, I guess.">>\
<<CombatLog "Error in blast cannon">>\
<<set $WORLD.teamshoutouts to [-1, "none"]>>\
<<elseif $WORLD.teamshoutouts[1] is "in">>\
<<if $WORLD.teamshoutouts[0] is $LeaderOne>>\
<<if ($WORLD.teamactive[$FieryOne] is false) and ($WORLD.teamactive[$ShyOne] is false)>>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "I'm in position! Magical Girl Mega Friendly Rainbow Blast Cannon is ready!">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "I'm in position!">>\
<<elseif $WORLD.teamshoutouts[0] is $FieryOne>>\
<<if ($WORLD.teamactive[$LeaderOne] is false) and ($WORLD.teamactive[$ShyOne] is false)>>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "I'm in position! Let's blast this mother!">>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "I'm in position!">>\
<<elseif $WORLD.teamshoutouts[0] is $ShyOne>>\
<<if ($WORLD.teamactive[$LeaderOne] is false) and ($WORLD.teamactive[$FieryOne] is false)>>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "I'm in position! Umm...I think we're all ready, so whenever you are too, we can unleash our rainbow attack if you want to.">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne "I'm in position!">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne "An error occured in TeamPositionChange shoutouts!">>\
<<set $WORLD.teamshoutouts to [-1, "no"]>>\
<<set _throwaway to _partyavail.delete[$WORLD.teamshoutouts[0]]>>\
<<Speak $WORLD.teamshoutouts[0] "Re-engaging!">>\
<<set $WORLD.teamshoutouts to [-1, "no"]>>\
<<set _throwaway to _partyavail.delete[$WORLD.teamshoutouts[0]]>>\
<<widget "FailedIntroBattle">>\
<<CombatLog "You have been defeated!">>\
<<replace "#combatdialogue">>\
<<set _r to random(1,2)>>\
<<if _r is 1>>\
<<set _foo to $MG[$PCPTR][1] + " is down!">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne _foo>>\
<<elseif _r is 2>>\
<<set _foo to "Oh no! Somebody help " + $MG[$PCPTR][1] + "!">>\
<<Speak $ShyOne _foo>>\
<<Speak $FieryOne "I'm on it!">>\
<<GainAchievement "Stumbled">>\
<<replace "#combatcontrols">>\
<<if $args[0] is "health">>\
@@Color:Red;You have been defeated!@@
@@Color:Red;You submit to the tentacle in a fit of lust!@@
<<set $WORLD.datapasser to $args[0]>>\
<span id="KeypSpace">\
<<link "Press space to Continue" "IntroCombatHack">>
<<set $ForbidMenu to false>>
<<widget "LostTeamBattle">>\
<<CombatLog "You have been defeated!">>\
<<if $m_name is "Bramble Patch">>\
<<replace "#combatdialogue">>\
<!-- Implement: I think these were replaced -->\
<<set $WORLD.datapasser to "team lost to boss A">>
<span id="KeypSpace">\
<<link "...but wait..." "BossDialogues">>
<<set $ForbidMenu to false>>
<<elseif $m_name is "Boss B">>\
<<replace "#combatdialogue">>\
<<set $WORLD.datapasser to "team lost to boss B">>
<span id="KeypSpace">\
<<link "...but wait..." "BossDialogues">>
<<set $ForbidMenu to false>>
<<elseif $m_name is "Boss C">>\
<<replace "#combatdialogue">>\
<<set $WORLD.datapasser to "team lost to boss C">>
<span id="KeypSpace">\
<<link "...but wait..." "BossDialogues">>
<<set $ForbidMenu to false>>
<<elseif $m_name is "Boss D">>\
<<replace "#combatdialogue">>\
<<set $WORLD.datapasser to "team lost to boss D">>
<span id="KeypSpace">\
<<link "...but wait..." "BossDialogues">>
<<set $ForbidMenu to false>>
<<replace "#combatdialogue">>\
<<set _foo to "Retreat! " + $MG[$PCPTR][1] + " is down!">>\
<<Speak $LeaderOne _foo>>\
<<replace "#combatcontrols">>\
<<if $args[0] is "health">>\
@@Color:Red;You have been defeated!@@
@@Color:Red;You collapse in a fit of lust!@@
<<set $WORLD.datapasser to $args[0]>>\
<span id="KeypSpace">\
<<link "Press space to Continue" "MiscDialogues">>
<<set $ForbidMenu to false>>
<</widget>>\Minor spoilers if the game seems too hard:
* Buying a bokken on day 1 will boost your attack power enough to make dealing with city park monsters
* Purity not only increases your lust limit, it provides resistence to tease attacks much like defense skill. If you're losing too many battles to lust, try spending time babysitting and at church.
* Remember, losing battles isn't neccesarily bad. Sexual encounters affects stats regardless of whether they're consensual.
* Danger level increases by 5% per day, and team encounters are available every 4 days. Once you're strong enough to win the -20% danger level team fight, you can essentially keep danger level from rising with a single team battle every four days, even without engaging any solo battles at all.
* If you cannot keep danger level under control at all, then consider simply not worrying about it until your rival appears. Your team will lose face, but danger will be brought back down to zero every time she defeats a boss. This gives you time to focus on other things.
* Remember that you can capture tentacle monsters and farm them for easy stats with minimal risk. Just be sure to capture one that will help you.
