Trolled by Troll parts

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Trolled by Troll parts

Post by Darkfiro »

Are Troll monster part bugged? They do nothing, no regen, no bonus to anything and don't even resister the fact the char in question is a troll and still considered Human. It's practically a Human in all but name.
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Re: Trolled by Troll parts

Post by ArcDragon »

They're not bugged, they're just not implemented yet. Not entirely sure what bonus they should receive. Regeneration is the obvious thing to give them, but it would be difficult to balance that. There are a lot of stall mechanics, and if you could get even a single point of health regeneration per round you'd be able to do things like...flirt with a monster until it's too flustered to attack, then simply spam shield bash over and over for infinite health restoration.

I'm open to suggestions. Most recent proposal from discord was to give them an auto-cure of poison, something like 10% chance per part per round.
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