* Be careful fighting at night! Places that may be perfectly safe at noon may become terribly difficult at midnight. Of course,
* Don't be afraid to run away from combat.<<set $ForbidMenu to true>>
<<header "Options">>
<span id="KeypOne">\
<<link "1) Back" $CameFrom>>
<<set $ForbidMenu to false>>
<<set _bj to {}>>\
<<set _v to {}>>\
<<set _a to {}>>\
@@color:Gold;Known transformations:@@
<<set _MonKeylist to Object.keys($KNOW)>>\
<<for _i = 0; _i < _MonKeylist.length; _i++>>\
<<set _tfall to $KNOW[_MonKeylist[_i]].bj + $KNOW[_MonKeylist[_i]].v + $KNOW[_MonKeylist[_i]].a>>\
<<if _tfall > 0>>\
<<GetSexMods "minor" _MonKeylist[_i] "whatever">>\
<<set _bjmods to Object.keys($>>\
<<set _vagmods to Object.keys($SexMods.v)>>\
<<set _analmods to Object.keys($SexMods.a)>>\
<<set _alwaysmods to Object.keys($SexMods.always)>>\
<<set _SomeKnow to []>>\
@@color:LightGreen;<<print _MonKeylist[_i].toUpperFirst()>>:@@
<<if $KNOW[_MonKeylist[_i]].bj is 2>>\
@@color:Aqua;- Blowjobs:@@
<<for _j = 0; _j < _bjmods.length; _j++>>\
<<set _modkeyname to _bjmods[_j]>>\
<<if $[_modkeyname] > 0>>\
Increases <<StatKeyToName _modkeyname>>
<<elseif $[_modkeyname] < 0>>\
Decreases <<StatKeyToName _modkeyname>>
Error: key value is <<print $[_modkeyname]>>\
<<elseif $KNOW[_MonKeylist[_i]].bj is 1>>\
<<set _SomeKnow to $>>\
<<if $KNOW[_MonKeylist[_i]].v is 2>>\
@@color:Aqua;- Vaginal sex:@@
<<for _j = 0; _j < _vagmods.length; _j++>>\
<<set _modkeyname to _vagmods[_j]>>\
<<if $SexMods.v[_modkeyname] > 0>>\
Increases <<StatKeyToName _modkeyname>>
<<elseif $SexMods.v[_modkeyname] < 0>>\
Decreases <<StatKeyToName _modkeyname>>
Error: key value is <<print $SexMods.v[_modkeyname]>>\
<<elseif $KNOW[_MonKeylist[_i]].v is 1>>\
<<set _SomeKnow to setup.ConcatSexMods(_SomeKnow, $SexMods.v)>>\
<<if $KNOW[_MonKeylist[_i]].a is 2>>\
@@color:Aqua;- Anal sex:@@
<<for _j = 0; _j < _analmods.length; _j++>>\
<<set _modkeyname to _analmods[_j]>>\
<<if $SexMods.a[_modkeyname] > 0>>\
Increases <<StatKeyToName _modkeyname>>
<<elseif $SexMods.a[_modkeyname] < 0>>\
Decreases <<StatKeyToName _modkeyname>>
Error: key value is <<print $SexMods.a[_modkeyname]>>\
<<elseif $KNOW[_MonKeylist[_i]].a is 1>>\
<<set _SomeKnow to setup.ConcatSexMods(_SomeKnow, $SexMods.a)>>\
@@color:Aqua;- Other affects:@@
<<set _SomeKnowMods to Object.keys(_SomeKnow)>>\
<<for _j = 0; _j < _SomeKnowMods.length; _j++>>\
<<set _modkeyname to _SomeKnowMods[_j]>>\
<<if _SomeKnow[_modkeyname] > 0>>\
Increases <<StatKeyToName _modkeyname>>
<<elseif _SomeKnow[_modkeyname] < 0>>\
Decreases <<StatKeyToName _modkeyname>>
Error: * key name is _modkeyname
* key value is <<print _SomeKnow[_modkeyname]>>
<<header "Choose your Magical Girl!">>
<<set $FertilityStart to random(14,25)>>\
<<set $FertilityEnd to $FertilityStart + 3>>\
<<set _hairblack to [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]>>\
<<set _hairblonde to [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12]>>\
<<set _hairblue to [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]>>\
<<set _hairbrunette to [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]>>\
<<set _hairgreen to [1,2,3,4]>>\
<<set _hairpurple to [1,2,3,4,5,6]>>\
<<set _hairred to [1,2,3,4,5,6]>>\
<<set _hairwhite to [1,2]>>\
<<set _colorlist to ["black", "blonde", "blue", "brunette", "green", "purple","red","white"]>>\
<<set _namelist to ["Ami","Ai","Aoi","Aya","Cho","Chiyoko","Emi","Fumiko","Hanako","Hiroko","Hosshi","Kagami","Kaori","Kaoru","Kazumi","Keiko","Kimiko","Kumi","Koko","Machiko","Mai","Kyoko","Mari","Mariko","Michiko","Misa","Miyu","Noa","Nori","Nanko","Nanami","Rei","Ren","Sachiko","Saiko","Sakura","Sanyu","Saori","Toshiko","Yuki"]>>\
<<set _namelist to ["Ami","Chichi","Fumiko","Hoshi","Izumi","Kaori","Kyoko","Mai","Megumi","Rei","Ren","Sakura","Tsuna","Yuki"]>>\
<<set _bloodlist to ["A","